Number of items: 72.
  • Input-location dependent gain modulation in cerebellar nucleus neurons. (2016) Maria Psarrou, Maria Schilstra, Neil Davey, Ben Torben-Nielsen and Volker Steuber
  • The role of cerebellar short-term synaptic plasticity in the pathology and medication of downbeat nystagmus. (2016) Julia Goncharenko, Neil Davey, Maria Schilstra and Volker Steuber
  • 2015
  • Symmetry structure in discrete models of biochemical systems : natural subsystems and the weak control hierarchy in a new model of computation driven by interactions. (2015) C.L. Nehaniv, John Rhodes, Attila Egri-Nagy, Paolo Dini, Eric Rothstein Morris, Gabor Horvath, Fariba Karimi, Daniel Schreckling and M. Schilstra
  • 2014
  • βCaMKII regulates bidirectional long-term plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism. (2014) Thiago Matos Pinto, M. Schilstra, Volker Steuber and Antonio Roque
  • Evolving spiking neural networks for temporal pattern recognition in the presence of noise. (2014) Ahmed Abdelmotaleb, N. Davey, M. Schilstra, Volker Steuber and Borys Wrobel
  • 2013
  • Exploring the concept of interaction computing through the discrete algebraic analysis of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. (2013) Paolo Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, Attila Egri-Nagy and M. Schilstra
  • Filamentous actin binding enables betaCaMKII to regulate bidirectional plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2013) T.M. Pinto, M. Schilstra and Volker Steuber
  • From evolving artificial gene regulatory networks to evolving spiking neural networks for pattern recognition. (2013) Ahmed Abdelmotaleb, M. Schilstra, N. Davey, Volker Steuber and Borys Wrobel
  • 2012
  • Algebraic analysis of the computation in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. (2012) P. Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, A. Egri-Nagy and M. Schilstra
  • BIOMICS Project : Biological and Mathematical Basis of Interaction Computing. (2012) Paolo Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, Attila Egri-Nagy, M. Schilstra, Daniel Schreckling, Joachim Posegga, Gabor Horvath and Alastair J. Munro
  • Does CamKII decode ca2+ oscillations? (2012) T.M. Pinto, M. Schilstra and Volker Steuber
  • The effective calcium/calmodulin concentration determines the sensitivity of CaMKII to the frequency of calcium oscillations. (2012) T.M. Pinto, M. Schilstra and Volker Steuber
  • A knowledge-based diagnostic clinical decision support system for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder for use in a primary care setting. (2012) Nicholas Farmer and M. Schilstra
  • 2010
  • Genetic algorithms and their application to in silico evolution of genetic regulatory networks. (2010) J. Knabe, K. Wegner, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • Stochastic model of template-directed elongation processes in biology. (2010) M. Schilstra and C.L. Nehaniv
  • 2009
  • Simple stochastic simulation. (2009) M. Schilstra and S.R. Martin
  • 2008
  • Do Motifs Reflect Evolved Function? – No Convergent Evolution of Genetic Regulatory Network Subgraph Topologies. (2008) J. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • Automatic Analysis of Computation in BioChemical Reactions. (2008) A. Egri-Nagy, C.L. Nehaniv, J.L. Rhodes and M. Schilstra
  • Bio-logic: gene expression and the laws of combinatorial logic. (2008) M. Schilstra and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Circular Dichroism and Its Application to the Study of Biomolecules. (2008) S.R. Martin and M. Schilstra
  • Evolution and morphogenesis of differentiated multicellular organisms: autonomously generated diffusion gradients for positional information. (2008) J. Knabe, M. Schilstra and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Genetic regulatory network models of biological clocks : evolutionary history matters. (2008) Johannes F. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • Methods for Simulating the Dynamics of Complex Biological Processes. (2008) M. Schilstra, S.R. Martin and S. Keating
  • Rapid Kinetic Techniques. (2008) J.F. Eccleston, S.R. Martin and M. Schilstra
  • Regulation of gene regulation - smooth binding with dynamic affinity affects evolvability. (2008) J. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • 2007
