Number of items: 53.
Optimization of Nonambulant Mass Casualty Decontamination Protocols as Part of an Initial or Specialist Operational Response to Chemical Incidents. (2019)
Robert P. Chilcott,
Hannah Mitchell
Hazem Matar
Application of sebomics for the analysis of residual skin surface components to detect potential biomarkers of type-1 diabetes mellitus. (2017)
Satyajit S Shetage,
Matthew J Traynor,
Marc B Brown,
Thomas M Galliford
Robert P Chilcott
The percutaneous toxicokinetics of sulphur mustard in a damaged skin porcine model and the evaluation of WoundStat™ as a topical decontaminant. (2017)
Charlotte Hall,
Helen Lydon,
Christopher Dalton,
J. Kevin Chipman,
John Graham
Robert Chilcott
Hair analysis for the detection of drug use – is there potential for evasion? (2017)
Shanna Marrinan,
Andres Roman-Urrestarazu,
Declan Naughton,
Emerlinda Levari,
John Collins,
Robert Chilcott,
Giuseppe Bersani
Ornella Corazza
Volunteer trials of a novel improvised dry decontamination protocol for use during mass casualty incidents as part of the UK’S Initial Operational Response (IOR). (2017)
Richard Amlôt,
Holly Carter,
Lorna Riddle,
Joanne Larner
Robert P. Chilcott
Development of haemostatic decontaminants for treatment of wounds contaminated with chemical warfare agents. 3: Evaluation of in vitro topical decontamination efficacy using damaged skin. (2017)
Helen L. Lydon,
Charlotte A. Hall,
Christopher H. Dalton,
J. Kevin Chipman,
John S. Graham
Robert Chilcott
Captagon: Use and Trade in the Middle East. (2017)
Ahmed Al-Imam,
Rita Santacroce,
Andres Roman-Urrestarazu,
Robert Chilcott,
G. Martinotti,
Giuseppe Bersani
Ornella Corazza
Evaluation of absorbent materials for use as ad hoc dry decontaminants during mass casualty incidents as part of the UK’s Initial Operational Response (IOR). (2017)
Robert Chilcott,
Nick Kassouf,
Sara Syed,
Joanne Larner
Richard Amlôt
Mass Casualty Decontamination in the United States : An Online Survey of Current Practice. (2016)
Sarah Power,
Charles Symons,
Holly Carter,
Emma Jones,
Richard Amlôt,
Joanne Larner,
Hazem Matar
Robert P Chilcott
Preliminary evaluation of military, commercial and novel skin decontamination products against a chemical warfare agent simulant (methyl salicylate). (2016)
Hazem Matar,
Antonio Guerreiro,
Sergey A. Piletsky,
Shirley Price
Robert Chilcott
Development of haemostatic decontaminants for the treatment of wounds contaminated with chemical warfare agents. 2 : Evaluation of in vitro topical decontamination efficacy using undamaged skin. (2015)
Christopher H. Dalton,
Charlotte A. Hall,
Helen L. Lydon,
J. Kevin Chipman,
John S. Graham,
John Jenner
Robert Chilcott
Development of haemostatic decontaminants for the treatment of wounds contaminated with chemical warfare agents. 1 : Evaluation of in vitro clotting efficacy in the presence of certain contaminants. (2015)
Charlotte A. Hall,
Helen L. Lydon,
Christopher H. Dalton,
J. Kevin Chipman,
John S. Graham
Robert Chilcott
Development of a cumulative irritation model for incontinence-associated dermatitis. (2015)
J. Larner,
H. Matar,
V. S. Goldman
Robert Chilcott
Optimisation of a dosing regime for a topical skin protectant (barrier cream). (2015)
Robert Chilcott,
Joanne Larner,
Hazem Matar,
Sneha Kansagra,
Baveetharan Theivendran,
Vanessa Ann Viegas
Virginia Streusand Goldman
Managing mass casualties and decontamination. (2014)
Robert Chilcott
Recent advances to address European Union Health Security from cross border chemical health threats. (2014)
