Number of items: 202.
Polarization due to rotational distortion in the bright star Regulus. (2018)
Daniel V. Cotton,
Jeremy A. Bailey,
Ian D. Howarth,
Kimberly Bott,
Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer,
P. W. Lucas
J. H. Hough
Near-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of GGD 27: Circular Polarization and Magnetic Field Structures. (2016)
James Hough,
Jungmi Kwon
Motohide Tamura
The polarisation of HD 189733. (2016)
Kimberly Bott,
Jeremy Bailey,
Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer,
Daniel V. Cotton,
P. W. Lucas,
Jonathan P. Marshall
J. H. Hough
High-sensitivity Stokes spectropolarimetry on cyanobacteria. (2016)
Bill Martin,
E. Hesse,
J.H. Hough
T.M. Gledhill
The linear polarisation of southern bright stars measured at the parts-per-million level. (2016)
Daniel V. Cotton,
Jeremy Bailey,
Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer,
Kimberly Bott,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Hough
Jonathan P. Marshall
Magnetic field structures in star-forming regions : mid-infrared imaging polarimetry of K3-50. (2015)
Peter Barnes,
D. Li,
C. Telesco,
N. Tanakul,
N. Mariñas,
C. Wright,
C. Packham,
E. Pantin,
P. Roche
J.H. Hough
Wide-field Infrared Polarimetry of the ρ Ophiuchi Cloud Core. (2015)
J. Kwon,
M. Tamura,
J.~H. Hough,
Y. Nakajima,
S. Nishiyama,
N. Kusakabe,
T. Nagata
R. Kandori
A high-sensitivity polarimeter using a ferro-electric liquid crystal modulator. (2015)
J. Bailey,
Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer,
Daniel V. Cotton,
Kimberly Bott,
J.H. Hough
P.W. Lucas
Mid-IR spectra of type Ia SN 2014J in M82 spanning the first 4 months. (2015)
C.M. Telesco,
P. Hoflich,
D. Li,
C. Alvarez,
C.M. Wright,
P.J. Barnes,
S. Fernandez,
James Hough,
N.A. Levenson,
N. Marinas,
C. Packham,
E. Pantin,
R. Rebolo,
P. Roche
H. Zhang
Near-infrared circular polarization survey in star-forming regions : Correlations and trends. (2014)
Jungmi Kwon,
Motohide Tamura,
J. Hough,
Nobuhiko Kusakabe,
Tetsuya Nagata,
Yasushi Nakajima,
P.W. Lucas,
Takahiro Nagayama
Ryo Kandori
Polarization Diagnostics for Cool Core Cluster Emission Lines. (2014)
W.B. Sparks,
J. E. Pringle,
R. F. Carswell,
G.M. Voit,
M. Donahue,
M. Cracraft,
E.T. Meyer,
J.H. Hough
N. Manset
Near-infrared Circular Polarization Images of NGC 6334-V. (2013)
J. Kwon,
M. Tamura,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Hashimoto,
N. Kusakabe,
R. Kandori,
Y. Nakajima,
T. Nagayama,
T. Nagata
J.H. Hough
Remote sensing of chiral signatures on Mars. (2012)
W. Sparks,
J.H. Hough,
T.A. Germer,
F. Robb
L. Kolokolova
Hundred thousand degree gas in the virgo cluster of galaxies. (2012)
W.B. Sparks,
J. E. Pringle,
R. F. Carswell,
M. Donahue,
R. Martin,
M. Voit,
M. Cracraft,
N. Manset
J. H. Hough
Complex scattered radiation fields and multiple magnetic fields in the protostellar cluster in NGC 2264. (2011)
Jungmi Kwon,
Motohide Tamura,
Ryo Kandori,
Nobuhiko Kusakabe,
Jun Hashimoto,
Yasushi Nakajima,
Fumitaka Nakamura,
Takahiro Nagayama,
Tetsuya Nagata,
James H. Hough,
Michael W. Werner
Paula S. Teixeira
Nicmos polarimetry of "polar-scattered" seyfert 1 galaxies. (2011)
D. Batcheldor,
A. Robinson,
D. J. Axon,
S. Young,
S. Quinn,
J. E. Smith,
J. Hough
D. M. Alexander
Polarized optical scattering signatures from biological materials. (2010)
William Eugene Martin,
E. Hesse,
J.H. Hough,
W.B. Sparks,
C.S. Cockell,
Z. Ulanowski,
T.A. Germer
Paul H. Kaye
