Number of items: 23.
A qualitative exploration of the value of volunteering to the employability of nutrition and dietetic graduates amongst employers. (2016)
Resham Rewri,
Angela Madden
Jane McClinchy
An exploration of the language used alongside the Process for Nutrition and Dietetic Practice (PNDP) to describe nutrition-related problems. (2015)
Jane McClinchy
Rebekah Lindop
Screening for malnutrition on a children’s ward is not treated as a priority. (2015)
Orlaigh Gill
Jane McClinchy
A follow up survey to assess physical activity promotion by Registered Dietitians. (2015)
Sue McIntyre
Jane McClinchy
Dietary Advice and Collaborative Working : Do Pharmacists and Allied Health Professionals Other Than Dietitians Have a Role? (2015)
Jane McClinchy,
Julia Williams,
Lynne Gordon
M.C. Cairns
Dining out with Coeliac Disease : An Analysis of online Message Board Postings on the Social Implications and the Challenges to Live A Normal Life. (2014)
Yvette Solomon
Jane McClinchy
Identifying Dietitian’s Experiences and Views of Other Health Professionals (HCPS) Giving Nutritional Advice. (2014)
Charlotte Gee
Jane McClinchy
An Investigation into Patient Adherence to Dietary Advice for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. (2014)
Nicola Griffiths
Jane McClinchy
Reliable Indicators of Cancer Related Malnutrition for an Outpatient Oncology Nutritional Screening Tool Identified Through a Systematic Review. (2014)
Louise Humphreys,
Jane McClinchy
L. McGeeney
Practitioner and patient experiences of giving and receiving healthy eating advice. (2013)
Jane McClinchy,
Angela Dickinson,
Duncan Barron
Hilary Thomas
Dietary advice and collaborative working : Do health care professionals have a role? (2013)
Jane McClinchy,
Julia Williams,
Lynne Gordon,
M.C. Cairns
Gail Fairey
A pilot study to investigate the effect of using current, reported and surrogate height measurements in nutritional screening of the elderly. (2013)
Rose Butler,
Jane McClinchy
Kirsten Rennie
An exploration into dietitians’ knowledge about, attitudes towards and experiences of the nutrition and dietetic care process (NDCP). (2012)
Helen Aylesbury
Jane McClinchy
An exploration of individuals’ experiences of dietary changes made as a result of a head and neck cancer diagnosis. (2012)
Helen Scott
Jane McClinchy
Lay and practitioner perspectives and experiences of obesity. (2012)
Jane McClinchy,
Angela Dickinson,
Duncan Barron
Hilary Thomas
Should the UK define separate BMI categories for older people? (2012)
Rose Butler
Jane McClinchy
A multidisciplinary approach to providing nutritional advice : the views and experiences of allied health professionals and dietitians. (2012)
Siobhan Doherty,
Jane McClinchy,
Lynne Gordon,
Julia Williams,
Gail Fairey
M.C. Cairns
Evaluating Hospital food Service : Nutritional Standards and Staff Views. (2012)
Sunita Bangaroo,
Wendy Breare,
Sarah Kelly,
Katie Simpson,
Shirley Barber
Jane McClinchy
I would be embarrassed for you to see what I eat : Older people rejecting the visual? (2011)
Angela Dickinson
J. McClinchy
Community luncheon clubs benefit the nutritional and social well-being of free living older people. (2011)
Dee Burke,
Mary Jennings,
Jane McClinchy,
Helen Massey,
D. Westwood
Angela Dickinson
An exploration of the nutritional advice given to patients by Allied Health Professionals. (2010)
Jane McClinchy,
Lynne Gordon,
Julia Williams,
Gail Fairey
M.C. Cairns
The contribution of a community food group to older people’s nutritional and social well-being : An assets model. (2010)
Jane McClinchy,
Dee Burke,
Mary Jennings,
D. Westwood,
Helen Massey
Angela Dickinson
Diet and Refsum's disease : The determination of phytanic acid and phytol in certain foods and the application of this knowledge to the choice of suitable convenience foods for patients with Refsum's disease. (1993)
P.J. Brown,
G. Mei,
F.B. Gibberd,
D. Burston,
P. D. Mayne,
Jane McClinchy
Margaret Sidey