Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Burton, Agneta</span>"
Number of items: 17.
  • Diversity and distribution of epiphytic bryophytes on Bramley's Seedling trees in East of England apple orchards. (2015) M. Whitelaw and Agneta Burton
  • Activity pattern and personal exposure to nitrogen dioxide in indoor and outdoor microenvironments. (2010) C. Kornartit, R.S. Sokhi, Agneta Burton and K. Ravindra
  • Field and laboratory exposures of two moss species to low level metal pollution. (2004) A.H. Tremper, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • Responses of tomato CVs grown to fruit-harvest stage under zinc stress in glasshouse conditions. (2001) C. Kaya, Agneta Burton and D. Higgs
  • Monitoring and modelling of NO2 and fine particles for urban air quality management. (2000) Ranjeet Sokhi, S. Bualert, L. Luhana, A.H. Tremper and Agneta Burton
  • Plant growth, phosphorus nutrition and acid phosphatase enzyme activity in three tomato cultivars grown hydroponically at different zinc concentrations. (2000) David Edward Barry Higgs, C. Kaya and Agneta Burton
  • Relationship Between Zinc Supply and Phosphorus Nutrition/Phosphatase Enzyme Activity in a Hydroponically Grown Tomato Seedlings. (2000) Cengiz Kaya, David Higgs and Agneta Burton
  • Foliar application of iron as a remedy for zinc toxic tomato plants. (1999) C. Kaya, David Edward Barry Higgs and Agneta Burton
  • Terrestrial and aquatic bryophytes as monitors of environmental contaminants in urban and industrial habitats. (1990) Agneta Burton
  • Vegetation damage during an episode of selenium pollution. (1981) Agneta Burton and M.L. Phillips
  • Other
  • Traffic-related particles and their associated metals : influences of stress response in mosses at roadsides. (2004) A.H. Tremper, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • Biomonitoring Methods to Assess the Impact of Metals on Mosses. (2003) H. T. Anja, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • Plants and the Environment : Plants as Pollution Monitors. (2003) Agneta Burton
  • Aquatic bryophytes as monitors in contaminated habitats. (1995) Agneta Burton
  • The significance of ecotoxicology. (1990) P. J. Peterson, S. Batt and Agneta Burton
  • Strategies for biological monitoring - the European experience. (1988) Agneta Burton, H.L. Morris and Y. Samiullah
  • The effects of trace elements on lower plants. (1981) Agneta Burton and K.J. Puckett