Number of items: 58.
Agatha: : disentangling periodic signals from correlated noise in a periodogram framework. (2017)
Fabo Feng,
Mikko Tuomi
Hugh R. A. Jones
Evidence for at least three planet candidates orbiting HD20794. (2017)
Fabo Feng,
Mikko Tuomi
Hugh R. A. Jones
The LCES HIRES/Keck Precision Radial Velocity Exoplanet Survey. (2017)
R. Paul Butler,
Steven S. Vogt,
Gregory Laughlin,
Jennifer A. Burt,
Eugenio J. Rivera,
Mikko Tuomi,
Johanna Teske,
Pamela Arriagada,
Matias Diaz,
Brad Holden
Sandy Keiser
New Planetary Systems from the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search and the Core Accretion Mass Limit. (2017)
J. S. Jenkins,
Hugh Jones,
Mikko Tuomi,
M. Diaz,
J. P. Cordero,
A. Aguayo,
B. Pantoja,
P. Arriagada,
R. Mahu,
R. Brahm,
P. Rojo,
M. G. Soto,
O. Ivanyuk,
N. Becerra Yoma,
A. C. Day-Jones,
M. T. Ruiz,
Y. V. Pavlenko,
J. R. Barnes,
F. Murgas,
David Pinfield,
M. I. Jones,
M. Lopez-Morales,
S. Shectman,
R. P. Butler
D. Minniti
Recovering planet radial velocity signals in the presence of starspot activity in fully convective stars. (2017)
John Barnes,
Guillem Anglada Escude,
Mikko Tuomi,
Hugh Jones,
F. Feng,
S. V. Jeffers,
C. A. Haswell,
J. S. Jenkins
P. Petit
Radial-velocity fitting challenge : II. First results of the analysis of the data set. (2017)
X. Dumusque,
F. Borsa,
M. Damasso,
R. F. Díaz,
P. C. Gregory,
N. C. Hara,
A. Hatzes,
V. Rajpaul,
Mikko Tuomi,
S. Aigrain,
G. Anglada-Escudé,
A. S. Bonomo,
G. Boué,
F. Dauvergne,
G. Frustagli,
P. Giacobbe,
R. D. Haywood,
Hugh Jones,
J. Laskar,
M. Pinamonti,
E. Poretti,
M. Rainer,
D. Ségransan,
A. Sozzetti
S. Udry
G. Anglada-Escudé,
Mikko Tuomi,
P. Arriagada,
M. Zechmeister,
J. S. Jenkins,
A. Ofir,
S. Dreizler,
E. Gerlach,
C. J. Marvin,
A. Reiners,
S. V. Jeffers,
R. Paul Butler,
S. S. Vogt,
P. J. Amado,
C. Rodríguez-López,
Z. M. Berdiñas,
J. Morin,
J. D. Crane,
S. A. Shectman,
M. R. Díaz,
L. F. Sarmiento
H. R A Jones
A Goldilocks principle for modelling radial velocity noise. (2016)
F. Feng,
Mikko Tuomi,
Hugh Jones,
R. P. Butler
S. Vogt
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri. (2016)
Guillem Anglada-Escude,
Pedro J. Amado,
John Barnes,
Zaira M. Berdinas,
Paul Butler,
Gavin A. L. Coleman,
Ignacio de la Cueva,
Stefan Dreizler,
Michael Endl,
Benjamin Giesers,
Sandra V. Jeffers,
James S. Jenkins,
Hugh Jones,
Marcin Kiraga,
Martin Kurster,
Maria J. Lopez-Gonzalez,
Christopher J. Marvin,
Nicolas Morales,
Julien Morin,
Richard P. Nelson,
Jose L. Ortiz,
Aviv Ofir,
Sijme-Jan Paardekooper,
Ansgar Reiners,
Eloy Rodriguez,
Cristina Rodriguez-Lopez,
Luis F. Sarmiento,
John P. Strachan,
Yiannis Tsapras,
Mikko Tuomi
Mathias Zechmeister
Benchmarking the power of amateur observatories for TTV exoplanets detection. (2015)
Roman V. Baluev,
Evgenii N. Sokov,
Vakhit Sh Shaidulin,
Iraida A. Sokova,
H.R.A. Jones,
Mikko Tuomi,
Guillem Anglada-Escudé,
Paul Benni,
Carlos A. Colazo,
Matias E. Schneiter,
Carolina S. Villarreal D'Angelo,
Artem Yu Burdanov,
Eduardo Fernández-Lajús,
Özgür Baştürk,
Veli-Pekka Hentunen
