Number of items: 133.
Extreme star formation in the Milky Way: luminosity distributions of young stellar objects in W49A and W51. (2018)
D. J. Eden,
T. J. T. Moore,
J. S. Urquhart,
D. Elia,
R. Plume,
C. Konig,
A. Baldeschi,
E. Schisano,
A. J. Rigby,
L. K. Morgan
M. A. Thompson
Herschel and SCUBA-2 observations of dust emission in a sample of Planck cold clumps. (2018)
Mika Juvela,
Jinhua He,
Katherine Pattle,
Tie Liu,
George Bendo,
David J. Eden,
Orsolya Feher,
Michel Fich,
Gary Fuller,
Naomi Hirano,
Kee-Tae Kim,
Di Li,
Sheng-Yuan Liu,
Johanna Malinen,
Douglas J. Marshall,
Deborah Paradis,
Harriet Parsons,
Veli-Matti Pelkonen,
Mark G. Rawlings,
Isabelle Ristorcelli,
Manash R. Samal,
Ken'ichi Tatematsu,
Mark Thompson,
Alessio Traficante,
Ke Wang,
Derek Ward-Thompson,
Yuefang Wu,
Hee-Weon Yi
Hyunju Yoo
Massive outflows associated with ATLASGAL clumps. (2018)
Aiyuan Yang,
Mark Thompson,
James Urquhart
Wenwu Tian
The TOP-SCOPE survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps : Survey overview and results of an exemplar source, PGCC G26.53+0.17. (2018)
Tie Liu,
Kee-Tae Kim,
Mika Juvela,
Ke Wang,
Ken'ichi Tatematsu,
James Di Francesco,
Sheng-Yuan Liu,
Yuefang Wu,
Mark Thompson,
Gary Fuller,
David Eden,
Di Li,
I. Ristorcelli
TOP-SCOPE collaborations
ATLASGAL - properties of a complete sample of Galactic clumps. (2018)
J.S. Urquhart,
C. Koenig,
A. Giannetti,
S. Leurini,
T. J. T. Moore,
D.~J. Eden,
T. Pillai,
M. A. Thompson,
C. Braiding,
M. G. Burton,
T. Csengeri,
J. T. Dempsey,
C.C. Figura,
D. Froebrich,
K.~M. Menten,
F. Schuller,
M. D. Smith
F. Wyrowski
H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) : Paper III - Properties of Dense Molecular Gas across the Inner Milky Way. (2017)
S.~N. Longmore,
A.J. Walsh,
C.R. Purcell,
D. J. Burke,
J.~D. Henshaw,
D. Walker,
J.S. Urquhart,
A. T. Barnes,
M. Whiting,
M. G. Burton,
S.L. Breen,
T. Britton,
K.J. Brooks,
Maria R. Cunningham,
J. A. Green,
L. Harvey-Smith,
L. Hindson,
M.G. Hoare,
B. Indermuehle,
P. A. Jones,
N. Tsiolas,
V. Lowe,
T. J. T. Moore,
M. A. Thompson
M. A. Voronkov
The JCMT Plane Survey : First complete data release - emission maps and compact source catalogue. (2017)
D.~J. Eden,
T. J. T. Moore,
R. Plume,
J.S. Urquhart,
M. A. Thompson,
H. Parsons,
J. T. Dempsey,
A.~J. Rigby,
L. K. Morgan,
H. S. Thomas,
D J Berry,
J. Buckle,
Christopher M. Brunt,
H. M. Butner,
D. Carretero,
A. Chrysostomou,
M. J. Currie,
H.~M. deVilliers,
M. Fich,
A. G. Gibb,
M.G. Hoare,
T. Jenness,
G. Manser,
J.~C. Mottram,
C. Natario,
F. Olguin,
N. Peretto,
M. Pestalozzi,
D. Polychroni,
R.~O. Redman,
C. Salji,
L.~J. Summers,
K. Tahani,
A. Traficante,
J. diFrancesco,
A. Evans,
G. A. Fuller,
D. Johnstone,
G. Joncas,
S.~N. Longmore,
Gary P Martin,
J. S. Richer,
B. Weferling,
Glenn J. White
M. Zhu
The SCUBA-2 Ambitious Sky Survey: a catalogue of beam-sized sources in the Galactic longitude range 120deg-140deg. (2017)
W. Nettke,
D. Scott,
A. G. Gibb,
M. Thompson,
A. Chrysostomou,
A. Evans,
T. Hill,
T. Jenness,
G. Joncas,
T. Moore,
S. Serjeant,
J.S. Urquhart,
M. Vaccari,
B. Weferling,
G. White
M. Zhu
Astrochemical Properties of Planck Cold Clumps. (2017)
Ken'ichi Tatematsu,
Tie Liu,
Satoshi Ohashi,
Patricio Sanhueza,
Quang Nguyen-Luong,
Tomoya Hirota,
Sheng-Yuan Liu,
Naomi Hirano,
Minho Choi,
Miju Kang,
Mark Thompson,
Garry Fuller,
Yuefang Wu,
James Di Francesco,
Kee-Tae Kim,
Ke Wang,
Isabelle Ristorcelli,
Mika Juvela,
Hiroko Shinnaga,
Maria R. Cunningham,
Masao Saito,
Jeong-Eun Lee,
L. Viktor Toth,
Jinhua He,
Takeshi Sakai,
Jungha Kim,
JCMT Large Program "SCOPE" collaboration
TRAO Key Science Program "TOP" collaboration
Infrared spectroscopy of eruptive variable protostars from VVV. (2017)
C. Contreras Peña,
P. W. Lucas,
R. Kurtev,
D. Minniti,
A. Caratti o Garatti,
F. Marocco,
M. A. Thompson,
D. Froebrich,
N. Kumar,
W. Stimson,
C. Navarro Molina,
J. Borissova,
T. Gledhill
R. Terzi
A population of eruptive variable protostars in VVV. (2017)
C. Contreras Peña,
P. W. Lucas,
D. Minniti,
R. Kurtev,
W. Stimson,
C. Navarro Molina,
J. Borissova,
N. Kumar,
M. A. Thompson,
T. Gledhill,
R. Terzi,
D. Froebrich
A. Caratti o Garatti
Highly variable young massive stars in ATLASGAL clumps. (2016)
M. S. N. Kumar,
C. Contreras-Pena,
P. W. Lucas
M. A. Thompson
The Herschel-ATLAS Data Release 1 Paper II : Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources. (2016)
N. Bourne,
L. Dunne,
S. J. Maddox,
S. Dye,
C. Furlanetto,
C. Hoyos,
D. J. B. Smith,
S. Eales,
M. W. L. Smith,
E. Valiante,
M. Alpaslan,
E. Andrae,
I. K. Baldry,
M. E. Cluver,
A. Cooray,
S. P. Driver,
J. S. Dunlop,
M. W. Grootes,
R. J. Ivison,
T. H. Jarrett,
J. Liske,
B. F. Madore,
C. C. Popescu,
A. G. Robotham,
K. Rowlands,
M. Seibert,
M. A. Thompson,
R. J. Tuffs,
S. Viaene
A. H. Wright
Young Stellar Clusters Containing Massive Young Stellar Objects in the VVV Survey. (2016)
J. Borissova,
S. Ramírez Alegría,
J. Alonso,
P. W. Lucas,
R. Kurtev,
N. Medina,
C. Navarro,
M. Kuhn,
M. Gromadzki,
G. Retamales,
M. A. Fernandez,
C. Agurto-Gangas,
A. -N. Chené,
D. Minniti,
C. Contreras Peña,
M. Catelan,
I. Decany,
M. A. Thompson,
E. F. E. Morales
P. Amigo
Excited-state hydroxyl maser catalogue from the methanol multibeam survey -- I. Positions and Variability. (2016)
A. Avison,
L. J. Quinn,
G. A. Fuller,
J. L. Caswell,
J. A. Green,
S. L. Breen,
S. P. Ellingsen,
M. D. Gray,
M. Pestalozzi,
M. A. Thompson
M. A. Voronkov
Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey : photometric maps and compact source catalogues. First data release for Inner Milky Way: +68°> l > -70°. (2016)
S. Molinari,
E. Schisano,
D. Elia,
M. Pestalozzi,
A. Traficante,
S. Pezzuto,
B. M. Swinyard,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
J. Bally,
T. J. T. Moore,
R. Plume,
A. Zavagno,
A. M. di Giorgio,
S. J. Liu,
G. L. Pilbratt,
J. C. Mottram,
D. Russeil,
L. Piazzo,
M. Veneziani,
M. Benedettini,
L. Calzoletti,
F. Faustini,
P. Natoli,
F. Piacentini,
M. Merello,
A. Palmese,
R. Del Grande,
D. Polychroni,
K. L. J. Rygl,
G. Polenta,
M. J. Barlow,
J. -P. Bernard,
P. G. Martin,
L. Testi,
B. Ali,
P. Andrè,
M. T. Beltrán,
N. Billot,
C. Brunt,
S. Carey,
R. Cesaroni,
M. Compiègne,
D. Eden,
Y. Fukui,
P. Garcia-Lario,
M. G. Hoare,
M. Huang,
G. Joncas,
T. L. Lim,
S. D. Lord,
S. Martinavarro-Armengol,
F. Motte,
R. Paladini,
D. Paradis,
N. Peretto,
T. Robitaille,
P. Schilke,
N. Schneider,
B. Schulz,
B. Sibthorpe,
F. Strafella,
M. A. Thompson,
G. Umana,
D. Ward-Thompson
F. Wyrowski
The Initial Conditions of Stellar Protocluster Formation : III. The Herschel counterparts of the Spitzer Dark Cloud catalogue. (2016)
N. Peretto,
C. Lenfestey,
G. A. Fuller,
A. Traficante,
S. Molinari,
M. A. Thompson
D. Ward-Thompson
CHIMPS: the 13CO/C18O (J = 3 to 2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey. (2016)
A.J. Rigby,
T.J.T. Moore,
R. Plume,
D.J. Eden,
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Thompson,
J.C. Mottram,
C.M. Brunt,
H. M. Butner,
