Number of items: 9.
Morphometric Characterization of Rat and Human Alveolar Macrophage Cell Models and their Response to Amiodarone using High Content Image Analysis. (2017)
Ewelina Hoffman,
Aateka Patel,
Doug Ball,
Jan Klapwijk,
Val Millar,
Abhinav Kumar,
Abigail Martin,
Rhamiya Mahendran,
Lea Ann Dailey,
Ben Forbes
Victoria Hutter
Influence of surface geometry on the culture of human cell lines: a comparative study using flat, round-bottom and v-shaped 96 well plates. (2017)
Sara Shafaie,
Victoria Hutter,
Marc Brown,
Michael Cook
David Chau
In Vitro Cell Models for Ophthalmic Drug Development Applications. (2016)
Sara Shafaie,
Victoria Hutter,
Michael T. Cook,
Marc Brown
David Y.S. Chau
Digoxin net secretory transport in bronchial epithelial cell layers is not exclusively mediated by P-glycoprotein/MDR1. (2014)
Victoria Hutter,
David Y.S. Chau,
Constanze Hilgendorf,
Alan Brown,
Anne Cooper,
Vanessa Zann,
David I. Pritchard
Cynthia Bosquillon
Evaluation of layers of the rat airway epithelial cell line RL-65 for permeability screening of inhaled drug candidates. (2012)
Victoria Hutter,
Constanze Hilgendorf,
Anne Cooper,
Vanessa Zann,
David Pritchard
Cynthia Bosquillon
Tissue transglutaminase (TG-2) modified amniotic membrane : a novel scaffold for biomedical applications. (2012)
David Y.S. Chau,
Sheridan V. Brown,
Melissa L. Mather,
Victoria Hutter,
Naing L. Tint,
Harminder S. Dua,
Felicity R. A. J. Rose
Amir M. Ghaemmaghami
The effect of processing variables on structural and mechanical properties of supercritical CO2 foamed scaffolds for tissue engineering. (2012)
Lisa White,
Victoria Hutter,
Hong Yong Tai,
Steve Howdle
Kevin Shakesheff