R. Duarte-Davidson,
R. Orford,
S. Wyke,
M. Griffiths,
R. Amlôt
Robert Chilcott
Design and characterisation of a novel in vitro skin diffusion cell system for assessing mass casualty decontamination systems. (2014)
H. Matar,
J. Larner,
S. Kansagra,
K. L. Atkinson,
J. T. Skamarauskas,
R. Amlot
Robert Chilcott
Collection and characterisation of residual skin surface components obtained from sebum, sweat and epidermal lipids. (2014)
S.S. Shetage,
M.J. Traynor,
Marc Brown
Robert Chilcott
Section Editorial - Cosmeceuticals. (2014)
R. P. Chilcott
Section editorial - Regulatory and toxicology. (2014)
R. P. Chilcott
Effect of ethnicity, gender and age on the amount and composition of residual skin surface components derived from sebum, sweat and epidermal lipids. (2014)
Satyajit Shetage,
M.J. Traynor,
Marc Brown,
Mahad Raji,
Diepiriyie Graham-Kalio
Robert Chilcott
In vivo decontamination of the nerve agent VX using the domestic swine model. (2012)
Jan Misik,
Michal Pavlik,
Ladislav Novotny,
Ruzena Pavlikova,
Robert Chilcott,
Jiri Cabal
Kamil Kuca
Variations in residual skin surface components based on age, gender and ethnicity. (2012)
S. S. Shetage,
Marc Brown,
Robert Chilcott
M.J. Traynor
Pharmacokinetics of acetylcholinesterase reactivator K203 and consequent evaluation of low molecular weight antioxidants/markers of oxidative stress. (2012)
J.Z. Karasová,
D. Hnídková,
M. Pohanka,
K. Musílek,
K. Kuča
Robert Chilcott
Ga(III) complexes-The effect of metal coordination on potential systemic absorption after topical exposure. (2011)
Kirsten Staff,
Marc Brown,
Robert Chilcott,
Robert C. Hider,
Stuart A. Jones
Xiao L. Kong
Modified static diffusion cells for decontamination modelling. (2010)
Joanne Larner,
David R. Jones,
Shirley C. Price
Robert Chilcott
Optimisation of mass casualty decontamination procedures in vitro. (2010)
David R. Jones,
Joanne Larner,
Shirley C. Price
Robert Chilcott
Protective effects of clothing on the in vitro absorption of chemical warfare agents. (2010)
Hazem Matar,
Shirley C. Price
Robert Chilcott
Temporal effects of disrobing on the skin absorption of chemical warfare agents and CW agent simulants. (2010)
Hazem Matar,
Shirley C. Price
Robert Chilcott
Whole-body imaging of UV-fluorescent chemical warfare simulants: A potentially quantitative technique for the optimisation of mass casualty decontamination procedures. (2009)
Joanne Larner,
Hazem Matar,
David R. Jones,
Richard Amlot,
Holly Carter,
Elizabeth A. Turner,
Shirley C. Price
Robert Chilcott
The in vitro efficacy of haemostatic products in the presence of chemical warfare agents-Sulphur mustard (HD) and VX. (2009)
Charlotte A. Hall,
Helen L. Lydon,
Christopher H. Dalton,
J. Kevin Chipman,
Robert Chilcott
John S. Graham
A preliminary study for assessing the feasibility of sebum sampling for monitoring human exposure to environmental chemicals following inadvertent or malicious release. (2008)
James C. Wakefield,
Kalwinder Kaur
Robert Chilcott
The skin reservoir of sulphur mustard. (2008)
I. J. Hattersley,
J. Jenner,
C. Dalton,
Robert Chilcott
J. S. Graham
Decontamination of multiple casualties who are chemically contaminated : a challenge for acute hospitals. (2008)
S.F. Clarke,
Robert Chilcott,
J.C. Wilson,
R. Kamanyire,
D.J. Baker
A. Hallett
Evaluation of barrier creams against sulphur mustard: (II) in vivo and in vitro studies using the domestic white pig. (2007)
Robert Chilcott,
Christopher H. Dalton,
