Number of items: 26.
  • Psychosis and sexual abuse: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. (2018) John Rhodes, Nathan O'Neill and Pieter W Nel
  • 2017
  • The Impact of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on Training and Practice in Clinical Psychology. (2017) Pieter W. Nel, David Novelli and Lizette Nolte
  • Transitioning together: : A narrative analysis of the support accessed by partners of trans people. (2017) Jos Twist, MJ Baker, Pieter W Nel and Nicola Horley
  • Can voicing conflict within experiential learning groups facilitate connection? : Building and developing effective multi-disciplinary team-working skills. (2017) Saskia Keville, Louise-Margaret Conlan, Rebecca Adlington, Robert Brindley, Kelly Abraham-Smith, Lisa Shaverin, Leon Simpson and Pieter W Nel
  • 2016
  • Negotiating motherhood as a refugee: Experiences of loss, love, survival and pain in the context of forced migration. (2016) Aisling Kelly, Pieter W Nel and Lizette Nolte
  • The experience of feeling fat for women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. (2016) Laura Major, David Viljoen and Pieter W Nel
  • 2015
  • Time for courage : A reflective dialogue on the state of the clinical psychology profession. (2015) Pieter W. Nel
  • 2014
  • What prize for curing Alice's tears? (2014) Pieter W. Nel
  • The NICE guideline on the treatment of child and adolescent depression : a meta-review of the evidence for individual CBT. (2014) Pieter W. Nel
  • 'Jumping on the bus': Reflections on introducing peer-assisted learning (PAL) in clinical psychology training. (2014) Pieter W. Nel, Ross Canade, Aisling Kelly and Sarah Thomson
  • 2013
  • Re-membering family : Local implementation of a family-focused outcome measure. (2013) Tamsyn Noble, Pieter W. Nel, Bruckner Sue, Helen Rawle, Barbara Rishworth, Laura Casale, Pete Taylor, Snehal Shah and Kelly Abraham-Smith
  • 2012
  • Experiences of causing an accidental death : An interpretative phenomenological analysis study. (2012) Sara B. Rassool and Pieter W. Nel
  • Adventures in diversity training. (2012) Lizette Nolte and Pieter W. Nel
  • What a difference a difference makes : Issues of diversity in clinical psychology training. (2012) Snehal Shah, Amani Zarroug and Pieter W. Nel
  • The trouble with clinical psychology. (2012) Pieter W. Nel
  • 2010
  • Clinical psychology in the noughties : The good, the bad and the nice. (2010) Pieter W. Nel
  • Can IAPT help us fulfil our social duties during a time of economic crisis? (2010) Pieter W. Nel
  • In the eye of the storm : should I stay or should I go? Reflections on the middle phase of a problem-based learning group. (2010) Saskia Keville, Pieter W. Nel, S. Jeffrey, D. Ford, S. Leggett, R. McCarney and S. Uprichard
  • The use of an advanced simulation training facility to enhance clinical psychology trainees’ learning experiences. (2010) Pieter W. Nel
  • 2009
  • 'Improving' access to psychological therapies : It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine). (2009) Pieter W. Nel
  • Reaching the journey’s end : Reflections on the final phase of a problem-based learning group. (2009) Saskia Keville, Pieter W. Nel, Stephanie Uprichard, Robert McCarney, Sarah Jeffrey, Debbie Ford and Sarah Leggett
  • 2008
  • Crunch time for IAPT? (2008) Pieter W. Nel
  • Close encounters of the uncertain kind : Reflections on doing problem-based learning (PBL) for the first time. (2008) Pieter W. Nel, Saskia Keville, Debbie Ford, Robert McCarney, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Adams and Stephanie Uprichard
  • 2006
  • Trainee perspectives on their family therapy training. (2006) Pieter W. Nel
  • Who wants to be a systemic practitioner? (2006) Pieter W. Nel and J.M. Dickson
  • 1996
  • Creating emancipatory learning contexts for trainee therapists. (1996) Pieter W. Nel