Number of items: 19.
  • Creativity in the secondary music classroom. (2012) Oscar Odena
  • Perspectives on musical creativity : where next? (2012) Oscar Odena
  • Teachers' perceptions of creativity. (2012) Oscar Odena and Graham Welch
  • Practitioners’ views on cross-community music education projects in Northern Ireland : alienation, socio-economic factors and educational potential. (2010) O. Odena
  • Early music education as a tool for inclusion and respect for diversity : study paper for the Bernard van Leer Foundation. (2009) O. Odena
  • Exploring the potential of music education to facilitate children’s cross-community activities in Northern Ireland. (2009) O. Odena
  • A generative model of teachers' thinking on musical creativity. (2009) O. Odena and G. Welch
  • A randomised controlled trial evaluation of business in the community's Time to Read pupil mentoring programme. (2009) S. Miller, P. Connolly, O. Odena and B. Styles
  • Consulting pupils on the assessment of their learning. (2008) R. Leitch, J. Gardner, L. Lundy, P. Clough, O. Odena, S. Mitchell and D. Galanouli
  • Putting pupils at the heart of assessment. Children’s rights in practice. (2008) R. Leitch, L. Lundy, P. Clough, J. Gardner and O. Odena
  • The influence of teachers’ backgrounds on their perceptions of musical creativity : a qualitative study with secondary school music teachers. (2007) O. Odena and G. Welch
  • Experiencias de un estudio del pensamiento del profesorado sobre creatividad musical en escuelas de Inglaterra : implicaciones educativas. (2007) Oscar Odena
  • La creatividad en la educación musical: la relación entre la teoría y la práctica educativas. (2007) Oscar Odena
  • Using specialist software for qualitative data analysis. (2007) O. Odena
  • Creativitat musical a secundària. Un estudi del pensament del professorat sobre activitats de composició i improvisació a l'educació secundària anglesa (article in Catalan). (2006) O. Odena
  • Towards an understanding of creativity in Music Education : A qualitative exploration of data from English Secondary schools. (2005) O. Odena, C. Plummeridge and G. Welch
  • Some considerations on research dissemination with particular reference to the audience and the authorship of papers. (2004) O. Odena
  • Developing a framework for the study of teachers’ views of creativity in music education. (2001) O. Odena
  • The construction of creativity: using video to explore secondary school music teachers’ views. (2001) O. Odena