
Number of items: 74.
  • Indexing dialysis dose for gender, body size and physical activity: Impact on survival. (2018) Sivakumar Sridharan, Enric Vilar Hall, Andrew Davenport, Neil Ashman, Michael Almond, Anindya Banerjee, Roberts, Justin and Kenneth Farrington
  • Self-reported depression symptoms in haemodialysis patients: Bi-factor structures of two common measures and their association with clinical factors. (2018) Kenneth Farrington, Joseph Chilcot, Michael Almond, ayman Guirguis, karin Friedli, Clara Day, Andrew Davenport and David Wellsted
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for renal fatigue (BReF) : a feasibility randomised-controlled trial of CBT for the management of fatigue in haemodialysis (HD) patients. (2018) Federica Picariello, Rona Moss-Morris, Iain C Macdougall, Sam Norton, Maria Da Silva-Gane, Ken Farrington, Hope Clayton and Joseph Chilcot
  • 2017
  • Non-adherence to immunosuppressants following renal transplantation: a protocol for a systematic review. (2017) Abigail Hucker, Frances Bunn, Lewis Carpenter, Christopher Lawrence, Kenneth Farrington and Shivani Sharma
  • Depression Symptoms in Haemodialysis Patients Predict All-Cause Mortality but Not Kidney Transplantation : A Cause-Specific Outcome Analysis. (2017) Joseph Chilcot, Ayman Guirguis, Karin Friedli, Michael K Almond, Clara Day, Maria Da Silva Gane, Andrew Davenport, Naomi A. Fineberg, Benjamin Spencer, David Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Diabetes confers in vitro calcific potential on serum which associates with in-vivo vascular calcification. (2017) Ashish Patidar, Dhruv Singh, Shori Thakur, Peter Winocour, Kenneth Farrington and Anwar Baydoun
  • Allopurinol as a therapeutic option in cardiovascular disease. (2017) Osita N Okafor, K Farrington and Diana A Gorog
  • Scaling Hemodialysis Target Dose to Reflect Body Surface Area, Metabolic Activity, and Protein Catabolic Rate : A Prospective, Cross-sectional Study. (2017) Sivakumar Sridharan, Enric Vilar, Andrew Davenport, Neil Ashman, Michael Almond, Anindya Banerjee, Justin Roberts and Kenneth Farrington
  • Sertraline Versus Placebo in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Undergoing Hemodialysis : A Randomized, Controlled Feasibility Trial. (2017) Karin Friedli, Ayman Guirguis, Michael Almond, Clara Day, Joseph Chilcot, Maria Da Silva-Gane, Andrew Davenport, Naomi A Fineberg, Benjamin Spencer, David Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Measuring Residual Renal Function in Hemodialysis Patients without Urine Collection. (2017) Jonathan Wong, Raja Mohammed Kaja Kamal, Enric Vilar and Kenneth Farrington
  • 2016
  • Is Endotoxemia in Stable Hemodialysis Patients an Artefact? : Limitations of the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Assay and Role of (1→3)-β-D Glucan. (2016) Jonathan Wong, Yonglong Zhang, Ashish Patidar, Enric Vilar, Malcolm Finkelman and Kenneth Farrington
  • A comparative study of blood endotoxin detection in haemodialysis patients. (2016) Jonathan Wong, Nathan Davies, Hasan Jeraj, Enric Vilar, Adie Viljoen and Kenneth Farrington
  • Quality of Life and Physical Function in Older Patients on Dialysis : A Comparison of Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis with Hemodialysis. (2016) Osasuyi U Iyasere, Edwina A Brown, Lina Johansson, Les Huson, Joanna Smee, Alexander P Maxwell, Ken Farrington and Andrew Davenport
  • Predicting residual kidney function in hemodialysis patients using serum β-trace protein and β2-microglobulin. (2016) Jonathan Wong, Sivakumar Sridharan, Jocelyn Berdeprado, Adie Viljoen, Enric Vilar Hall, David Wellsted and Kenneth Farrington
  • Comparison of energy estimates in chronic kidney disease using doubly-labelled water. (2016) S Sridharan, J Wong, E Vilar and K Farrington
