Items where Author is "Rol, E."
Number of items: 18.
LOFAR MSSS: Detection of a low-frequency radio transient in 400 hrs of monitoring of the North Celestial Pole. (2016)
A. J. Stewart,
R.P. Fender,
J. W. Broderick,
T. E. Hassall,
T. Muñoz-Darias,
A. Rowlinson,
J. D. Swinbank,
T. D. Staley,
G. J. Molenaar,
B. Scheers,
T. L. Grobler,
M. Pietka,
G. Heald,
J. P. McKean,
M. E. Bell,
A. Bonafede,
R. P. Breton,
D. Carbone,
Y. Cendes,
A. O. Clarke,
S. Corbel,
F. de Gasperin,
J. Eislöffel,
H. Falcke,
C. Ferrari,
J. -M. Grießmeier,
M.J. Hardcastle,
V. Heesen,
J. W. T. Hessels,
A. Horneffer,
M. Iacobelli,
P. Jonker,
A. Karastergiou,
G. Kokotanekov,
V. I. Kondratiev,
M. Kuniyoshi,
C. J. Law,
J. van Leeuwen,
S. Markoff,
J. C. A. Miller-Jones,
D. Mulcahy,
E. Orru,
M. Pandey-Pommier,
L. Pratley,
E. Rol,
H. J. A. Röttgering,
A. M. M. Scaife,
A. Shulevski,
C. A. Sobey,
B. W. Stappers,
C. Tasse,
A.J. van der Horst,
S. van Velzen,
R. J. van Weeren,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
R. Wijnands,
M. Wise,
P. Zarka,
A. Alexov,
J. Anderson,
A. Asgekar,
I. M. Avruch,
M. J. Bentum,
G. Bernardi,
P. Best,
F. Breitling,
M. Brüggen,
H. R. Butcher,
B. Ciardi,
J. E. Conway,
A. Corstanje,
E. de Geus,
A. Deller,
S. Duscha,
W. Frieswijk,
M.A. Garrett,
A. W. Gunst,
M. P. van Haarlem,
M. Hoeft,
J. Hörandel,
E. Juette,
G. Kuper,
M. Loose,
P. Maat,
R. McFadden,
D. McKay-Bukowski,
J. Moldon,
H. Munk,
M. J. Norden,
H. Paas,
A. G. Polatidis,
D. Schwarz,
J. Sluman,
O. Smirnov,
M. Steinmetz,
S. Thoudam,
M. C. Toribio,
R. Vermeulen,
C. Vocks,
S. J. Wijnholds,
O. Wucknitz
S. Yatawatta
Detailed radio view on two stellar explosions and their host galaxy : XRF 080109/SN 2008D and SN 2007uy in NGC 2770. (2011)
A.J. van der Horst,
A.P. Kamble,
Z. Paragi,
L.J. Sage,
S. Pal,
G.B. Taylor,
C. Kouveliotou,
J. Granot,
E. Ramirez-Ruiz,
C.H. Ishwara-Chandra,
T. Oosterloo,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
K. Wiersema,
R.G. Strom,
D. Bhattacharya,
E. Rol,
R.L. Starling,
P. Curran
M.A. Garrett
An extremely luminous panchromatic outburst from the nucleus of a distant galaxy. (2011)
Andrew Levan,
Nial Tanvir,
S.B. Cenko,
D.A. Perley,
K. Wiersema,
J.S. Bloom,
A.S. Fruchter,
A. Postigo,
O.T. O'Brien,
N.R. Butler,
A.J. van der Horst,
G. Leloudas,
A.N. Morgan,
K. Misra,
G.C. Bower,
J. Farihi,
R.L. Tunnicliffe,
M. Modjaz,
J.M. Silverman,
J. Hjorth,
C.C. Thone,
A. Cucchiara,
J.M.C. Ceron,
A.J. Castro-Tirado,
J.A. Arnold,
M. Bremer,
J.P. Brodie,
T. Carroll,
M.C. Cooper,
P. Curran,
R.M. Cutri,
J. Ehle,
D. Forbes,
J. Fynbo,
J. Gorosabel,
J. Graham,
D.I. Hoffman,
S. Guziy,
Pall Jakobsson,
A.P. Kamble,
T.H. Kerr,
M.M. Kasliwal,
C. Kouveliotou,
D. Kocevski,
N.M. Law,
P. Nugent,
E.O. Ofek,
D. Poznanski,
R.M. Quimby,
E. Rol,
A.J. Romanowsky,
R. Sanchez-Ramirez,
S. Schulze,
N. Singh,
Lieke Van Spaandonk,
R.L. Starling,
R.G. Strom,
J.C. Tello,
O. Vaduvescu,
P.J. Wheatley,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
J.M. Winters
