Young People’s Experiences of Leaving Homelessness: A South Wales Study
Understanding how homelessness is experienced is key in developing meaningful and effective interventions. In recent years there has been a shift from research concerned with routes into homelessness towards investigations of exits from homelessness. Despite much being known about the predictors of homelessness exits, less is known about how this phenomenon is experienced. There is a lack of UK based research, with young people who have experienced homelessness being highlighted as a particularly marginalised and hidden group. This study examines the experience of six young people who have successfully exited homelessness in South Wales. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of semi-structured interviews led to four main themes: ‘The hardship of homelessness and the perilous task of exiting’, ‘The importance of people’, ‘How I survived’, and ‘It’s on me to change’. Findings highlight the hardship experienced by young people when exiting homelessness including financial insecurity, relationship challenges, and shame. This study brings new light to the importance of resilience, hope, pride, inner resourcefulness, and personal growth for young people exiting homelessness. These novel findings are considered within the framework of posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 2004) which challenges the narrative of vulnerability of young people who are homeless, by highlighting the creative ways in which they respond to adversity. Working within a framework that allows for the emergence of posttraumatic growth narratives and the use of a relationally informed approach is supported. The findings also support the use of assertive and consistent efforts in engaging young homeless people, as well as ensuring that financial support is provided. It is argued that a reconceptualization of preventative strategy is required, one which acknowledges the challenging period of maintaining a tenancy post-homelessness. There is a need for longitudinal research on how young people achieve long-term stability after leaving homelessness.
Item Type | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords | exiting homelessness; youth homelessness; interpretative phenomenological analysis; qualitative research; post-traumatic growth |
Date Deposited | 14 Nov 2024 10:13 |
Last Modified | 14 Nov 2024 10:13 |
picture_as_pdf - 19062795 DAY David Kieran Final Version of PhD Submission.pdf