Number of items: 75.
On the spectral depolarisation and lidar ratio of mineral dust provided in the AERONET version 3 inversion product. (2018)
Sung-Kyun Shin,
Matthias Tesche,
Kwanchul Kim,
Maria Kezoudi,
Boyan Tatarov,
Detlef Mueller
Youngmin Noh
Identification of Atmospheric Mineral Dust Composition from Raman-Scattering Spectra. (2018)
Detlef Mueller,
Boyan Tatarov,
Matthias Tesche
Sung-Kyun Shin
Spaceborne observations of low surface aerosol concentrations in the Stockholm region. (2016)
Matthias Tesche,
Paul Glantz
Christer Johansson
Aviation effects on already-existing cirrus clouds. (2016)
Matthias Tesche,
Peggy Achtert,
Paul Glantz
Kevin Noone
An overview of the first decade of PollyNET : an emerging network of automated Raman-polarization lidars for continuous aerosol profiling. (2016)
Holger Baars
Matthias Tesche
Cirrus-embedded Contrails: Supplementary Material. (2015)
Matthias Tesche,
Peggy Achtert,
Paul Glantz
Kevin Noone
Plane Tracks in Cirrus Clouds : An Unstudied Non-CO2 Aviation Effect. (2015)
Matthias Tesche,
Peggy Achtert,
Paul Glantz
Kevin Noone
Low hygroscopic scattering enhancement of boreal aerosol and the implications for a columnar optical closure study. (2015)
Paul Zieger,
P. P. Aalto,
V. Aaltonen,
M. Äijälä,
J. Backman,
J. Hong,
M. Komppula,
R. Krejci,
M. Laborde,
J. Lampilahti,
G. de Leeuw,
A. Pfüller,
B. Rosati,
Matthias Tesche,
P. Tunved,
R. Väänänen
T. Petäjä
Reconciling aerosol light extinction measurements from spaceborne lidar observations and in situ measurements in the Arctic. (2014)
Matthias Tesche,
P. Zieger,
N. Rastak,
R. J. Charlson,
P. Glantz,
P. Tunved
H. C. Hansson
Seasonal variation of aerosol water uptake and its impact on the direct radiative effect at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. (2014)
N. Rastak,
S. Silvergren,
P. Zieger,
U. Wideqvist,
J. Ström,
B. Svenningsson,
M. Maturilli,
Matthias Tesche,
A. M L Ekman,
P. Tunved
I. Riipinen
Remote sensing of aerosols in the Arctic for an evaluation of global climate model simulations. (2014)
Paul Glantz,
Adam Bourassa,
Andreas Herber,
Trond Iversen,
Johannes Karlsson,
Alf Kirkevåg,
Marion Maturilli,
Øyvind Seland,
Kerstin Stebel,
Hamish Struthers,
Matthias Tesche
Larry Thomason
Assessing lidar-based classification schemes for polar stratospheric clouds based on 16 years of measurements at Esrange, Sweden. (2014)
P. Achtert
Matthias Tesche
PollyNET - a network of multiwavelength polarization Raman lidars. (2013)
Dietrich Althausen,
Ronny Engelmann,
Holger Baars,
Birgit Heese,
Thomas Kanitz,
M. Komppula,
Eleni Giannakaki,
Anne Pfuller,
Ana Maria Silva,
Jana Preiler,
Frank Wagner,
Juan Luis Rascado,
Sergio Pereira,
Jae Hyun Lim,
Joon Young Ahn,
Matthias Tesche
Iwona S. Stachlewska
Evaluation of the Lidar/Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) to determine microphysical properties of volcanic and desert dust. (2013)
J. Wagner,
A. Ansmann,
U. Wandinger,
P. Seifert,
A. Schwarz,
Matthias Tesche,
A. Chaikovsky
O. Dubovik
Vertical profiles of pure dust and mixed smoke-dust plumes inferred from inversion of multiwavelength Raman/polarization lidar data and comparison to AERONET retrievals and in situ observations. (2013)
D. Mueller,
Igor Veselovskii,
Alexei Kolgotin,
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann
Oleg Dubovik
Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET. (2013)
G. Pappalardo,
L. Mona,
G. D'Amico,
U. Wandinger,
M. Adam,
A. Amodeo,
A. Ansmann,
A. Apituley,
L. Alados Arboledas,
D. Balis,
A. Boselli,
J. A. Bravo-Aranda,
A. Chaikovsky,
A. Comeron,
J. Cuesta,
F. De Tomasi,
V. Freudenthaler,
M. Gausa,
E. Giannakaki,
H. Giehl,
A. Giunta,
I. Grigorov,
S. Groß,
M. Haeffelin,
A. Hiebsch,