D. Xu
Late-time observations of GRB 080319B: jet break, host galaxy and accompanying supernova. (2010)
N. Tanvir,
E. Rol,
A. Levan,
K. Svensson,
A.S. Fruchter,
J. Granot,
P.T. O'Brien,
K. Wiersema,
R.L. Starling,
P. Jakobsson,
J. Fynbo,
J. Hjorth,
P. Curran,
A.J. van der Horst,
C. Kouveliotou,
J.L. Racusin,
D.N. Burrows
F. Genet
Early spectroscopic identification of SN 2008D. (2009)
D. Malesani,
J. Fynbo,
J. Hjorth,
G. Leloudas,
J. Sollerman,
M. Stritzinger,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
D. Watson,
J. Gorosabel,
M. Michalowski,
C.C. Thone,
T. Augusteijn,
D. Bersier,
P. Jakobsson,
A.O. Jaunsen,
C. Ledoux,
A. Levan,
B. Milvang-Jensen,
E. Rol,
N. Tanvir,
K. Wiersema
D. Xu
The Early-Time Optical Properties of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows. (2008)
A. Melandri,
C.G. Mundell,
S. Kobayashi,
C. Guidorzi,
A. Gomboc,
I.A. Steele,
R.J. Smith,
D. Bersier,
C.J. Mottram,
D. Carter,
M.F. Bode,
P.T. O'Brien,
N. Tanvir,
E. Rol
R. Chapman
The extreme red afterglow of GRB 060923: distance or dust? (2008)
N. Tanvir,
A. Levan,
E. Rol,
R.L. Starling,
J. Gorosabel,
R. Priddey,
D. Malesani,
P. Jakobsson,
P.T. O'Brien,
A.O. Jaunsen,
J. Hjorth,
J. Fynbo,
A. Melandri,
A. Gomboc,
B. Milvang-Jensen,
A.S. Fruchter,
M.J. Jarvis,
C.A.C. Fernandes
T. Wold
GRB 060206 and the quandary of achromatic breaks in afterglow light curves. (2007)
P. Curran,
A.J. van der Horst,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
R.L. Starling,
A.J. Castro-Tirado,
J. Fynbo,
J. Gorosabel,
A.S. Jarvinen,
D. Malesani,
E. Rol,
N. Tanvir,
K. Wiersema,
M.R. Burleigh,
S.L. Casewell,
P.D. Dobbie,
S. Guziy,
P. Jakobsson,
M. Jelinek,
P. Laursen,
A. Levan,
C.G. Mundell,
J. Naranen
S. Piranomonte
A case of mistaken identity GRB 060912A and the nature of the long-short GRB divide. (2007)
A. Levan,
P. Jakobsson,
C. Hurkett,
N. Tanvir,
J. Gorosabel,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
E. Rol,
R. Chapman,
N. Gehrels,
O.T. O'Brien,
J.P. Osborne,
R. Priddey,
C. Kouveliotou,
R.L. Starling,
D. Vanden Berk
K. Wiersema
A photometric redshift of z = 6.39 0.12 for GRB 050904. (2006)
J.B. Haislip,
M.C. Nysewander,
D. Reichart,
A. Levan,
N. Tanvir,
S.B. Cenko,
D.B. Fox,
P.A. Price,
A.J. Castro-Tirado,
J. Gorosabel,
C.R. Evans,
E. Figueredo,
C.L. MacLeod,
J.R. Kirschbrown,
M. Jelinek,
S. Guizy,
A. Postigo,
E.S. Cypriano,
A. Lacluyze,
J. Graham,
R. Priddey,
R. Chapman,
J.E. Rhoads,
A.S. Fruchter,
D.Q. Lamb,
C. Kouveliotou,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
M.B. Bayliss,
B.P. Schmidt,
A.B. Soderberg,
S.R. Kulkami,
F.A. Harrison,
D.S. Moon,
A. Gal-Yam,
M.M. Kasliwal,
R. Hudec,
S. Vitek,
P. Kubanek,
J.A. Crain,
A.C. Foster,
J.C. Clemens,
J.W. Bartelme,
R. Canterna,
D.H. Hartmann,
A.A. Henden,
S. Klose,
H. Park,
G. Williams,
E. Rol,
P. O'Brien,
D. Bersier,
F. Prada,
S. Pizarro,
D. Maturana,
P. Ugarte,
E. Alvarez,
A.J.M. Fernandez,
M.J. Jarvis,
M. Moles,
E. Alfaro,
K.M. Ivarsen,