Stan Shadick
Analysis of combined radial velocities and activity of BD+20 1790: : evidence supporting the existence of a planetary companion. (2015)
M. Hernán-Obispo,
Mikko Tuomi,
M. C. Gálvez-Ortiz,
A. Golovin,
J. R. Barnes,
Hugh Jones,
S. R. Kane,
D. Pinfield,
J. S. Jenkins,
P. Petit,
G. Anglada-Escudé,
S. C. Marsden,
S. Catalán,
S. V. Jeffers,
E. de Castro,
M. Cornide,
A. Garcés,
M. I. Jones,
N. Gorlova
M. Andreev
Comment on "Stellar activity masquerading as planets in the habitable zone of the M dwarf Gliese 581". (2015)
Mikko Tuomi
Guillem Anglada-Escude
The debris disc of solar analogue Τ Ceti : Herschel observations and dynamical simulations of the proposed multiplanet system. (2014)
S. M. Lawler,
J. Di Francesco,
G. M. Kennedy,
B. Sibthorpe,
M. Booth,
B. Vandenbussche,
B. C. Matthews,
W. S. Holland,
J. Greaves,
D. J. Wilner,
Mikko Tuomi,
J. A D L Blommaert,
B. L. De Vries,
C. Dominik,
M. Fridlund,
W. Gear,
A. M. Heras,
R. Ivison
G. Olofsson
The curious case of HD 41248. A pair of static signals buried behind red noise. (2014)
J. S. Jenkins
Mikko Tuomi
GJ 832c : A super-earth in the habitable zone. (2014)
Robert A. Wittenmyer,
Mikko Tuomi,
R. P. Butler,
Hugh Jones,
Guillem Anglada-Escudé,
Jonathan Horner,
C. G. Tinney,
J. P. Marshall,
B. D. Carter,
J. Bailey,
G. S. Salter,
S. J. O'Toole,
D. Wright,
J. D. Crane,
S. A. Schectman,
P. Arriagada,
I. Thompson,
D. Minniti,
J. S. Jenkins
M. Diaz
Bayesian search for low-mass planets around nearby M dwarfs. Estimates for occurrence rate based on global detectability statistics. (2014)
Mikko Tuomi,
Hugh Jones,
John R. Barnes,
Guillem Anglada-Escudé
James S. Jenkins
Decomposition and changes in chemical composition of leaf litter of five dominant tree species in a West African tropical forest. (2014)
G. H Sabin Guendehou,
Jari Liski,
Mikko Tuomi,
Mansourou Moudachirou,
Brice Sinsin
Raisa Mäkipää
Radial velocity studies of cool stars. (2014)
H.R.A. Jones,
J.R. Barnes,
Mikko Tuomi,
James S. Jenkins
Guillem Anglada-Escude
Precision radial velocities of 15 M5-M9 dwarfs. (2014)
J. R. Barnes,
J. S. Jenkins,
H. R A Jones,
S. V. Jeffers,
P. Rojo,
P. Arriagada,
A. Jordán,
D. Minniti,
Mikko Tuomi,
David Pinfield
G. Anglada-Escudé
The Anglo-Australian planet search. XXIII. Two new jupiter analogs. (2014)
Robert A. Wittenmyer,
Jonathan Horner,
C. G. Tinney,
R. P. Butler,
H. R A Jones,
G. S. Salter,
B. D. Carter,
F. Elliott Koch,
S. J. O'Toole,
J. Bailey,
D. Wright
Mikko Tuomi
Carbon stock changes of forest land in Finland under different levels of wood use and climate change. (2014)
Risto Sievänen,
Olli Salminen,
Aleksi Lehtonen,
Paavo Ojanen,
Jari Liski,
Kimmo Ruosteenoja
Mikko Tuomi
A new cold sub-Saturnian candidate planet orbiting GJ 221. (2014)
Mikko Tuomi
Organic Chemical Characterization of Decomposing Plant Litter : A Comparison of Methods. (2013)
Jari Liski,
Anna Repo,
Mikko Tuomi
Pekka Vanhala
A dynamically-packed planetary system around GJ 667C with three super-Earths in its habitable zone. (2013)
Guillem Anglada-Escude,
