Number of items: 5.
  • 49 new T dwarfs identified using methane imaging. (2015) C. V. Cardoso, B. Burningham, R. L. Smart, L. van Spaandonk, D. Baker, L. C. Smith, A.H. Andrei, B. Bucciarelli, S. Dhital, H.R.A. Jones, M. G. Lattanzi, A. Magazzu, D.J. Pinfield and C. G. Tinney
  • 76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS : benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density. (2013) B. Burningham, C. V. Cardoso, Leigh Smith, S.K. Leggett, R.L. Smart, A. W. Mann, S. Dhital, P.W. Lucas, C.G. Tinney, D.J. Pinfield, Z. Zhang, C. Morley, D. Saumon, K. Aller, S. P. Littlefair, D. Homeier, N. Lodieu, Niall Deacon, M. S. Marley, L. van Spaandonk, D. Baker, F. Allard, A.H. Andrei, J. Canty, J. Clarke, A. C. Day-Jones, T. Dupuy, J. J. Fortney, J. Gomes, M. Ishii, H.R.A. Jones, M. Liu, A. Magazzu, F. Marocco, D. N. Murray, B. Rojas-Ayala and M. Tamura
  • Two new ultracool benchmark systems from WISE+2MASS. (2013) J. I. Gomes, D.J. Pinfield, F. Marocco, A. C. Day-Jones, B. Burningham, Z. H. Zhang, H.R.A. Jones, L. van Spaandonk and D. Weights
  • Discovery of the benchmark metal poor T8 dwarf BD+01 2920B. (2012) D.J. Pinfield, B. Burningham, N. Lodieu, S. Leggett, C.G. Tinney, L. van Spaandonk, F. Marocco, R. Smart, J. Gomes, Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, A. Day-jones, D. Murray, A. C. Katsiyannis, S. Catalan, C. Cardoso, James Clarke, S. Folkes, M. Galvez-Ortiz, D. Homeier, J. Jenkins, H.R.A. Jones and Z. Zhang
  • An extremely luminous panchromatic outburst from the nucleus of a distant galaxy. (2011) Andrew Levan, Nial Tanvir, S.B. Cenko, D.A. Perley, K. Wiersema, J.S. Bloom, A.S. Fruchter, A. Postigo, O.T. O'Brien, N.R. Butler, A.J. van der Horst, G. Leloudas, A.N. Morgan, K. Misra, G.C. Bower, J. Farihi, R.L. Tunnicliffe, M. Modjaz, J.M. Silverman, J. Hjorth, C.C. Thone, A. Cucchiara, J.M.C. Ceron, A.J. Castro-Tirado, J.A. Arnold, M. Bremer, J.P. Brodie, T. Carroll, M.C. Cooper, P. Curran, R.M. Cutri, J. Ehle, D. Forbes, J. Fynbo, J. Gorosabel, J. Graham, D.I. Hoffman, S. Guziy, Pall Jakobsson, A.P. Kamble, T.H. Kerr, M.M. Kasliwal, C. Kouveliotou, D. Kocevski, N.M. Law, P. Nugent, E.O. Ofek, D. Poznanski, R.M. Quimby, E. Rol, A.J. Romanowsky, R. Sanchez-Ramirez, S. Schulze, N. Singh, Lieke Van Spaandonk, R.L. Starling, R.G. Strom, J.C. Tello, O. Vaduvescu, P.J. Wheatley, R.A.M.J. Wijers, J.M. Winters and D. Xu