Extended High Circular Polarization in the Orion Massive Star Forming Region: Implications for the Origin of Homochirality in the Solar System. (2010)
T. Fukue,
M. Tamura,
R. Kandori,
N. Kusakabe,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.C.B. Whittet,
P.W. Lucas,
Y. Nakajima
J. Hashimoto
Hubble Space Telescope observations of Europa in and out of eclipse. (2010)
W.B. Sparks,
M. McGrath,
K. Hand,
H.C. Ford,
P. Geissler,
James Harley Hough,
E.L. Turner,
C.F. Chyba,
R. Carlson
M. Turnbull
Magnetic field configuration at the galactic center investigated by wide-field near-infrared polarimetry : transition from a toroidal to a poloidal magnetic field. (2010)
S. Nishiyama,
H. Hatano,
M. Tamura,
N. Matsunaga,
T. Yoshikawa,
T. Suenaga,
J. Hough,
K. Sugitani,
T. Nagayama,
D. Kato
T. Nagata
The linear polarization of nearby bright stars measured at the parts per million level. (2010)
J. Bailey,
P.W. Lucas
J. Hough
Correction for Sparks et al., Detection of circular polarization in light scattered from photosynthetic microbes [fig 1]. (2009)
W.B. Sparks,
J. Hough,
T.A. Germer,
F. Chen,
S. DasSarma,
P. DasSarma,
F.T. Robb,
N. Manset,
L. Kolokolova,
N. Reid,
F.D. Macchetto
William Eugene Martin
Detection of circular polarization in light scattered from photosynthetic microbes. (2009)
W. Sparks,
J. Hough,
T.A. Germer,
F. Chen,
S. DasSarma,
P. DasSarma,
F.T. Robb,
N. Manset,
L. Kolokolova,
N. Reid,
F.D. Macchetto
William Eugene Martin
Circular polarization in scattered light as a possible biomarker. (2009)
W. Sparks,
J. Hough,
L. Kolokolova,
T.A. Germer,
F. Chen,
S. DasSarma,
P. DasSarma,
F.T. Robb,
N. Manset,
I. Reid,
F.D. Macchetto
W. Martin
Magnetic field configuration at the galactic center investigated by wide field near-infrared polarimetry. (2009)
S. Nishiyama,
M. Tamura,
H. Hatano,
S. Kanai,
M. Kurita,
S. Sato,
N. Matsunaga,
T. Nagata,
T. Nagayama,
R. Kandori,
Y. Nakajima,
N. Kusakabe,
Y. Sato,
J. Hough,
K. Sugitani
H. Okuda
Near-infrared circular polarimetry and correlation diagrams in the Orion Becklin-Neugebauer/Kleinman-low region: contribution of dichroic extinction. (2009)
T. Fukue,
M. Tamura,
R. Kandori,
N. Kusakabe,
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Bailey,
D.C.B. Whittet,
Y. Nakajima,
J. Hashimoto
T. Nagata
Planetpol polarimetry of the exoplanet systems 55 Cnc and tau Boo. (2009)
P.W. Lucas,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
M. Tamura,
E. Hirst
D. Harrison
An investigation of lucky imaging techniques. (2009)
A. Smith,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
S. Lee
The effect of airborne dust on astronomical polarization measurements. (2008)
Jeremy Bailey,
Z. Ulanowski,
P.W. Lucas,
J. H. Hough,
E. Hirst
M. Tamura
Grain alignment in dense interstellar environments : spectropolarimetry of the 4.67-m CO-ice feature in the field star Elias 16 (Taurus dark cloud). (2008)
J. Hough,
D. Aitken,
D.C.B. Whittet,
A.J. Adamson
A. Chrysostomou
Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of M42 : Aperture Polarimetry of Point-like Sources. (2008)
N. Kusakabe,
M. Tamura,
R. Kandori,
J. Hashimoto,
Y. Nakajima,
T. Nagata,
T. Nagayama,
J. Hough
P.W. Lucas
Wide-Field Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the NGC 6334 Region: A Nest of Infrared Reflection Nebulae. (2008)
J. Hashimoto,
M. Tamura,
R. Kandori,
N. Kusakabe,
Y. Nakajima,
M. Kurita,
T. Nagata,
T. Nagayama,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
The efficiency of grain alignment in dense interstellar clouds: : a reassessment of constraints from near-infrared polarization. (2008)
D.C.B. Whittet,
J. Hough,
A. Lazarian
T. Hoang
Alignment of atmospheric mineral dust due to electric field. (2007)
Z. Ulanowski,
J. A. Bailey,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Hough
E. Hirst
Astrobiological signatures: prospects for the detection of non-terrestrial biological material. (2007)
T. Gledhill,
W. Sparks,
Z. Ulanowski,
J. Hough
S. DasSarma
Circular polarimetry reveals helical magnetic fields in the young stellar object HH 135 136. (2007)
A. Chrysostomou,
P.W. Lucas
J. Hough
Gemini mid-IR polarimetry of NGC1068: polarized structures around the nucleus. (2007)
C. Packham,
S. Young,
R.S. Fisher,
K. Volk,
R.E. Mason,
J. Hough,
P.F. Roche,
M. Elitzur,
J. Radomski
E. Perlman
The rotating wind of the quasar PG 1700+518. (2007)
S. Young,
D.J. Axon,
A. Robinson,
J. Hough
J.E. Smith
PlanetPol : A very high sensitivity polarimeter. (2006)
J.H. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
J.A. Bailey,
M. Tamura,
E. Hirst,
D. Harrison
M. Bartholomew-Biggs
Circular Polarimetry and the line of sight to the Becklin-Neugebauer object. (2006)
D. Aitken,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
Near infrared polarization images of the Orion Nebula. (2006)
M. Tamura,
R. Kandori,
N. Kusakabe,
Y. Nakajima,
J. Hashimoto,
C. Nagashima,
T. Nagata,
T. Nagayama,
H. Kimura,
T. Yamamoto,
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Bailey
Polarimetry : a powerful diagnostic tool in astronomy. (2006)
J. Hough
Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 micron feature in the diffuse ISM toward the galactic center quintuplet cluster. (2006)
J.E. Chiar,
A.J. Adamson,
D.C.B. Whittet,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough,
T.H. Kerr,
R.E. Mason,
P.F. Poche
G. Wright
An Extended Search for Circularly Polarized Infrared Radiation from the OMC-1 Region of Orion. (2005)
M. Buschermohle,
D.C.B. Whittet,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
A.J. Adamson,
B.A. Whitney
M.J. Wolff
UV Circular Polarisation in Star Formation Regions : The Origin of Homochirality? (2005)
P.W. Lucas,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
A. Chrysostomou,
T. Gledhill
A. McCall
Infrared Polarimetry of Interstellar Dust. (2005)
J. Hough
D. Aitken
A Search for Chiral Signatures on Mars. (2005)
W. Sparks,
J. Hough
L. Bergeron
TRISPEC: A Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Imager, Spectrograph, and Polarimeter. (2005)
M. Watanabe,
H. Nakaya,
T. Yamamuro,
T. Zenno,
M. Ishii,
M. Okada,
A. Yamazaki,
Y. Yamanaka,
M. Kurita,
M. Kino,
R. Ljiri,
T. Hirao,
T. Nagata,
S. Sato,
T. Kawai,
Y. Nakamura,
T. Sato,
N. Ebizuka,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
A circumstellar disk associated with a massive protostellar object. (2005)
Z. Jiang,
M. Tamura,
M. Fukagawa,
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
H. Suto,
M. Ishii
J. Yang
Spectropolarimetry of Compton-thin Seyfert 2 galaxies. (2004)
S. Lumsden,
D.M. Alexander
J. Hough
Mid-infrared polarimetry and magnetic fields : an observing strategy. (2004)
D. Aitken,
J. Hough,
P.F. Roche,
C.H. Smith
C.M. Wright
Polarimetry research at the University of Florida. (2004)
C. Packham,
J. Hough,
L. Kolokolova
C.M. Telesco
Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Spectropolarimetry of Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies. (2003)
M. Watanabe,
T. Nagata,
S. Sato,
H. Nakaya
J. Hough
Near-infrared high imaging polarimetry of the Red Rectangle. (2003)
