Number of items: 36.
Food, landscape and urban design. (2018)
Susan Parham
From the agora to the modern marketplace : food markets as landscapes of pleasure, purpose and plenty in historical review. (2018)
Susan Parham
La Garden City, une référence pour le requalification de la ville diffuse
The Garden City, a reference for the requalification of the diffuse city. (2017)
Susan Parham,
Stéphane Sadoux,
Gilles Novarina,
Amélie Artis
David Ames
Reflecting on sustainable architecture and urbanism as 'an ecology of living'. (2017)
Susan Parham
Why are Garden Cities in the news? (2017)
Susan Parham
Garden Cities - Why Not? (2016)
Susan Parham
Keith Boyfield
Shrinking cities and food : Place-making for renewal, reuse and retrofit. (2016)
Susan Parham
Making Space for Food in Hatfield. (2016)
Susan Parham
Ben McCabe
Food and Urbanism : The Convivial City and a Sustainable Future. (2015)
Susan Parham
People, products and places (Research Final Report) : Exploring sustainable-living practices in masterplanned communities. (2015)
Susan Parham,
John McCormack
Alasdair Jones
'Reinventing London' by Bridget Rosewell. (2014)
Susan Parham
Workshop Proceedings - Connected communities ‘Mini charrette’ for arts, culture and heritage in Milton Keynes. (2014)
Susan Parham
'Happy City: transforming our lives through urban design' by Charles Montgomery. (2014)
Susan Parham
Hertfordshire Guide to Growth : Five Years On. (2014)
Susan Parham
James Hulme
Living heritage : Universities as anchor institutions in sustainable communities. (2013)
Susan Parham,
Alix Green
Sarah Lloyd
Market Place : Food Quarters, Design and Urban Renewal in London. (2012)
Susan Parham
Sustainable living? (2012)
Susan Parham
Retrofitting for food security : the case of urban food quarters. (2012)
Susan Parham
Place shaping : A guide to undertaking development in Broadland. (2012)
Susan Parham,
Lewis Knight
Christopher Gaze
Connecting everyday food consumption to ‘urbanist’ principles for sustainable cities : Challenges for climate change mitigation and adaptation. (2011)
Susan Parham
Developing the urban food quarter : Exploring the connections between urban design, revitalisation of place, and sustainable urban food practices. (2009)
Susan Parham
The Future of Urbanism in a Romanian Context. (2009)
Susan Parham
Let’s rip it all up. (2008)
Susan Parham
Suburban regeneration : The real challenges. (2008)
Susan Parham
The relationship between approaches to conservation and the idea of nostalgia : Looking at food-centred spaces within cities. (2008)
Susan Parham
Fat Cities and Food Deserts: : Exploring a socio-spatial continuum. (2007)
Susan Parham
The reconfiguration of Australian suburbs : Think Piece for British Urban Regeneration Association. (2007)
Susan Parham
Reconfiguring Urban Australia : Ideas and Projects. (2006)
Susan Parham
Sustainable Urbanism: Physical, Social and Economic Aspects : Rapporteur’s Report on the 2nd Int C.E.U. Congress, Nov 2006, Leeds. (2006)
Susan Parham
Fat City : Why Bologna Works. (1998)
Susan Parham
Gastronomic Architecture : The Cafe and Beyond. (1996)
Susan Parham
Megalopolis. (1995)
Susan Parham
Gastronomy and Urban Form. (1993)
Susan Parham
Has Women's Participation in Planning Changed Our Cities? (1993)
Susan Parham
Gastronomic Strategies for Australian Cities. (1992)
Susan Parham
The table in space : A planning perspective. (1990)
Susan Parham