J. T. Dempsey,
S.J. Gibson,
J. Hatchell,
T. Jenness,
N. Kuno,
S.N. Longmore,
L.K. Morgan,
D. Polychroni,
H. Thomas,
G.J. White
M. Zhu
Planck Cold Clumps in the λ Orionis Complex. I : Discovery of an Extremely Young Class 0 Protostellar Object and a Proto-brown Dwarf Candidate in the Bright-rimmed Clump PGCC G192.32-11.88. (2016)
T. Liu,
Q. Zhang,
K.-T. Kim,
Y. Wu,
C.W. Lee,
J.-E. Lee,
K. Tatematsu,
M. Choi,
M. Juvela,
M.A. Thompson,
P.F. Goldsmith,
S.Y. Liu,
H. Naomi,
P. Koch,
C. Henkel,
P. Sanhueza,
J. He,
A. Rivera-Ingraham,
K. Wang,
M.R. Cunningham,
Y.-W. Tang,
S.-P. Lai,
J. Yuan,
D. Li,
G. Fuller,
M. Kang,
Q. Nguyen Luong,
H.B. Liu,
I. Ristorcelli,
J. Yang,
Y. Xu,
T. Hirota,
D. Mardones,
S.-L. Qin,
H.-R. Chen,
W. Kwon,
F. Meng,
H. Zhang,
M.-R. Kim
H.-W. Yi
The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the ell = 30deg field. (2015)
T.~J.~T. Moore,
R. Plume,
M.~A. Thompson,
H. Parsons,
J.~S. Urquhart,
D.~J. Eden,
J.~T. Dempsey,
L.~K. Morgan,
H.~S. Thomas,
J. Buckle,
C.~M. Brunt,
H. Butner,
D. Carretero,
A. Chrysostomou,
H.~M. deVilliers,
M. Fich,
M.~G. Hoare,
G. Manser,
J.~C. Mottram,
C. Natario,
F. Olguin,
N. Peretto,
D. Polychroni,
R.~O. Redman,
A.~J. Rigby,
C. Salji,
L.~J. Summers,
D. Berry,
M.~J. Currie,
T. Jenness,
M. Pestalozzi,
A. Traficante,
P. Bastien,
J. diFrancesco,
C.~J. Davis,
A. Evans,
P. Friberg,
G.~A. Fuller,
A.~G. Gibb,
S. Gibson,
T. Hill,
D. Johnstone,
G. Joncas,
S.~N. Longmore,
S.~L. Lumsden,
P.~G. Martin,
Q.~N. Lu'o'ng,
J.~E. Pineda,
C. Purcell,
J.~S. Richer,
G.~H. Schieven,
R. Shipman,
M. Spaans,
A.~R. Taylor,
S. Viti,
B. Weferling,
G.~J. White
M. Zhu
The RMS survey: ammonia mapping of the environment of massive young stellar objects. (2015)
J.~S. Urquhart,
C.~C. Figura,
T.~J.~T. Moore,
T. Csengeri,
S.~L. Lumsden,
T. Pillai,
M.~A. Thompson,
D.~J. Eden
L.~K. Morgan
Star formation scales and efficiency in Galactic spiral arms. (2015)
D.~J. Eden,
T.~J.~T. Moore,
J.~S. Urquhart,
D. Elia,
R. Plume,
A.~J. Rigby
M.~A. Thompson
Infrared emission of young HII regions: a Herschel/Hi-GAL study. (2015)
R. Cesaroni,
M. Pestalozzi,
M.~T. Beltrán,
M.~G. Hoare,
S. Molinari,
L. Olmi,
M.~D. Smith,
G.~S. Stringfellow,
L. Testi
M.~A. Thompson
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - V. Galactic longitudes 20deg-60deg. (2015)
S.~L. Breen,
G.~A. Fuller,
J.~L. Caswell,
J.~A. Green,
A. Avison,
S.~P. Ellingsen,
M.~D. Gray,
M. Pestalozzi,
L.~J. Quinn,
A.~M.~S. Richards,
M.~A. Thompson
M.~A. Voronkov
6.7-GHz methanol maser associated outflows : an evolutionary sequence. (2015)
Helena Maria De Villiers,
A. Chrysostomou,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
S.L. Breen,
M.G. Burton,
S.P. Ellingsen,
G.A. Fuller,
Michele Pestalozzi,
M. A. Voronkov
D. Ward-Thompson
The almost ubiquitous association of 6.7-GHz methanol masers with dust. (2015)
J.S. Urquhart,
T. J. T. Moore,
K. M. Menten,
C. Koenig,
F. Wyrowski,
M.A. Thompson,
T. Csengeri,
S. Leurini
D.J. Eden
Very low-luminosity Class I/flat outflow sources in sigma Orionis. (2015)
Basmah Riaz,
M.A. Thompson,
E.T. Whelan
N. Lodieu
Methanol maser associated outflows : detection statistics and properties. (2014)
H.M De Villiers,
A. Chrysostomou,
Mark Thompson
Michael Burton
ATLASGAL - towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps. (2014)
J.S. Urquhart,
T. J. T. Moore,
T. Csengeri,
F. Wyrowski,
F. Schuller,
M.G. Hoare,
S. L. Lumsden,
J. C. Mottram,
M.A. Thompson,
K. M. Menten,
C.M. Walmsley,
L. Bronfman,
S. Pfalzner,
C. König
M. Wienen
On the shape of the mass-function of dense clumps in the Hi-GAL fields II : Using Bayesian inference to study the clump mass function. (2014)
L. Olmi,
D. Anglés-Alcázar,
D. Elia,
S. Molinari,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
E. Schisano,
L. Testi
M.A. Thompson
Isothermal dust models of Herschel-ATLAS galaxies. (2013)
Daniel Smith,
M.J. Hardcastle,
M.J. Jarvis,
S.J. Maddox,
L. Dunne,
D.G. Bonfield,
S. Eales,
S. Serjeant,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Baes,
D. L. Clements,
A. Cooray,
G. de Zotti,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
P. van der Werf,
J. Virdee,
N. Bourne,
A. Dariush,
R. Hopwood,
E. Ibar
E. Valiante
The G305 star-forming complex : radio continuum and molecular line observations. (2013)
Luke Hindson,
Mark Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
Alessandro Faimali,
M. Johnston-Hollitt,
J. S. Clark
B. Davies
The RMS survey : Galactic distribution of massive star formation. (2013)
J.S. Urquhart,
C.C. Figura,
T. J. T. Moore,
M.G. Hoare,
S. L. Lumsden,
J.C. Mottram,
Mark Thompson
R.D. Oudmaijer
A 325-MHz GMRT survey of the Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA fields. (2013)
T. Mauch,
H-R. Kloeckner,
S. Rawlings,
M.J. Jarvis,
M.J. Hardcastle,
D. Obreschkow,
D.J. Saikia
M.A. Thompson
Star formation in Galactic spiral arms and the interarm regions. (2013)
D.J. Eden,
T.J.T. Moore,
L.K. Morgan,
M.A. Thompson
J.S. Urquhart
ATLASGAL - environments of 6.7 GHz methanol masers. (2013)
J.S. Urquhart,
T.J.T. Moore,
F. Schuller,
F. Wyrowski,
K. M. Menten,
M. A. Thompson,
T. Csengeri,
C.M. Walmsley,
L. Bronfman
C. König
The mid-infrared environments of 6.7 GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multi-Beam Survey. (2013)
M. Gallaway,
M. A. Thompson,
P.W. Lucas,
G.A. Fuller,
J.L. Caswell,
J.A. Green,
M. A. Voronkov,
S.L. Breen,
L. Quinn,
S.P. Ellingsen,
A. Avison,
D. Ward-Thompson
J. Cox
A Hi-GAL study of the high-mass star-forming region G29.96-0.02. (2013)
M.T. Beltran,
L. Olmi,
R. Cesaroni,
E. Schisano,
D. Elia,
S. Molinari,
A. M. Di Giorgio,
J.M. Kirk,
J.C. Mottram,
M. Pestalozzi,
L. Testi
M.A. Thompson
The Coordinated Radio and Infrared Survey for High-mass Star Formation II : Source Catalog. (2013)
C.R. Purcell,
M.G. Hoare,
W.D. Cotton,
S. L. Lumsden,
J.S. Urquhart,
C. Chandler,
E.B. Churchwell,
P. Diamond,
S.M. Dougherty,
R.P. Fender,
G. Fuller,
S.T. Garrington,
T. Gledhill,
P.F. Goldsmith,
L. Hindson,
J.M. Jackson,
S.E. Kurtz,
J. Martí,
T.J.T. Moore,
L.G. Mundy,
T.W.B. Muxlow,
R.D. Oudmaijer,
J.D. Pandian,
J.M. Paredes,
D.S. Shepherd,
S. Smethurst,
R.E. Spencer,
M.A. Thompson,
G. Umana
A.A. Zijlstra
On the shape of the mass-function of dense clumps in the Hi-GAL fields . I : Spectral energy distribution determination and global properties of the mass-functions. (2013)
L. Olmi,
D. Anglés-Alcázar,
D. Elia,
S. Molinari,
L. Montier,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
D. Polychroni,
I. Ristorcelli,
J. Rodon,
E. Schisano,
M.D. Smith,
L. Testi
M. Thompson
The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey : NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) catalogues. (2012)
C.R. Purcell,
S.N. Longmore,
A.J. Walsh,
M.T. Whiting,
S.L. Breen,
T. Britton,
K.J. Brooks,
M.G. Burton,
M.R. Cunningham,
J.A. Green,
L. Harvey-Smith,
L. Hindson,
M.G. Hoare,
B. Indermuehle,
P.A. Jones,
N. Lo,
V. Lowe,
C.J. Phillips,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Voronkov
