Number of items: 56.
Toward Reliable Autonomous Robotic Assistants Through Formal Verification : A Case Study. (2016)
Matt Webster,
Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Maha Salem,
Joe Saunders,
Kheng Lee Koay,
K. Dautenhahn
Joan Saez-Pons
‘Teach Me - Show Me’- End-user personalisation of a smart home and companion robot. (2016)
Joe Saunders,
D.S. Syrdal,
Kheng Koay,
Nathan Burke
K. Dautenhahn
Integrating Constrained Experiments in Long-term Human-Robot Interaction using Task– and Scenario–based Prototyping. (2015)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
Kheng Koay
Wan Ho
In good company? : Perception of movement synchrony of a non-anthropomorphic robot. (2015)
Hagen Lehmann,
Joan Saez-Pons,
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn
Kheng Koay
Views from within a narrative : Evaluating long-term human-robot interaction in a naturalistic environment using open-ended scenarios. (2014)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
Kheng Lee Koay
Wan Ching Ho
Social Roles and Baseline Proxemic Preferences for a Domestic Service Robot. (2014)
Kheng Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
Mohammadreza Asghari Oskoei,
Michael Walters
K. Dautenhahn
Assistive technology design and development for acceptable robotics companions for ageing years. (2013)
Farshid Amirabdollahian,
R. Op Den Akker,
S. Bedaf,
R. Bormann,
H. Draper,
V. Evers,
J. Gallego Perez,
Gert Jan Gelderblom,
C.G. Ruiz,
D. Hewson,
N. Hu,
Kheng Koay,
Hagen Lehmann,
P. Marti,
H. Michel,
H. Prevot-Huille,
U. Reiser,
Joe Saunders,
T. Sorell,
Jelle Stienstra,
D.S. Syrdal,
Michael Walters
K. Dautenhahn
Evaluating the Robot Personality and Verbal Behavior of Domestic Robots Using Video-Based Studies. (2011)
Michael L. Walters,
Manja Lohse,
Marc Hanheide,
Britta Wrede,
Dag Sverre Syrdal,
Kheng Lee Koay,
Anders Green,
Helge Huttenrauch,
K. Dautenhahn,
Gerhard Sagerer
Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh
Avoiding the uncanny valley : robot appearance, personality and consistency of behavior in an attention-seeking home scenario for a robot companion. (2008)
M.L. Walters,
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
R. Te Boekhorst
K.L. Koay
Human to robot demonstrations of routine home tasks: exploring the role of the robot's feedback. (2008)
N. Otero,
A. Alissandrakis,
K. Dautenhahn,
C.L. Nehaniv,
D.S. Syrdal
K.L. Koay
'Doing the right thing wrong' : Personality and tolerance to uncomfortable robot approaches. (2006)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
S. Woods,
M.L. Walters
K.L. Koay
Exploratory studies on social spaces between humans and a mechanical-looking robot. (2006)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
S. Woods,
K.L. Koay,
R. Te Boekhorst
D. Lee
Methodological Issues in HRI: A Comparison of Live and Video-Based Methods in Robot to Human Approach Direction Trials. (2006)
S. Woods,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
Methodological Issues of Annotating Vision Sensor Data using Subjects' Own Judgement of Comfort in a Robot Human Following Experiment. (2006)
K.L. Koay,
Z. Zivkovic,
K. Dautenhahn,
M.L. Walters,
N. Otero
A. Alissandrakis
Close encounters : spatial distances between people and a robot of mechanistic appearance. (2005)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay,
C. Kaouri,
R. Te Boekhorst,
C.L. Nehaniv,
I. Werry
D. Lee
Hey, I'm over here - How can a robot attract people's attention. (2005)
M. Finke,
K.L. Koay,
K. Dautenhahn,
C.L. Nehaniv,
M.L. Walters
J. Saunders
Is this robot like me Links between human and robot personality traits. (2005)
S. Woods,
K. Dautenhahn,
C. Kaouri,
R. Te Boekhorst
K.L. Koay
Methodological Issues using a Comfort Level Device in Human-Robot Interactions. (2005)
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
The influence of subjects' personality traits on personal spatial zones in a human-robot interaction experiment--. (2005)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay,
C. Kaouri,
S. Woods,
C.L. Nehaniv,
D. Lee,
I. Werry
R. Te Boekhorst
Initial Design, Implementation and Technical Evaluation of a Context-aware Proxemics Planner for a Social Robot. (2017)
Kheng Lee Koay,
Dag Syrdal,
Richard Bormann,
Joe Saunders,
Michael L. Walters
Kerstin Dautenhahn
Prototyping Realistic Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction for the Study of Agent Migration. (2016)
Kheng Koay,
Dag Sverre Syrdal
Kerstin Dautenhahn
Evaluating the Robot Personality and Verbal Behavior of Domestic Robots Using Video-Based Studies. (2014)
Michael L. Walters,
Manja Lohse,
Marc Hanheide,
Britta Wrede,
Dag Sverre Syrdal,
Kheng Lee Koay,
Anders Green,
Helge Hüttenrauch,
Kerstin Dautenhahn,
Gerhard Sagerer
Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh
Formal verification of an autonomous personal robotic assistant. (2014)
M. Webster,
C. Dixon,
M. Fisher,
Maha Salem,
Joe Saunders,
Kheng Koay
K. Dautenhahn
Artists as HRI pioneers : A creative approach to developing novel interactions for living with robots. (2013)
H. Lehmann,
M.L. Walters,
A. Dumitriu,
A. May,
K.L. Koay,
J. Sàez-Pons,
D.S. Syrdal,
L.J. Wood,
Joe Saunders,
N. Burke,
I. Duque-Garcia,
B. Christianson
K. Dautenhahn
Exploring robot etiquette : Refining a HRI home companion scenario based on feedback from two artists who lived with robots in the UH robot house. (2013)
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters,
A. May,
A. Dumitriu,
B. Christianson,
N. Burke
K. Dautenhahn
Sharing spaces, sharing lives - The impact of robot mobility on user perception of a home companion robot. (2013)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters
W. Ho
Can you trust your robotic assistant? (2013)