Mikko Tuomi,
Enrico Gerlach,
Rory Barnes,
Rene Heller,
James S. Jenkins,
Sebastian Wende,
Steven S. Vogt,
R. Paul Butler,
Ansgar Reiners
H.R.A. Jones
Up to four planets around the M dwarf GJ 163 : Sensitivity of Bayesian planet detection criteria to prior choice. (2013)
Mikko Tuomi
Guillem Anglada-Escude
Two super-earths orbiting the solar analog HD 41248 on the edge of a 7 : 5 mean motion resonance. (2013)
J. S. Jenkins,
Mikko Tuomi,
R. Brasser,
O. Ivanyuk
F. Murgas
Signals embedded in the radial velocity noise. (2013)
Mikko Tuomi
A hot Uranus orbiting the super metal-rich star 77338 and the metallicity-mass connection. (2013)
J. S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
M. Tuomi,
F. Murgas,
S. Hoyer,
M. I. Jones,
J. R. Barnes,
Y. V. Pavlenko,
O. Ivanyuk,
P. Rojo,
A. Jordan,
A. C. Day-Jones,
M. T. Ruiz
D.J. Pinfield
Signals embedded in the radial velocity noise: Periodic variations in the tau Ceti velocities. (2013)
Mikko Tuomi,
H.R.A. Jones,
James Stewart Jenkins,
C.G. Tinney,
R.P. Butler,
Steven S. Vogt,
John Barnes,
Robert A. Wittenmyer,
S. O'Toole,
J. Horner,
J. Bailey,
B.D. Carter,
D. J. Wright,
G. S. Salter
D.J. Pinfield
Surfing the photon noise : New techniques to find low-mass planets around M dwarfs. (2013)
G. Anglada-Escude,
R. P. Butler,
A. Reiners,
H.R.A. Jones,
M. Tuomi,
J. S. Jenkins,
J.R. Barnes,
S. S. Vogt
M. Zechmeister
Habitable-zone super-Earth candidate in a six-planet system around the K2.5V star HD 40307. (2013)
Mikko Tuomi,
Guillem Anglada-Escude,
E. Gerlach,
H.R.A. Jones,
A. Reiners,
Eugenio J. Rivera,
S. Vogt
R.P. Butler
Red Optical Planet Survey : A radial velocity search for low mass M dwarf planets. (2013)
J.R. Barnes,
J. S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
P. Rojo,
P. Arriagada,
A. Jordan,
D. Minniti,
M. Tuomi,
S.V. Jeffers
D.J. Pinfield
Status of the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search. (2013)
James S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
Patricio Rojo,
Mikko Tuomi,
Matias I. Jones,
Felipe Murgas,
J.R. Barnes,
Yakiv Pavlenko,
Oleksiy Ivanyuk,
Andres Jordan,
Avril C. Day-Jones,
Maria-Teresa Ruiz
D.J. Pinfield
The Yasso07 soil carbon model - Testing against repeated soil carbon inventory. (2012)
Miitta Rantakari,
Aleksi Lehtonen,
Tapio Linkosalo,
Mikko Tuomi,
Pekka Tamminen,
Juha Heikkinen,
Jari Liski,
Raisa Mäkipää,
Hannu Ilvesniemi
Risto Sievänen
A planetary system with gas giants and super-Earths around the nearby M dwarf GJ676A : Optimizing data analysis techniques for the detection of multi-planetary systems. (2012)
G. Anglada-Escudé
Mikko Tuomi
Impacts of organic amendments on carbon stocks of an agricultural soil - Comparison of model-simulations to measurements. (2012)
Kristiina Karhu,
Annemieke I. Gärdenäs,
Jaakko Heikkinen,
Pekka Vanhala,
Mikko Tuomi
Jari Liski
Probabilities of exoplanet signals from posterior samplings. (2012)
Mikko Tuomi
H.R.A. Jones
The Anglo-Australian planet search. XXII : Two new multi-planet systems. (2012)
Robert A. Wittenmyer,
J. Horner,
Mikko Tuomi,