G.L. White
The G305 star-forming complex : embedded massive star formation discovered by Herschel Hi-GAL. (2012)
A. Faimali,
M.A. Thompson,
Luke Hindson,
J.S. Urquhart,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Carey,
S. Shenoy,
M. Veneziani,
S. Molinari
J.S. Clark
The effect of spiral arms on star formation in the Galaxy. (2012)
T.J.T. Moore,
J.S. Urquhart,
L.K. Morgan
M.A. Thompson
Measurements of CO Redshifts with Z-Spec for Lensed Submillimeter Galaxies Discovered in the H-ATLAS Survey. (2012)
R. E. Lupu,
K.S. Scott,
J.E. Aguirre,
I. Aretxaga,
R. Auld,
E. Barton,
A. Beelen,
F. Bertoldi,
J.J. Bock,
D. Bonfield,
C.M. Bradford,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. L. Clements,
J. Cooke,
A. Cooray,
H. Dannerbauer,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J. Glenn,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
Rob J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
J. Kamenetzky,
S. Kim,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
S. Maddox,
P. R. Maloney,
H. Matsuhara,
E. J. Murphy,
B.J. Naylor,
M. Negrello,
H. Nguyen,
A. Omont,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Serjeant,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov,
A. Verma,
J. D. Vieira
J. Zmuidzinas
The Coordinated Radio and Infrared Survey for High-Mass Star Formation (The CORNISH Survey). I : Survey Design. (2012)
M.G. Hoare,
C.R. Purcell,
E.B. Churchwell,
P. Diamond,
W.D. Cotton,
C.J. Chandler,
S. Smethurst,
S.E. Kurtz,
L.G. Mundy,
S.M. Dougherty,
R.P. Fender,
G.A. Fuller,
J.M. Jackson,
S.T. Garrington,
T. Gledhill,
P.F. Goldsmith,
S.L. Lumsden,
J. Martí,
T.J.T. Moore,
T.W.B. Muxlow,
R.D. Oudmaijer,
J.D. Pandian,
J.M. Paredes,
D.S. Shepherd,
R.E. Spencer,
M.A. Thompson,
G. Umana,
J.S. Urquhart
A.A. Zijlstra
Molecular clumps in the W51 giant molecular cloud. (2012)
H. Parsons,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Clark
A. Chrysostomou
Isolated starless cores in infrared dark clouds in the Hi-GAL survey. (2012)
L.A. Wilcock,
D. Ward-Thompson,
J.M. Kirk,
D. Stamatellos,
A. Whitworth,
C. Battersby,
D. Elia,
G.A. Fuller,
A. DiGiorgio,
M.J. Griffin,
S. Molinari,
P. Martin,
J.C. Mottram,
N. Peretto,
M. Pestalozzi,
E. Schisano,
H.A. Smith
M.A. Thompson
Herschel-ATLAS : VISTA VIKING near-infrared counterparts in the Phase 1 GAMA 9-h data. (2012)
S. Fleuren,
W. Sutherland,
L. Dunne,
Daniel Smith,
S. J. Maddox,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
J. Findlay,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
N. A. Bond,
D. G. Bonfield,
N. Bourne,
A. Cooray,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
A. Dariush,
G. De Zotti,
S. P. Driver,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
J. Fritz,
M. L. P. Gunawardhana,
R. Hopwood,
E. Ibar,
R. J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
L. Kelvin,
A. Lapi,
J. Liske,
M. J. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
M. Prescott,
E. E. Rigby,
A. Robotham,
D. Scott,
P. Temi,
Mark Thompson,
E. Valiante
P. van der Werf
H2D+ in the High-Mass Star-Forming Region Cygnus X. (2012)
T. Pillai,
P. Caselli,
J. Kauffmann,
Q. Zhang,
M. A. Thompson
D. C. Lis
The infrared properties of sources matched in the WISE all-sky and Herschel ATLAS surveys. (2012)
Nicholas A. Bond,
Dominic J. Benford,
Jonathan P. Gardner,
Alexandre Amblard,
Simone Fleuren,
Andrew W. Blain,
Loretta Dunne,
Daniel Smith,
Steve J. Maddox,
Carlos Hoyos,
Maarten Baes,
David Bonfield,
Nathan Bourne,
Carrie Bridge,
Sara Buttiglione,
Antonio Cava,
David Clements,
Asantha Cooray,
Ali Dariush,
Gianfranco de Zotti,
Simon Driver,
Simon Dye,
Steve Eales,
Peter Eisenhardt,
Rosalind Hopwood,
Edo Ibar,
Rob J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
Lee Kelvin,
Aaron S. G. Robotham,
Pasquale Temi,
Mark Thompson,
Chao-Wei Tsai,
Paul van der Werf,
Edward L. Wright,
Jingwen Wu
Lin Yan
Cores in infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) seen in the Hi-GAL survey between l=300 degrees and 330 degrees. (2012)
L.A. Wilcock,
D. Ward-Thompson,
J.M. Kirk,
D. Stamatellos,
A. Whitworth,
D. Elia,
G.A. Fuller,
A. DiGiorgio,
M.J. Griffin,
S. Molinari,
P. Martin,
J. C. Mottram,
N. Peretto,
M. Pestalozzi,
E. Schisano,
R. Plume,
H. A. Smith
M. A. Thompson
The G305 star-forming complex : a wide-area radio survey of ultracompact H ii regions. (2012)
Luke Hindson,
M. A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
A. Faimali,
J. S. Clark
B. Davies
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue IV. : Galactic longitudes 186deg-330deg including the Orion-Monoceros region. (2012)
J.A. Green,
J.L. Caswell,
G.A. Fuller,
A. Avison,
S.L. Breen,
S.P. Ellingsen,
M.D. Gray,
M. Pestalozzi,
L. Quinn,
Mark Thompson
M. A. Voronkov
Disc frequencies for brown dwarfs in the Upper Scorpius OB association : implications for brown dwarf formation theories. (2012)
B. Riaz,
N. Lodieu,
S. Goodwin,
D. Stamatellos
M. Thompson
The statistics of triggered star formation : an overdensity of massive young stellar objects around Spitzer bubbles. (2012)
Mark Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
T.J.T. Moore
L.K. Morgan
Detection and characterization of a 500 micron dust emissivity excess in the Galactic plane using Herschel/Hi-GAL observations. (2012)
D. Paradis,
R. Paladini,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
C. Mény,
F. Piacentini,
Mark Thompson,
D.J. Marshall,
M. Veneziani,
J.P. Bernard
S. Molinari
The G305 star-forming complex : the central star clusters Danks 1 and Danks 2. (2012)
B. Davies,
J.S. Clark,
C. Trombley,
D. F. Figer,
F. Najarro,
P.A. Crowther,
R.P. Kudritzki,
M. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart
Luke Hindson
VVV DR1: The first data release of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea. (2012)
R.K. Saito,
M. Hempel,
D. Minniti,
P.W. Lucas,
M. Rejkuba,
I. Toledo,
O. A. Gonzalez,
J. Alonso-García,
M.J. Irwin,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
S.T. Hodgkin,
J.R. Lewis,
N. Cross,
V.D. Ivanov,
E. Kerins,
J.P. Emerson,
M. Soto,
E.B. Amôres,
S. Gurovich,
I. Dékány,
R. Angeloni,
J.C. Beamin,
M. Catelan,
N. Padilla,
M. Zoccali,
P. Pietrukowicz,
C. Moni Bidin,
F. Mauro,
D. Geisler,
S.L. Folkes,
S.E. Sale,
J. Borissova,
R. Kurtev,
A.V. Ahumada,
M.V. Alonso,
A. Adamson,
J.I. Arias,
R.M. Bandyopadhyay,
R.H. Barbá,
B. Barbuy,
G. L. Baume,
L.R. Bedin,
A. Bellini,
R. Benjamin,
E. Bica,
C. Bonatto,
L. Bronfman,
G. Carraro,
A.N. Chenè,
J.J. Clariá,
J.R.A. Clarke,
C. Contreras,
A. Corvillón,
R. de Grijs,
B. Dias,
J.E. Drew,
C. Fariña,
C. Feinstein,
E. Fernández-Lajús,
R.C. Gamen,
W. Gieren,
B. Goldman,
C. González-Fernández,
R. J. J. Grand,
G. Gunthardt,
N.C. Hambly,
M. M. Hanson,
K.G. Helminiak,
M.G. Hoare,
L. Huckvale,
A. Jordán,
K. Kinemuchi,
A. Longmore,
M. López-Corredoira,
T. Maccarone,
D. Majaess,
E.L. Martín,
N. Masetti,
R.E. Mennickent,
I.F. Mirabel,
L. Monaco,
L. Morelli,
V. Motta,
T. Palma,
M.C. Parisi,
