Number of items: 70.
RoDMod A computer program for characterizing genotypic variation in flowering responses to photoperiod and temperature. (1994)
HARP: a statically scheduled multiple-instruction-issue architecture and its compiler. (1994)
R.G. Adams,
S.M. Gray
G.B. Steven
IR Imaging Polarimetry of the Nuclear Regions of CEN A. (1994)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
Using testing semantics to show safety and liveness in the development of CCS specifications. (1994)
J. Baillie
A conservative extension to CCS for true concurrency semantics. (1994)
J. Baillie
D. Smith
Role of bradykinin and platelet-activating factor in mediating lipopolysaccharide-induced vasodilatation in the rat perfused heart. (1994)
A. R. Baydoun
G.E. Mann
An integrated approach to the development of advice systems to support learning and domain based information retrieval. (1994)
M. Bearne,
J. Hewitt,
S. Jones
J. Sapsford-Francis
Towards usability guidelines for multimedia systems. (1994)
M. Bearne,
S. Jones
J. Sapsford-Francis
SKF 99085 a novel hypocholesterolemic agent with multiple anti-atherosclerotic properties, suppresses HMG-CoA reductase and induces LDL receptor activity by a novel mechanism. (1994)
Theo Berkhout,
H. Simon,
Eric Niesor,
Craig Bentzen
Keith E. Suckling
Dexamethasone selectivity inhibits induction of nitric oxide synthase, but not induction of L-arginine transport, in activated murine macrophage J774 cells. (1994)
R.G. Bogle,
A. R. Baydoun,
J.D. Pearson
G.E. Mann
Intergalactic HI. (1994)
E. Brinks
Overloading and polymorphism in the interpretation of inheritance in C++. (1994)
M. Buchanan
A comparative study of three neural networks that use soft competition. (1994)
K. Butchart
Clone detection in telecommunications software systems : a neural net approach. (1994)
S. Carter,
R. Frank
D. Tansley
File server architecture for an open distributed document system. (1994)
B. Christianson
P. Hu
Shrink-wrapped optimism: the DODA approach to distributed document processing. (1994)
B. Christianson
J.F. Snook
An explicitly declared delayed-branch mechanism for a superscalar architecture. (1994)
R. Collins
G.B. Steven
Falling down is part of Growing up: : The Study of Failure and the Software Engineering Community. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
Falling down is still part of growing up : Success, failure and forensic ECBS. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
Nimrod AEW flies again : A procurement case study. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
A nematode case-study focusing on the application of serology. (1994)
Keith Davies
Models of Dusty Discs in Active Galactic Nuclei. (1994)
A. Efstathiou,
J. Hough
M. Rowan-Robinson
Potential for asynchronous microprocessor design. (1994)
C.J. Elston
A data flow model for prototyping reactive systems. (PhD Transfer Report). (1994)
D.A. Fensome
Forecasting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape. (1994)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
P. Gladders,
L. Figueroa
Graham Murray
Refusal to Care. (1994)
Robert Gates
Observer behaviour in assessment of lodging in cereals. (1994)
A. Goulds,
S.J. Welham
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Using conditional execution to exploit instruction level concurrency. (1994)
S.M. Gray
R.G. Adams
The flexible firm goes East? (1994)
Jane Hardy
Al Rainnie
An application of task analysis to the development of a generic office reference model. (1994)
J. Hewitt,
J. Hobson
J. Sapsford-Francis
Integrating formal and diagrammatic techniques in requirements capture and early system design. (1994)
J. Hewitt,
S. Jones
J. Sapsford-Francis
Multicultural issues in the development of a Pan-European knowledge based system. (1994)
J. Hewitt
J. Sapsford-Francis
A knowledge extraction approach for capturing dispersed knowledge and its application to the modelling of working environments for people with disabilities. (1994)
J. Hewitt
J. Sapsford-Francis
MODEMA - a knowledge based browsing system to facilitate the employment of people with disabilities. (1994)
