
Number of items: 95.
  • The role of mergers in driving morphological transformation over cosmic time. (2018) G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, J. E. G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois and C. Pichon
  • A catalogue of faint local radio AGN and the properties of their host galaxies. (2018) E. K. Lofthouse, S. Kaviraj, D. J. B. Smith and M. J. Hardcastle
  • Normal black holes in bulge-less galaxies: the largely quiescent, merger-free growth of black holes over cosmic time. (2018) G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, M. Volonteri, B. D. Simmons, J. E. G. Devriendt, C. J. Lintott, R. J. Smethurst, Y. Dubois and C. Pichon
  • Identifying the progenitors of present-day early-type galaxies in observational surveys: correcting `progenitor bias' using the Horizon-AGN simulation. (2018) G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, J.E.G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon and C. Laigle
  • 2017
  • The distribution of local star formation activity as a function of galaxy stellar mass, environment and morphology. (2017) E. K. Lofthouse, S. Kaviraj, D. J. B. Smith and M. J. Hardcastle
  • Density profile of dark matter haloes and galaxies in the Horizon-AGN simulation : the impact of AGN feedback. (2017) S. Peirani, Y. Dubois, M. Volonteri, J.E.G. Devriendt, K. Bundy, J. Silk, C. Pichon, S. Kaviraj, R. Gavazzi and M. Habouzit
  • Cosmic evolution of stellar quenching by AGN feedback : clues from the Horizon-AGN simulation. (2017) R. S. Beckmann, J.E.G. Devriendt, A. Slyz, S. Peirani, M. L. A. Richardson, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, N. E. Chisari, S. Kaviraj, C. Laigle and M. Volonteri
  • The limited role of galaxy mergers in driving stellar mass growth over cosmic time. (2017) G. Martin, S. Kaviraj, J.E.G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Laigle and C. Pichon
  • Local analogues of high-redshift star-forming galaxies: integral field spectroscopy of green peas. (2017) Emma K. Lofthouse, Ryan C. W. Houghton and Sugata Kaviraj
  • Galaxy Zoo: major galaxy mergers are not a significant quenching pathway. (2017) Anna K. Weigel, Kevin Schawinski, Neven Caplar, Alfredo Carpineti, Ross E. Hart, Sugata Kaviraj, William C. Keel, Sandor J. Kruk, Chris J. Lintott, Robert C. Nichol, Brooke D. Simmons and Rebecca J. Smethurst
  • The Horizon-AGN simulation: evolution of galaxy properties over cosmic time. (2017) S. Kaviraj, C. Laigle, T. Kimm, J. E. G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, A. Slyz, E. Chisari and S. Peirani
  • Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation. (2017) E. K. Lofthouse, S. Kaviraj, C. J. Conselice, A. Mortlock and W. Hartley
  • Delayed triggering of radio Active Galactic Nuclei in gas-rich minor mergers in the local Universe. (2017) Stanislav Shabala, Adam Deller, Sugata Kaviraj, Enno Middelberg, Ross Turner, Yuan-Sen Ting, James Allison and Tim Davis
