Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Ward, Elaine</span>"
Number of items: 36.
  • The Pochonia chlamydosporia Serine Protease Gene vcp1 Is Subject to Regulation by Carbon, Nitrogen and pH : Implications for Nematode Biocontrol. (2012) Elaine Ward, Brian R. Kerry, Rosa H. Manzanilla-Lopez, Gerald Mutua, Jean Devonshire, John Kimenju and Penny R. Hirsch
  • Evidence that Polymyxa species may infect Arabidopsis thaliana. (2011) Madeleine J. Smith, Michael J. Adams and Elaine Ward
  • Microbiota in Wheat Roots Evaluated by Cloning of ITS1/2 rDNA and Sequencing. (2010) Hanna Kwasna, Geoffrey L. Bateman and Elaine Ward
  • Use of molecular methods for the detection of fungal spores. (2009) Elaine Ward
  • Determining species diversity of microfungal communities in forest tree roots by pure-culture isolation and DNA sequencing. (2008) Hanna Kwasna, Geoffrey L. Bateman and Elaine Ward
  • Application of real-time and multiplex polymerase chain reaction assays to study leaf blotch epidemics in barley. (2007) J. A. Fountaine, M. W. Shaw, B. Napier, Elaine Ward and B. A. Fraaije
  • Phylogenetic relationships among Zygomycetes from soil based on ITS1/2 rDNA sequences. (2006) Hanna Kwasna, Elaine Ward and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • Lewia hordeicola sp. nov. from barley grain. (2006) Hanna Kwasna, Elaine Ward and Barbara Kosiak
  • Methods for studying population structure, including sensitivity to the fungicide silthiofam, of the cereal take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. (2005) J. Freeman, Elaine Ward, R.J. Gutteridge and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • The use of conventional and quantitative real-time PCR assays for Polymyxa graminis to examine host plant resistance, inoculum levels and intraspecific variation. (2005) Elaine Ward, K. Kanyuka, J. Motteram, D. Kornyukhin and Michael J. Adams
  • Gaeumannomyces graminis, the take-all fungus and its relatives. (2004) J. Freeman and Elaine Ward
  • Plant pathogen diagnostics : immunological and nucleic acid-based approaches. (2004) Elaine Ward, S. J. Foster, B. A. Fraaije and H. A. McCartney
  • Polymyxa graminis and the cereal viruses it transmits : a research challenge. (2003) K. Kanyuka, Elaine Ward and M. J. Adams
  • Molecular diagnostics for fungal plant pathogens. (2003) H. A. McCartney, S. J. Foster, B. A. Fraaije and Elaine Ward
  • A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. (2002) J. Freeman, Elaine Ward, C. Calderon and A. McCartney
  • Detection of airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans and Pyrenopeziza brassicae in oilseed rape crops by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. (2002) C. Calderon, Elaine Ward, J. Freeman, S. J. Foster and H. A. McCartney
  • Detection of airborne fungal spores sampled by rotating-arm and Hirst-type spore traps using polymerase chain reaction assays. (2002) C. Calderon, Elaine Ward, J. Freeman and A. McCartney
  • Methods for integrated air sampling and DNA analysis for detection of airborne fungal spores. (2001) R. H. Williams, Elaine Ward and H. A. McCartney
  • Comparisons of isolates of Fusarium avenaceum from white lupin and other crops by pathogenicity tests, DNA analyses and vegetative compatibility tests. (2000) K. Satyaprasad, Geoffrey L. Bateman and Elaine Ward
  • Emergence and partial characterization of rice stripe necrosis virus and its fungus vector in South America. (1999) F. J. Morales, Elaine Ward, M. Castano, J. A. Arroyave, I. Lozano and M. J. Adams
  • Comparison of Gaeumannomyces- and Phialophora-like fungal pathogens from maize and other plants using DNA methods. (1999) Elaine Ward and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • RAPD-based inter- and intravarietal classification of fungi of the Gaeumannomyces-Phialophora complex. (1999) C. Augustin, K. Ulrich, Elaine Ward and A. Werner
  • Analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences of Polymyxa species and related fungi and the development of genus- and species-specific PCR primers. (1998) Elaine Ward and M. J. Adams
  • Variation within and between Phytophthora species from rubber and citrus trees in China, determined by polymerase chain reaction using RAPDs. (1998) F. C. Zheng and Elaine Ward
  • Comparisons of isolates of the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, from different cereal sequences using DNA probes and non-molecular methods. (1997) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Elaine Ward, D. Hornby and R. J. Gutteridge
  • Relationships among Fusarium spp. estimated by comparing restriction fragment length polymorphisms in polymerase chain reaction amplified ribosomal DNA. (1997) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Hanna Kwasna and Elaine Ward
  • Relationships among Fusarium spp estimated by comparing restriction fragment length polymorphisms in polymerase chain reaction-amplified nuclear rDNA. (1996) Geoffrey L. Bateman, Hanna Kwasna and Elaine Ward
  • Development of PCR for the detection of Polymyxa-betae in sugar beet roots and its application in field studies. (1995) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, D. M. Chwarszczynska, Michael J. Adams, Elaine Ward and M. J. C. Asher
  • Improved polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) detection of Gaeumannomyces-graminis including a safeguard against false negatives. (1995) Elaine Ward
  • Characterization of Polymyxa species by restriction analysis of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNA. (1994) Elaine Ward, Michael J. Adams, E. S. Mutasa, C. R. Collier and M. J. C. Asher
  • Identification of fungi in the Gaeumannomycesp-Phialophora complex by RFLPS of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNAs. (1994) Elaine Ward and A. Y. Akrofi
  • Identification of fungi in the gaeumannomyces-phialophora complex-associated with take-all of cereals and grasses using DNA probes. (1994) Elaine Ward and Geoffrey L. Bateman
  • A sensitive DNA-probe for the detection of polymyxa-betae in sugar-beets roots. (1993) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, Elaine Ward, M. J. Adams, C. R. Collier, D. M. Chwarszynska and M. J. C. Asher
  • The nucleotide sequence of the tnpA gene of Tn21. (1987) Elaine Ward and J. Grinsted
  • Junction sequences generated by one-ended transposition. (1985) S. Motsch, R. Schmitt, P. Avila, F. de la Cruz, Elaine Ward and J. Grinsted
  • Plasmids containing one inverted repeat of Tn21 can fuse with other plasmids in the presence of Tn21 transposase. (1984) P. Avila, F. Delacruz, Elaine Ward and J. Grinsted