Q. Parker,
F. Peñaloza,
G. Pietrzyski,
G. Pignata,
B. Popescu,
M. A. Read,
A. Rojas,
A. Roman-Lopes,
M.T. Ruiz,
I. Saviane,
M. R. Schreiber,
A. C. Schröder,
S. Sharma,
M.D. Smith,
L. Sodré,
J. Stead,
A. W. Stephens,
M. Tamura,
C. Tappert,
Mark Thompson,
E. Valenti,
L. Vanzi,
N.A. Walton,
W. Weidmann
A. Zijlstra
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - III. Galactic longitudes 330° to 345°. (2011)
J.L. Caswell,
J.A. Green,
S.L. Breen,
M.A. Voronkov,
G.A. Fuller,
A. Avison,
M.D. Gray,
L. Quinn,
S.L. Breen,
S.P. Ellingsen,
M.R. Pestalozzi
Mark Thompson
Characterizing precursors to stellar clusters with Herschel. (2011)
C. Battersby,
J. Bally,
A. Ginsburg,
J.-P. Bernard,
C. Brunt,
G.A. Fuller,
P. Martin,
S. Molinari,
J. Mottram,
N. Peretto,
L. Testi
Mark Thompson
Herschel -ATLAS : Rapid evolution of dust in galaxies over the last 5 billion years. (2011)
L. Dunne,
S. J. Maddox,
K. Rowlands,
Daniel Smith,
N. Bourne,
E.E. Rigby,
H.L. Gomez,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
R. Auld,
A. Dariush,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. da Cunha,
S. Charlot,
M. Baes,
J. Fritz,
D.G. Bonfield,
M.J. Jarvis,
Mark Thompson,
S. Buttiglione,
G. de Zotti,
A. Cava,
D. L. Clements,
Kristen Coppin,
J. Geach,
A. Cooray,
R. Hopwood,
G. de Zotti,
S. Driver,
L. Kelvin,
A. Robotham,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
P. van der Werf,
C. Popescu,
A. E. Sansom,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Serjeant,
P. Temi,
R. Tuffs
C. Vlahakis
The HO Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) - I. Techniques and HO maser data. (2011)
A.J. Walsh,
G.L. White,
S.L. Breen,
T. Britton,
K.J. Brooks,
J.A. Green,
L. Harvey-Smith,
L. Hindson,
B. Indermuehle,
P.A. Jones,
V. Lowe,
C.J. Phillips,
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Voronkov,
M.T. Whiting,
M.G. Burton,
M.R. Cunningham,
V. Lowe,
L. Hindson,
Mark Thompson,
M.G. Hoare,
C.R. Purcell,
P.A. Jones,
S.N. Longmore
N. Lo
The Australia Telescope Compact Array Broad-band Backend: description and first results. (2011)
Warwick E. Wilson,
R. H. Ferris,
P. Axtens,
A. Brown,
E. Davis,
G. Hampson,
M. Leach,
P. Roberts,
S. Saunders,
B. S. Koribalski,
J. L. Caswell,
E. Lenc,
J. Stevens,
M. A. Voronkov,
M. H. Wieringa,
K. Brooks,
P. G. Edwards,
R. D. Ekers,
B. Emonts,
L. Hindson,
S. Johnston,
S. T. Maddison,
E. K. Mahony,
S. S. Malu,
M. Massardi,
M. Y. Mao,
D. McConnell,
R. P. Norris,
D. Schnitzeler,
R. Subrahmanyan,
J. S. Urquhart,
Mark Thompson
R. M. Wark
Herschel-ATLAS : Counterparts from the ultraviolet-near-infrared in the science demonstration phase catalogue. (2011)
Daniel Smith,
L. Dunne,
S. J. Maddox,
S. Eales,
D. G. Bonfield,
M.J. Jarvis,
W. Sutherland,
S. Fleuren,
E. E. Rigby,
Mark Thompson,
I.K. Baldry,
S. Bamford,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. L. Clements,
A. Cooray,
S. Croom,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. P. Driver,
J.S. Dunlop,
J. Fritz,
D. T. Hill,
A. Hopkins,
R. Hopwood,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
D. H. Jones,
L. Kelvin,
L. Leeuw,
J. Liske,
J. Loveday,
B. F. Madore,
P. Norberg,
P. Panuzzo,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
C. C. Popescu,
M. Prescott,
A. Robotham,
G. Rodighiero,
D. Scott,
M. Seibert,
R. Sharp,
P. Temi,
R. J. Tuffs,
P. van der Werf
E. van Kampen
IRDC cores in SCUBA Legacy Catalogue (Parsons+, 2009). (2011)
H. Parsons,
M.A. Thompson
A. Chrysostomou
Physical conditions of the interstellar medium of high-redshift, strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies from the Herschel-ATLAS. (2011)
I. Valtchanov,
J. Virdee,
R.J. Ivison,
B. Swinyard,
P. van der Werf,
D. Rigopoulou,
E. da Cunha,
R. Lupu,
D. J. Benford,
D. Riechers,
Ian Smail,
M.J. Jarvis,
C. Pearson,
H. Gomez,
R. Hopwood,
B. Altieri,
M. Birkinshaw,
D. Coia,
L. Conversi,
A. Cooray,
G. de Zotti,
L. Dunne,
D. Frayer,
L. Leeuw,
A. Marston,
M. Negrello,
M. Sanchez Portal,
D. Scott,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Vaccari,
M. Baes,
D. Clements,
M. J. Michalowski,
H. Dannerbauer,
S. Serjeant,
R. Auld,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
A. Dariush,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
J. Fritz,
E. Ibar,
S. Maddox,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
J. Carpenter,
A. Bolatto,
M. Gurwell
J. D. Vieira
Herschel-ATLAS: first data release of the Science Demonstration Phase source catalogues. (2011)
E. E. Rigby,
S. J. Maddox,
L. Dunne,
M. Negrello,
Daniel Smith,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
R. Auld,
S. Buttiglione,
M. Baes,
A. Cava,
A. Cooray,
D. L. Clements,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
R. Hopwood,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
P. Panuzzo,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Serjeant,
P. Temi
Mark Thompson
A pilot study for the SCUBA-2 'All-Sky' Survey. (2011)
Todd Mackenzie,
Filiberto G. Braglia,
Andy G. Gibb,
Douglas Scott,
Tim Jenness,
Stephen Serjeant,
Mark Thompson,
David Berry,
Christopher M. Brunt,
Edward Chapin,
A. Chrysostomou,
Dave Clements,
Kristen Coppin,
Frossie Economou,
A. Evans,
Per Friberg,
Jane Greaves,
T. Hill,
Wayne Holland,
R. J. Ivison,
Johan H. Knapen,
Neal Jackson,
Gilles Joncas,
Larry Morgan,
Angela Mortier,
Chris Pearson,
Michele Pestalozzi,
Alexandra Pope,
John Richer,
J. S. Urquhart,
Mattia Vaccari,
Bernd Weferling,
Glenn White
Ming Zhu
Multiple stellar generations in massive star forming complexes. (2011)
J.S. Clark,
B. Davies
Mark Thompson
A 100 pc elliptical and twisted ring of cold and dense molecular clouds revealed by Herschel around the galactic center. (2011)
S. Molinari,
J. Bally,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
M. Compiegne,
J.P. Bernard,
D. Paradis,
P. Martin,
L. Testi,
M. Barlow,
T. Moore,
R. Plume,
B. Swinyard,
A. Zavagno,
L. Calzoletti,
A. M. Di Giorgio,
D. Elia,
F. Faustini,
P. Natoli,
Michele Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
F. Piacentini,
G. Polenta,
D. Polychroni,
E. Schisano,
A. Traficante,
M. Veneziani,
C. Battersby,
M. Burton,
S. Carey,
Y. Fukui,
J.Z. Li,
S.D. Lord,
L. Morgan,
F. Motte,
F. Schuller,
G.S. Stringfellow,
J.C. Tan,
Mark Thompson,
D. Ward-Thompson,
G. White
G. Umana
Clustering properties of far-infrared sources in Hi-Gal science demonstation phase fields. (2011)
N. Billot,
E. Schisano,
Michele Pestalozzi,
S. Molinari,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
J.C. Mottram,
L.D. Anderson,
D. Elia,
G. S. Stringfellow,
Mark Thompson,
D. Polychroni
L. Testi
EMU : Evolutionary Map of the Universe. (2011)
Ray P. Norris,
A. M. Hopkins,
J. Afonso,
S. Brown,
J. J. Condon,
L. Dunne,
I. Feain,
R. Hollow,
M.J. Jarvis,
M. Johnston-Hollitt,
E. Lenc,
E. Middelberg,
P. Padovani,
I. Prandoni,
L. Rudnick,
N. Seymour,
G. Umana,
H. Andernach,
D. M. Alexander,
P. N. Appleton,
D. Bacon,
J. Banfield,
W. Becker,
M. J. I. Brown,
P. Ciliegi,
C. Jackson,
S. Eales,