  • Galaxy Zoo: Quantitative Visual Morphological Classifications for 48,000 galaxies from CANDELS. (2017) B. D. Simmons, Chris Lintott, Kyle W. Willett, Karen L. Masters, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Boris Häußler, Sugata Kaviraj, Coleman Krawczyk, S. J. Kruk, Daniel H. McIntosh, R. J. Smethurst, Robert C. Nichol, Claudia Scarlata, Kevin Schawinski, Christopher J. Conselice, Omar Almaini, Henry C. Ferguson, Lucy Fortson, William Hartley, Dale Kocevski, Anton M. Koekemoer, Alice Mortlock, Jeffrey A. Newman, Steven P. Bamford, N. A. Grogin, Ray A. Lucas, Nimish P. Hathi, Elizabeth McGrath, Michael Peth, Janine Pforr, Zachary Rizer, Stijn Wuyts, Guillermo Barro, Eric F. Bell, Marco Castellano, Tomas Dahlen, Avishai Dekel Jamie Ownsworth, Sandra M. Faber, Steven L. Finkelstein, Adriano Fontana, Audrey Galametz, Ruth Grützbauch, David Koo, Jennifer Lotz, Bahram Mobasher, Mark Mozena, Mara Salvato and Tommy Wiklind
  • 2016
  • H-ATLAS/GAMA : The nature and characteristics of optically red galaxies detected at submillimetre wavelengths. (2016) A. Dariush, S. Dib, S. Hony, D. J. B. Smith, S. Zhukovska, L. Dunne, S. Eales, E. Andrae, M. Baes, I. Baldry, A. Bauer, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, N. Bourne, A. Cava, D. Clements, M. Cluver, A. Cooray, G. De Zotti, S. Driver, M. W. Grootes, A. M. Hopkins, R. Hopwood, S. Kaviraj, L. Kelvin, M. A. Lara-Lopez, J. Liske, J. Loveday, S. Maddox, B. Madore, M. J. Michalowski, C. Pearson, C. Popescu, A. Robotham, K. Rowlands, M. Seibert, F. Shabani, M. W. L. Smith, E. N. Taylor, R. Tuffs, E. Valiante and J. S. Virdee
  • Cold-gas outflows in typical low-redshift galaxies are driven by star formation, not AGN. (2016) Marc Sarzi, Sugata Kaviraj, Boris Nedelchev, Joshua Tiffany, Stanislav S. Shabala, Adam T. Deller and Enno Middleberg
  • 2015
  • Radio AGN in spiral galaxies. (2015) Sugata Kaviraj, Stanislav S. Shabala, Adam T. Deller and Enno Middelberg
  • Radio Galaxy Zoo : host galaxies and radio morphologies derived from visual inspection. (2015) J. K. Banfield, O. I. Wong, K. W. Willett, R. P. Norris, L. Rudnick, S. S. Shabala, B. D. Simmons, C. Snyder, A. Garon, N. Seymour, E. Middelberg, H. Andernach, C. J. Lintott, K. Jacob, A. D. Kapinska, M. Y. Mao, K. L. Masters, M. J. Jarvis, K. Schawinski, E. Paget, R. Simpson, H. R. Klockner, S. Bamford, T. Burchell, K. E. Chow, G. Cotter, L. Fortson, I. Heywood, T. W. Jones, S. Kaviraj, A. R. Lopez-Sanchez, W. P. Maksym, K. Polsterer, K. Borden, R. P. Hollow and L. Whyte
  • Galaxy merger histories and the role of merging in driving star formation at z>1. (2015) S. Kaviraj, J. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, A. Slyz, C. Welker, C. Pichon, S. Peirani and D. Le Borgne
  • The triggering of local AGN and their role in regulating star formation. (2015) Sugata Kaviraj, Stanislav S. Shabala, Adam T. Deller and Enno Middelberg
  • Molecular and atomic gas in dust lane early-type galaxies - I : Low star-formation efficiencies in minor merger remnants. (2015) Timothy A. Davis, Kate Rowlands, James R. Allison, Stanislav S. Shabala, Yuan-Sen Ting, Claudia del P. Lagos, Sugata Kaviraj, Nathan Bourne, Loretta Dunne, Steve Eales, Rob J. Ivison, Steve Maddox, Daniel Smith, Matthew W. L. Smith and Pasquale Temi