  • Evidence of improved fluid management in patients receiving haemodialysis following a self-affirmation theory based intervention : a randomised controlled trial. (2016) Vari Wileman, Joseph Chilcot, Christopher J. Armitage, Ken Farrington, D. Wellsted, Sam Norton, Andrew Davenport, Gail Franklin, Maria Da Silva Gane, Robert Horne and Mike Almond
  • 2015
  • The role of natriuretic peptides in volume assessment and mortality prediction in Haemodialysis patients. (2015) Murugan Sivalingam, Enric Vilar, Suresh Mathavakkannan and Kenneth Farrington
  • Plasma Levels of Middle Molecules to Estimate Residual Kidney Function in Haemodialysis without Urine Collection. (2015) Enric Vilar, Capella Boltiador, Jonathan Wong, Adie Viljoen, Ashwini Machado, Arani Uthayakumar and Kenneth Farrington
  • A study of sertraline in dialysis (ASSertID) : a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of drug treatment for depression in patients undergoing haemodialysis. (2015) Karin Friedli, Michael Almond, Clara Day, Joseph Chilcot, Maria da Silva Gane, Andrew Davenport, Ayman Guirguis, Naomi Fineberg, Benjamin Spencer, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • The mortality and hospitalization rates associated with the long interdialytic gap in thrice-weekly hemodialysis patients. (2015) James Fotheringham, Damian G Fogarty, Meguid El Nahas, Michael J Campbell and Ken Farrington
  • Medication beliefs are associated with phosphate binder non-adherence in hyperphosphatemic haemodialysis patients. (2015) Vari Wileman, Ken Farrington, D. Wellsted, Mike Almond, Andrew Davenport and Joseph Chilcot
  • ‘I feel weak, useless and dependent on others’ : South Asian patient experiences of haemodialysis. (2015) Shivani Sharma, Roisin Mooney, Andrew Davenport, Clara Day, Neil Duncan, D. Wellsted, Maria Da Silva Gane, Kirit Modi and Ken Farrington
  • Incremental haemodialysis. (2015) Jonathan Wong, Enric Vilar, Andrew Davenport and Kenneth Farrington
  • Understanding by older patients of dialysis and conservative management for chronic kidney failure. (2015) Sarah Tonkin-Crine, Ikumi Okamoto, Geraldine M Leydon, Fliss E M Murtagh, Ken Farrington, Fergus Caskey, Hugh Rayner and Paul Roderick
  • Endotoxemia in end-stage kidney disease. (2015) Jonathan Wong, Enric Vilar and Kenneth Farrington
  • Conservative care for ESRD in the United Kingdom : a national survey. (2015) Ikumi Okamoto, Sarah Tonkin-Crine, Hugh Rayner, Fliss E M Murtagh, Ken Farrington, Fergus Caskey, Charles Tomson, Fiona Loud, Roger Greenwood, Donal J O'Donoghue and Paul Roderick
  • Endotoxin detection in end-stage kidney disease. (2015) Jonathan Wong, Hassan Jeraj, Enric Vilar, Adie Viljoen and Kenneth Farrington
  • You cannot choose your family : sociological ambivalence in the hemodialysis unit. (2015) Patricia M. Wilson, Jonathan D. Reston, Rebecca Bieraugel, Maria Da Silva Gane, D. Wellsted, Maxine Offredy and Ken Farrington
  • 2014
  • Evidence That Self-Affirmation Improves Phosphate Control in Hemodialysis Patients : A Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2014) Vari Wileman, Ken Farrington, Joseph Chilcot, Sam Norton, D. Wellsted, Michael K. Almond, Andrew Davenport, Gail Franklin, Maria Da Silva Gane and Christopher J. Armitage
  • Communication as care at end of life : An emerging issue from an exploratory action research study of renal end-of-life care for ethnic minorities in the UK. (2014) Emma K. Wilkinson, Gurch Randhawa, Edwina Anne Brown, Maria Da Silva Gane, John Stoves, Graham L. Warwick, Tahira Akhtar, Regina Magee, Sue Sharman and Ken Farrington
  • Supportive care in advanced kidney disease : Patient attitudes and expectations. (2014) Maria Da Silva Gane and Ken Farrington
  • A self-report comorbidity questionnaire for haemodialysis patients. (2014) Sivakumar Sridharan, Jocelyn Berdeprado, Enric Vilar, Justin Roberts and Ken Farrington