M. Iarlori,
D. Lange,
H. Linné,
F. Madonna,
I. Mattis,
R. E. Mamouri,
M. A. P. McAuliffe,
V. Mitev,
F. Molero,
F. Navas-Guzman,
D. Nicolae,
A. Papayannis,
M. R. Perrone,
C. Pietras,
A. Pietruczuk,
G. Pisani,
J. Preißler,
M. Pujadas,
V. Rizi,
A. A. Ruth,
J. Schmidt,
F. Schnell,
P. Seifert,
I. Serikov,
M. Sicard,
V. Simeonov,
N. Spinelli,
K. Stebel,
Matthias Tesche,
T. Trickl,
X. Wang,
F. Wagner,
M. Wiegner
K. M. Wilson
Ground-based validation of CALIPSO observations of dust and smoke in the Cape Verde region. (2013)
Matthias Tesche,
U. Wandinger,
A. Ansmann,
D. Althausen,
D. Mueller
A. H. Omar
Profiling of fine and coarse particle mass : Case studies of Saharan dust and Eyjafjallajökull/Grimsvötn volcanic plumes. (2012)
A. Ansmann,
P. Seifert,
Matthias Tesche
U. Wandinger
Assessment of two aerosol optical thickness retrieval algorithms applied to MODIS aqua and terra measurements in Europe. (2012)
P. Glantz
Matthias Tesche
Volcanic ash over Scandinavia originating from the Grímsvötn eruptions in May 2011. (2012)
Matthias Tesche,
P. Glantz,
C. Johansson,
M. Norman,
A. Hiebsch,
A. Ansmann,
D. Althausen,
R. Engelmann
P. Seifert
Comparison of optical and microphysical properties of pure Saharan mineral dust observed with AERONET Sun photometer, Raman lidar, and in situ instruments during SAMUM 2006. (2012)
D. Mueller,
K-H. Lee,
J. Gasteiger,
Matthias Tesche,
B. Weinzierl,
K. Kandler,
T. Mueller,
C. Toledano,
S. Otto,
D. Althausen
A. Ansmann
Atmospheric dust modeling from meso to global scales with the online NMMB/BSC-Dust model - Part 2 : Experimental campaigns in Northern Africa. (2012)
K. Haustein,
C. Perez,
J. M. Baldasano,
O. Jorba,
S. Basart,
R. L. Miller,
Z. Janjic,
T. Black,
S. Nickovic,
M. C. Todd,
R. Washington,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
B. Weinzierl,
M. Esselborn
A. Schladitz
Comparison of Raman Lidar Observations of Water Vapor with COSMO-DE Forecasts during COPS 2007. (2011)
Christian Herold,
Dietrich Althausen,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
Patric Seifert,
Ronny Engelmann,
Cyrille Flamant,
Rohini Bhawar
Paolo Di Girolamo
Ice formation in ash-influenced clouds after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajkull volcano in April 2010. (2011)
P. Seifert,
A. Ansmann,
Silke Gross,
V. Freudenthaler,
B. Heinold,
A. Hiebsch,
I. Mattis,
J. Schmidt,
F. Schnell,
Matthias Tesche,
U. Wandinger
M. Wiegner
Characterization of Saharan dust, marine aerosols and mixtures of biomass-burning aerosols and dust by means of multi-wavelength depolarization and Raman lidar measurements during SAMUM 2. (2011)
Silke Groß,
Matthias Tesche,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Carlos Toledano,
Matthias Wiegner,
Albert Ansmann,
Dietrich Althausen
Meinhard Seefeldner
Characterization of the planetary boundary layer during SAMUM-2 by means of lidar measurements. (2011)
Silke Gross,
Josef Gasteiger,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Matthias Wiegner,
Alexander Geiss,
Alexander Schladitz,
Carlos Toledano,
Konrad Kandler,
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann
Alfred Wiedensohler
Doppler lidar studies of heat island effects on vertical mixing of aerosols during SAMUM-2. (2011)
Ronny Engelmann,
Albert Ansmann,
Stefan Horn,
Patric Seifert,
Dietrich Althausen,
Matthias Tesche,
Michael Esselborn,
Julia Fruntke,
Kirsten Lieke,
Volker Freudenthaler
Silke Gross
Dust mobilization and aerosol transport from West Africa to Cape Verde-a meteorological overview of SAMUM-2. (2011)
Peter Knippertz,
Matthias Tesche,
Bernd Heinold,
Konrad Kandler,
Carlos Toledano
Michael Esselborn
In situ aerosol characterization at Cape Verde. Part 2 : Parametrization of relative humidity- and wavelength-dependent aerosol optical properties. (2011)
