ASJC Scopus Subject Areas (4299)
Social Sciences(all) (564)
Life-span and Life-course Studies (12)
Number of items at this level: 12.
Women’s Jujutsu and Judo in the Early Twentieth-Century: The Cases of Phoebe Roberts, Edith Garrud and Sarah Mayer. (2019)
Michael Callan,
Conor Heffernan
Amanda Spenn
Trailblazing the gender revolution? Young people's understandings of gender diversity through generation and social change. (2021)
Joe Hall,
Kim Allen,
Karen Cutherbert,
Sally Hines
Sharon Elley
Practitioners’ perspectives on children’s engagement in Forest School. (2023)
Frances Harris
Mothers’ Experiences of Accessing Mental Health Care for their Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2020)
Laura Jackson,
Saskia Keville
Amanda Ludlow
Changes in the number and outcome of takeaway food outlet planning applications in response to adoption of management zones around schools in England: A time series analysis. (2024)
John Rahilly,
Alexandra Williams,
Michael Chang,
Steven Cummins,
Daniel Derbyshire,
Suzan Hassan,
Yuru Huang,
Matthew Keeble,
Bochu Liu,
Antonieta Medina-Lara,
Oliver Mytton,
Bea Savory,
Annie Schiff,
Stephen J. Sharp,
Richard Smith,
Claire Thompson,
Martin White,
Jean Adams
Thomas Burgoine
A two-phase qualitative enquiry into storytelling’s potential to support palliative care patient-led change, using a systematic review approach. (2024)
Amanda Roberts
Workplace mentoring of degree apprentices: developing principles for practice. (2019)
Amanda Roberts,
Marion Storm
Sarah Flynn
‘After god, we give strength to each other’: young people’s experiences of coping in the context of unaccompanied forced migration. (2022)
Jacqui Scott,
Barbara Mason
Aisling Kelly
Changes to household food shopping practices during the COVID-19 restrictions: Evidence from the East of England. (2022)
Claire Thompson,
Laura Hamilton,
Angela Dickinson,
Rosalind Fallaize,
Elspeth Mathie,
Samantha Rogers
Wendy Wills
A relative absence: exploring professional experiences of funerals without mourners. (2020)
Nicola Turner
Glenys Caswell
Children's and Young People's Food Practices in Contexts of Poverty and Inequality. (2018)
Wendy Wills
Rebecca O'Connell
The socio-economic boundaries shaping young people’s lunchtime food practices on a school day. (2018)
Wendy Wills,
Giada Danesi,
Ariadni Kapetanaki
Laura Hamilton