  • Removal and rebound kinetics of cystatin C in high-flux hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration. (2014) Enric Vilar, Capella Boltiador, Adie Viljoen, Ashwini Machado and Kenneth Farrington
  • Disease-specific predictive formulas for energy expenditure in the dialysis population. (2014) Enric Vilar, Ashwini Machado, Andrew Garrett, Robert Kozarski, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • 2013
  • Stability of biochemical analytes of end stage renal failure patients on renal replacement therapy for urea-kinetic modeling in the home dialysis setting. (2013) Sourjya Kar, Enric Vilar and Kenneth Farrington
  • The impact of national chronic kidney disease management guidelines in the United Kingdom on referral patterns for South Asian and european patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2013) Emma Wilkinson, Gurch Randhawa, Matt Hall, Liz Lightstone, Ken Farrington, Roger Greenwood, Paul Roderick and John Feehally
  • Energy metabolism, body composition, and urea generation rate in hemodialysis patients. (2013) Sivakumar Sridharan, Enric Vilar, Jocelyn Berdeprado and Ken Farrington
  • How Robust Is the 'Surprise Question' in Predicting Short-Term Mortality Risk in Haemodialysis Patients? (2013) Maria Da Silva Gane, Andreas Braun, David Stott, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Exploring the views of patients not on the transplant waiting list : a qualitative study. (2013) Chris Lawrence, Shivani Sharma, M. Da Silva Gane, Ben Fletcher and Ken Farrington
  • Human uraemic serum displays calcific potential in vitro that increases with advancing chronic kidney disease. (2013) Ashish Patidar, Dhruv Singh, Peter Winocour, Ken Farrington and A. R. Baydoun
  • Distinct Depression Symptom Trajectories over the First Year of Dialysis : Associations with Illness Perceptions. (2013) Joseph Chilcot, Sam Norton, D. Wellsted, Andrew Davenport, John Firth and Ken Farrington
  • 2012
  • Quality of Life and Survival in Patients with Advanced Kidney Failure Managed Conservatively or by Dialysis. (2012) Maria Da Silva-Gane, D. Wellsted, Hannah Greenshields, Sam Norton, Shahid M. Chandna and Ken Farrington
  • 2011
  • Identifying depression in South Asian patients with end-stage renal disease : Considerations for practice. (2011) Shivani Sharma, Kamaldeep Bhui, Joseph Chilcot, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Emerging importance of residual renal function in end-stage renal failure. (2011) Enric Vilar and Ken Farrington
  • Survival of elderly patients with stage 5 CKD : comparison of conservative management and renal replacement therapy. (2011) Shahid Chandna, Maria Da Silva Gane, Catherine Marshall, Paul Warwicker, Roger Greenwood and Ken Farrington
  • Choosing Not to Take Phosphate Binders : The Role of Dialysis Patients' Medication Beliefs. (2011) Vari Wileman, Joseph Chilcot, Sam Norton, Lyndsay Hughes, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Illness representations and concurrent depression symptoms in haemodialysis patients. (2011) Joseph Chilcot, D. Wellsted, Andrew Davenport and Ken Farrington
  • Optimizing home dialysis : role of hemodiafiltration. (2011) Enric Vilar, Ken Farrington, C. Bates, C. Mumford and R.N. Greenwood
  • An association between depressive symptoms and survival in incident dialysis patients. (2011) Joseph Chilcot, Andrew Davenport, D. Wellsted, John Firth and Ken Farrington
  • 2010
  • Depression in End-Stage Renal Disease : Current Advances and Research. (2010) J. Chilcot, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Dialysis dose in acute kidney injury and chronic dialysis. (2010) A. Davenport and Ken Farrington
  • Illness representations are associated with fluid nonadherence among hemodialysis patients. (2010) J. Chilcot, D. Wellsted and Ken Farrington
  • Late atrial perforation from tunnelled haemodialysis catheter. (2010) A. Banerjee, K. Bhowmick, M. Nayagam and Ken Farrington
