Number of items: 10.
  • Risk-adjusted survival for adults following in-hospital cardiac arrest by day of week and time of day: observational cohort study. (2016) Emily Robinson, Gary Smith, Geraldine Power, David Harrison, Jerry Nolan, Jasmeet Soar, Kenneth Spearpoint, Carl Gwinnutt and Kathryn Rowan
  • AWARE-AWAreness during REsuscitation-A prospective study. (2014) Sam Parnia, Ken Spearpoint, Gabriele de Vos, Peter Fenwick, Diana Goldberg, Jie Yang, Jiawen Zhu, Katie Baker, Hayley Killingback, Paula McLean, Melanie Wood, A. Maziar Zafari, Neal Dickert, Roland Beisteiner, Fritz Sterz, Michael Berger, Celia Warlow, Siobhan Bullock, Salli Lovett, Russell Metcalfe Smith McPara, Sandra Marti-Navarette, Pam Cushing, Paul Wills, Kayla Harris, Jenny Sutton, Anthony Walmsley, Charles D. Deakin, Paul Little, Mark Farber, Bruce Greyson and Elinor R. Schoenfeld
  • Time to intervene : implications for end-of-life care. (2012) K.G. Spearpoint and D. M. Howard
  • Impact of the Immediate Life Support course on the incidence and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest calls : an observational study over 6 years. (2009) K.G. Spearpoint, P. C. Gruber and S. J. Brett
  • Resuscitating patients who have a cardiac arrest in hospital. (2008) K.G. Spearpoint
  • Near death experiences, cognitive function and psychological outcomes of surviving cardiac arrest. (2007) S. Parnia, K.G. Spearpoint and P. B. Fenwick
  • Long-term survival and residual hazard after in-hospital cardiac arrest. (2006) A. Kalbag, Z. Kotyra, M. Richards, K.G. Spearpoint and S. J. Brett
  • Survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest : the potential impact of infection. (2005) Gilly Treanor, K.G. Spearpoint and Stephen Brett
  • Automated external defibrillation in cardiac surgery. (2002) A. L. Knaggs, K. T. Delis, K.G. Spearpoint and D. A. Zideman
  • Early defibrillation and the chain of survival in 'in-hospital' adult cardiac arrest; minutes count. (2000) K.G. Spearpoint, C. P. McLean and D. A. Zideman