Alexander Schladitz,
Thomas Müller,
Stephan Nordmann,
Matthias Tesche,
Silke Gross,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Josef Gasteiger
Alfred Wiedensohler
Microphysical and optical properties of dust and tropical biomass burning aerosol layers in the Cape Verde region-an overview of the airborne in situ and lidar measurements during SAMUM-2. (2011)
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Daniel Sauer,
Michael Esselborn,
Andreas Petzold,
Andreas Veira,
Maximilian Rose,
Susanne Mund,
Martin Wirth,
Albert Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
Silke Gross
Volker Freudenthaler
Modelling lidar-relevant optical properties of complex mineral dust aerosols. (2011)
Josef Gasteiger,
Matthias Wiegner,
Silke Gross,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Carlos Toledano,
Matthias Tesche
Konrad Kandler
Thermal IR radiative properties of mixed mineral dust and biomass aerosol during SAMUM-2. (2011)
Claas H. Köhler,
Thomas Trautmann,
Erwin Lindermeir,
Willem Vreeling,
Kirsten Lieke,
Konrad Kandler,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Silke Gross,
Matthias Tesche
Manfred Wendisch
Optical and microphysical properties of smoke over Cape Verde inferred from multiwavelength lidar measurements. (2011)
Matthias Tesche,
D. Mueller,
Silke Gross,
Albert Ansmann,
Dietrich Althausen,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Andreas Veira
Andreas Petzold
Profiling of Saharan dust and biomass-burning smoke with multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar at Cape Verde. (2011)
Matthias Tesche,
Silke Gross,
Albert Ansmann,
D. Mueller,
Dietrich Althausen,
Volker Freudenthaler
Michael Esselborn
Regional modelling of Saharan dust and biomass-burning smoke. Part 1 : Model description and evaluation. (2011)
Bernd Heinold,
Ina Tegen,
Kerstin Schepanski,
Matthias Tesche,
Michael Esselborn,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Silke Gross,
Konrad Kandler,
Peter Knippertz,
D. Mueller,
Alexander Schladitz,
Carlos Toledano,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Albert Ansmann,
Dietrich Althausen,
Thomas Müller,
Andreas Petzold
Alfred Wiedensohler
Airborne observations of the Eyjafjalla volcano ash cloud over Europe during air space closure in April and May 2010. (2011)
U. Schumann,
B. Weinzierl,
O. Reitebuch,
H. Schlager,
A. Minikin,
C. Forster,
R. Baumann,
T. Sailer,
K. Graf,
H. Mannstein,
C. Voigt,
S. Rahm,
R. Simmet,
M. Scheibe,
M. Lichtenstern,
P. Stock,
H. Rüba,
D. Scḧauble,
A. Tafferner,
M. Rautenhaus,
T. Gerz,
H. Ziereis,
M. Krautstrunk,
C. Mallaun,
J. F. Gayet,
K. Lieke,
K. Kandler,
M. Ebert,
S. Weinbruch,
A. Stohl,
J. Gasteiger,
S. Gro,
V. Freudenthaler,
M. Wiegner,
A. Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
H. Olafsson
K. Sturm
Ash and fine-mode particle mass profiles from EARLINET-AERONET observations over central Europe after the eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010. (2011)
A. Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
P. Seifert,
Silke Gross,
V. Freudenthaler,
A. Apituley,
K. M. Wilson,
I. Serikov,
H. Linné,
B. Heinold,
A. Hiebsch,
F. Schnell,
J. Schmidt,
I. Mattis,
U. Wandinger
M. Wiegner
Lidar observations of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume at Leipzig, Germany. (2010)
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann,
Anja Hiebsch,
Ina Mattis,
Jörg Schmidt,
Patric Seifert
Ulla Wandinger
Saharan dust and heterogeneous ice formation : Eleven years of cloud observations at a central European EARLINET site. (2010)
P. Seifert,
A. Ansmann,
I. Mattis,
U. Wandinger,
Matthias Tesche,
R. Engelmann,