A. C. Edge,
B. M. Gaensler,
G. Giovannini,
C. A. Hales,
P. Hancock,
M. T. Huynh,
E. Ibar,
R. J. Ivison,
R. Kennicutt,
Amy E. Kimball,
A. M. Koekemoer,
B. S. Koribalski,
A. R. Lopez-Sanchez,
M. Y. Mao,
T. Murphy,
H. Messias,
K. A. Pimbblet,
A. Raccanelli,
K. E. Randall,
T. H. Reiprich,
I. G. Roseboom,
H. Roettgering,
D. J. Saikia,
R. G. Sharp,
O. B. Slee,
Ian Smail,
Mark Thompson,
J. S. Urquhart,
J. V. Wall
G. -B. Zhao
Giving physical significance to the Hi-GAL data : determining the distance of cold dusty cores in the Milky Way. (2011)
D. Russeil,
M. Pestalozzi,
J.C. Mottram,
S. Bontemps,
L.D. Anderson,
A. Zavagno,
M.T. Beltran,
J. Bally,
J. Brand,
C. Brunt,
R. Cesaroni,
G. Joncas,
D. Marshall,
P. Martin,
F. Massi,
S. Molinari,
T.J.T. Moore,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
L. Olmi,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Wienen
F. Wyrowski
Green Bank Telescope Zpectrometer CO(1-0) observations of the strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies From the Herschel ATLAS. (2011)
A. Harris,
A.J. Baker,
R.J. Ivison,
I. Smail,
M. Negrello,
R. Maddalena,
I. Aretxaga,
M. Baes,
M. Birkinshaw,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
H. Dannerbauer,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
J.S. Dunlop,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D.H. Fritz,
E. Ibar,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
S. Maddox,
M.J. Michallowski,
A. Omont,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
D. Scott,
S. Serjeant,
Daniel Smith,
A.M. Swinbank,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov,
P. van der Werf,
A. Verma
D. Frayer
Herschel-ATLAS : statistical properties of Galactic cirrus in the GAMA-9 Hour Science Demonstration Phase Field. (2011)
A. Bracco,
A. Cooray,
M. Veneziani,
A. Amblard,
P. Serra,
J. Wardlow,
Mark Thompson,
G. White,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
F. Bertoldi,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
J. Fritz,
H. Gomez,
R. Hopwood,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
M.G. Lee,
L. Leeuw,
S. Maddox,
M. Michalowski,
C. Pearson,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M. Vaccari
P. van der Werf
Major structures of the inner galaxy delineated by 6.7 GHz methanol masers. (2011)
J.A. Green,
J.L. Caswell,
N. McClure-Griffiths,
A. Avison,
S.L. Breen,
M. Burton,
S. Ellingsen,
G.A. Fuller,
M.D. Gray,
M. Pestalozzi,
M.A. Thompson
M. Voronkov
Probing the initial conditions of high-mass star formation II : Fragmentation, stability, and chemistry towards high-mass star-forming regions G29.96-0.02 and G35.20-1.74. (2011)
T. Pillai,
J. Kauffmann,
F. Wyrowski,
J. Hatchell,
A.G. Gibb
M.A. Thompson
Spitzer imaging of Herschel-atlas gravitationally lensed submillimeter sources. (2011)
R. Hopwood,
J. Wardlow,
A. Cooray,
A.A. Khostovan,
S. Kim,
M. Negrello,
E. da Cunha,
D. Burgarella,
I. Aretxaga,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
E. Barton,
F. Bertoldi,
D. Bonfield,
R. Blundell,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
J. Cooke,
H. Dannerbauer,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
J.S. Dunlop,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
J. Fritz,
D. Frayer,
M.A. Gurwell,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
S. Maddox,
M.J. Michallowski,
A. Omont,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
D. Scott,
S. Serjeant,
I. Smail,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov,
P. van der Werf,
A. Verma
J. Vieira
The initial conditions of high-mass star formation : radiative transfer models of IRDCs seen in the Herschel Hi-GAL survey. (2011)
L.A. Wilcock,
J.M. Kirk,
D. Stamatellos,
D. Ward-Thompson,
A. Whitworth,
C. Battersby,
C. Brunt,
G.A. Fuller,
M. Griffin,
S. Molinari,
P. Martin,
J.C. Mottram,
N. Peretto,
R. Plume,
H.A. Smith
M.A. Thompson
Clouds, filaments, and protostars : The Herschel Hi-GAL Milky Way. (2010)
S. Molinari,
B. Swinyard,
J. Bally,
M. Barlow,
J.-P. Bernard,
P. Martin,
T. Moore,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
R. Plume,
L. Testi,
A. Zavagno,
A. Abergel,
B. Ali,
L. Anderson,
P. André,
J.-P. Baluteau,
C. Battersby,
M. T. Beltrán,
M. Benedettini,
N. Billot,
J. Blommaert,
S. Bontemps,
F. Boulanger,
J. Brand,
C. Brunt,
M. Burton,
L. Calzoletti,
S. Carey,
P. Caselli,
R. Cesaroni,
J. Cernicharo,
S. Chakrabarti,
A. Chrysostomou,
M. Cohen,
M. Compiegne,
P. de Bernardis,
G. de Gasperis,
A.M. di Giorgio,
D. Elia,
F. Faustini,
N. Flagey,
Y. Fukui,
G.A. Fuller,
K. Ganga,
P. Garcia-Lario,
J. Glenn,
P.F. Goldsmith,
M. Griffin,
M. Hoare,
M. Huang,
D. Ikhenaode,
C. Joblin,
G. Joncas,
M. Juvela,
J.M. Kirk,
G. Lagache,
J.Z. Li,
T.L. Lim,
S.D. Lord,
M. Marengo,
D.J. Marshall,
S. Masi,
F. Massi,
M. Matsuura,
V. Minier,
M.-A. Miville-Deschênes,
L.A. Montier,
L. Morgan,
F. Motte,
J.C. Mottram,
T.G. Müller,
P. Natoli,
J. Neves,
L. Olmi,
R. Paladini,
D. Paradis,
H. Parsons,
N. Peretto,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
F. Piacentini,
L. Piazzo,
D. Polychroni,
M. Pomarès,
C. C. Popescu,
W.T. Reach,
I. Ristorcelli,
J.-F. Robitaille,
T. Robitaille,
J.A. Rodón,
A. Roy,
P. Royer,
D. Russeil,
P. Saraceno,
M. Sauvage,
P. Schilke,
E. Schisano,
N. Schneider,
F. Schuller,
B. Schulz,
B. Sibthorpe,
H. A. Smith,
M.D. Smith,
L. Spinoglio,
D. Stamatellos,
F. Strafella,
G.S. Stringfellow,
E. Sturm,
R. Taylor,
Mark Thompson,
A. Traficante,
R. J. Tuffs,
G. Umana,
L. Valenziano,
R. Vavrek,
M. Veneziani,
S. Viti,
C. Waelkens,
D. Ward-Thompson,
G. White,
L.A. Wilcock,
F. Wyrowski,
H.W. Yorke
Q. Zhang
A Herschel study of YSO evolutionary stages and formation timelines in two fields of the Hi-GAL survey. (2010)
D. Elia,
E. Schisano,
S. Molinari,
T. Robitaille,
D. Anglés-Alcázar,
J. Bally,
C. Battersby,
M. Benedettini,
N. Billot,
L. Calzoletti,
A. M. Di Giorgio,
F. Faustini,
J. Z. Li,
P. Martin,
L. Morgan,
F. Motte,
J.C. Mottram,
P. Natoli,
L. Olmi,
R. Paladini,
F. Piacentini,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
D. Polychroni,
M. Smith,
F. Strafella,
G. S. Stringfellow,
L. Testi,
M.A. Thompson,
A. Traficante
M. Veneziani
The Herschel ATLAS. (2010)
S. Eales,
L. Dunne,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
R. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
S. Maddox,
M. Negrello,
S. Serjeant,
Mark Thompson,
E. van Kampen,
A. Amblard,
P. Andreani,
M. Baes,
A. Beelen,
G. J. Bendo,
D. Benford,
F. Bertoldi,
J. Bock,
D. Bonfield,
A. Boselli,
C. Bridge,
V. Buat,
D. Burgarella,
R. Carlberg,
A. Cava,
P. Chanial,
S. Charlot,
N. Christopher,
P. Coles,
L. Cortese,
A. Dariush,
E. da Cunha,
G. Dalton,
L. Danese,
H. Dannerbauer,
S. Driver,
J. Dunlop,
L. Fan,
D. Farrah,
D. Frayer,
C. Frenk,
James Geach,
J. Gardner,
H. Gomez,
J. González-Nuevo,
E. González-Solares,
M. Griffin,
M.J. Hardcastle,
E. Hatziminaoglou,
D. Herranz,
D. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
W.-S. Jeong,
C. Lacey,
A. Lapi,
A. Lawrence,
