Number of items: 9.
  • Moderating accurate topographic EDM survey with expert-derived planimetric geomorphological information : a case study mapping soil pipes, Mocatan, SE Spain. (2008) S. Chilton, H. Faulkner and P. Zukowskyj
  • Slope–channel coupling between pipes, gullies and tributary channels in the Mocatán catchment badlands, Southeast Spain. (2008) H. Faulkner, R. Alexander and P. Zukowskyj
  • 2006
  • Paraglacial response of steep, sediment-mantled slopes to post-‘Little Ice Age’ glacier recession in the central Swiss Alps. (2006) A.M. Curry, V. Cleasby and P. Zukowskyj
  • 2005
  • Net CO2 storage in mediterranean olive and peach orchards. (2005) A. Sofo, V. Nuzzo, A.M. Palese, C. Xiloyannis, G. Celano, P. Zukowskyj and B. Dichio
  • 2004
  • Sedimentary and tectonic architecture of a large push moraine : a case study from Hagafellsjökull-Eystri, Iceland. (2004) M.R. Bennett, D. Huddart, R.I. Waller, N. Cassidy, A. Tomio, P. Zukowskyj, N.G. Midgley, S. Cook, S. Gonzalez and N. Glasser
  • Variations in soil dispersivity across a gully head displaying shallow subsurfaces pipes. (2004) H. Faulkner, R. Alexander, R. Teeuw and P. Zukowskyj
  • 2003
  • Erosion risk associated with rapid and extensive agricultural clearances on dispersive materials in southeast Spain. (2003) H. Faulkner, J. Ruiz, P. Zukowskyj and S. Downward
  • Estimation of error in bankfull width comparisons from temporally sequenced raw and corrected aerial photographs. (2003) N.J. Mount, J. Louis, R. Teeuw, P. Zukowskyj and T. Stott
  • 2001
  • Quantitative accuracy assessment of contextually filtered classified images. (2001) P. Zukowskyj, M.A. Bussell, C. Power and R. Teeuw