J. Hewitt,
J. Sapsford-Francis,
G. Bolstad,
O. Eftedal,
P. Halford,
D. Vervenne
M. Verheyen
MODEMA - a multimedia public information system. (1994)
J. Hewitt,
J. Sapsford-Francis
J. Halford
Radical potentiality and institutional closure : Shakespeare in film and television. (1994)
G. Holderness
Shakespeare : a selective filmography. (1994)
G. Holderness
Christopher McCullough
Planning and Freedom. (1994)
Ursula Huws
Spatially Resolved Spectropolarimetry of NGC 1068. (1994)
M.D. Inglis,
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
M.J. Ward
Electrochemical detection of dopamine and nitric-oxide in-vitro and in rat corpus striatum : a study using fast cyclic voltammetry with a sinusoidal drive wave-form. (1994)
Mahmoud M. Iravani,
J. Millar
Z. L. Kruk
NMDA releases a nitric oxide-like substance in rat striatum : a study using fast cyclic voltammetry. (1994)
Mahmoud M. Iravani,
J. Millar
Z. L. Kruk
Formal dialogue specification for hypertext and multimedia systems. (1994)
L. Jacob
S. Jones
An Infrared Spectral Sequence for M Dwarfs. (1994)
H.R.A. Jones,
A.J. Longmore
R.F. Jameson
3-dimensional modelling in knowledge engineering. (1994)
S. Jones
Interaction between the Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207. (1994)
M. Kaufman,
D.M. Elmegreen,
E. Brinks,
B. Elmegreen
M. Sundin
The Role of HI in the Star-Formation Processes in Spiral Disks. (1994)
J. Knapen
J.E. Beckman
Simultaneous long term millimetre and sub-millimetre monitoring of blazars. (1994)
S.~J. Litchfield,
Jason Stevens
E.~I. Robson
To whom am I speaking? Remote booting in a hostile world. (1994)
M. Lomas
B. Christianson
Self authenticating proxies. (1994)
M.R. Low
B. Christianson
The Oberon-2 language and environment. (1994)
A. Mayes
M. Buchanan
A comparison of Eiffel, C++ and Oberon-2. (1994)
A. Mayes
M. Buchanan
Implementing associations between objects. (1994)
A. Mayes,
B. Dickerson
C. Britton
Glycoprotein inhibitors of fungal polygalacturonases. (1994)
A. L. T. Powell,
Henrik Stotz,
J.M. Labavitch
A.B. Bennett
Validating knowledge models across multinational boundaries. (1994)
J. Sapsford-Francis
J. Hewitt
User and designer centred issues in the development of a multimedia exhibition guide. (1994)
J. Sapsford-Francis,
J. Hewitt,
P. Halford
N. Waring
The role of graphical representations in early design and requirements specification. (1994)
J. Sapsford-Francis
S. Jones
Using a resource limited instruction scheduler to evaluate the iHARP processor. (1994)
F.L. Steven,
G.B. Steven
L. Wang
An evaluation of the iHARP multiple instruction issue processor. (1994)
F.L. Steven,
G.B. Steven
L. Wang
A Comparison of the Centimetre-to-Submillimetre Continuum Spectra of BL Lacertae. (1994)
Jason Stevens,
S.J. Litchfield,
E.I. Robson,
W.K. Gear
D.H. Hughes
Design of Pi impedance matching networks. (1994)
Y. Sun
J.K. Fidler
Minimum component multiple integrator loop OTA-grounded capacitor all-pole filters. (1994)
Y. Sun
J.K. Fidler
Increasing the usability of formal specification techniques through a combination of complementary formal languages and automated verification tools. (1994)
P.N. Taylor
C. Britton
A case study for generic processes and reusability in LOTOS. (1994)
P.N. Taylor
D.E. Smith
The influence of the formal description technique LOTOS on concurrent system design. (1994)
P.N. Taylor
D.E. Smith
The Physics of Shocked Outflows In Star Forming Molecular Clouds. (1994)
J.A. Tedds,
P.W.J.L. Brand,
M. Burton,
A. Chrysostomou
A.J.L. Fernandes
Identification of fungi in the gaeumannomyces-phialophora complex-associated with take-all of cereals and grasses using DNA probes. (1994)
Elaine Ward
Geoffrey L. Bateman
Sampling to determine patterns of disease in linseed. (1994)
S.J. Welham
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Personal construct theory in Europe : How do the spectacles fit? (1994)
David Winter
Vermischte Bemerkungen. (1994)
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Near-IR Spectropolarimetry of NGC 1088. (1994)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
M.J. Ward