Number of items: 47.
A and F stars as probes of outer Galactic disc kinematics. (2018)
A. Harris,
J. E. Drew,
H. J. Farnhill,
M. Monguió,
M. Gebran,
N. J. Wright,
J. J. Drake
S. E. Sale
A Tale of Three Cities : OmegaCAM discovers multiple sequences in the color-magnitude diagram of the Orion Nebula Cluster. (2017)
G. Beccari,
M.G. Petr-Gotzens,
H.M.J. Boffin,
M. Romaniello,
D. Fedele,
G. Carraro,
G. De Marchi,
W.J. de Wit,
J. E. Drew,
V. M. Kalari,
Carlo Felice Manara,
Eduardo L. Martin,
S. Mieske,
N. Panagia,
L. Testi,
Jorick S. Vink,
J. R. Walsh
N. J. Wright
The deep OB-star population in Carina from the VST Photometric H-alpha Survey (VPHAS+). (2017)
M. Mohr-Smith,
Janet Drew,
Ralf Napiwotzki,
S. Simon-Diaz,
N. J. Wright,
Geert Barentsen,
J. Eisloeffel,
Hywel Farnhill,
R. Greimel,
Maria Monguio,
V. Kalari,
Q. A. Parker
Jorick S. Vink
Cygnus OB2 DANCe: A high-precision proper motion study of the Cygnus OB2 association. (2016)
Nicholas J. Wright,
Nicholas J. Wright,
Herve Bouy,
Janet E. Drew,
Luis Manuel Sarro,
Emmanuel Bertin,
Jean Charles Cuillandre
David Barrado
Discovery of a Long-Lived, High Amplitude Dusty Infrared Transient. (2016)
C. T. Britt,
T. J. Maccarone,
J. D. Green,
P. G. Jonker,
R. I. Hynes,
M. A. P. Torres,
J. Strader,
L. Chomiuk,
R. Salinas,
P. Lucas,
C. Contreras Pena,
R. Kurtev,
C. Heinke,
L. Smith,
N. J. Wright,
C. Johnson,
D. Steeghs
G. Nelemans
Physical parameters of IPHAS-selected classical Be stars. (I. Determination procedure and evaluation of the results.). (2016)
L. Gkouvelis,
J. Fabregat,
J. Zorec,
D. Steeghs,
J. E. Drew,
R. Raddi,
N. J. Wright
J. J. Drake
Classical T Tauri stars with VPHAS+ -I : H α and u-band accretion rates in the Lagoon Nebula M8. (2015)
V. M. Kalari,
J. S. Vink,
J.E. Drew,
G. Barentsen,
J. J. Drake,
J. Eislöffel,
E.L. Martín,
Q. A. Parker,
Y.C. Unruh,
N. A. Walton
N. J. Wright
New OB star candidates in the Carina Arm around Westerlund 2 from VPHAS+. (2015)
M. Mohr-Smith,
J.E. Drew,
G. Barentsen,
N. J. Wright,
R. Napiwotzki,
R.L.M. Corradi,
J. Eislöffel,
P. Groot,
V. Kalari,
Q. A. Parker,
Roberto Raddi,
S. E. Sale,
Y.C. Unruh,
J. S. Vink
R. Wesson
The massive star population of Cygnus OB2. (2015)
Nick Wright,
J.E. Drew
M. Mohr-Smith
A deep catalogue of classical Be stars in the direction towards the Perseus Arm : spectral types and interstellar reddenings. (2015)
Roberto Raddi,
J.E. Drew,
D. T. H. Steeghs,
Nick Wright,
J. J. Drake,
Geert Barentsen,
J. Fabregat
S. E. Sale
The second data release of the INT Photometric Hα Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS DR2). (2014)
Geert Barentsen,
Hywel John Farnhill,
J.E. Drew,
E.A. Gonzalez-Solares,
R. Greimel,
M.J. Irwin,
Brent Miszalski,
Christine Ruhland,
P. Groot,
A. Mampaso,
S. E. Sale,
A.A. Henden,
A. Aungwerojwit,
M.J. Barlow,
P.R. Carter,
R.L.M. Corradi,
J. J. Drake,
J. Eisloffel,
J. Fabregat,
B.T. Gansicke,
N. P. Gentile Fusillo,
S. Greiss,
A.S. Hales,
S. Hodgkin,
L. Huckvale,
J. Irwin,
R. King,
C. Knigge,
T. Kupfer,
E. Lagadec,
D.J. Lennon,
J.R. Lewis,
M. Mohr-Smith,
R.A.H. Morris,
T. Naylor,
Q. A. Parker,
S. Phillipps,
S. Pyrzas,
Roberto Raddi,
G. Roelofs,
P. Rodriguez-Gil,
L. Sabin,
Simone Scaringi,
D. Steeghs,
J. Suso,