M. Lee,
L. Leeuw,
J. Liske,
M. López-Caniego,
T. Müller,
K. Nandra,
P. Panuzzo,
A. Papageorgiou,
G. Patanchon,
J. Peacock,
C. Pearson,
S. Phillipps,
M. Pohlen,
C. Popescu,
S. Rawlings,
E. Rigby,
M. Rigopoulou,
A. Robotham,
G. Rodighiero,
A. Sansom,
B. Schulz,
D. Scott,
Daniel Smith,
B. Sibthorpe,
I. Smail,
J. Stevens,
W. Sutherland,
T. Takeuchi,
J. Tedds,
P. Temi,
R. Tuffs,
M. Trichas,
M. Vaccari,
I. Valtchanov,
P. van der Werf,
A. Verma,
J. Vieria,
C. Vlahakis
G.J. White
Hi-GAL: The Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey. (2010)
S. Molinari,
B. Swinyard,
J. Bally,
M. Barlow,
J.P. Bernard,
P. Martin,
T. Moore,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
R. Plume,
L. Testi,
A. Zavagno,
A. Abergel,
B. Ali,
P. André,
J.-P. Baluteau,
M. Benedettini,
O. Berné,
N. P. Billot,
J. Blommaert,
S. Bontemps,
F. Boulanger,
J. Brand,
C. Brunt,
M. Burton,
L. Campeggio,
S. Carey,
P. Caselli,
R. Cesaroni,
J. Cernicharo,
S. Chakrabarti,
A. Chrysostomou,
C. Codella,
M. Cohen,
M. Compiegne,
C.J. Davis,
P. de Bernardis,
G. de Gasperis,
J. Di Francesco,
A. M. Di Giorgio,
D. Elia,
F. Faustini,
J.F. Fischera,
Y. Fukui,
G.A. Fuller,
K. Ganga,
P. Garcia-Lario,
M. Giard,
G. Giardino,
J. Glenn,
P. Goldsmith,
M. Griffin,
M. Hoare,
M. Huang,
B. Jiang,
C. Joblin,
G. Joncas,
M. Juvela,
J. Kirk,
G. Lagache,
J.Z. Li,
T.L. Lim,
S.D. Lord,
P.W. Lucas,
B. Maiolo,
M. Marengo,
D. Marshall,
S. Masi,
F. Massi,
M. Matsuura,
C. Meny,
V. Minier,
M.-A. Miville-Deschênes,
L. Montier,
F. Motte,
T.G. Müller,
P. Natoli,
J. Neves,
L. Olmi,
R. Paladini,
D. Paradis,
M. Pestalozzi,
S. Pezzuto,
F. Piacentini,
M. Pomarès,
C. C. Popescu,
W.T. Reach,
J. Richer,
I. Ristorcelli,
A. Roy,
P. Royer,
D. Russeil,
P. Saraceno,
M. Sauvage,
P. Schilke,
N. Schneider-Bontemps,
F. Schuller,
B. Schultz,
D.S. Shepherd,
B. Sibthorpe,
H.A. Smith,
M.D. Smith,
L. Spinoglio,
D. Stamatellos,
F. Strafella,
G. Stringfellow,
E. Sturm,
R. Taylor,
M.A. Thompson,
R. J. Tuffs,
G. Umana,
L. Valenziano,
R. Vavrek,
S. Viti,
C. Waelkens,
D. Ward-Thompson,
G. White,
F. Wyrowski,
H.W. Yorke
Q. Zhang
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – I. Galactic Centre region, longitudes 345° to 6°. (2010)
J.L. Caswell,
G.A. Fuller,
J.A. Green,
A. Avison,
S.L. Breen,
K. Brooks,
M.G. Burton,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Cox,
P.J. Diamond,
S. Ellingsen,
M.D. Gray,
M.G. Hoare,
M.R.W. Masheder,
N. McClure-Griffiths,
M. Pestalozzi,
C. Phillips,
L. Quinn,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Voronkov,
A. Walsh,
D. Ward-Thompson,
D. Wong-McSweeney,
J.A. Yates
R.J. Cohen
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – II. Galactic longitudes 6° to 20°. (2010)
J.A. Green,
J.L. Caswell,
G.A. Fuller,
A. Avison,
S.L. Breen,
S. Ellingsen,
M.D. Gray,
M. Pestalozzi,
L. Quinn,
M.A. Thompson
M. Voronkov
Ammonia observations of bright-rimmed clouds : establishing a sample of triggered protostars. (2010)
L.K. Morgan,
C.C. Figura,
J.S. Urquhart
M.A. Thompson
The G305 star-forming complex : wide-area molecular mapping of NH3 and H2O masers. (2010)
Luke Hindson,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
J.S. Clark
B. Davies
Herschel ATLAS: The cosmic star formation history of quasar host galaxies. (2010)
S. Serjeant,
F. Bertoldi,
A.W. Blain,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
L. Danese,
J.S. Dunlop,
L. Dunne,
S. Eales,
J. Falder,
E. Hatziminaoglou,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
M.J. Jarvis,
A. Lawrence,
M.G. Lee,
M. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
A. Omont,
M.J. Page,
C. Pearson,
P. van der Werf,
G.J. White,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
R.J. Ivison,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
S. Maddox,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
B. Sibthorpe,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov
A. Verma
Herschel-ATLAS: Blazars in the science demonstration phase field. (2010)
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
G. de Zotti,
P. Andreani,
E. Barton,
F. Bertoldi,
M. Birkinshaw,
L. Bonavera,
S. Buttiglione,
J. Cooke,
A. Cooray,
G. Danese,
L. Dunne,
S. Eales,
L. Fan,
M.J. Jarvis,
H-R. Kloeckner,
E. Hatziminaoglou,
D. Herranz,
D.H. Hughes,
A. Lapi,
A. Lawrence,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
M. Massardi,
T. Mauch,
M. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
S. Rawlings,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
S. Serjeant,
J. Vieira,
G.J. White,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Dariush,
S. Dye,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
G. Lagache,
S. Maddox,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
B. Sibthorpe,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov
A. Verma
Herschel-ATLAS: Dust temperature and redshift distribution of SPIRE and PACS detected sources using submillimetre colours. (2010)
A. Amblard,
A. Cooray,
P. Serra,
P. Temi,
E. Barton,
M. Negrello,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
I.K. Baldry,
S. Bamford,
A.W. Blain,
J. Bock,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
E. Cameron,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
S. Croom,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Driver,
J.S. Dunlop,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J.P. Gardner,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
D. Hill,
A. Hopkins,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
D.H. Jones,
L. Kelvin,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
J. Liske,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
J. Loveday,
S. Maddox,
M. Michalowski,
P. Norberg,
H. Parkinson,
J.A. Peacock,
C. Pearson,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
C. Popescu,
M. Prescott,
A. Robotham,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
A. Sansom,
D. Scott,
S. Serjeant,
R.G. Sharp,
B. Sibthorpe,
Daniel Smith,
M.A. Thompson,
R. Tuffs,
I. Valtchanov,
E. van Kampen,
P. van der Werf,
A. Verma,
J. Vieira
C. Vlahakis
Herschel-ATLAS: Evolution of the 250 µm luminosity function out to z = 0.5. (2010)
S. Dye,
L. Dunne,
S. Eales,
Daniel Smith,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
I.K. Baldry,
S. Bamford,
A.W. Blain,
D. Bonfield,
M. Bremer,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
E. Cameron,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
S. Croom,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Driver,
J.S. Dunlop,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J.P. Gardner,
H.L. Gomez,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
D. Hill,
A. Hopkins,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
D.H. Jones,
L. Kelvin,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
J. Liske,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
J. Loveday,
S. Maddox,
M. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
P. Norberg,
M.J. Page,
H. Parkinson,
E. Pascale,
J.A. Peacock,