D. Mueller,
C. Perez
K. Haustein
Correction to “Volcanic aerosol layers observed with multiwavelength Raman lidar over central Europe in 2008–2009”. (2010)
Ina Mattis,
Patric Seifert,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
Anja Hiebsch,
Thomas Kanitz,
Joerg Schmidt,
Fanny Finger,
Ulla Wandinger
Albert Ansmann
Volcanic aerosol layers observed with multiwavelength Raman lidar over central Europe in 2008-2009. (2010)
Ina Mattis,
Patric Siefert,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
Anja Hiebsch,
Thomas Kanitz,
Joerg Schmidt,
Fanny Finger,
Ulla Wandinger
Albert Ansmann
The 16 April 2010 major volcanic ash plume over central Europe : EARLINET lidar and AERONET photometer observations at Leipzig and Munich, Germany. (2010)
A. Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
S. Gross,
V. Freudenthaler,
P. Seifert,
A. Hiebsch,
J. Schmidt,
U. Wandinger,
I. Mattis,
D. Mueller
M. Wiegner
Mineral dust observed with AERONET Sun photometer, Raman lidar, and in situ instruments during SAMUM 2006 : Shape-dependent particle properties. (2010)
D. Mueller,
A. Ansmann,
V. Freudenthaler,
K. Kandler,
C. Toledano,
A. Hiebsch,
J. Gasteiger,
M. Esselborn,
Matthias Tesche,
B. Heese,
D. Althausen,
B. Weinzierl,
A. Petzold
W. von Hoyningen-Huene
Size matters: Influence of multiple scattering on CALIPSO light-extinction profiling in desert dust. (2010)
U. Wandinger,
Matthias Tesche,
P. Seifert,
A. Ansmann,
D. Mueller
D. Althausen
Mineral dust observed with AERONET Sun photometer, Raman lidar, and in situ instruments during SAMUM 2006 : Shape-independent particle properties. (2010)
D. Mueller,
B. Weinzierl,
A. Petzold,
K. Kandler,
A. Ansmann,
T. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
V. Freudenthaler,
M. Esselborn,
B. Heese,
D. Althausen,
A. Schladitz,
S. Otto
P. Knippertz
Evolution of the ice phase in tropical altocumulus : SAMUM lidar observations over Cape Verde. (2009)
A. Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
P. Seifert,
D. Althausen,
R. Engelmann,
J. Fruntke,
U. Wandinger,
I. Mattis
D. Mueller
Vertically resolved separation of dust and smoke over Cape Verde using multiwavelength Raman and polarization lidars during Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 2008. (2009)
Matthias Tesche,
A. Ansmann,
D. Mueller,
D. Althausen,
R. Engelmann,
V. Freudenthaler
S. Gross
Dust and smoke transport from Africa to South America : Lidar profiling over Cape Verde and the Amazon rainforest. (2009)
Albert Ansmann,
Holger Baars,
Matthias Tesche,
D. Mueller,
Dietrich Althausen,
Ronny Engelmann,
Theotonio Pauliquevis
Paulo Artaxo
Regional dust model performance during SAMUM 2006. (2009)
K. Haustein,
C. Perez,
J. M. Baldasano,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
A. Schladitz,
M. Esselborn,
B. Weinzierl,
K. Kandler
W. von Hoyningen-Huene
Numerical simulations of optical properties of Saharan dust aerosols with emphasis on lidar applications. (2009)
M. Wiegner,
J. Gasteiger,
K. Kandler,
B. Weinzierl,
K. Rasp,
M. Esselborn,
V. Freudenthaler,
B. Heese,
C. Toledano,
Matthias Tesche
D. Althausen
Solar radiative effects of a Saharan dust plume observed during SAMUM assuming spheroidal model particles. (2009)
Sebastian Otto,
Eike Bierwirth,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Konrad Kandler,
Michael Esselborn,
Matthias Tesche,
Alexander Schladitz,
Manfred Wendisch
Thomas Trautmann
Spatial distribution and optical properties of Saharan dust observed by airborne high spectral resolution lidar during SAMUM 2006. (2009)
Michael Esselborn,
Martin Wirth,
Andreas Fix,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Katharina Rasp,
Matthias Tesche
Andreas Petzold