  • An infrared study of local galaxy mergers. (2015) Alfredo Carpineti, Sugata Kaviraj, Ashley K. Hyde, David L. Clements, Kevin Schawinski, Daniel Darg and Chris J. Lintott
  • Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early-type galaxies. (2015) O.I. Wong, K. Schawinski, G.I. Jozsa, C.M. Urry, C.J. Lintott, B.D. Simmons, Sugata Kaviraj and K.L. Masters
  • 2014
  • Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS barred discs and bar fractions. (2014) Brooke D. Simmons, Thomas Melvin, Chris J. Lintott, Karen L. Masters, Kyle W. Willett, William C. Keel, R. J. Smethurst, Edmond Cheung, Robert C. Nichol, Kevin Schawinski, Michael Rutkowski, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Eric F. Bell, Kevin R. V. Casteels, Christopher J. Conselice, Omar Almaini, Henry C. Ferguson, Lucy Fortson, William Hartley, Dale Kocevski, Anton M. Koekemoer, Daniel H. McIntosh, Alice Mortlock, Jeffrey A. Newman, Jamie Ownsworth, Steven P. Bamford, Tomas Dahlen, Sandra M. Faber, Steven L. Finkelstein, Adriano Fontana, Audrey Galametz, N. A. Grogin, Ruth Grützbauch, Yicheng Guo, Boris Häußler, Kian J. Jek, Sugata Kaviraj, Ray A. Lucas, Michael Peth, Mara Salvato, Tommy Wiklind and Stijn Wuyts
  • Early-type galaxies at intermediate redshift observed with hubble space telescope WFC3 : Perspectives on recent star formation. (2014) Michael J. Rutkowski, Hyunjin Jeong, Seth H. Cohen, S. Kaviraj, Rogier A. Windhorst, Russell E. Ryan, Anton Koekemoer, Sukyoung K. Yi, Nimish P. Hathi and Michael A. Dopita
  • The role of major mergers in the size growth of intermediate-mass spheroids. (2014) S. Kaviraj, M. Huertas-Company, S. Cohen, S. Peirani, R. A. Windhorst, R. W. O'Connell, J. Silk, M. A. Dopita, N. P. Hathi, A. M. Koekemoer, S. Mei, M. Rutkowski, R. E. Ryan and F. Shankar
  • The importance of minor-merger-driven star formation and black-hole growth in disk galaxies. (2014) Sugata Kaviraj
  • The green valley is a red herring : Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early-and late-type galaxies. (2014) Kevin Schawinski, C. Megan Urry, Brooke D. Simmons, Lucy Fortson, Sugata Kaviraj, William C. Keel, Chris J. Lintott, Karen L. Masters, Robert C. Nichol, Marc Sarzi, Ramin Skibba, Ezequiel Treister, Kyle W. Willett, O. Ivy Wong and Sukyoung K. Yi
  • Star formation and agn activity in interacting galaxies : A near-UV perspective. (2014) Caroline Scott and Sugata Kaviraj
  • 2013
  • The significant contribution of minor mergers to the cosmic star formation budget. (2013) S. Kaviraj
  • Galaxy zoo 2 : Detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the sloan digital sky survey. (2013) K.W. Willett, C.J. Lintott, S.P. Bamford, K.L. Masters, B.D. Simmons, K.R.V. Casteels, E.M. Edmondson, L.F. Fortson, S. Kaviraj, W.C. Keel, T. Melvin, R.C. Nichol, M. Jordan Raddick, K. Schawinski, R.J. Simpson, R.A. Skibba, A.M. Smith and D. Thomas
  • A Herschel*-ATLAS study of dusty spheroids : Probing the minor-merger process in the local Universe. (2013) S. Kaviraj, K. Rowlands, M. Alpaslan, L. Dunne, Y. S. Ting, M. Bureau, S. Shabala, C.J. Lintott, Daniel Smith, N. Agius, R. Auld, M. Baes, N. Bourne, A. Cava, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, A. Dariush, G. de Zotti, S. P. Driver, S. Eales, R. Hopwood, C. Hoyos, E. Ibar, S. Maddox, M. J. Michalowski, A. E. Sansom, M. Smith and E. Valiante