R. Tata,
Y.C. Unruh,
J. van Roestel,
K. Viironen,
J.S. Vink,
N.A. Walton,
Nick Wright
A.A. Zijlstra
A 3D extinction map of the northern Galactic plane based on IPHAS photometry. (2014)
S. E. Sale,
J.E. Drew,
G. Barentsen,
H. J. Farnhill,
R. Raddi,
M. J. Barlow,
J. Eisl̈offel,
J. S. Vink,
P. Rodŕiguez-Gil
N. J. Wright
First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae. (2014)
L. Sabin,
Q. A. Parker,
R.L.M. Corradi,
L. Guzman-Ramirez,
R.A.H. Morris,
A.A. Zijlstra,
I. S. Bojičić,
D. J. Frew,
M. Guerrero,
M. Stupar,
M. J. Barlow,
F. Cortés Mora,
J.E. Drew,
R. Greimel,
P. Groot,
J. M. Irwin,
M. J. Irwin,
A. Mampaso,
B. Miszalski,
L. Olguín,
S. Phillipps,
M. Santander García,
K. Viironen
N. J. Wright
The VST photometric hα survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+). (2014)
J.E. Drew,
Eduardo A. González-Solares,
Robert Greimel,
M.J. Irwin,
A. Küpcü Yoldaş,
J.R. Lewis,
Geert Barentsen,
Jochen Eislöffel,
Hywel J. Farnhill,
Bill Martin,
Nicholas A. Walton,
M. Mohr-Smith,
Roberto Raddi,
Stuart E. Sale,
Nicholas J. Wright,
Paul J. Groot,
Michael J. Barlow,
R.L.M. Corradi,
Jeremy J. Drake,
Juan Fabregat,
David J. Frew,
Boris T. Gänsicke,
Christian Knigge,
Antonio Mampaso,
R.A.H. Morris,
Tim J. Naylor,
Quentin A. Parker,
Steven Phillipps,
Christine Ruhland,
Danny T H Steeghs,
Y.C. Unruh,
Jorick S. Vink,
Roger Wesson
Albert Zijlstra
Extreme infrared variables from UKIDSS-I : A concentration in star-forming regions. (2014)
C. Contreras Peña,
P.W. Lucas,
D. Froebrich,
M.S.N. Kumar,
J. Goldstein,
J.E. Drew,
A.J. Adamson,
C.J. Davis,
Geert Barentsen
N.J. Wright
Constraints on massive star formation : Cygnus OB2 was always an association. (2014)
Nicholas J. Wright,
Richard J. Parker,
Simon P. Goodwin
Jeremy J. Drake
Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions. (2014)
Richard J. Parker,
Nicholas J. Wright,
Simon P. Goodwin
Michael R. Meyer
Ultraviolet-excess sources with a red/infrared counterpart : Low-mass companions, debris discs and QSO selection. (2014)
K. Verbeek,
Paul J. Groot,
Simone Scaringi,
Jorge Casares,
Jesus M. Corral-Santana,
Niall Deacon,
J.E. Drew,
B.T. Gänsicke,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
R. Greimel,
U. Heber,
R. Napiwotzki,
R.H. Ostensen,
D. Steeghs,
N.J. Wright
A. Zijlstra
The ionized nebula surrounding the red supergiant W26 in westerlund 1. (2014)
N.J. Wright,
R. Wesson,
J.E. Drew,
G. Barentsen,
M.J. Barlow,
J.R. Walsh,
A. Zijlstra,
J.J. Drake,
J. Eisl̈offel
H.J. Farnhill
A determination of the space density and birth rate of hydrogen-line (DA) white dwarfs in the Galactic plane, based on the UVEX survey. (2013)
Kars Verbeek,
Paul J. Groot,
Gijs A. Nelemans,
Simone Scaringi,
R. Napiwotzki,
J.E. Drew,
D.T.H. Steeghs,
Jorge Casares,
J.M. Corral-Santana,
Boris T. Gänsicke,
E.A. González-Solares,
Robert Greimel,
Ulrich Heber,
Mike J. Irwin,
Christian Knigge,
N.J. Wright
Albert Zijlstra
The protoplanetary disks in the nearby massive star forming region Cygnus OB2. (2013)
M. G. Guarcello,
J. J. Drake,
N. J. Wright,
J.E. Drew,
R. A. Gutermuth,
J. L. Hora,
T. Naylor,
T. Aldcroft,
A. Fruscione,
D. Garcia-Alvarez,
V. L. Kashyap
R. King
