Number of items: 53.
Model fitting for small skin permeability data sets: hyperparameter optimisation in Gaussian Process Regression. (2018)
Parivash Ashrafi,
Yi Sun,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Simon C Wilkinson
Gary Patrick Moss
An Investigation of How Wavelet Transform can Affect the Correlation Performance of Biomedical Signals : The Correlation of EEG and HRV Frequency Bands in the frontal lobe of the brain. (2018)
Ronakben Bhavsar,
Neil Davey,
Yi Sun
Na Helian
The Correlation between EEG Signals as Measured in Different Positions on Scalp Varying with Distance. (2018)
Ronakben Bhavsar,
Yi Sun,
Na Helian,
Neil Davey,
David Mayor
Tony Steffert
The importance of hyperparameters selection within small datasets. (2015)
Parivash Ashrafi,
Yi Sun,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Marc Brown,
Maria Prapopoulou
Gary Moss
The Potential for Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve e-Learning Systems. (2015)
Edward Wakelam,
Amanda Jefferies,
N. Davey
Yi Sun
The application of machine learning to the modelling of percutaneous absorption: An overview and guide. (2015)
P. Ashrafi,
G. P. Moss,
S. C. Wilkinson,
N. Davey
Yi Sun
Mathematical modelling of percutaneous absorption. (2012)
Gary P. Moss,
Simon C. Wilkinson
Yi Sun
An evaluation of the potential of linear and nonlinear skin permeation models for the prediction of experimentally measured percutaneous drug absorption. (2012)
Marc Brown,
Chi-Hian Lau,
Sian T. Lim,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
Gary P. Moss,
Seon-Hie Yoo
Christian De Muynck
The application of discriminant analysis and Machine Learning methods as tools to identify and classify compounds with potential as transdermal enhancers. (2012)
Gary Moss,
A.J. Shah,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Y. Sun,
S.C. Wilkinson
W.J. Pugh
The application and limitations of mathematical modelling in the prediction of permeability across mammalian skin and polydimethylsiloxane membranes. (2011)
Gary Moss,
Yi Sun,
Simon C. Wilkinson,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Gary P. Martin,
M. Prapopopolou
Marc Brown
The application of stochastic machine learning methods in the prediction of skin penetration. (2011)
Y. Sun,
Marc Brown,
M. Prapopoulou,
N. Davey,
R. G. Adams
G. P. Moss
Effect of using varying negative examples in transcription factor binding site predictions. (2011)
Faisal Rezwan,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
A.G. Rust
M. Robinson
Further thoughts on precision. (2011)
D. Gray,
David Bowes,
N. Davey,
Yi Sun
B. Christianson
The misuse of the NASA metrics data program data sets for automated software defect prediction. (2011)
D. Gray,
David Bowes,
N. Davey,
Yi Sun
B. Christianson
The application of Gaussian processes in the prediction of absorption across mammalian skin and synthetic membranes. (2010)
Y. Sun,
M. Prapopoulou,
R. Adams,
N. Davey,
G. P. Moss
Marc Brown
Correcting Errors in Optical Data Transmission Using Neural Networks. (2010)
S. Hunt,
Yi. Sun,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
B. Slater,
R. Bhamber,
S. Boscolo
S.K. Turitsyn
Photometric redshift estimation using Gaussian processes. (2010)
D. Bonfield,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
M.J. Jarvis,
F.B. Abdalla,
M. Banerji
R.G. Adams
Predicting drug absorption rates through human skin. (2010)
Yi. Sun,
L.Y. Lam,
G.P. Moss,
M. Prapopoulou,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
David Gray
Marc Brown
Software defect prediction using static code metrics underestimates defect-proneness. (2010)
David Gray,
David Bowes,
N. Davey,
Yi Sun
B. Christianson
Using randomised vectors in transcription factor binding site predictions. (2010)
F. Rezwan,
Yi. Sun,
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
M. Robinson
The application of feature selection to the development of Gaussian process models for percutaneous absorption. (2010)
L.T. Lam,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
M. Prapopoulou,
Marc Brown
Gary Moss
The application of Gaussian processes in the prediction of percutaneous absorption. (2009)
Gary P. Moss,
Yi Sun,
Maria Prapopoulou,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
W. John Pugh
Marc Brown
Adaptive electrical signal post-processing with varying representations in optical communication systems. (2009)
Stephen Hunt,
Yi Sun,
Alex Shafarenko,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
Brendan Slater,
Ranjeet Bhamber,
Sonia Boscolo
Sergei K. Turitsyn
Integrating genomic binding site predictions using real-valued meta classifiers. (2009)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
Paul H. Kaye,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions. (2009)
Yi Sun,
C.G. Castellano,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Using the support vector machine as a classification method for software defect prediction with static code metrics. (2009)
David Gray,
D. Bowes,
N. Davey,
Yi Sun
B. Christianson
Adaptive Electrical Signal Post-Processing in Optical Communication Systems. (2008)
Yi. Sun,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
B. Slater,
R. Bhamber,
S. Boscolo
S.K. Turitsyn
Combining experts in order to identify binding sites in genomic data. (2008)
F. Rezwan,
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Combining experts in order to identify binding sites in yeast and mouse genomic data. (2008)
M. Robinson,
C. Gonzalez Castellano,
F. Rezwan,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
A.G. Rust
Yi. Sun
Prediction of Binding Sites in the Mouse Genome Using Support Vector Machines. (2008)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Prediction of skin penetration using machine learning methods. (2008)
Yi Sun,
Gary Moss,
M. Prapopoulou,
Roderick Adams,
Marc Brown
N. Davey
Comparing the performance of single-layer and two-layer support vector machines on face detection. (2007)
J.W. Han,
P.C.R. Lane,
N. Davey
Yi. Sun
Identifying binding sites in sequential genomic data. (2007)
M. Robinson,
C. Gonzalez Castellano,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Yi. Sun
Predicting Binding Sites in the Mouse Genome. (2007)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
A.G. Rust
Using real-valued meta classifiers to integrate and contextualize binding site predictions. (2007)
M. Robinson,
O. Sharabi,
Yi. Sun,
R.G. Adams,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Word Segmentation of Handwritten Text Using Supervised Classification Techniques. (2007)
Yi. Sun,
T. Butler,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
M.J. Loomes
N. Davey