  • Galaxy Zoo: Bulgeless galaxies with growing black holes. (2013) B. Simmons, C. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, K. Schawinski, A. Han, C.M. Urry, E.C. Moran, K.L. Masters, R.C. Nichol, K.W. Willett and S.P. Bamford
  • The insignificance of major mergers in driving star formation at z ≃ 2. (2013) S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, S. Cohen, R.A. Windhorst, M. Rutkowski, R.W. O'Connell, M.A. Dopita, A. Dekel, N.P. Hathi and A. Straughn
  • Newborn spheroids at high redshift : When and how did the dominant, old stars in today's massive galaxies form? (2013) S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, R.S. Ellis, S. Cohen, R.A. Windhorst, S. Peirani, R.W. O'Connell, B.C. Whitmore, R.E. Ryan Jr., N.P. Hathi, M.A. Dopita, J.A. Frogel and A. Dekel
  • 2012
  • Constraining stellar assembly and active galactic nucleus feedback at the peak epoch of star formation. (2012) T. Kimm, S. Kaviraj, J.E.G. Devriendt, Y. Dubois, A. Slyz, S.H. Cohen, R.A. Windhorst, J. Silk, N.P. Hathi, R.E. Ryan, R.W. O'Connell and M.A. Dopita
  • Effects of large-scale AGN feedback in local galaxies. (2012) S. Shabala, S. Kaviraj and J. Silk
  • Chandra observations of Galaxy Zoo mergers : Frequency of binary active nuclei in massive mergers. (2012) S.H. Teng, K. Schawinski, C.M. Urry, E.W. Bonning, B.D. Simmons, D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, K. Oh, C.N. Cardamone, W.C. Keel and E. Treister
  • Galaxy Zoo : Dust and molecular gas in early-type galaxies with prominent dust lanes. (2012) S. Kaviraj, Y. S. Ting, M. Bureau, S.S. Shabala, R.M. Crockett, J. Silk, C. Lintott, A. Smith, W.C. Keel, K.L. Masters, K. Schawinski and S.P. Bamford
  • Galaxy Zoo : Dust lane early-type galaxies are tracers of recent, gas-rich minor mergers. (2012) S.S. Shabala, Y. S. Ting, S. Kaviraj, C. Lintott, R.M. Crockett, J. Silk, M. Sarzi, K. Schawinski, S.P. Bamford and E. Edmondson
  • A WFC3 study of globular clusters in NGC 4150 : An early-type minor merger. (2012) S. Kaviraj, R. Mark Crockett, J. Silk, B.C. Whitmore, M. Mutchler, R.W. O'Connell, R.A. Windhorst, M. Rejkuba, S. Yi, J.A. Frogel and D. Calzetti
  • The size evolution of passive galaxies : observations from the Wide-Field Camera 3 Early Release Science program. (2012) R.E. Ryan Jr., P.J. McCarthy, S.H. Cohen, M.J. Rutkowski, M.R. Mechtley, R.A. Windhorst, H. Yan, N.P. Hathi, A. M. Koekemoer, H.E. Bond, H. Bushouse, J. MacKenty, M. Mutchler, B.C. Whitmore, R.W. O'Connell, B. Balick, D. Calzetti, R.M. Crockett, S. Kaviraj, J.I. Silk, M. Disney, M.A. Dopita, J.A. Frogel, D.N.B. Hall, J. A. Holtzman, R.A. Kimble, F. Paresce, A. Saha, J. Trauger, A.R. Walker and E. Young
  • Triggered star formation in the inner filament of Centaurus A. (2012) R.M. Crockett, S.S. Shabala, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, V. Antonuccio-Delogu, M. Mutchler, B.C. Whitmore, R.W. O'Connell, M. Rejkuba and R.A. Windhorst