First results of an Hα based search of classical Be stars in the Perseus Arm and beyond. (2013)
R. Raddi,
J.E. Drew,
H.J. Farnhill,
J. Fabregat,
D. Steeghs,
N.J. Wright,
J.J. Drake,
S.E. Sale,
M.J. Barlow,
R. Greimel,
L. Sabin
R.M.L. Corradi
Osiris deep imaging of cygnus OB2 : The stellar population of the cygnus X central engine. (2013)
M.G. Guarcello,
J.J. Drake,
N.J. Wright,
T. Aldcroft,
A. Fruscione,
V.L. Kashyap,
D. García-Álvarez
J.E. Drew
Constraints on the ubiquity of coronal X-ray cycles. (2012)
J. Hoffman,
H.M. Günther
N.J. Wright
IRAS 20050+2720 : Anatomy of a young stellar cluster. (2012)
H.M. Günther,
S.J. Wolk,
B. Spitzbart,
J. Forbrich,
N.J. Wright,
T.L. Bourke,
R.A. Gutermuth,
L. Allen,
S.T. Megeath
J.L. Pipher
Optical photometric GTC/OSIRIS observations of the young massive association Cygnus OB2. (2012)
M.G. Guarcello,
N.J. Wright,
J.J. Drake,
T. Aldcroft,
V.L. Kashyap,
D. García-Alvarez
J.E. Drew
The Spectral and Temporal Properties of Transient Sources in Early-type Galaxies. (2012)
Nicola Brassington,
G. Fabbiano,
A. Zezas,
D.-W. Kim,
T. Fragos,
A. Kundu,
A.R. King,
S. Pellegrini,
G. Trinchieri,
S. Zepf
N.J. Wright
The Chandra COSMOS Survey III : Optical and infrared identification of X-ray point sources. (2012)
F. Civano,
M. Elvis,
T. Aldcroft,
A. Fruscione,
H. Hao,
G. Lanzuisi,
N.J. Wright,
M. Brusa,
M. Salvato,
A. Bongiorno,
A. Comastri,
G. Zamorani,
N. Cappelluti,
R. Gilli,
E. Lusso,
C. Vignali,
F. Fiore,
P. Capak,
N.Z. Scoville,
M. Cisternas,
J. Kartaltepe,
A. M. Koekemoer,
C.D. Impey,
J. Trump,
V. Mainieri,
T. Miyaji,
S. Lilly,
D. Masters,
S. Puccetti,
K. Schawinski,
M. Urry
J. Silverman
Initial data release of the Kepler-INT survey. (2012)
S. Greiss,
D. Steeghs,
B. T. Gaensicke,
E. L. Martin,
P. J. Groot,
M.J. Irwin,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
R. Greimel,
C. Knigge,
R. H. Ostensen,
K. Verbeek,
J.E. Drew,
J. Drake,
P. G. Jonker,
V. Ripepi,
S. Scaringi,
J. Southworth,
M. Still,
Nick Wright,
H. Farnhill,
L. M. van Haaften
S. Shah
Photoevaporating proplyd-like objects in Cygnus OB2. (2012)
Nick Wright,
Jeremy Drake,
J.E. Drew,
Mario Guarcello,
Robert Gutermuth,
Joseph Hora
Kathleen Kraemer
Chandra observations of Cygnus OB2. (2012)
N.J. Wright,
Jeremy J. Drake,
J.E. Drew
Jorick S. Vink
The stellar-activity-rotation relationship and the evolution of stellar dynamos. (2011)
N.J. Wright,
J.J. Drake,
E.E. Mamajek
G.W. Henry
A 3D photoionization model of the extreme planetary nebula NGC 6302. (2011)
N.J. Wright,
M.J. Barlow,
B. Ercolano
T. Rauch
T Tauri candidates and accretion rates using IPHAS : method and application to IC 1396. (2011)
Geert Barentsen,
Jorick S. Vink,
J.E. Drew,
R. Greimel,
Nick Wright,
J. J. Drake,
E.L. Martin,
L. Valdivielso
R.L.M. Corradi
Stellar x-ray sources in the chandra cosmos survey. (2010)
N.J. Wright,
J.J. Drake
F. Civano
New candidate planetary nebulae in the IPHAS survey : The case of planetary nebulae with ISM interaction. (2010)
L. Sabin,
A.A. Zijlstra,
C. Wareing,
R.L.M. Corradi,
A. Mampaso,
K. Viironen,
N.J. Wright
Q. A. Parker
The Taiwan-American occultation survey project stellar variability. I : Detection of low-amplitude δ Scuti stars. (2010)
D. -W. Kim,
P. Protopapas,
C. Alcock,
N.J. Wright,