  • The Essential Motif that wasn't there: Topological and Lesioning Analysis of Evolved Genetic Regulatory Networks. (2007) J. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • The NetBuilder project: development of a tool for constructing, simulating, evolving, and analysing complex regulatory networks. (2007) K. Wegner, J. Knabe, M. Robinson, A. Egri-Nagy and M. Schilstra
  • SBML models and MathSBML. (2007) B.E. Shapiro, A. Finney, M. Hucka, B. Bornstein, A. Funahashi, A. Jouraku, S. Keating, N. Le Novere, J. Matthews and M. Schilstra
  • 2006
  • BioModels Database: A Free, Centralized Database of Curated, Published, Quantitative Kinetic Models of Biochemical and Cellular Systems. (2006) N. Le Novere, B. Bornstein, A. Broicher, M. Courtot, M. Donizelli, H. Dharuri, L. Li, H. Sauro, M. Schilstra, B.E. Shapiro, J.L. Snoep and M. Hucka
  • CellML2SBML : conversion of CellML into SBML. (2006) M. Schilstra, L. Li, J. Matthews, A. Finney, M. Hucka and N. Le Novere
  • Evolutionary robustness of differentiation in genetic regulatory networks. (2006) J. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv and M. Schilstra
  • Evolving biological clocks using genetic regulatory networks. (2006) J. Knabe, C.L. Nehaniv, M. Schilstra and T. Quick
  • An elastically tethered viscous load imposes a regular gait on the motion of myosin-V. Simulation of the effect of transient force relaxation on a stochastic process. (2006) M. Schilstra and S.R. Martin
  • 2004
  • Design of spatially extended neural networks for specific applications. (2004) Roderick Adams, Rene te Boekhorst, A.G. Rust, Paul H. Kaye and M. Schilstra
  • Evolving a Lingua Franca and Associated Software Infrastructure for Computational Systems Biology - the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Project. (2004) M. Hucka, A. Finney, B. Bornstein, S. Keating, B.E. Shapiro, J. Matthews, B.L. Kovitz, M. Schilstra, A. Funahashi, J.C. Doyle and H. Kitano
  • 2003
  • Evolving computational neural systems using synthetic developmental mechanisms. (2003) R.G. Adams, A.G. Rust, M. Schilstra and H. Bolouri
  • A statistical approach to distinguish between different DNA functional parts. (2003) I. Abnizova, M. Schilstra, R. Te Boekhorst and C.L. Nehaniv
  • 2002
  • A Finite State Automation Model for Multi-Neuron Simulations. (2002) M. Schilstra, A.G. Rust, R.G. Adams and H. Bolouri
  • A Genomic Regulatory Network for Development. (2002) E.H. Davidson, J.P. Rast, P. Oliveri, A. Ransick, C. Calestani, C.H. Yuh, T. Minokawa, G. Amore, V. Hinman, C. Arenas-Mena, A. Otim, C.T. Brown, C.B. Livi, P.Y. Lee, R. Revilla, A.G. Rust, Z. Pan, M. Schilstra, P.J.C. Clarke, M.I. Arnone, L. Rowen, R.A. Cameron, D.R. McClay, L. Hood and H. Bolouri
  • New Computational Approaches for Analysis of cis-Regulatory Networks. (2002) C.T. Brown, A.G. Rust, P.J.C. Clarke, Z. Pan, M. Schilstra, T. De Buysscher, G. Griffin, B.J. Wold, R.A. Cameron, E.H. Davidson and H. Bolouri
  • Replacement of Tyrosine D with Phenylalanine Affects the Normal Proton Transfer Pathways for the Reduction of P680+ in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II Particles from Chlamydomonas. (2002) C. Jeans, M. Schilstra, N. Ray, S. Husain, J. Minagawa, J. Nugent and D.R. Klug
  • The Temperature Dependence of P680+ Reduction in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II. (2002) C. Jeans, M. Schilstra and D.R. Klug
  • A provisonal regulatory gene network for specification of endomesoderm in the sea urchin embryo. (2002) E.H. Davidson, J.P. Rast, P. Oliveri, A. Ransick, C. Calestani, C.H. Yuh, T. Minokawa, G. Amore, V. Hinman, C. Arenas-Mena, O. Otim, C.T. Brown, C.B. Livi, P.Y. Lee, R. Revilla, M. Schilstra, P.J.C. Clarke, A.G. Rust, Z. Pan, M.I. Arnone, L. Rowen, R.A. Cameron, D.R. McClay, L. Hood and H. Bolouri
  • 2001
  • Are the trapping dynamics in Photosystem II sensitive to QA redox potential? (2001) L. Barter, M. Schilstra, J. Barber, J.R. Durrant and D.R. Klug
  • Relationship between Excitation Energy Transfer, Trapping, and Antenna Size in Photosystem II. (2001) L. Barter, M. Bianchietti, C. Jeans, M. Schilstra, B. Hankamer, B.A. Diner, J. Barber, J.R. Durrant and D.R. Klug
  • 1999
  • Similarity between electron donor side reactions in the solubilized Photosystem II–LHC II supercomplex and Photosystem-II-containing membranes. (1999) M. Schilstra, J. Nield, W. Dorner, B. Hankamer, M. Carradus, L. Barter, J. Barber and D.R. Klug
  • 1998
  • Modulation of Quantum Yield of Primary Radical Pair Formation in Photosystem II by Site-Directed Mutagenesis Affecting Radical Cations and Anions. (1998) S.A.P. Merry, P.L. Nixon, L. Barter, M. Schilstra, G. Porter, J. Barber, J.R. Durrant and D.R. Klug
  • Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Affects the S-State-Dependent Microsecond Phases of P680+ Reduction during Water Splitting. (1998) M. Schilstra, F. Rappaport, J. Nugent, C.J. Barnett, J. Barber and D.R. Klug
  • 1996
  • Mechanism of Lipoxygenase Inactivation by the Linoleic Acid Analogue Octadeca-9,12-diynoic Acid. (1996) M. Schilstra, W.F. Nieuwenhuizen, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • 1995
  • Changes in the Iron Coordination Sphere of Fe(II) Lipoxygenase-1 from Soybeans upon Binding of Linoleate or Oleate. (1995) L.M. Van Der Heijdt, M. Schilstra, M.C. Feiters, S. Navaratnam, H-F. Nolting, C. Hermes, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Fe(II1)-Lipoxygenase Converts Its Suicide-Type Inhibitor Octadeca-9,12-diynoic Acid into 1l -Oxooctadeca-9,12-diynoic Acid. (1995) W.F. Nieuwenhuizen, M. Schilstra, A. Van der Kerk, L. Brandsma, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Substrates and products in lipoxygenase biocatalysis. (1995) G.A. Veldink, W.F. Nieuwenhuizen, M. Schilstra and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • 1994
  • The Dioxygenation Rate in Lipoxygenase Catalysis Is Determined by the Amount of Iron( HI) Lipoxygenase in Solution. (1994) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Effect of Nonionic Detergents on Lipoxygenase Catalysis. (1994) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • Effects of the Tubulin-Colchicine Complex on Microtubule Dynamic Instability. (1994) A. Vandecandelaere, S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • 1993
  • Dynamic instability of microtubules: Monte Carlo simulation and application to different types of microtubule lattice. (1993) S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • Kinetic analysis of the induction period in lipoxygenase catalysis. (1993) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • 1992
  • Effect of lipid hydroperoxide on lipoxygenase kinetics. (1992) M. Schilstra, G.A. Veldink, J. Verhagen and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
  • 1991
  • Opposite-end behaviour of dynamic microtubules. (1991) S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • The effect of solution composition on microtubule dynamic instability. (1991) M. Schilstra, P.M. Bayley and S.R. Martin
  • 1990
  • Microtubule dynamic instability: numerical simulation of microtubule transition properties using a Lateral Cap model. (1990) P.M. Bayley, M. Schilstra and S.R. Martin
  • 1989
  • A Lateral Cap model of microtubule dynamic instability. (1989) P.M. Bayley, M. Schilstra and S.R. Martin
  • The effect of podophyllotoxin on microtubule dynamics. (1989) M. Schilstra, S.R. Martin and P.M. Bayley
  • A simple formulation of microtubule dynamics: quantitative implications of the dynamic instability of microtubule. (1989) P.M. Bayley, M. Schilstra and S.R. Martin
  • 1988
  • Microtubule dynamics: experimental evidence and numerical modelling. (1988) P.M. Bayley, V. Gal, P. Karecla, S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and Y. Engelborghs
  • 1987
  • Dynamic properties of microtubules at steady state of polymerisation. (1987) S.R. Martin, M. Schilstra and P.M. Bayley
  • On the relationship between nucleotide hydrolysis and microtubule assembly : Studies with a GTP-regenerating system. (1987) M. Schilstra, S.R. Martin and P.M. Bayley
  • 1986
  • Three-dimensional image reconstruction of helical aggregates of trypsin modified elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli. (1986) M. Schilstra, A.F.M. Cremers, L. Bosch and J.E. Mellema
  • 1984
  • Immunocytochemical localization of the elongation factor Tu in E. coli cells. (1984) M. Schilstra, J.W. Slot, P.H. Van der Meide, G. Posthuma, A.F.M. Cremers and L. Bosch
  • 1982
  • Copper(I) and copper(II) compounds of 1,7-bis(2-benzimidazolyl)-2,6-dithiaheptane (BBDHp). X-ray structure of linearly coordinated copper(I) in the cation [CuI(BBDHp)]+. (1982) M. Schilstra, P.J.M.W.L. Birker, G.C. Verschoor and J. Reedijk
  • 1980
  • An electron microscopic investigation of the structure of Alfalfa mosaic virus. (1980) A.F.M. Cremers, G.T. Oostergetel, M. Schilstra and J.E. Mellema
  • 1979
  • Low-dose electron image reconstruction of negatively stained contractile phage sheath from Bacillus subtilis (PBS-Z). (1979) A.F.M. Cremers, J.C. Fischer, M. Schilstra and J.E. Mellema