  • Low serum osteoprotegerin levels in normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetes mellitus. (2010) D.K. Singh, P. Winocour, B. Summerhayes, A. Viljoen, G. Sivakumar and Ken Farrington
  • The retained stent : forgotten but not gone. (2010) E.C. Jolly, J.M. Adshead and Ken Farrington
  • 2009
  • Residual renal function improves outcome in incremental haemodialysis despite reduced dialysis dose. (2009) Enric Vilar, D. Wellsted, S.M. Chandna, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington
  • Are low erythropoietin and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels indicative of tubulo-interstitial dysfunction in diabetes without persistent microalbuminuria? (2009) D.K. Singh, P. Winocour, B. Summerhayes, A. Viljoen, G. Sivakumar and Ken Farrington
  • “Benign” hypergammaglobulinemic purpura is not benign in pregnancy. (2009) E.C. Jolly, B.J. Hunt, S. Ellis, M. Griffiths and Ken Farrington
  • Erythropoietic stress and anemia in diabetes mellitus. (2009) D.K. Singh, P. Wincour and Ken Farrington
  • Long-Term Outcomes in Online Hemodiafiltration and High-Flux Hemodialysis : A Comparative Analysis. (2009) Enric Vilar, A.C. Fry, D. Wellsted, J.E. Tattersall, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington
  • Molecularly imprinted sol gel for ibuprofen : an analytical study of the factors influencing selectivity. (2009) Ken Farrington and F. Regan
  • UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report : Chapter 3 : ESRD incident rates in 2007 in the UK : national and centre-specific analyses. (2009) Ken Farrington, U. Udayaraj, J. Gilg and J. Feehally
  • UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report : Chapter 4 ESRD prevalent rates in 2007 in the UK : national and centre-specific analyses. (2009) Ken Farrington, A. Hodsman, A. Casula, D. Ansell and J. Feehally
  • 2008
  • Analytical quality goals for parathyroid hormone based on biological variation. (2008) A. Viljoen, D.K. Singh, P.J. Twomey and Ken Farrington
  • Aortoiliac arteriovenous fistula masquerading as deep vein thrombosis. (2008) E.C. Jolly, F. Alaeddin and Ken Farrington
  • Effect of high haematocrit on the efficiency of high-flux dialysis therapies. (2008) E.M. Spalding, P. Pandya and Ken Farrington
  • Factors affecting long-term survival of tunnelled haemodialysis catheters—a prospective audit of 812 tunnelled catheters. (2008) A.C. Fry, J. Stratton, Ken Farrington, K. Mahna, S. Selvakumar, H. Thompson and P. Warwicker
  • Haemodynamic effects of food intake during haemodialysis. (2008) M. Sivalingam, A. Banerjee, G. Nevett and Ken Farrington
  • Infective spondylodiscitis in patients on high-flux hemodialysis and on-line hemodiafiltration. (2008) S. Abid, S. de Silva, P. Warwicker and Ken Farrington
  • Successful use of steroids and ureteric stents in 24 patients with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis : a retrospective study. (2008) A.C. Fry, S. Singh, S.S. Gunda, G.B. Boustead, D.C. Hanbury, T.A. McNicholas and Ken Farrington
  • Synthesis of bioinorganic antimicrobial peptide nanoparticles with potential therapeutic properties. (2008) D.M. Eby, Ken Farrington and G.R. Johnson
  • 2007
  • All patients receiving renal replacement therapy in the United Kingdom in 2005 (chapter 4). (2007) Ken Farrington, R. Rao, R. Stenkamp, D. Ansell and T. Feest
  • 2003
  • Choosing not to dialyse : evaluation of planned non-dialytic management in a cohort of patients with end-stage renal failure. (2003) C. Smith, M. Da Silva-Gane, S. Chandna, P. Warwicker, R. Greenwood and Ken Farrington
  • 1999
  • Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis? : A hospital based cohort study of factors affecting survival and morbidity. (1999) S.M. Chandna, J. Schulz, C. Lawrence, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington