Number of items: 36.
  • Food, landscape and urban design. (2018) Susan Parham
  • From the agora to the modern marketplace : food markets as landscapes of pleasure, purpose and plenty in historical review. (2018) Susan Parham
  • La Garden City, une référence pour le requalification de la ville diffuse The Garden City, a reference for the requalification of the diffuse city. (2017) Susan Parham, Stéphane Sadoux, Gilles Novarina, Amélie Artis and David Ames
  • Reflecting on sustainable architecture and urbanism as 'an ecology of living'. (2017) Susan Parham
  • Why are Garden Cities in the news? (2017) Susan Parham
  • Garden Cities - Why Not? (2016) Susan Parham and Keith Boyfield
  • Shrinking cities and food : Place-making for renewal, reuse and retrofit. (2016) Susan Parham
  • Making Space for Food in Hatfield. (2016) Susan Parham and Ben McCabe
  • Food and Urbanism : The Convivial City and a Sustainable Future. (2015) Susan Parham
  • People, products and places (Research Final Report) : Exploring sustainable-living practices in masterplanned communities. (2015) Susan Parham, John McCormack and Alasdair Jones
  • 'Reinventing London' by Bridget Rosewell. (2014) Susan Parham
  • Workshop Proceedings - Connected communities ‘Mini charrette’ for arts, culture and heritage in Milton Keynes. (2014) Susan Parham
  • 'Happy City: transforming our lives through urban design' by Charles Montgomery. (2014) Susan Parham
  • Hertfordshire Guide to Growth : Five Years On. (2014) Susan Parham and James Hulme
  • Living heritage : Universities as anchor institutions in sustainable communities. (2013) Susan Parham, Alix Green and Sarah Lloyd
  • Market Place : Food Quarters, Design and Urban Renewal in London. (2012) Susan Parham
  • Sustainable living? (2012) Susan Parham
  • Retrofitting for food security : the case of urban food quarters. (2012) Susan Parham
  • Place shaping : A guide to undertaking development in Broadland. (2012) Susan Parham, Lewis Knight and Christopher Gaze
  • Connecting everyday food consumption to ‘urbanist’ principles for sustainable cities : Challenges for climate change mitigation and adaptation. (2011) Susan Parham
  • Developing the urban food quarter : Exploring the connections between urban design, revitalisation of place, and sustainable urban food practices. (2009) Susan Parham
  • The Future of Urbanism in a Romanian Context. (2009) Susan Parham
  • Let’s rip it all up. (2008) Susan Parham
  • Suburban regeneration : The real challenges. (2008) Susan Parham
  • The relationship between approaches to conservation and the idea of nostalgia : Looking at food-centred spaces within cities. (2008) Susan Parham
  • Fat Cities and Food Deserts: : Exploring a socio-spatial continuum. (2007) Susan Parham
  • The reconfiguration of Australian suburbs : Think Piece for British Urban Regeneration Association. (2007) Susan Parham
  • Reconfiguring Urban Australia : Ideas and Projects. (2006) Susan Parham
  • Sustainable Urbanism: Physical, Social and Economic Aspects : Rapporteur’s Report on the 2nd Int C.E.U. Congress, Nov 2006, Leeds. (2006) Susan Parham
  • Fat City : Why Bologna Works. (1998) Susan Parham
  • Gastronomic Architecture : The Cafe and Beyond. (1996) Susan Parham
  • Megalopolis. (1995) Susan Parham
  • Gastronomy and Urban Form. (1993) Susan Parham
  • Has Women's Participation in Planning Changed Our Cities? (1993) Susan Parham
  • Gastronomic Strategies for Australian Cities. (1992) Susan Parham
  • The table in space : A planning perspective. (1990) Susan Parham