F.B. Bianco,
M.J. Lehner,
R. Dave,
Y.-I. Byun,
J. Kyeong,
B.-C. Lee,
T. Axelrod,
W.-P. Chen,
H.-C. Lin,
J.-H. Wang,
Z.-W. Zhang,
N.K. Coehlo,
J.A. Rice,
K.H. Cook,
S.L. Marshall,
S.-K. King,
T. Lee,
S.-Y. Wang,
C.-Y. Wen,
R. Porrata
M.E. Schwamb
The massive star-forming region Cygnus OB2. II - integrated stellar properties and the star formation history. (2010)
Nick Wright,
J. Drake,
J.E. Drew
J.S. Vink
The interactions of winds from massive young stellar objects : X-ray emission, dynamics and cavity evolution. (2009)
E.R. Parkin,
J.M. Pittard,
M.G. Hoare,
N.J. Wright
J.J. Drake
A "Firework" of H2 Knots in the Planetary Nebula NGC 7293 (the Helix Nebula). (2009)
Mikako Matsuura,
Angela Speck,
B McHunu,
I Tanaka,
Nick Wright,
M Smith,
Albert Zijlstra,
Serena Viti
Roger Wesson
Near-IR spectra of IPHAS extremely red Galactic AGB stars. (2009)
Nick Wright,
M.J. Barlow,
R. Greimel,
J.E. Drew,
M. Matsuura,
Y.C. Unruh
A.A. Zijlstra
The massive star-forming region Cygnus OB2. I : Chandra catalog of association members. (2009)
N.J. Wright
J.J. Drake
Extremely red stellar objects revealed by IPHAS. (2008)
Nick Wright,
R. Greimel,
M.J. Barlow,
J.E. Drew,
M-R.L. Cioni,
A.A. Zijlstra,
R.L.M. Corradi,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
P. Groot,
J. Irwin,
M.J. Irwin,
A. Mampaso,
R.A.H. Morris,
D. Steeghs,
Y.C. Unruh
N.A. Walton
IPHAS discoveries of young stars towards Cyg OB2 and its southern periphery. (2008)
J.S. Vink,
J.E. Drew,
D. Steeghs,
Nick Wright,
E.L. Martin,
B.T. Gansicke,
R. Greimel
J. Drake
Initial Data Release from the INT Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS). (2008)
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
N.A. Walton,
R. Greimel,
J.E. Drew,
M.J. Irwin,
S.E. Sale,
K. Andrews,
A. Aungwerojwit,
M.J. Barlow,
E. van den Besselaar,
R.L.M. Corradi,
B.T. Gaensicke,
P. Groot,
A. Hales,
E.C. Hopewell,
H. Hu,
J. Irwin,
C. Knigge,
E. Lagadec,
P. Leisy,
J.R. Lewis,
A. Mampaso,
M. Matsuura,
B. Moont,
L. Morales-Rueda,
R.A.H. Morris,
T. Naylor,
Q. A. Parker,
P. Prema,
S. Pyrzas,
G.T. Rixon,
P. Rodriguez-Gil,
G. Roelofs,
L. Sabin,
I. Skillen,
J. Suso,
R. Tata,
K. Viironen,
J.S. Vink,
A. Witham,
Nick Wright,
A.A. Zijlstra,
A. Zurita,
J. Drake,
J. Fabregat,
D.J. Lennon,
P.W. Lucas,
E.L. Martin,
S. Phillipps,
D. Steeghs
Y.C. Unruh
Detection of new planetary nebulae by IPHAS, the Hα survey of the North Galactic plane. (2005)
R.L.M. Corradi,
R. Greimel,
P. Leisy,
A. Mampaso,
K. Viironen,
A. Kovacevic,
R. Morris,
S. Phillipps,
A. Zijlstra,
J. Irwin,
J.E. Drew,
E.C. Hopewell,
N. Wright,
M. Barlow,
M. Irwin,
N. Walton,
D.J. Frew,
Q. A. Parker,
P. Groot,
J.L. Sokoloski
A. Zurita
The INT Photometric Ha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS). (2005)
J.E. Drew,
R. Greimel,
M.J. Irwin,
A. Aungwerojwit,
M.J. Barlow,
R.L.M. Corradi,
J. Drake,
B.T. Gansicke,
P. Groot,
A. Hales,
E.C. Hopewell,
J. Irwin,
C. Knigge,
P. Leisy,
D.J. Lennon,
A. Mampaso,
M.R.W. Masheder,
M. Matsuura,
L. Morales-Rueda,
R.A.H. Morris,
Q.A. Parker,
S. Phillipps,
P. Rodriguez-Gil,
G. Roelofs,
I. Skillen,
J. Sokoloski,
D. Steeghs,
Y.C. Unruh,
K. Viironen,
J.S. Vink,
N.A. Walton,
A.R. Witham,
Nick Wright,
A.A. Zijlstra
A. Zurita