F. Amirabdollahian,
K. Dautenhahn,
C. Dixon,
K. Eder,
M. Fisher,
K.L. Koay,
E. Magid,
T. Pipe,
M. Salem,
J. Saunders
M. Webster
Accompany : Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNG Years - Multidimensional aspects of human-system interactions. (2013)
F. Amirabdollahian,
K.L. Koay,
J. Saunders,
K. Dautenhahn,
R. Op Den Akker,
V. Evers,
S. Bedaf,
Gert Jan Gelderblom,
R. Bormann,
U. Reiser,
H. Draper,
I. Iacono,
P. Marti,
N. Hu,
B. Krose,
C.G. Ruiz,
D. Hewson,
H. Michel,
H. Prevot-Huille
T. Sorell
Companion robots for elderly people : Using theatre to investigate potential users' views. (2013)
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
A. Campbell
K. Dautenhahn
A different approach of using Personas in human-robot interaction : Integrating Personas as computational models to modify robot companions' behaviour. (2013)
I. Duque,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay,
L. Willcock
B. Christianson
A user friendly robot architecture for re-ablement and co-learning in a sensorised home. (2013)
J. Saunders,
N. Burke,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
My familiar robot companion : Preferences and perceptions of CHARLY, a companion humanoid autonomous robot for living with you. (2012)
M.L. Walters,
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
A. Dumitriu,
A. May,
B. Christianson
K.L. Koay
The Theatre methodology for facilitating discussion in human : Robot interaction on information disclosure in a home environment. (2011)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay
N.R. Otero
Managing social constraints on recharge behaviour for robot companions using memory. (2011)
A. Deshmukh,
M. Yii Lim,
M. Kriegel,
R. Aylett,
K.D. Casse,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
Exploring human mental models of robots through explicitation interviews. (2010)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters
N. Otero
Video prototyping of dog-inspired non-verbal affective communication for an appearance constrained robot. (2010)
D.S. Syrdal,
K.L. Koay,
M. Gacsi,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
The Negative Attitudes Towards Robots Scale and reactions to robot behaviour in a live Human-Robot Interaction study. (2009)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
K.L. Koay
M.L. Walters
Five Weeks in the Robot House : Exploratory Human-Robot Interaction Trials in a Domestic Setting. (2009)
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
Preferences and perceptions of robot appearance and embodiment in human-robot interaction trials. (2009)
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn
R. Te Boekhorst
Reducing the cost of robotics software : SAMGAR, a generic modular robotic software communication architecture. (2009)
K. Du Casse,
K.L. Koay,
W.C. Ho
K. Dautenhahn
A User study on visualization of agent migration between two companion robots. (2009)
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
The boy-robot should bark! : Children's impressions of agent migration into diverse embodiments. (2009)
D.S. Syrdal,
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
An empirical framework for human-robot proxemics. (2009)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
R. Te Boekhorst,
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal
C.L. Nehaniv
Evaluating extrovert and introvert behaviour of a domestic robot : a video study. (2008)
M. Lohse,
M. Hanheide,
B. Wrede,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
Anders Green,
H. Huttenrauch,
K. Dautenhahn,
G. Sagerer
K. Severinson-Eklundh
Human approach distances to a mechanical-looking robot with different robot voice styles. (2008)
M.L. Walters,
D.S. Syrdal,
K.L. Koay,
K. Dautenhahn
R. Te Boekhorst
The Role of Autonomy and Interaction Type on Spatial Comfort in an HRI Scenario. (2008)
D.S. Syrdal,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
Sharing spaces with robots in a home scenario - anthropomorphic attributions and their effect on proxemic expectations and evaluations in a live HRI trial. (2008)
D.S. Syrdal,
K. Dautenhahn,
Michael Walters
Kheng Koay
Exploring the Design Space of Robot Appearance and Behavior in an Attention-Seeking Living Room Scenario for a Robot Companion. (2007)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
R. Te Boekhorst,
K.L. Koay
S. Woods
Living with Robots: Investigating the Habituation Effect in Participants' Preferences During a Longitudinal Human-Robot Interaction Study. (2007)
K.L. Koay,
D.S. Syrdal,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
Robotic etiquette: results from user studies involving a fetch and carry task. (2007)
M.L. Walters,
K. Dautenhahn,
S. Woods
K.L. Koay
A personalized robot companion - The role of individual differences on spatial preferences in HRI scenarios. (2007)
D.S. Syrdal,
K.L. Koay,
M.L. Walters
K. Dautenhahn
Comparing human robot interaction scenarios using live and video based methods: towards a novel methodological approach. (2006)
S. Woods,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
Navigation in the presence of humans. (2005)
E.A. Sisbot,
R. Alami,
T. Simeon,
K. Dautenhahn,
M.L. Walters,
S. Woods,
K.L. Koay
C.L. Nehaniv
Practical and methodological challenges in designing and conducting human-robot interaction studies. (2005)
M.L. Walters,
S. Woods,
K.L. Koay
K. Dautenhahn
A Study of a Single Robot Interacting with Groups of Children in a Rotation Game Scenario. (2005)
R. Te Boekhorst,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay,
K. Dautenhahn
C.L. Nehaniv
What is a robot companion - friend, assistant or butler? (2005)
K. Dautenhahn,
S. Woods,
C. Kaouri,
M.L. Walters,
K.L. Koay
I. Werry