Number of items: 39.
  • The socio-economic boundaries shaping young people’s lunchtime food practices on a school day. (2018) Wendy Wills, Giada Danesi, Ariadni Kapetanaki and Laura Hamilton
  • Patterns of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption amongst young people aged 13–15 years during the school day in Scotland. (2017) Laura Hamilton and Wendy Wills
  • Socio-economic differences in diet, physical activity and leisure-time screen use among Scottish children in 2006 and 2010: are we closing the gap? (2017) Geraldine McNeill , L.F. Masson, J.I. Macdiarmid, L.C.A. Craig, Wendy Wills and C. Bromley
  • Reflections on the Use of Visual Methods in a Qualitative Study of Domestic Kitchen Practices. (2016) Wendy Wills, Angela Meah, Angela Dickinson and Frances Short
  • Lunchtime food and drink purchasing : young people’s practices, preferences and power within and beyond the school gate. (2016) Wendy Wills, Giada Danesi and Ariadni Kapetanaki
  • Food environments of young people: linking individual behaviour to environmental context. (2016) Rachel L. Tyrrell, Fiona Greenhalgh, Susan Hodgson, Wendy Wills, John C. Mathers, Ashley J. Adamson and Amelia Lake
  • Is It a Pleasure to Eat Together? : Theoretical Reflections on Conviviality and the Mediterranean Diet. (2015) Surinder Phull, Wendy Wills and Angela Dickinson
  • Attitudes to weight and weight management in the early teenage years : A qualitative study of parental perceptions and views. (2015) Wendy Wills and Julia Lawton
  • The Influence of Deprivation and the Food Environment on Food and Drink Purchased by Secondary School Pupils Beyond the School Gate : final report. (2015) Wendy Wills, Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki, Kirsten Rennie, Giada Danesi, Alice Martin, Laura Hamilton and Aiden Bygrave
  • 'I don't think I ever had food poisoning' : A practice-based approach to understanding foodborne disease that originates in the home. (2015) Wendy Wills, Angela Meah, Angela Dickinson and Frances Short
  • Food safety and older people : the Kitchen Life study. (2014) Angela Dickinson, Wendy Wills, Angela Meah and Frances Short
  • What is being conveyed to health professionals and consumers through web and print sources of nutrition information? (2013) Wendy Wills, Angela Dickinson, Frances Short and F. Comrie
  • Domestic Kitchen Practices: Findings from the ‘Kitchen Life’ study. (2013) Wendy Wills, Angela Meah, Angela Dickinson and Frances Short
  • Rethinking children’s public health : the development of an assets model. (2013) Lisa Whiting, S. Kendall and Wendy Wills
  • Food and Public Health : Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. (2013) Wendy Wills, Alizon Draper and Ulla Gustafsson
  • Chewing on Choice. (2013) Sally Brooks, Duika Burges Watson, Alizon Draper, Michael Goodman, Heidi Kvalvaag and Wendy Wills
  • Children’s Food and Drink Purchasing Behaviour ‘‘Beyond the School Gate’’ : The Development of a Survey Module. (2013) Wendy Wills, J. I. Macdiarmid, L.F. Masson, C. Bromley, L.C.A. Craig and G. McNeill
  • The importance of research and participation in formulating child health policy. (2012) Lisa Whiting, S. Kendall and Wendy Wills
  • Using Spoken and Written Qualitative Methods to Explore Children's and Young People's Food and Eating Practices. (2012) Wendy Wills
  • An asset-based approach : an alternative health promotion strategy? (2012) Lisa Whiting, S. Kendall and Wendy Wills
  • The challenges of conducting research in schools on obesity, weight, diet and health. (2012) Wendy Wills, Mei-Li Roberts, Kathryn Backett-Milburn and Julia Lawton
  • The food and eating practices of young people in Scotland and England : Commentary on the Food: Now and Then report. (2012) Wendy Wills
  • Food and public health : Contemporary issues and future directions. (2011) U. Gustafsson, Wendy Wills and A. Draper
  • The framing of social class distinctions through family food and eating practices. (2011) Wendy Wills, Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Mei-Li Roberts and Julia Lawton
  • Food and family practices : teenagers, eating and domestic life in differing socio-economic circumstances. (2011) Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Wendy Wills, Mei-Li Roberts and Julia Lawton
  • Introduction to food : representations and meanings. (2011) Wendy Wills
  • Consuming fast food: the perceptions and practices of middle class young teenagers. (2010) Wendy Wills, K. Backett-Milburn, J. Lawton and Mei-Li Roberts
  • Food and family practices : teenagers, eating and domestic life in differing socio-economic circumstances. (2010) Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Wendy Wills, Mei-Li Roberts and Julia Lawton
  • Food, eating and taste : parents' perspectives on the making of the middle class teenager. (2010) K. Backett-Milburn, Wendy Wills, Mei-Li Roberts and J. Lawton
  • Parental perceptions regarding healthy behaviours for preventing overweight and obesity in young children : a systematic review of qualitative studies. (2010) M. Pocock, Daksha Trivedi, Wendy Wills, Frances Bunn and J. Magnusson
  • Tackling obesity : promoting physical activity and healthy eating in schools. (2010) Wendy Wills
  • Undertaking and building a culture of child/youth involvement in a context of Children's Trust Partnerships. (2010) M. Bailey and Wendy Wills
  • Exploring the limitations of an adult-led agenda for understanding the health behaviours of young people. (2008) Wendy Wills, Jane Appleton, J. Magnusson and F. Brooks
  • "If the Food Looks Dodgy I Dinnae Eat It" : teenagers' accounts of food and eating practices in socio-economically disadvantaged families. (2008) Wendy Wills, K. Backett-Milburn, S. Gregory and J. Lawton
  • Contraception advice and provision for the prevention of under 18 conceptions and STIs : A rapid review. (2006) Frances Bunn, F. Brooks, Jane Appleton, Marianne Mead, Josefine Magnusson, Sam Norton, Daksha Trivedi, Reinhard Wentz and Wendy Wills
  • Making sense of eating, weight and risk in the early teenage years: views and concerns of parents in poorer socio-economic circumstances. (2006) K. Backett-Milburn, Wendy Wills, S. Gregory and J. Lawton
  • Young teenagers' perceptions of their own and others bodies : a qualitative study of obese, overweight and 'normal' weight young people in Scotland. (2006) Wendy Wills, K. Backett-Milburn, S. Gregory and J. Lawton
  • Food and eating practices during the transition from school to new social contexts. (2005) Wendy Wills
  • The influence of the secondary school setting on the food practices of young teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds in Scotland. (2005) Wendy Wills, K. Backett-Milburn, S. Gregory and J. Lawton