N.D. Kumar,
C.E. Mack,
C.M. Zdarowicz,
N. Gehrels,
S. Barthelmy
D.N. Burrows
The Faint Afterglow and Host Galaxy of the Short Hard GRB 060121. (2006)
A. Levan,
N. Tanvir,
A.S. Fruchter,
E. Rol,
J. Fynbo,
J. Hjorth,
G. Williams,
E. Bergeron,
D. Bersier,
M. Bremer,
T. Grav,
P. Jakobsson,
K. Nilsson,
E. Olszewski,
R. Priddey,
D. Rafferty
J.E. Rhoads
The GRB 060218/SN 2006aj event in the context of other gamma-ray burst supernovae. (2006)
P. Ferrero,
D.A. Kann,
A. Zeh,
S. Klose,
E. Pian,
E. Palazzi,
N. Masetti,
D.H. Hartmann,
J. Sollerman,
J. Deng,
A. Filippenko,
J. Greiner,
M.A. Hughes,
P. Mazzali,
W. Li,
E. Rol,
R.J. Smith
N. Tanvir
Low-resolution VLT spectroscopy of GRBs 991216, 011211 and 021211. (2006)
P.M. Vreeswijk,
A. Smette,
S. Fruchter,
E. Palazzi,
E. Rol,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
C. Kouveliotou,
L. Kaper,
E. Pian,
N. Masetti,
F. Frontera,
J. Hjorth,
J. Gorosabel,
L. Piro,
J. Fynbo,
P. Jakobsson,
D. Watson,
P.T. O'Brien
C. Ledoux
Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB 060206 at z = 4.048. (2006)
J. Fynbo,
R.L. Starling,
C. Ledoux,
K. Wiersema,
C.C. Thoene,
J. Sollerman,
P. Jakobsson,
J. Hjorth,
D. Watson,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
P. Moller,
E. Rol,
J. Gorosabel,
J. Naranen,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
G. Bjornsson,
J.M. Castro Ceron,
P. Curran,
D.H. Hartmann,
S.T. Holland,
B.L. Jensen,
A. Levan,
M. Limousin,
C. Kouveliotou,
G. Nelemans,
K. Pedersen,
R. Priddey
N. Tanvir
Spectroscopy of the gamma-ray burst GRB021004: a structured jet ploughing through a massive stellar wind. (2005)
R.L. Starling,
R.A.M.J. Wijers,
M.A. Hughes,
N. Tanvir,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
E. Rol
I. Salamanca
On the Afterglow of the X-ray Flash of 2003 July 23: Photometric evdence for an Off-Axis Gamma-Ray burst with an Associated Supernova. (2004)
J. Fynbo,
J. Sollerman,
J. Hjorth,
F. Grundahl,
J. Gorosabel,
M. Weidinger,
P. Moller,
B.L. Jensen,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
C. Fransson,
E. Ramirez-Ruiz,
P. Jakobsson,
S.F. Jorgensen,
C. Vinter,
M.I. Andersen,
J.M. Castro Ceron,
A.J. Castro-Tirado,
A.S. Fruchter,
J. Greiner,
C. Kouveliotou,
A. Levan,
S. Klose,
N. Masetti,
K. Pedersen,
E. Palazzi,
E. Pian,
J.E. Rhoads,
E. Rol,
T. Sekiguchi,
N. Tanvir,
P.J. Tristram,
A. Postigo,
R.A.M.J. Wijers
E.P.J. van den Heuvel
A very energetic supernova associated with the -ray burst of 29 March 2003. (2003)
J. Hjorth,
J. Sollerman,
P. Moller,
J. Fynbo,
S.E. Woosley,
C. Kouveliotou,
N. Tanvir,
J. Greiner,
M.I. Andersen,
A.J. Castro-Tirado,
J.M. Castro Ceron,
A.S. Fruchter,
J. Gorosabel,
P. Jakobsson,
L. Kaper,
S. Klose,
N. Masetti,
H. Pedersen,
K. Pedersen,
E. Pian,
E. Palazzi,
J.E. Rhoads,
E. Rol,
E.P.J. van den Heuvel,
P.M. Vreeswijk,
D. Watson
R.A.M.J. Wijers
GRB 001109: deep JHK upper limits. (2000)
P.M. Vreeswijk,
E. Rol,
C. Packham,
N. Tanvir,
C. Kouveliotou,
R.A.M.J. Wijers
J. Knapen