  • Spheroidal post-mergers in the local Universe. (2012) A. Carpineti, S. Kaviraj, D. Darg, C. Lintott, S. Shabala and K. Schawinski
  • A panchromatic catalog of early-type galaxies at intermediate redshift in the Hubble Space Telescope wide field camera 3 early release science field. (2012) M.J. Rutkowski, S.H. Cohen, R.A. Windhorst, S. Kaviraj, R.M. Crockett, J. Silk, R.W. O'Connell, N.P. Hathi, P.J. McCarthy, R.E. Ryan Jr., A. Koekemoer, H.E. Bond, B.C. Whitmore, H. Yan, R.A. Kimble, B. Balick, D. Calzetti, M.J. Disney, M.A. Dopita, J.A. Frogel, D.N.B. Hall, J. A. Holtzman, F. Paresce, A. Saha, J.T. Trauger, A.R. Walker and E.T. Young
  • Galaxy Zoo : Building the low-mass end of the red sequence with local post-starburst galaxies. (2012) O.I. Wong, K. Schawinski, S. Kaviraj, C. Lintott, D. Darg, K.L. Masters, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, W.C. Keel, S.P. Bamford, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, M.J. Raddick, A. Szalay and J. Vandenberg
  • Tidal dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe. (2012) S. Kaviraj, D. Darg, C. Lintott, J. Silk and K. Schawinski
  • Herschel -ATLAS/GAMA : Dusty early-type galaxies and passive spirals. (2012) K. Rowlands, L. Dunne, S. Maddox, N. Bourne, S. P. Bamford, Daniel Smith, S. Dye, E.E. Rigby, H.L. Gomez, S.A. Eales, S. Kaviraj, A. Dariush, R. Hopwood, S. Brough, A. M. Hopkins, S. Charlot, E. da Cunha, S. P. Driver, L. Kelvin, A. Robotham, R.C. Nichol, A. E. Sansom, C.C. Popescu, R. Sharp, P. Temi, P. van der Werf, M. Baes, J. Fritz, A. Cava, A. Cooray, S. M. Croom, G. de Zotti, G. Rodighiero, E. Ibar, R.J. Ivison, P. Norberg, J. Liske, J. Loveday, B. Madore, M. Seibert and R. J. Tuffs
  • Probing quasar shutdown timescales with Hanny's Voorwerp. (2012) D.A. Evans, K. Schawinski, S. Virani, C.M. Urry, W.C. Keel, P. Natarajan, C.J. Lintott, A. Manning, P. Coppi, S. Kaviraj, S.P. Bamford, G.I.G. Józsa, M. Garrett, H. Van Arkel, P. Gay and L. Fortson
  • 2011
  • Galaxy Zoo: Multimergers and the Millennium Simulation. (2011) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, S. Lynn, K. Schawinski, S. Bamford and R.C. Nichol
  • Minor-merger-driven growth of early-type galaxies over the last 8 billion years. (2011) S. Kaviraj, R.M. Crockett, J. Silk, R.S. Ellis, S.K. Yi, R.W. O'Connell, R. Windhorst and B.C. Whitmore
  • A simple model for AGN feedback in nearby early-type galaxies. (2011) S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, S.S. Shabala and K. Schawinski
  • Active galactic nucleus feedback drives the colour evolution of local galaxies. (2011) S.S. Shabala, S. Kaviraj and J. Silk
  • The Hubble Space Telescope wide field camera 3 early release science data : Panchromatic faint object counts for 0.2-2 μm wavelength. (2011) R.A. Windhorst, S.H. Cohen, M. Mechtley, M.J. Rutkowski, N.P. Hathi, P.J. McCarthy, M. Seibert, R.E. Ryan, H. Yan, I.K. Baldry, S.P. Driver, D.T. Hill, L.S. Kelvin, A.S.G. Robotham, J.A. Frogel, A.M. Koekemoer, H.E. Bond, H. Bushouse, J.W. MacKenty, M. Mutchler, B.C. Whitmore, R.W. O'Connell, A.N. Straughn, R.A. Kimble, R.J. Tuffs, B. Balick, D. Calzetti, J.I. Silk, M. Crockett, S. Kaviraj, M.J. Disney, M.A. Dopita, D.N.B. Hall, J. A. Holtzman, F. Paresce, A. Saha, J.T. Trauger, A.R. Walker and E.T. Young
