Number of items: 34.
A prospective study exploring the construct and predictive validity of the COM-B model for physical activity. (2019)
Neil Howlett,
Joerg Schulz,
Daksha Trivedi,
Nicholas Troop
Angel Chater
Are physical activity interventions for healthy inactive adults effective in promoting behavior change and maintenance, and which behavior change techniques are effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2019)
Neil Howlett,
Daksha Trivedi,
Nicholas Troop
Angel Chater
Affect systems, changes in body mass index, disordered eating and stress: An 18-month longitudinal study in women. (2017)
Nuriye Kupeli,
Sam Norton,
Joseph Chilcot,
Iain C. Campbell,
Ulrike Schmidt
Nicholas Troop
Adherence to prophylaxis in adolescents and young adults with severe haemophilia: A quantitative study with patients. (2017)
Sandra Van Os,
Nicholas Troop,
Keith Sullivan
Daniel Hart
Health-related Quality of Life after coronary revascularization: : A systematic review with meta-analysis. (2016)
Maria Takousi,
Irene Manaras,
Stefanie Schmeer
Nicholas Troop
Translation, Adaptation and Validation of the Coronary Revascularization Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) into Greek. (2016)
Maria Takousi,
Stefanie Schmeer,
Irene Manaras,
C.D. Olympios,
C.N. Fakiolas,
G. Makos
Nicholas Troop
The effect of current and anticipated body pride and shame on dietary restraint and caloric intake. (2016)
Nicholas Troop
Social rank, rank-related life events and eating pathology. (2016)
Nicholas Troop
Development of the mini-BCIBS: A brief bi-directional measure of posttraumatic growth. (2015)
Syd Hiskey,
Fahime Javanbakht
Nicholas Troop
What are the most effective behaviour change techniques to promote physical activity and/or reduce sedentary behaviour in inactive adults? : A systematic review protocol. (2015)
Neil Howlett,
Daksha Trivedi,
Nicholas Troop
Angel Chater
A Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validation of the Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire. (2015)
Nuriye Kupeli,
Sam Norton,
Joseph Chilcot,
Ulrike Schmidt,
Iain C. Campbell
Nicholas Troop
Support for the location of negative posttraumatic cognitions in the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder. (2015)
Syd Hiskey,
Rachel Ayres,
Leanne Andrews
Nicholas Troop
What are the most effective behaviour change techniques to promote physical activity and/or reduce sedentary behaviour in sedentary adults? A systematic review. (2015)
Neil Howlett,
Daksha Trivedi,
Nicholas Troop
Angel Chater
Social cognitive predictors of intention to test for vCJD in those affected by haemophilia and other clotting disorders. (2014)
Gemma Rowland,
Georgina Robinson,
Joseph Chilcot
Nicholas Troop
Social rank and symptom change in eating disorders : A 6-month longitudinal study. (2014)
Nicholas Troop,
Leanne Andrews,
Syd Hiskey
Janet Treasure
Increases in Weight during Chronic Stress are Partially Associated with a Switch in Food Choice towards Increased Carbohydrate and Saturated Fat Intake. (2014)
Cliff Roberts,
Iain C. Campbell
Nicholas Troop
Expressive writing, self-criticism and self-reassurance. (2013)
Nicholas Troop,
Joseph Chilcot,
Lucy Hutchings
Giedre Varnaite
Social defeat and PTSD symptoms following trauma. (2013)
Nicholas Troop
Syd Hiskey
Brief report: Effect of dietary restraint on fruit and vegetable intake following implementation intentions. (2013)
Nicholas Troop
The Structure of Avoidance Following Trauma : Development and Validation of the Posttraumatic Avoidance Scale (PAS). (2013)
Leanne Andrews,
Stephen Joseph,
Tim Dalgleish
Nicholas Troop
A confirmatory factor analysis and validation of the forms of self-criticism/reassurance scale. (2013)
Nuriye Kupeli,
Joseph Chilcot,
Ulrike Schmidt,
Iain C. Campbell
Nicholas Troop
General shame and bodily shame in eating disorders : A 2.5 year longitudinal study. (2012)
Nicholas Troop
Chloe Redshaw
Helplessness, mastery and the development of eating disorders : Exploring the links between vulnerability and precipitating factors. (2012)
Nicholas Troop
A pilot study on the effects and feasibility of compassion-focused expressive writing in Day Hospice patients. (2012)
Susan Imrie
Nicholas Troop
A Randomized Controlled Two-Stage Trial in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa, Comparing CBT Versus Motivational Enhancement in Phase 1 Followed by Group Versus Individual CBT in Phase 2. (2010)
Melanie A. Katzman,
Nuria Bara-Carril,
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh,
Ulrike Schmidt,
Nicholas Troop
Janet Treasure
Food, body and soul : The role of disgust in eating disorders. (2009)
Nicholas Troop
Anna H. Baker
Shame in women with a history of eating disorders. (2008)
Nicholas Troop,
S. Allan,
L. Serpell
J. Treasure
The specificity of social rank in eating disorder versus depressive symptoms. (2008)
Nicholas Troop
Anna H. Baker
Poor social comparison and the tendency to submissive behavior in anorexia nervosa. (2007)
Frances Connan,
Nicholas Troop,
Sabine Landau,
Iain C. Campbell
Janet Treasure
The effects of stress on body weight : Biological and psychological predictors of change in BMI. (2007)
Cliff Roberts,
Nicholas Troop,
Frances Connan,
Janet Treasure
Iain C. Campbell
Confirmatory factor analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms in emergency personnel : an examination of seven alternative models. (2006)
L. Andrews,
S. Joseph,
M. Shevlin
Nicholas Troop
Multidimensionality of intrusion and avoidance : alternative factor models of the Impact of Event Scale. (2004)
Leanne Andrews,
M. Shevlin,
Nicholas Troop
S. Joseph
Shame, depressive symptoms and eating, weight and shape concerns in a non-clinical sample. (2003)
Alice Gee
Nicholas Troop
Attempted versus successful avoidance : associations with distress, symptoms, and strategies for mental control. (2002)
Leanne Andrews,
Nicholas Troop,
S. Joseph,
S. Hiskey
I. Coyne