K. Murakawa,
M. Tamura,
H. Suto,
T. Miyata,
T. Gledhill
J. Hough
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry and modelling of NGC 4151. (2003)
M. Ruiz,
C. Packham,
D.M. Alexander,
J. Hough
S. Young
Polarimetry developments at the Gemini telescopes. (2003)
J. Hough
D. Aitken
Polarimetry in the infrared : what can be learned? (2003)
J. Hough
D. Aitken
A high sensitivity polarimeter for the direct detection and characterization of extra-solar planets. (2003)
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Bailey
M. Tamura
3.4 Micron Feature on the Shoulder of Ice-Band Absorptions in Three Luminous Young Stellar Objects: IRAS 18511 0146, IRAS 21413 5442, and IRAS 04579 4703. (2002)
M. Ishii,
T. Nagata,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Hough
A spectropolarimetric atlas of Seyfert 1 galaxies. (2002)
J.E. Smith,
S. Young,
A. Robinson,
E.A. Corbett,
M.E. Giannuzzo,
D.J. Axon
J. Hough
The magnetic field structure in W51A. (2002)
A. Chrysostomou,
D. Aitken,
T. Jenness,
C.J. Davis,
J. Hough,
R. Curran
M. Tamura
Magnetic fields in discs : what can be learned from infrared and mm polarimetry ? (2002)
D. Aitken,
A. Efstathiou,
A. McCall
J. Hough
Near infrared coronagraph images of IRC +10216 - Faint structures at 1-5 from the central star. (2002)
K. Murakawa,
M. Tamura,
H. Suto,
Y. Itoh,
S. Hayashi,
Y. Oasa,
Y. Nakajima,
N. Kaifu,
J.A. Yates,
T. Gledhill,
A.M.S. Richards,
J. Hough,
G. Kosugi
T. Usuda
Spectropolarimetry of the 3-μm water-ice feature towards young stellar objects. (2002)
R.P. Holloway,
A. Chrysostomou,
D. Aitken,
J. Hough
A. McCall
Constraints on the nuclear emission of the Circinus galaxy: the torus. (2001)
M. Ruiz,
A. Efstathiou,
D.M. Alexander
J. Hough
Submillimeter Imaging Polarimetry of the NGC 7538 Region. (2001)
M. Momose,
M. Tamura,
O. Kameya,
J.S. Greaves,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough
J. Morino
Circumstellar structure of RU Lupi down to au scales. (2001)
M. Takami,
J. Bailey,
T. Gledhill,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Hough
Axisymmetry in protoplanetary nebulae: using imaging polarimetry to investigate envelope structure. (2001)
T. Gledhill,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough
J.A. Yates
Circular polarisation in star-forming regions : possible implications for homochirality. (2001)
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
A. Chrysostomou,
T. Gledhill,
P.W. Lucas,
M. Tamura,
S. Clark,
J.A. Yates
F. Menard
Interstellar Extinction and Polarization in the Taurus Dark Clouds: The Optical Properties of Dust near the Diffuse/Dense Cloud Interface. (2001)
D.C.B. Whittet,
P.A. Gerakines,
J. Hough
S. Shenoy
Spectral Modulation, or Ripple, in Retardation Plates for Linear and Circular Polarization. (2001)
D. Aitken
J. Hough
Spectropolarimetry of a complete infrared-selected sample of Seyfert 2 galaxies. (2001)
S. Lumsden,
C.A. Heisler,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
S. Young
Polarimetry of young stellar objects - III : Circular polarimetry of OMC-1. (2000)
A. Chrysostomou,
T.M. Gledhill,
F. Ménard,
J.H. Hough,
M. Tamura
J. Bailey
Constraints on the nuclear emission of the Circinus galaxy : optical and near-IR spectropolarimetry. (2000)
D.M. Alexander,
C.A. Heisler,
S. Young,
C.L. Lumsden,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
Highly polarized structures in the near-nuclear regions of Cygnus A: intrinsic anisotropy within the cones. (2000)