  • A coincidence of disturbed morphology and blue UV colour : Minor-merger-driven star formation in early-type galaxies at z~ 0.6. (2011) S. Kaviraj, K.-M. Tan, R.S. Ellis and J. Silk
  • Anatomy of a post-starburst minor merger : A multi-wavelength WFC3 study of NGC 4150. (2011) R.M. Crockett, S. Kaviraj, J.I. Silk, B.C. Whitmore, M. Mutchler, H.E. Bond, R.W. O'Connell, B. Balick, D. Calzetti, C.M. Carollo, M.J. Disney, M.A. Dopita, J.A. Frogel, D.N.B. Hall, J. A. Holtzman, R.A. Kimble, P.J. McCarthy, F. Paresce, A. Saha, J.T. Trauger, A.R. Walker, R.A. Windhorst, E.T. Young, H. Jeong and S.K. Yi
  • 2010
  • The sudden death of the nearest quasar. (2010) K. Schawinski, S. Virani, C.M. Urry, P. Natarajan, P. Coppi, D.A. Evans, W.C. Keel, A. Manning, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, S.P. Bamford, G.I.G. Józsa, M. Garrett, H. Van Arkel, P. Gay and L. Fortson
  • Composite star formation histories of early-type galaxies from minor mergers : prospects for WFC3. (2010) S. Peirani, R.M. Crockett, S. Geen, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk and S. Khochfar
  • Peculiar early-type galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe82. (2010) S. Kaviraj
  • The role of environment on the formation of early-type galaxies. (2010) B. Rogers, I. Ferreras, S. Kaviraj, A. Pasquali, M. Bernardi and O. Lahav
  • Galaxy zoo : The fundamentally different co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their early- and late-type host galaxies. (2010) K. Schawinski, C.M. Urry, S. Virani, P. Coppi, C.N. Cardamone, S.P. Bamford, E. Treister, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, M. Sarzi, W.C. Keel, K.L. Masters, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, N.P. Ross, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • Galaxy Zoo: The properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe - Local environments, colours, masses, star formation rates and AGN activity. (2010) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. Bamford, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • Galaxy Zoo: the fraction of merging galaxies in the SDSS and their morphologies. (2010) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. Bamford, R. Proctor, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • 2009
  • Star formation and nuclear activity in close pairs of early-type galaxies. (2009) B. Rogers, I. Ferreras, S. Kaviraj, A. Pasquali and M. Sarzi
  • GALICS II : The [ α/Fe]-mass relation in elliptical galaxies. (2009) A. Pipino, J.E.G. Devriendt, J. Silk, S. Kaviraj and D. Thomas
  • Identifying the progenitor set of present-day early-type galaxies : A view from the standard model. (2009) S. Kaviraj, I. Ferreras, J.E.G. Devriendt, J. Silk and S.K. Yi
  • On the formation of massive galaxies : A simultaneous study of number density, size and intrinsic colour evolution in GOODS. (2009) I. Ferreras, T. Lisker, A. Pasquali, S. Khochfar and S. Kaviraj
  • AGN jet-induced feedback in galaxies - II : Galaxy colours from a multicloud simulation. (2009) C. Tortora, V. Antonuccio-Delogu, A.D. Romeo, U. Becciani, S. Kaviraj and J. Silk
