Number of items: 28.
  • Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London. (2018) Adam Crymble, Adam Dennett and Tim Hitchcock
  • Vagrant Lives: 14,789 Vagrants Processed by the County of Middlesex, 1777-1786. (2015) Adam Crymble, Louise Falcini and Tim Hitchcock
  • Vagrant Lives : 14,789 Vagrants Processed by Middlesex County 1777-1786. (2015) Adam Crymble, Louise Falcini and Tim Hitchcock
  • Loose, idle and disorderly : vagrant removal in late eighteenth-century Middlesex. (2014) Tim Hitchcock, Adam Crymble and Louise Falcini
  • The London Vagrancy crisis of the 1780s. (2013) Tim Hitchcock
  • Confronting the Digital, Or How Academic History Writing London the Plot. (2013) Tim Hitchcock
  • Cultural Representations : Rogue Literature and the Reality of the Begging Body. (2012) Tim Hitchcock
  • Re-negotiating the bloody code : the Gordon riots and the transformation of popular attitudes to the criminal justice system. (2012) Tim Hitchcock
  • The Reformulation of Sexual Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century England. (2012) Tim Hitchcock
  • Rough lives : Autobiography and migration in eighteenth-Century England. (2012) Tim Hitchcock
  • Locating London's Past. (2011) Tim Hitchcock, Robert Shoemaker and Matthew Davies
  • Connected Histories : Sources for British History 1500-1800. (2011) Tim Hitchcock, Robert Shoemaker and Jane Winters
  • Academic History Writing and its Disconnects. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • Connected histories : a new web search tool for British historians. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • Locating Beggars on the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • Vagrant Lives. (2011) Tim Hitchcock
  • London's Lives, 1690-1800. (2010) Tim Hitchcock and Robert Shoemaker
  • Digital Searching and the Reformulation of Historical Knowledge. (2008) Tim Hitchcock
  • ”All besides the rail, rang’d beggars lie” : Trivia and the Public Poverty of Early Eighteenth-Century London. (2007) Tim Hitchcock
  • Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London. (2007) Tim Hitchcock
  • Tales from the Hanging Court. (2006) Tim Hitchcock and R. Shoemaker
  • Digitising History from below : The Old Bailey Proceedings Online, 1674-1834. (2006) Tim Hitchcock and Robert Shoemaker
  • Begging on the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London. (2005) Tim Hitchcock
  • ‘Escrocs, seigneurs et "pieux chanteurs". Mendicite et masculinite au cours du long dix-huitieme siecle'. (2005) Tim Hitchcock
  • Down and Out in Eighteenth-century London. (2004) Tim Hitchcock
  • Applying for Lottery Funding-The Experience of the 'Old Bailey Proceedings On-line' Project. (2002) Tim Hitchcock and R. Shoemaker
  • Sex and gender : Redefining sex in eighteenth-century England. (1996) Tim Hitchcock