G. S. Salter,
C.G. Tinney,
R. P. Butler,
H.R.A. Jones,
S. J. O'Toole,
J. Bailey,
B. D. Carter,
J. S. Jenkins,
Z. Zhang,
S. S. Vogt
Eugenio J. Rivera
Evidence for nine planets in the HD 10180 system. (2012)
Mikko Tuomi
Red Optical Planet Survey: : a new search for habitable earths in the southern sky. (2012)
John Barnes,
J.S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
P. Rojo,
Pamela Arriagada,
Andres Jordan,
Dante Minniti,
Mikko Tuomi,
S.V. Jeffers
D.J. Pinfield
Forest bioenergy climate impact can be improved by allocating forest residue removal. (2012)
Anna Repo,
Riina Känkänen,
Juha Pekka Tuovinen,
Riina Antikainen,
Mikko Tuomi,
Pekka Vanhala
Jari Liski
Soil carbon model Yasso07 graphical user interface. (2011)
Mikko Tuomi,
J. Rasinmäki,
A. Repo,
P. Vanhala
J. Liski
Application of Bayesian model inadequacy criterion for multiple data sets to radial velocity models of exoplanet systems. (2011)
M. Tuomi,
D.J. Pinfield
H.R.A. Jones
Soil carbon model alternatives for ECHAM5/JSBACH climate model : Evaluation and impacts on global carbon cycle estimates. (2011)
T. Thum,
P. Risnen,
S. Sevanto,
Mikko Tuomi,
C. Reick,
T. Vesala,
T. Raddatz,
T. Aalto,
H. Jrvinen,
N. Altimir,
K. Pilegaard,
Z. Nagy,
S. Rambal
J. Liski
Indirect carbon dioxide emissions from producing bioenergy from forest harvest residues. (2011)
Anna Repo,
Mikko Tuomi
Jari Liski
Bayesian re-analysis of the radial velocities of Gliese 581. Evidence in favour of only four planetary companions. (2011)
M. Tuomi
Wood decomposition model for boreal forests. (2011)
Mikko Tuomi,
R. Laiho,
A. Repo
J. Liski
Molecular sieve sampling of CO2 from decomposition of soil organic matter for AMS radiocarbon measurements. (2010)
K. Hämäläinen,
H. Fritze,
H. Jungner,
K. Karhu,
M. Oinonen,
E. Sonninen,
P. Spetz,
Mikko Tuomi,
P. Vanhala
J. Liski
Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon fractions in boreal forest soil. (2010)
Kristiina Karhu,
Hannu Fritze,
Kai Hämäläinen,
Pekka Vanhala,
Högne Jungner,
Markku Oinonen,
Eloni Sonninen,
Mikko Tuomi,
Peter Spetz,
Veikko Kitunen
Jari Liski
Temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition in two boreal forest soil profiles. (2010)
K. Karhu,
H. Fritze,
Mikko Tuomi,
P. Vanhala,
P. Spetz,
V. Kitunen
J. Liski
Transplantation of organic surface horizons of boreal soils into warmer regions alters microbiology but not the temperature sensitivity of decomposition. (2009)
Pekka Vanhala,
Kristiina Karhu,
Mikko Tuomi,
Katarina Björklöf,
Hannu Fritze,
Hasse Hyvärinen
Jari Liski
Leaf litter decomposition-Estimates of global variability based on Yasso07 model. (2009)
Mikko Tuomi,
T. Thum,
H. Järvinen,
S. Fronzek,
B. Berg,
M. Harmon,
J. A. Trofymow,
S. Sevanto
J. Liski
Bayesian analysis of the radial velocities of HD 11506 reveals another planetary companion. (2009)
Mikko Tuomi
S. Kotiranta
The complementarity of astrometrie and radial velocity exoplanet observations: : Determining exoplanet mass with astrometric snapshots. (2009)
Mikko Tuomi,
S. Kotiranta
M. Kaasalainen