Number of items: 7.
  • Support vector regression to estimate the permeability enhancement of potential transdermal enhancers. (2016) Alpa Shah, Yi Sun, Roderick Adams, Neil Davey, Simon Charles Wilkinson and Gary Patrick Joseph Moss
  • 2015
  • The application of machine learning to the modelling of percutaneous absorption: An overview and guide. (2015) P. Ashrafi, G. P. Moss, S. C. Wilkinson, N. Davey and Yi Sun
  • 2012
  • Mathematical modelling of percutaneous absorption. (2012) Gary P. Moss, Simon C. Wilkinson and Yi Sun
  • 2011
  • The application and limitations of mathematical modelling in the prediction of permeability across mammalian skin and polydimethylsiloxane membranes. (2011) Gary Moss, Yi Sun, Simon C. Wilkinson, N. Davey, Roderick Adams, Gary P. Martin, M. Prapopopolou and Marc Brown
  • 2008
  • Metabolism of Butoxyethanol in excised human skin in vitro. (2008) M.J. Traynor, S.C. Wilkinson and F.M. Williams
  • 2007
  • The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers. (2007) M.J. Traynor, S.C. Wilkinson and F.M. Williams
  • 2005
  • Inter- and intralaboratory variation of in vitro diffusion cell measurements : An international multicenter study using quasi-standardized methods and materials. (2005) Robert Chilcott, N Barai, A. E. Beezer, S I Brain, Marc Brown, A L Bunge, S E Burgess, S Cross, C H Dalton, M Dias, A Farinha, B C Finnin, S J Gallagher, D M Green, H Gunt, R L Gwyther, C.M. Heard, C A Jarvis, F Kamiyama, G B Kasting, E E Ley, S T Lim, G S Mcnaughton, A Morris, M H Nazemi, M A Pellett, J Du Plessis, Y S Quan, S L Raghavan, M. Roberts, W Romonchuk, C S Roper, D Schenk, L Simonsen, A Simpson, B D Traversa, L Trottet, A Watkinson, F.M. Williams, S C Wilkinson, A Yamamoto and J. Hadgraft