  • Evidence for recent star formation in BCGs : A correspondence between blue cores and UV excess. (2009) A. Pipino, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, C. Bildfell, A. Babul and H. Hoekstra
  • Exploring the formation of spheroidal galaxies out to z ∼ 1.5 in GOODS. (2009) I. Ferreras, T. Lisker, A. Pasquali and S. Kaviraj
  • The role of minor mergers in the recent star formation history of early-type galaxies. (2009) S. Kaviraj, S. Peirani, S. Khochfar, J. Silk and S. Kay
  • An ultraviolet study of nearby luminous infrared galaxies : Star formation histories and the role of AGN. (2009) S. Kaviraj
  • Destruction of molecular gas reservoirs in early-type galaxies by active galactic nucleus feedback. (2009) K. Schawinski, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, J. Zuntz, E. Bayet, D. Thomas, C. Maraston, S. Viti, M. Sarzi, S.K. Yi, S-J. Joo, E. Daddi and T. Bell
  • Do moderate-luminosity active galactic nuclei suppress star formation? (2009) K. Schawinski, S. Virani, B. Simmons, C.M. Urry, B. Kushkuley, E. Treister and S. Kaviraj
  • Galaxy Zoo: a sample of blue early-type galaxies at low redshift. (2009) K. Schawinski, C. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, S. Khochfar, K. Land, D. Thomas, S. P. Bamford, R.C. Nichol, M. Sarzi, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, M.J. Raddick, A. Szalay, J. Vandenberg, A. Slosar and S.K. Yi
  • 2008
  • The UV colours of high-redshift early-type galaxies : Evidence for recent star formation and stellar mass assembly over the last 8 billion years. (2008) S. Kaviraj, S. Khochfar, K. Schawinski, J. Silk, S.K. Yi, E. Gawiser, S.N. Virani, C.N. Cardamone, P.G. van Dokkum and C.M. Urry
  • The star formation histories of early-type galaxies : Insights from the rest-frame ultraviolet. (2008) S. Kaviraj
  • 2007
  • Decoding the spectra of SDSS early-type galaxies : New indicators of age and recent star formation. (2007) B. Rogers, I. Ferreras, O. Lahav, M. Bernardi, S. Kaviraj and S.K. Yi
  • The UV properties of E+A galaxies : Constraints on feedback-driven quenching of star formation. (2007) S. Kaviraj, L.A. Kirkby, J. Silk and M. Sarzi
  • UV-optical colors as probes of early-type galaxy evolution. (2007) S. Kaviraj, K. Schawinski, J.E.G. Devriendt, I. Ferreras, S. Khochfar, S.-J. Yoon, S.K. Yi, Y.-W. Lee, J.-M. Deharveng, A. Boselli, J. Donas, B. Milliard, T. Barlow, T. Conrow, K. Forster, P.G. Friedman, D.C. Martin, P. Morrissey, M. Seibert, T. Small, T. Wyder, S. Neff, D. Schiminovich, L. Bianchi, T. Heckman, A. Szalay, B. Madore and R.M. Rich
  • The effect of environment on the ultraviolet color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies. (2007) K. Schawinski, S. Kaviraj, S. Khochfar, S.-J. Yoon, S.K. Yi, Y.-W. Lee, J.-M. Deharveng, A. Boselli, J. Donas, B. Milliard, T. Barlow, T. Conrow, K. Forster, P.G. Friedman, D.C. Martin, P. Morrissey, M. Seibert, T. Small, T. Wyder, S. Neff, D. Schiminovich, L. Blanchi, T. Heckman, A. Szalay, B. Madore and R.M. Rich
