Number of items: 34.
Reduced mind-wandering in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Testing the spontaneous retrieval deficit hypothesis. (2018)
Agnieszka Niedzwienska
Lia Kvavilashvili
Spontaneous retrieval deficits in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: : A case of focal event-based prospective memory. (2017)
Agnieszka Niedzwienska,
Lia Kvavilashvili,
Kunle Ashaye
Jacek Neckar
Event-based prospective memory in mildly and severely autistic children. (2016)
D. Sheppard,
Lia Kvavilashvili
Nuala Ryder
Increased frequency of involuntary semantic memories or mind-pops in schizophrenia : a diary study. (2015)
Ia Elua,
K.R. Laws
Lia Kvavilashvili
A longitudinal investigation of repressive coping and ageing. (2015)
James Erskine,
Lia Kvavilashvili,
Lynn Myers,
Sarah Leggett,
Steve Davies,
Syd Hiskey,
Joanna Hogg,
Sophia Yeo
George Georgiou
Role of triggers and dysphoria in mind-wandering about past, present and future : A laboratory study. (2015)
Ben Plimpton,
Priya Patel
Lia Kvavilashvili
Metamemory prediction accuracy for simple prospective and retrospective memory tasks in 5-year-old children. (2014)
Lia Kvavilashvili
R.M. Ford
Prospective memory in children with mild and severe autistic spectrum disorder. (2014)
D. Sheppard,
Lia Kvavilashvili
Nuala Ryder
Everyday memory errors in Parkinson’s Disease : A study of prospective and retrospective memory errors using diaries, questionnaires and laboratory methods. (2014)
Andrew Laughland
Lia Kvavilashvili
How frequently do you forget in everyday life? : A diary study of prospective and retrospective memory errors in young and old healthy adults. (2014)
Andrew Laughland
Lia Kvavilashvili
How long should a diary be kept? : A diary study of prospective and retrospective memory errors in young and old healthy adults. (2014)
Andrew Laughland
Lia Kvavilashvili
Solving the Mystery of Intrusive Flashbacks in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Comment on Brewin 2014). (2014)
Lia Kvavilashvili
Avoidant coping and consumptive behaviour. (2014)
James Erskine,
George Georgiou
Lia Kvavilashvili
Involuntary autobiographical memories. (2013)
Rosemary J. Bradley,
Chris J. A. Moulin
Lia Kvavilashvili
Prospective memory and ageing paradox with event-based tasks : A study of young, young-old, and old-old participants. (2013)
Lia Kvavilashvili,
J. Cockburn
Diana Kornbrot
Repressive coping and ageing : psychologically protective yet physically destructive? (2013)
James Erskine,
George Georgiou,
Lia Kvavilashvili
Lynn Myers
From mind-pops to hallucinations? : A study of involuntary semantic memories in schizophrenia. (2012)
I. Elua,
K.R. Laws
L. Kvavilashvili
Involuntary autobiographical memories in dysphoric mood: a laboratory study. (2011)
Lia Kvavilashvili
Simone Schlagman
Effects of age on phenomenology and consistency of flashbulb memories of September 11 and a staged control event. (2010)
L. Kvavilashvili,
J. Mirani,
S. Schlagman,
J.A.K. Erskine
D. Kornbrot
I suppress, therefore I smoke : effects of thought suppression on smoking behavior. (2010)
James Erskine,
George Georgiou
Lia Kvavilashvili
Consistency of flashbulb memories of September 11 over long delays : implications for consolidation and wrong time slice hypotheses. (2009)
L. Kvavilashvili,
J. Mirani,
S. Schlagman,
K. Foley
D. Kornbrot
Differential effects of age on involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memory. (2009)
S. Schlagman,
M. Kliegel,
J. Schulz
L. Kvavilashvili
Differential effects of age on prospective and retrospective memory tasks in young, young-old, and old-old adults. (2009)
L. Kvavilashvili,
D. Kornbrot,
V. Mash,
J. Cockburn
A. Milne
Involuntary autobiographical memories in and outside the laboratory: How different are they from voluntary autobiographical memories? (2008)
S. Schlagman
L. Kvavilashvili
The development of prospective memory in children : Methodological issues, empirical findings, and future directions. (2008)
Lia Kvavilashvili,
Fiona Kyle
David Messer
Effects of age on involuntary autobiographical memories. (2007)
Simone Schlagman,
Lia Kvavilashvili
Joerg Schulz
Is time-based prospective remembering mediated by self-initiated rehearsals Role of incidental cues, ongoing activity, age and motivation. (2007)
L. Kvavilashvili
L. Fisher
The effects of age on well-being, psychopathology and repressive coping. (2007)
J.A.K. Erskine,
L. Kvavilashvili,
M.A. Conway
L. Myers
The predictors of thought suppression in young and old adults : effects of anxiety, rumination and other variables. (2007)
J.A.K. Erskine,
L. Kvavilashvili
D. Kornbrot
A content analysis of involuntary autobiographical memories : examining the positivity effect in old age. (2006)
S. Schlagman,
J. Schulz
L. Kvavilashvili
Ecological validity and twenty years of real-life/laboratory controversy in memory research: A critical (and historical) review. (2004)
L. Kvavilashvili
J. Ellis
Out of one's mind: A study of involuntary semantic memories. (2004)
L. Kvavilashvili
G. Mandler
Comparing flashbulb memories of September 11 and the death of Princess Diana : effects of time delays and nationality. (2003)
L. Kvavilashvili,
J. Mirani,
S. Schlagman
D. Kornbrot
Prospective memory in children: The effects of age and task interruption. (2001)
L. Kvavilashvili,
D.J. Messer
P. Ebdon