M. Pohlen,
C. Popescu,
M. Prescott,
D. Rigopoulou,
A. Robotham,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
D. Scott,
S. Serjeant,
R.G. Sharp,
B. Sibthorpe,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
R. Tuffs,
I. Valtchanov,
P. van der Werf,
E. van Kampen
A. Verma
Herschel-ATLAS: Extragalactic number counts from 250 to 500 microns. (2010)
D. Clements,
E. Rigby,
S. Maddox,
L. Dunne,
A.M.J. Mortier,
C. Pearson,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
A. Cooray,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J.P. Gardner,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
M. Negrello,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
S. Serjeant,
B. Sibthorpe,
D. Scott,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
I. Valtchanov,
P. van der Werf
A. Verma
Herschel-ATLAS: The angular correlation function of submillimetre galaxies at high and low redshift. (2010)
S. Maddox,
L. Dunne,
E. Rigby,
S. Eales,
A. Cooray,
D. Scott,
J.A. Peacock,
M. Negrello,
Daniel Smith,
D. Benford,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
M.J. Jarvis,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
S. Serjeant,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson
A. Verma
Herschel-ATLAS: The dust energy balance in the edge-on spiral galaxy UGC 4754. (2010)
M. Baes,
J. Fritz,
D.A. Gadotti,
Daniel Smith,
L. Dunne,
E. da Cunha,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
G. Bendo,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
G. Lagache,
L. Leeuw,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
M.J. Jarvis,
S. Maddox,
M. Negrello,
M. Michalowski,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
S. Serjeant,
P. Temi,
M.A. Thompson,
P. van der Werf,
A. Verma
C. Vlahakis
Herschel-ATLAS: the far-infrared-radio correlation at z <0.5. (2010)
M.J. Jarvis,
Daniel Smith,
David G. Bonfield,
M.J. Hardcastle,
J. T. Falder,
Jason Stevens,
R.J. Ivison,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
I.K. Baldry,
S. P. Bamford,
N. Bourne,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
A. Cooray,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
J. S. Dunlop,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
J. Fritz,
D. T. Hill,
R. Hopwood,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
D. H. Jones,
L. Kelvin,
A. Lawrence,
L. Leeuw,
J. Loveday,
S. J. Maddox,
M. J. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
P. Norberg,
M. Pohlen,
M. Prescott,
E. E. Rigby,
A. Robotham,
G. Rodighiero,
D. Scott,
R. Sharp,
P. Temi,
Mark Thompson,
P. van der Werf,
E. van Kampen,
C. Vlahakis
G. White
VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) : The public ESO near-IR variability survey of the Milky Way. (2010)
D. Minniti,
P.W. Lucas,
J.P. Emerson,
R.K. Saito,
M. Hempel,
P. Pietrukowicz,
A.V. Ahumada,
M.V. Alonso,
J. Alonso-Garcia,
J.I. Arias,
R.M. Bandyopadhyay,
R. Barba,
B. Barbuy,
L.R. Bedin,
E. Bica,
J. Borissova,
L. Bronfman,
G. Carraro,
M. Catelan,
J. J. Claria,
N. Cross,
R. de Grijs,
I. Dekany,
J.E. Drew,
C. Farina,
C. Feinstein,
E. Fernandez Lajus,
R.C. Gamen,
D. Geisler,
W. Gieren,
B. Goldman,
O. A. Gonzalez,
G. Gunthardt,
S. Gurovich,
N.C. Hambly,
M.J. Irwin,
V.D. Ivanov,
A. Jordan,
E. Kerins,
K. Kinemuchi,
R. Kurtev,
M. Lopez-Corredoira,
T. Maccarone,
N. Masetti,
D. Merlo,
M. Messineo,
I.F. Mirabel,
L. Monaco,
L. Morelli,
N. Padilla,
T. Palma,
M.C. Parisi,
G. Pignata,
M. Rejkuba,
A. Roman-Lopes,
S. E. Sale,
M. R. Schreiber,
A.C. Schroder,
M. Smith,
L. Sodre Jr,
M. Soto,
M. Tamura,
C. Tappert,
Mark Thompson,
I. Toledo,
M. Zoccali
G. Pietrzynski
Variations of the spectral index of dust emissivity from Hi-GAL observations of the Galactic plane. (2010)
D. Paradis,
M. Veneziani,
A. Noriega-Crespo,
R. Paladini,
F. Piacentini,
J.P. Bernard,
P. de Bernardis,
L. Calzoletti,
F. Faustini,
P. Martin,
S. Masi,
L. Montier,
P. Natoli,
I. Ristorcelli,
M.A. Thompson,
A. Traficante
S. Molinari
The detection of a population of submillimeter-bright, strongly lensed galaxies. (2010)
Mattia Negrello,
R. Hopwood,
G. de Zotti,
A. Cooray,
A. Verma,
J. Bock,
D. T. Frayer,
M.A. Gurwell,
A. Omont,
R. Neri,
H. Dannerbauer,
L. L. Leeuw,
E. Barton,
J. Cooke,
S. Kim,
E. da Cunha,
G. Rodighiero,
P. Cox,
David G. Bonfield,
M.J. Jarvis,
S. Serjeant,
R.J. Ivison,
S. Dye,
I. Aretxaga,
D.H. Hughes,
E. Ibar,
F. Bertoldi,
I. Valtchanov,
S. Eales,
L. Dunne,
S. P. Driver,
R. Auld,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
C.A. Grady,
D. L. Clements,
A. Dariush,
J. Fritz,
D. Hill,
J.B. Hornbeck,
L. Kelvin,
G. Lagache,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
S. Maddox,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. E. Rigby,
A. Robotham,
C. Simpson,
Daniel Smith,
P. Temi,
Mark Thompson,
B.E. Woodgate,
D.G. York,
J.E. Aguirre,
A. Beelen,
A. Blain,
A.J. Baker,
M. Birkinshaw,
R. Blundell,
C.M. Bradford,
D. Burgarella,
L. Danese,
J. S. Dunlop,
S. Fleuren,
J. Glenn,
A.I. Harris,
J. Kamenetzky,
R. E. Lupu,
R. J. Maddalena,
B. F. Madore,
P. R. Maloney,
H. Matsuhara,
M. J. Michaowski,
E. J. Murphy,
B.J. Naylor,
H. Nguyen,
C. Popescu,
S. Rawlings,
D. Rigopoulou,
D. Scott,
K.S. Scott,
M. Seibert,
I. Smail,
R. J. Tuffs,
J. D. Vieira,
P. P. van der Werf
J. Zmuidzinas
A multiwavelength study of star formation in the vicinity of galactic H II region Sh 2-100. (2010)
M.R. Samal,
A.K. Pandey,
D.K. Ojha,
S.K. Ghosh,
V.K. Kulkarni,
N. Kusakabe,
M. Tamura,
B.C. Bhatt,
M.A. Thompson
R. Sagar
A search for debris disks in the Herschel-ATLAS. (2010)
M.A. Thompson,
Daniel Smith,
J. A. Stevens,
M.J. Jarvis,
E. Vidal Perez,
J. Marshall,
L. Dunne,
S. Eales,
G.J. White,
L. Leeuw,
B. Sibthorpe,
M. Baes,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
D. Scott,
J. Vieira,
A. Amblard,
R. Auld,
D. Bonfield,
D. Burgarella,
S. Buttiglione,
A. Cava,
D. Clements,
A. Cooray,
A. Dariush,
G. de Zotti,
S. Dye,
D. Frayer,
J. Fritz,
J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,
D. Herranz,
E. Ibar,
R.J. Ivison,
G. Lagache,
M. Lopez-Caniego,
S. Maddox,
M. Negrello,
E. Pascale,
M. Pohlen,
E. Rigby,
G. Rodighiero,
S. Samui,
S. Serjeant,
P. Temi,
I. Valtchanov
A. Verma
The 6-GHz multibeam maser survey – I. Techniques. (2009)
J.A. Green,
J.L. Caswell,
G.A. Fuller,
A. Avison,
S.L. Breen,
K. Brooks,
M. Burton,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Cox,
P.J. Diamond,
S. Ellingsen,
M.D. Gray,
M.G. Hoare,
M.R.W. Masheder,
N. McClure-Griffiths,
M. Pestalozzi,
C. Phillips,
L. Quinn,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Voronkov,
A. Walsh,
D. Ward-Thompson,
D. Wong-McSweeney,
J.A. Yates
R.J. Cohen
Accounting for the foreground contribution to the dust emission towards Kepler's supernova remnant. (2009)
H.L. Gomez,
L. Dunne,
R.J. Ivison,
E.M. Reynoso,
M.A. Thompson,
B. Sibthorpe,
S.A. Eales,
T.M. Delaney,
S. Maddox
K. Isaak
CO observations towards bright-rimmed clouds. (2009)
L.K. Morgan,
J.S. Urquhart
M.A. Thompson