  • The look-back time evolution of far-ultraviolet flux from the brightest cluster elliptical galaxies at z <0.2. (2007) C.H. Ree, Y.-W. Lee, S.K. Yi, S.-J. Yoon, Y.-J. Sohn, J. Rhee, Y.-K. Sheen, R.M. Rich, J.-M. Deharveng, A. Boselli, J. Donas, B. Milliard, S. Kaviraj, K. Schawinski, S.-C. Rey, M. Seibert, T.K. Wyder, T.A. Barlow, K. Forster, P.G. Friedman, D.C. Martin, P. Morrissey, T. Small, L. Bianchi, T.M. Heckman, A.S. Szalay, B.F. Madore, S.G. Neff, D. Schiminovich and B.Y. Welsh
  • Better age estimation using ultraviolet-optical colours : Breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy. (2007) S. Kaviraj, S.-C. Rey, S.-J. Yoon, S.K. Yi and R.M. Rich
  • Recent star formation in high-redshift early-type galaxies : Insights from the rest-frame UV. (2007) S. Kaviraj, S. Khochfar, K. Schawinski, J. Silk, S.K. Yi, E. Gawiser and P.G. Van Dokkum
  • UV bright globular clusters in M87 : More evidence for super-He-rich stellar populations? (2007) S. Kaviraj, S.T. Sohn, R.W. O'Connell, S.-J. Yoon, Y.W. Lee and S.K. Yi
  • Galex-derived residual star formation history of elliptical galaxies. (2007) S.K. Yi, S. Kaviraj, K. Schawinski and S. Khochfar
  • Observational evidence for AGN feedback in early-type galaxies. (2007) K. Schawinski, D. Thomas, M. Sarzi, C. Maraston, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, S-J. Joo and S.K. Yi
  • The star formation history of early-type galaxies. (2007) S.K. Yi, S. Kaviraj and K. Schawinski
  • 2006
  • Environment and the epochs of galaxy formation in the SDSS era. (2006) D. Thomas, C. Maraston, K. Schawinski, S.-J. Joo, S. Kaviraj, M. Sarzi and S.K. Yi
  • Suppression of star formation in early-type galaxies by feedback from supermassive black holes. (2006) K. Schawinski, S. Khochfar, S. Kaviraj, S.K. Yi, Y.-W. Lee, A. Boselli, J. Donas, B. Milliard, T. Barlow, T. Conrow, K. Forster, P.G. Friedman, D.C. Martin, P. Morrissey, M. Seibert, T. Small, T.K. Wyder, S. Neff, D. Schiminovich, L. Bianchi, T. Heckman, A. Szalay, B. Madore and R.M. Rich
  • 2005
  • On the globular cluster formation history of NGC 5128. (2005) S. Kaviraj, I. Ferreras, S.-J. Yoon and S.K. Yi
  • The elliptical galaxy colour-magnitude relation as a discriminant between the monolithic and merger paradigms. (2005) S. Kaviraj, J.E.G. Devriendt, I. Ferreras and S.K. Yi
  • Galaxy evolution explorer ultraviolet color-magnitude relations and evidence of recent star formation in early-type galaxies. (2005) S.K. Yi, S.-J. Yoon, Y.-W. Lee, C.H. Ree, Y.-J. Sohn, S.-C. Rey, J. Rhee, Y.-I. Byun, S.-W. Kim, S. Kaviraj, J.-M. Deharveng, A. Boselli, J. Donas, R. Malina, B. Milliard, R.M. Rich, S. Salim, P.G. Friedman, D.C. Martin, P. Morrissey, T. Small, T. Barlow, K. Forster, T.K. Wyder, J.-W. Lee, L. Bianchi, T.M. Heckman, A.S. Szalay, M.J. Jee, P. Jelinsky, O. Siegmund, B. Welsh, B.F. Madore, S. Neff and D. Schiminovich
  • 2004
  • Globular clusters as probes of galaxy evolution : NGC 5128. (2004) S.K. Yi, S. Kaviraj, S.-J. Yoon, E. Peng and H. Ford
  • 2001
  • Enhancement of critical current density of (Pb,Sn)-doped Bi-2212 superconductors at high temperature. (2001) Y. Li, S. Kaviraj, A. Berenov, G.K. Perkins, J. Driscoll, A.D. Caplin, G.H. Cao, Q.Z. Ma, B. Wang, L. Wei and Z.X. Zhao