Zoe Ashley,
Ceri E. Allen,
Simon T. Bradley,
Michael P. Maidment,
John Jenner,
Roger F. R. Brown,
Robert J. Gwyther
Paul Rice
Absorption of the nerve agent VX (O-ethyl-S-[2(di-isopropylamino)ethyl] methyl phosphonothioate) through pig, human and guinea pig skin in vitro. (2006)
Christopher H. Dalton,
Ian J. Hattersley,
Stephen J. Rutter
Robert Chilcott
Closed cup vapor systems in percutaneous exposure studies : What is the dose? (2006)
C. H. Dalton,
Michael P. Maidment,
J. Jenner
Robert Chilcott
Evaluation of a barrier cream against the chemical warfare agent VX using the domestic white pig. (2005)
Robert Chilcott,
C. H. Dalton,
I. Hill,
C. M. Davison,
K. L. Blohm,
E. D. Clarkson
M. G. Hamilton
In vivo skin absorption and distribution of the nerve agent VX (O-ethyl-S-[2(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate) in the domestic white pig. (2005)
Robert Chilcott,
C. H. Dalton,
I. Hill,
C. M. Davison,
K. L. Blohm,
E. D. Clarkson
M. G. Hamilton
Toxicity of sulphur mustard. (2005)
Robert Chilcott
Inter- and intralaboratory variation of in vitro diffusion cell measurements : An international multicenter study using quasi-standardized methods and materials. (2005)
Robert Chilcott,
N Barai,
A. E. Beezer,
S I Brain,
Marc Brown,
A L Bunge,
S E Burgess,
S Cross,
C H Dalton,
M Dias,
A Farinha,
B C Finnin,
S J Gallagher,
D M Green,
H Gunt,
R L Gwyther,
C.M. Heard,
C A Jarvis,
F Kamiyama,
G B Kasting,
E E Ley,
S T Lim,
G S Mcnaughton,
A Morris,
M H Nazemi,
M A Pellett,
J Du Plessis,
Y S Quan,
S L Raghavan,
M. Roberts,
W Romonchuk,
C S Roper,
D Schenk,
L Simonsen,
A Simpson,
B D Traversa,
L Trottet,
A Watkinson,
F.M. Williams,
S C Wilkinson,
A Yamamoto
J. Hadgraft
Clinical manifestations of VX poisoning following percutaneous exposure in the domestic white pig. (2003)
Robert Chilcott,
C. H. Dalton,
I. Hill,
C. M. Davidson,
K. L. Blohm
M. G. Hamilton
Transepidermal water loss does not correlate with skin barrier function in vitro. (2002)
Robert Chilcott,
C. H. Dalton,
A. J. Emmanuel,
C. E. Allen
S. T. Bradley
Evaluation of barrier creams against sulphur mustard. (2002)
Robert Chilcott,
J. Jenner,
S. A. M. Hotchkiss
P. Rice
Exposure to UVB radiation does not directly impair skin barrier function. (2001)
C. H. Dalton
Robert Chilcott
Habituating pigs for in-pen, non-invasive biophysical skin analysis. (2001)
Robert Chilcott,
B. Stubbs
Z. Ashley
In vitro skin absorption and decontamination of sulphur mustard : Comparison of human and pig-ear skin. (2001)
Robert Chilcott,
J. Jenner,
S. A. M. Hotchkiss
P. Rice
Opto-thermal measurement of barrier cream residence time on skin in-vivo. (2001)
X. X. Guo,
L. I. Ciortea,
Robert Chilcott,
R. E. Imhof
P. Xiao
The electrostability and electrically assisted delivery of an organophosphate pretreatment (physostigmine) across human skin in vitro. (2000)
C. A. Rowland
Robert Chilcott
Biophysical measurements of human forearm, skin in vivo : effects of site, gender, chirality and time. (2000)
Robert Chilcott
R. Farrar
Non-invasive quantification of skin injury resulting from exposure to sulphur mustard and Lewisite vapours. (2000)
Robert Chilcott,
Roger F. R. Brown
P Rice
Dermabrasion - a novel concept in the surgical management of sulphur mustard injuries. (2000)
P. Rice,
Roger F. R. Brown,
D. G. K. Lam,
Robert Chilcott
N. J. Bennett
Human skin absorption of bis-2-(chloroethyl)sulphide (sulphur mustard) in vitro. (2000)
Robert Chilcott,
J. Jenner,
W. Carrick,
S. A. M. Hotchkiss
P. Rice