Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Watson, Sue</span>"
Number of items: 10.
  • Un studio naturalista sobre el cambio de los conflictos cognitivos durante la psicoterapia. (2008) Guillem Feixas i Viaplana, Luis-Angel Saul Gutierrez, David Winter and Sue Watson
  • A process and outcome study of personal construct psychotherapy. (2005) Sue Watson and David Winter
  • Border crossing. (2003) David Winter, Sue Watson, Ian Gillman-Smith, Nicholas Gilbert and Timothy Acton
  • Towards an evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2001) Sue Watson and David Winter
  • What works for whom but shouldn’t and what doesn’t work for whom but should? (2000) Sue Watson and David Winter
  • Personal construct psychotherapy and the cognitive therapies : different in theory but can they be differentiated in practice? (1999) David Winter and Sue Watson
  • Use of the repertory grid as a nomothetic measure in psychotherapy research : an example of optimal functioning, or of failure to complete the experience cycle? (1999) Sue Watson and David Winter
  • Psicoterapia de constructos personales y terapias cognitivas: Diferentes en teoria, pero ?pueden ser diferenciadas en la practica? (1997) David Winter and Sue Watson
  • The Personal Construct Inventory : an alternative construction of personal construct methodology, or just another esoteric questionnaire? (1996) Sue Watson, David Winter and Nicole Rossotti
  • Psicoterapia dei costrutti personali e terapie cognitive : differenti in teoria, possono essere differenziate in pratica? (1996) David Winter and Sue Watson