State of mixing, shape factor, number size distribution, and hygroscopic growth of the Saharan anthropogenic and mineral dust aerosol at Tinfou, Morocco. (2009)
N. Kaaden,
A. Massling,
A. Schladitz,
T. Müller,
K. Kandler,
L. Schütz,
B. Weinzierl,
A. Petzold,
Matthias Tesche,
S. Leinert,
C. Deutscher,
M. Ebert,
S. Weinbruch
A. Wiedensohler
Vertically resolved dust optical properties during SAMUM : Tinfou compared to Ouarzazate. (2009)
Birgit Heese,
Dietrich Althausen,
Tilman Dinter,
Michael Esselborn,
Thomas Müller,
Matthias Tesche
Matthias Wiegner
Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006. (2009)
Volker Freudenthaler,
Michael Esselborn,
Matthias Wiegner,
Birgit Heese,
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann,
D. Mueller,
Dietrich Althausen,
Martin Wirth,
Andreas Fix,
Gerhard Ehret,
Peter Knippertz,
Carlos Toledano,
Josef Gasteiger,
Markus Garhammer
Andmeinhard Seefeldner
Dust mobilization and transport in the northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006 - a meteorological overview. (2009)
Peter Knippertz,
Albert Ansmann,
Dietrich Althausen,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
Eike Bierwirth,
Tilman Dinter,
Thomas Mueller,
Wolfgang Von Hoyningen-Huene,
Kerstin Schepanski,
Manfred Wendisch,
Bernd Heinold,
Konrad Kandler,
Andreas Petzold,
Lothar Schuetz
Ina Tegen
EARLINET observations of the 14-22-May long-range dust transport event during SAMUM 2006 : validation of results from dust transport modelling. (2009)
D. Mueller,
B. Heinold,
Matthias Tesche,
I. Tegen,
D. Althausen,
L. Alados Arboledas,
V. Amiridis,
A. Amodeo,
A. Ansmann,
D. Balis,
A. Comeron,
G. D'amico,
E. Gerasopoulos,
J. L. Guerrero-Rascado,
V. Freudenthaler,
E. Giannakaki,
B. Heese,
M. Iarlori,
P. Knippertz,
R. E. Mamouri,
L. Mona,
A. Papayannis,
G. Pappalardo,
R. -M. Perrone,
G. Pisani,
V. Rizi,
M. Sicard,
N. Spinelli,
A. Tafuro
M. Wiegner
Regional Saharan dust modelling during the SAMUM 2006 campaign. (2009)
Bernd Heinold,
Ina Tegen,
Michael Esselborn,
Konrad Kandler,
Peter Knippertz,
D. Mueller,
Alexander Schladitz,
Matthias Tesche,
Bernadett Weinzierl,
Albert Ansmann,
Dietrich Althausen,
Benoit Laurent,
Andreas Massling,
Thomas Mueller,
Andreas Petzold,
Kerstin Schepanski
Alfred Wiedensohler
Spectral surface albedo over Morocco and its impact on radiative forcing of Saharan dust. (2009)
Eike Bierwirth,
Manfred Wendisch,
Andre Ehrlich,
Birgit Heese,
Matthias Tesche,
Dietrich Althausen,
Alexander Schladitz,
D. Mueller,
Sebastian Otto,
Thomas Trautmann,
Tilman Dinter,
Wolfgang von Hoyningen-Huene
Ralph Kahn
Vertical profiling of Saharan dust with Raman lidars and airborne HSRL in southern Morocco during SAMUM. (2009)
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann,
D. Mueller,
Dietrich Althausen,
Ina Mattis,
Birgit Heese,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Matthias Wiegner,
Michael Esselborn,
Gianluca Pisani
Peter Knippertz
Vertical profiling of convective dust plumes in southern Morocco during SAMUM. (2009)
Albert Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
Peter Knippertz,
Eike Bierwirth,
Dietrich Althausen,
D. Mueller
Oliver Schulz
Ten years of multiwavelength Raman lidar observations of free-tropospheric aerosol layers over central Europe : Geometrical properties and annual cycle. (2008)
I. Mattis,
D. Mueller,
A. Ansmann,
U. Wandinger,
J. Preissler,
P. Seifert
Matthias Tesche
Four-dimensional variational data analysis of water vapor Raman lidar data and their impact on mesoscale forecasts. (2008)
Matthias Grzeschik,
Hans Stefan Bauer,
Volker Wulfmeyer,
Dirk Engelbart,
Ulla Wandinger,
Ina Mattis,
Dietrich Althausen,
Ronny Engelmann,
Matthias Tesche
Andrea Riede