Infrared dark cloud cores in the SCUBA Legacy Catalogue. (2009)
H. Parsons,
M.A. Thompson
A. Chrysostomou
Observational study of sites of triggered star formation - CO and mid-infrared observations. (2009)
J.S. Urquhart,
L.K. Morgan
M.A. Thompson
The P Cygni supergiant [OMN2000] LS1 – implications for the star formation history of W51. (2009)
J.S. Clark,
B. Davies,
F. Najarro,
J. MacKenty,
P.A. Crowther,
M. Messineo
M.A. Thompson
Supersonic turbulence in the cold massive core JCMT 18354-0649S star. (2009)
P.B. Carolan,
T. Khanzadyan,
M.P. Redman,
M.A. Thompson,
P.A. Jones,
M.R. Cunningham,
R.M. Loughnane,
I. Bains
E. Keto
An investigation on the morphological evolution of bright-rimmed clouds. (2009)
J. Miao,
G.J. White,
M.A. Thompson
R.P. Nelson
A SCUBA survey of bright-rimmed clouds. (2008)
L.K. Morgan,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart
G.J. White
Multibeam Maser Survey of methanol and excited OH in the Magellanic clouds: new detections and maser abundance estimates. (2008)
J.A. Green,
J.L. Caswell,
G.A. Fuller,
S.L. Breen,
K. Brooks,
M. Burton,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Cox,
P.J. Diamond,
S. Ellingsen,
M.D. Gray,
M.G. Hoare,
M.R.W. Masheder,
N. McClure-Griffiths,
M. Pestalozzi,
C. Phillips,
L. Quinn,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Voronkov,
A. Walsh,
D. Ward-Thompson,
D. Wong-McSweeney,
J.A. Yates
R.J. Cohen
The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey. (2008)
P.W. Lucas,
M.G. Hoare,
A.J. Longmore,
A.C. Schroeder,
C.J. Davis,
A. Adamson,
R.M. Bandyopadhyay,
R. de Grijs,
M. Smith,
A. Gosling,
S. Mitchison,
A. Gaspar,
M. Coe,
M. Tamura,
Q. Parker,
M. Irwin,
N. Hambly,
J. Bryant,
R. S. Collins,
N. Cross,
D.W. Evans,
E. Gonzalez-Solares,
S. Hodgkin,
J. Lewis,
M. Read,
M. Riello,
E. T. W. Sutorius,
A. Lawrence,
J.E. Drew,
S. Dye
M.A. Thompson
The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Spectral Legacy Survey. (2007)
R. Plume,
G.A. Fuller,
F. Helmich,
F.F.S. van der Tak,
H. Roberts,
J. Bowey,
J. Buckle,
H. Butner,
E. Caux,
C. Ceccarelli,
E.F. van Dishoeck,
P. Friberg,
A.G. Gibb,
J. Hatchell,
M.R. Hogerheijde,
H. Matthews,
T.J. Millar,
G. Mitchell,
T.J.T. Moore,
V. Ossenkopf,
J.M.C. Rawlings,
J. Richer,
M. Roellig,
P. Schilke,
M. Spaans,
A.G.G.M. Tielens,
M.A. Thompson,
S. Viti,
B. Weferling,
G.J. White,
J. Wouterloot,
J.A. Yates
M. Zhu
The Parkes methanol multibeam survey. (2007)
R.J. Cohen,
J.L. Caswell,
K. Brooks,
M. Burton,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Cox,
P.J. Diamond,
S. Ellingsen,
G.A. Fuller,
M.D. Gray,
J.A. Green,
M.G. Hoare,
M.R.W. Masheder,
N. McClure-Griffiths,
M. Pestalozzi,
C. Phillips,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Voronkov,
A. Walsh,
D. Ward-Thompson,
D. Wong-McSweeney
J.A. Yates
Probing the initial conditions of high mass star formation: I. Deuteration and depletion in high mass pre/protocluster clumps. (2007)
T. Pillai,
F. Wyrowski,
J. Hatchell,
A.G. Gibb
M.A. Thompson
A tale of two cores: triggered massive star formation in the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 75. (2007)
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Thompson,
L.K. Morgan,
M. Pestalozzi,
G.J. White
D.N. Muna
Millimetre continuum observations of southern massive star formation regions - II. SCUBA observations of cold cores and the dust grain emissivity index ( ). (2006)
T. Hill,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Burton,
A. Walsh,
V. Minier,
M.R. Cunningham
D. Pierce-Price
Radio continuum and molecular line observations of four bright-rimmed clouds. (2006)
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Thompson,
L.K. Morgan
G.J. White
A SCUBA imaging survey of ultracompact HII regions: The environments of massive star formation. (2006)
M.A. Thompson,
J. Hatchell,
A. Walsh,
G. H. Macdonald
T.J. Millar
Triggered star formation in bright-rimmed clouds: the Eagle nebula revisited. (2006)
J. Miao,
G.J. White,
R.P. Nelson,
M.A. Thompson
L.K. Morgan
Millimetre continuum observations of southern massive star formation regions - I. SIMBA observations of cold cores. (2005)
T. Hill,
M. Burton,
V. Minier,
M.A. Thompson,
A. Walsh,
M. Hunt-Cunningham
G. Garay
Collapse and expansion in the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 11NE. (2004)
M.A. Thompson
G.J. White
A Compact Array imaging survey of southern bright-rimmed clouds. (2004)
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart
G.J. White
High-mass star formation within the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 79. (2004)
J.S. Urquhart,
M.A. Thompson,
L.K. Morgan
G.J. White
Searching for signs of triggered star formation towards IC 1848. (2004)
M.A. Thompson,
G.J. White,
L.K. Morgan,
J. Miao,
C. V. M. Fridlund
M. Huldtgren-White
A radio and mid-infrared survey of northern bright-rimmed clouds. (2004)
L.K. Morgan,
M.A. Thompson,
J.S. Urquhart,
G.J. White
J. Miao
A molecular line survey of the candidate massive class 0 protostar IRAS 23385 6053. (2003)
M.A. Thompson
G. H. Macdonald
Constraints on the circumstellar dust around KIC 8462852. (2016)
M.A. Thompson,
Peter Scicluna,
F. Kemper,
James Geach,
M. M. Dunham,
Oscar Morata,
S. Ertel,
Paul T. P. Ho,
J. T. Dempsey,
I.M. Coulson,
G. Petitpas
L. Kristensen
The impact of SKA on Galactic Radioastronomy: continuum observations. (2015)
G. Umana,
C. Trigilio,
L. Cerrigone,
R. Cesaroni,
A.~A. Zijlstra,
M. Hoare,
K. Weis,
A. Beasley,
D. Bomans,
G. Hallinan,
S. Molinari,
R. Taylor,
L. Testi
M. Thompson
Tomography of Galactic star-forming regions and spiral arms with the Square Kilometre Array. (2015)
L. Loinard,
M.A. Thompson,
M. Hoare,
H.J. van Langevelde,
S. Ellingsen,
A. Brunthaler,
J. Forbrich,
K. Rygl,
L.F. Rodríguez,
A.J. Mioduszewski,
R.M. Torres-López,
S.A. Dzib,
G.N. Ortiz-León,
T. Bourke
J.A. Green
The ionised, radical and molecular Milky Way: spectroscopic surveys with the SKA. (2014)
M. Thompson,
H. Beuther,
C. Dickinson,
J. MOttram,
P. Klaassen,
A. Ginsburg,
S. Longmore,
A. Remijan
K.~M. Menten
Molecular outflows toward methanol masers : detection techniques and their properties. (2012)
H. M. de Villiers,
M. A. Thompson,
A. Chrysostomou
D. J. van der Walt
VISTA Milky Way Public Survey. (2009)
D. Minniti,
P.W. Lucas,
A.V. Ahumada,
M. Zoccali,
M. Catelan,
L. Morelli,
C. Tappert,
G. Pignata,
I. Toledo,
M.T. Ruiz,
G. Carraro,
S. Casassus,
L. Bronfman,
R.H. Barbá,
R. Gamen,
W. Gieren,
D. Geisler,
G. Pietrzynski,
R.E. Mennickent,
R. Kurtev,
J. Borissova,
F. Mirabel,
V.D. Ivanov,
I. Saviane,
L. Vanzi,
L. Monaco,
M. Rejkuba,
M. Messineo,
L. Bedin,
A. Stephens,
B. Barbuy,
E. Bica,
J.J. Clariá,
J. Emerson,
J.E. Drew,
M. López-Correidora,
E. Martin,
B. Goldman,
T. Gianinni,
J. Eisloeffel,
P. Groot,
J. Fabregat,
N. Hambly,
A. Longmore,
N. Walton,
R. de Grijs,
M. Hoare,
A. Schroeder,
M.A. Thompson
D.J. Pinfield
SCAMPS : the SCUBA Massive Precluster Survey. (2005)
M.A. Thompson,
A.G. Gibb,
J. Hatchell,
F. Wyrowski
M. Pestalozzi