Number of items: 34.
  • Collaborative Historical Information Analysis. (2017) Patrick Manning, Pieter Francois, Daniel Hoyer and Vladimir Zadorozhny
  • Afterword: Ritual, Emotion and Power. (2017) Harvey Whitehouse and Pieter Francois
  • 2016
  • A Macroscope for Global History. Seshat Global History Databank: a methodological overview. (2016) Pieter Francois, J.G. Manning, Harvey Whitehouse, Rob Brennan, Thomas Currie, Kevin Feeney and Peter Turchin
  • Building the Seshat Ontology for a Global History Databank. (2016) Rob Brennan, Kevin Feeney, Gavin Mendel-Gleason, Bojan Bozic, Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter Francois, Thomas E. Currie and Stephanie Grohmann
  • 2015
  • Response to commentaries 'The Role of Ritual in the Evolution of Social Complexity: Five predictions and a drum roll'. (2015) Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter Francois and Peter Turchin
  • The Role of Ritual in the Evolution of Social Complexity : Five Predictions and a drum roll. (2015) Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter Francois and Peter Turchin
  • What is Seshat: the Global History Databank? (2015) Peter Turchin, Thomas Currie, Pieter Francois, Joseph Manning, Daniel Austin Mullins, Brittany Sears and Alan Honick
  • What is Seshat? (2015) Pieter Francois, Daniel Austin Mullins, Brittany Sears and Alan Honick
  • Agricultural productivity in past societies : Toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses. (2015) Thomas Currie, Amy Bogaard, Rudolf Cesaretti, Neil R. Edwards, Pieter Francois, Philip Holden, Daniel Hoyer, Andrey Korotayev, Joseph Manning, Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia, Oluwole K. Oyebamiji, Cameron Petrie, Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse and Alice Williams
  • The Role of Ritual in the Evolution of Social Complexity: Five Predictions and a Drum Roll. (2015) Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter Francois and Peter Turchin
  • Seshat: The Global History Databank. (2015) Peter Turchin, Rob Brennan, Thomas E. Currie, Kevin C. Feeney, Pieter Francois, Daniel Hoyer, Joseph G. Manning, Arkadiusz Marciniak, Daniel Austin Mullins, Alessio Palmisano, Peter Peregrine, Edward A. L. Turner and Harvey Whitehouse
  • 2013
  • Cultural Evolution of the Structure of Human Groups. (2013) Fiona Jordan, Carel Van Schaik, Pieter Francois, Herbert Gintis, Daniel Haun, Daniel Hruschka, Marco Janssen, James Kitts, Laurent Lehmann, Sarah Mathew, Peter Richerson, Peter Turchin and Polly Wiessner
  • 'The Best Way to See Waterloo is with Your Eyes Shut’ : British 'Histourism', Authenticity and Commercialisation in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century. (2013) Pieter Francois
  • Bibliografie van de Geschiedenis van Oostende, 2007-2011. (2013) Luc Francois, Gilberte Farasyn-Schepens, Pieter Francois, Ferdinand Gevaert, Georges Vanduyvenboden, Ivan Van Hyfte and Claudia Vermaut
  • The Cultural Evolution of Religion. (2013) Joseph Bulbulia, Armin Geertz, Quentin Atkinson, Emma Cohen, Nicholas Evans, Pieter Francois, Herbert Gintis, Russell Gray, Joseph Henrich, Fiona Jordan, Ara Norenzayan, Peter Richerson, Edward Slingerland, Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Thomas Widlok and David Wilson
  • 2012
  • De voorgeschiedenis van de klaproos : De herdenking van Waterloo tot aan de vooravond van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. (2012) Pieter Francois
  • A Historical Database of Sociocultural Evolution. (2012) Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter Francois, Edward Slingerland and Marc Collard
  • ‘If It’s 1815, This Must Be Belgium' : The Origins of the Modern Travel Guide. (2012) Pieter Francois
  • 2010
  • Henry Addison’s advice manuals for expatriates and the construction of identity in 19th-century British communities on the Continent. (2010) Pieter Francois
  • ‘A Little Britain on the Continent’ : British Perceptions of Belgium, 1830-1870. (2010) Pieter Francois
  • 2009
  • Lived Spatiality, Expectations and Travel Literature : The Construction of a Protestant Sphere in Belgium by British Travellers (1830-70). (2009) Pieter Francois
  • 2008
  • Belgium - country of liberals, Protestants, and the free : British views on Belgium in the mid-nineteenth century. (2008) Pieter Francois
  • Introduction. (2008) Taina Syrjama, Henri Terho and Pieter Francois
  • Turnhout: het standbeeld van Pieter Corbeels. (2008) Pieter Francois
  • 2007
  • Bibliografie van de Geschiedenis van Oostende, 2002-2006. (2007) Luc Francois, Gilberte Farasyn-Schepens, Pieter Francois, Ferdinand Gevaert, Freddy Hubrechtsen, Ivan Van Hyfte and Claudia Vermaut
  • The construction of a Whig interpretation of the Belgian past : British travellers and their attitudes towards the ‘Belgian’ past (1830-1870). (2007) Pieter Francois
  • 2005
  • De convergentie tussen de Angelsaksische ideeëngeschiedenis en de Duitse/continentale begripsgeschiedenis - een status quaestionis. The convergence between Anglo-Saxon ideas history and the German / continental conceptual history - a status quaestionis. (2005) Pieter Francois
  • Expression et mise en scène syndicales à l’heure de la communication : une mutation délicate. (2005) M. Pigenet, D. Tartakowsky, G. Deneckere, Pieter Francois and C. Wrigley
  • Images of French Catholicism and Belgian Protestantism : The mid-nineteenth century British perception of religion in France and Belgium. (2005) Pieter Francois
  • Van Horen Zeggen : Mondelinge Geschiedenis in de praktijk. (2005) Pieter Francois, Charlotte Crul, Bruno De Wever and Bjorn Rzoska
  • 2003
  • Gestemd verleden : Mondelinge geschiedenis als praktijk. (2003) Pieter Francois and Bruno De Wever
  • Was the Nazi-regime uniquely criminal? (2003) Pieter Francois
  • 2002
  • Bibliografie van de Geschiedenis van Oostende, 1998/1999 - 2001. (2002) Luc Francois, Gilberte Farasyn-Schepens, Pieter Francois, Ferdinand Gevaert, Freddy Hubrechtsen, Jan Parmentier, Ivan Van Hyfte and Claudia Vermaut
  • 2000
  • Bibliografie van de Geschiedenis van Oostende. (2000) Luc Francois, Jan Dreesen, Daniel Farasyn, Pieter Francois, Gilberte Farasyn-Schepens, Ferdinand Gevaert, Freddy Hubrechtsen, Jan Parmentier, Ivan Van Hyfte and Claudia Vermaut