Hygroscopic properties and extinction of aerosol particles at ambient relative humidity in South-Eastern China. (2008)
H. Eichler,
Y. F. Cheng,
W. Birmili,
A. Nowak,
A. Wiedensohler,
E. Brüggemann,
T. Gnauk,
H. Herrmann,
D. Althausen,
A. Ansmann,
R. Engelmann,
Matthias Tesche,
M. Wendisch,
Y. H. Zhang,
M. Hu,
S. Liu
L. M. Zeng
Meteorological conditions and structures of atmospheric boundary layer in October 2004 over Pearl River Delta area. (2008)
Shaojia Fan,
Baomin Wang,
Matthias Tesche,
R. Engelmann,
A. Althausen,
Ji Liu,
Wei Zhu,
Qi Fan,
Minghua Li,
Na Ta,
Lili Song
Kacheng Leong
Relative humidity dependence of aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing in the surface boundary layer at Xinken in Pearl River Delta of China : An observation based numerical study. (2008)
Y. F. Cheng,
A. Wiedensohler,
H. Eichler,
J. Heintzenberg,
Matthias Tesche,
A. Ansmann,
M. Wendisch,
H. Su,
D. Althausen,
H. Herrmann,
T. Gnauk,
E. Brüggemann,
M. Hu
Y. H. Zhang
Retrieval of microphysical properties of aerosol particles from one-wavelength Raman lidar and multiwavelength Sun photometer observations. (2008)
Matthias Tesche,
D. Mueller,
Albert Ansmann,
Min Hu
Yuanghang Zhang
Influence of Saharan dust on cloud glaciation in southern Morocco during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment. (2008)
A. Ansmann,
Matthias Tesche,
D. Althausen,
D. Mueller,
P. Seifert,
V. Freudenthaler,
B. Heese,
M. Wiegner,
G. Pisani,
P. Knippertz
O. Dubovik
Airborne high spectral resolution lidar for measuring aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients. (2008)
Michael Esselborn,
Martin Wirth,
Andreas Fix,
Matthias Tesche
Gerhard Ehret
Particle backscatter, extinction, and lidar ratio profiling with Raman lidar in south and north China. (2007)
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann,
D. Mueller,
Dietrich Althausen,
Ronny Engelmann,
Min Hu
Yuanghang Zhang
Aerosol-type-dependent lidar ratios observed with Raman lidar. (2007)
D. Mueller,
A. Ansmann,
I. Mattis,
Matthias Tesche,
U. Wandinger,
D. Althausen
G. Pisani
EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO. (2007)
Ina Mattis,
Lucia Mona,
D. Mueller,
Gelsomina Pappalardo,
Lucas Alados Arboledas,
Giuseppe D'Amico,
Aldo Amodeo,
Arnoud Apituley,
Jose Maria Baldasano,
Christine Boeckmann,
Jens Boesenbergg,
Anatoli Chaikovsky,
Adolfo Comeron,
Elina Giannakaki,
Ivan Grigorov,
Juan Luis Guerrero Rascado,
Ove Gustafsson,
Marco Iarlori,
Holger Linne,
Valentin Mitev,
Francisco Molero Menendez,
Doina Nicola,
Alexandros Papayannis,
Carlos Perez Garcia-Pando,
Maria Rita Perrone,
Aleksander Pietruczuk,
Jean-Philippe Putaud,
Francois Ravetta,
Alejandro Rodriguez,
Patric Seifert,
Michael Sicard,
Valentin Simeonov,
Piotr Sobolewski,
Nicola Spinelli,
Kerstin Stebel,
Andreas Stohl,
Matthias Tesche,
Thomas Trickl,
Xuan Wang
Matthias Wiegner
Strong particle light absorption over the Pearl River Delta (south China) and Beijing (north China) determined from combined Raman lidar and Sun photometer observations. (2006)
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
H. Eichler,
R. Engelmann,
D. Althausen,
A. Ansmann,
Y. F. Cheng,
Y. H. Zhang
M. Hu
Retrieval of aerosol properties from combined multiwavelength lidar and sunphotometer measurements. (2006)
Markus Pahlow,
D. Mueller,
Matthias Tesche,
Heike Eichler,
Graham Feingold,
Wynn L. Eberhard
Ya-Fang Cheng
Air mass modification over the Europe : EARLINET aerosol observations from Wales to Belarus. (2004)
Ulla Wandinger,
Ina Mattis,
Matthias Tesche,
Albert Ansmann,
Jens Bösenberg,
Anatoly Chaikovski,
Volker Freudenthaler,
Leonce Komguem,
Hoger Linné,
Volker Matthias,
Jacques Pelon,
Laurent Sauvage,
Piotr Sobolewski,
Geraint Vaughan
Matthias Wiegner