Items where Author is "Howell, S.B."
Number of items: 6.
Discovery and atmospheric characterization of giant planet Kepler-12b : An inflated radius outlier. (2011)
J.J. Fortney,
P. Nutzman,
N. Miller,
B.-O. Demory,
S. Seager,
J.-M. Désert,
L.A. Buchhave,
D. Charbonneau,
F. Fressin,
D.W. Latham,
J.C. Geary,
J. Rowe,
D.A. Caldwell,
J.M. Jenkins,
J.L. Christiansen,
G.W. Marcy,
H. Isaacson,
A. Howard,
H.A. Knutson,
L.A. Buchhave,
D. Ciardi,
T.N. Gautier,
N.M. Batalha,
S.T. Bryson,
S.B. Howell,
W.J. Borucki,
D. Koch,
J.J. Lissauer,
M.R. Haas,
M. Everett,
D. Deming,
T.M. Brown,
E.B. Ford,
R.L. Gilliland,
D.A. Fischer,
M. Still,
P.W. Lucas
M. Gillon
Kepler-15b : A hot Jupiter enriched in heavy elements and the first Kepler mission planet confirmed with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. (2011)
M. Endl,
P.J. MacQueen,
W.D. Cochran,
E.J. Brugamyer,
L.A. Buchhave,
J. Rowe,
P.W. Lucas,
H. Isaacson,
S. Bryson,
S.B. Howell,
W.J. Borucki,
D. Caldwell,
J.L. Christiansen,
M.R. Haas,
D.J. Koch,
J.J. Lissauer,
M. Still,
J.J. Fortney,
T. Hansen,
D.R. Ciardi,
B.-O. Demory,
M. Everett,
E.B. Ford,
M.J. Holman,
E. Horch,
J.M. Jenkins,
D.T. Sanderfer,
S.E. Seader,
J.C. Smith,
S.E. Thompson,
J.D. Twicken,
P. MacHalek
W.F. Welsh
Kepler-18b, c, and d : A system of three planets confirmed by transit timing variations, light curve validation, Warm-Spitzer photometry, and radial velocity measurements. (2011)
W.D. Cochran,
P.J. MacQueen,
M. Endl,
D.C. Fabrycky,
J.J. Fortney,
N. Miller,
G. Torres,
F. Fressin,
J.-M. Désert,
D. Ragozzine,
D. Sasselov,
J.A. Carter,
S.N. Quinn,
D.W. Latham,
M.J. Holman,
D. Charbonneau,
J.F. Rowe,
S.T. Bryson,
S.B. Howell,
W.J. Borucki,
D.G. Koch,
K. Uddin,
P. Tenenbaum,
M. Still,
F. Mullally,
J.J. Lissauer,
K. Kinemuchi,
J.M. Jenkins,
C.E. Henze,
M.R. Haas,
D. Caldwell,
E.J. Brugamyer,
D.R. Ciardi,
J.H. Steffen,
J.N. Winn,
S. Seager,
B.-O. Demory,
W.F. Welsh,
K. Uddin,
P. Tenenbaum,
F. Mullally,
J.M. Jenkins,
D. Caldwell,
M. Still,
K. Kinemuchi,
G.W. Marcy,
H. Knutson,
H. Isaacson,
A. Howard,
P.W. Lucas,
J.A. Johnson,
E. Horch,
R.L. Gilliland,
T.N. Gautier,
E.B. Ford,
D.A. Fischer,
M. Everett,
D. Deming,
L. Buchhave,
T.M. Brown
N. Batalha
Characteristics of planetary candidates observed by Kepler II : Analysis of the first four months of data. (2011)
W.J. Borucki,
D.G. Koch,
G. Basri,
N. Batalha,
T.M. Brown,
S.T. Bryson,
T. Caldwell,
J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
W.D. Cochran,
E. DeVore,
E.W. Dunham,
T.N. Gautier,
J.C. Geary,
R. Gilliland,
A. Gould,
S.B. Howell,
J.M. Jenkins,
D.W. Latham,
J.J. Lissauer,
G.W. Marcy,
J. Rowe,
D. Sasselov,
A. Boss,
D. Charbonneau,
D. Ciardi,
L. Doyle,
A.K. Dupree,
E.B. Ford,
J. Fortney,
M.J. Holman,
S. Seager,
J.H. Steffen,
J. Tarter,
W.F. Welsh,
C. Allen,
L.A. Buchhave,
J.L. Christiansen,
B.D. Clarke,
S. Das,
J.M. Desert,
M. Endl,
D. Fabrycky,
F. Fressin,
M. Haas,
E. Horch,
A. Howard,
H. Isaacson,
H. Kjeldsen,
J. Kolodziejczak,
C. Kulesa,
J. Li,
P.W. Lucas,
P. Machalek,
D. McCarthy,
P. MacQueen,
S. Meibom,
T. Miquel,
A. Prsa,
S.N. Quinn,
E.V. Quintana,
D. Ragozzine,
W. Sherry,
A. Shpora,
P. Tenenbaum,
G. Torres,
J.D. Twicken,
J. Van Cleve,
L. Walkowicz,
F.C. Witteborn
M. Still
A near-infrared spectroscopic search for very-low-mass cool companions to notable DA white dwarfs. (2005)
P.D. Dobbie,
M.R. Burleigh,
A. Levan,
M.A. Barstow,
R. Napiwotzki,
J.B. Holberg,
I. Hubeny
S.B. Howell
Phase-resolved Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectroscopy of V795 Her. (1998)
S.R. Rosen,
R.K. Prinja,
J.E. Drew,
K.O. Mason
S.B. Howell