C.N. Tadhunter,
W. Sparks,
D.J. Axon,
L. Bergeron,
N. Jackson,
C. Packham,
J. Hough,
A. Robinson
S. Young
A Seyfert-like nucleus concealed in BL Lacertae? (2000)
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
D.J. Axon
J. Hough
Studies in mid-infrared spectropolarimetry - II : An atlas of spectra. (2000)
C.H. Smith,
C.M. Wright,
D. Aitken,
P.F. Roche
J. Hough
A near-infrared polarized bipolar cone in the Circinus galaxy. (2000)
M. Ruiz,
D.M. Alexander,
S. Young,
J. Hough,
S. Lumsden
C.A. Heisler
Observations and a model for the infrared continuum of Centaurus A. (1999)
D.M. Alexander,
A. Efstathiou,
J. Hough,
D. Aitken,
D. Lutz,
P.F. Roche
E. Sturm
Polarized broad HeI and Paschen lines in NGC 1068. (1999)
D.M. Alexander,
S. Young
J. Hough
Searching for the hidden broad-line region in Centaurus A. (1999)
D.M. Alexander,
J. Hough,
S. Young,
J. Bailey,
C.A. Heisler,
S. Lumsden
A. Robinson
The magnetic field structure of the DR21 region. (1999)
Y. Itoh,
A. Chrysostomou,
M. Burton,
J. Hough
M. Tamura
A time-variable scattered component to broad Hα in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509. (1999)
S. Young,
S.A. Corbett,
M.E. Giannuzzo,
J. Hough,
A. Robinson,
J. Bailey
D.J. Axon
Circular Polarization in Star- Formation Regions : Implications for Biomolecular Homochirality. (1998)
J. Bailey,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough,
T. Gledhill,
A. McCall,
S. Clark,
F. Menard
M. Tamura
A Millimetre/Submillimetre Polarization Survey of Compact Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources. (1998)
R. Nartallo,
W.K. Gear,
A.G. Murray,
E.I. Robson
J. Hough
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of Cygnus A. (1998)
C. Packham,
S. Young,
J. Hough,
C.N. Tadhunter
D.J. Axon
The obscured BLR in the radio galaxy 3C 234. (1998)
S. Young,
D.J. Axon,
J. Hough,
A.C. Fabian
M.J. Ward
The profiles of polarized broad Hα lines in radio galaxies. (1998)
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
D.J. Axon,
S. Young
J. Hough
Identification of the exciting source of Herbig-Haro objects 135 and 136. (1997)
M. Tamura,
J. Hough,
A. Chrysostomou,
Y. Itoh,
K. Murakawa
J. Bailey
Infrared Polarimetry and the Torus. (1997)
J. Hough
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of NGC 1068. (1997)
C. Packham,
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon
J. Bailey
Polarization due to dichroic absorption and emission by aligned grains in dusty discs. (1997)
A. Efstathiou,
A. McCall
J. Hough
Simultaneous UBVRIJK photometric and polarimetric observations of PQ Gem. (1997)
S.B. Potter,
M. Cropper,
K.O. Mason,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
Near-infrared and millimetre polarimetry of CEN A. (1996)
C. Packham,
J. Hough,
S. Young,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
M.J. Ward
Optical and near-infrared spectropolarimetry of the infrared-luminous galaxy IRAS 23060+0505. (1996)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
M.J. Ward
J. Bailey
Polarimetry and modelling of narrow-line active galaxies. (1996)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
A. Efstathiou,
B. Wills,
J. Bailey
D.J. Axon
Polarimetry and the torus. (1996)
J. Hough,
S. Young
A. Efstathiou
Scattered broad optical lines in the polarized flux spectrum of the FR II galaxy 3C 321. (1996)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
A. Efstathiou,
B. Wills,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
M.J. Ward
The appearance of broad H alpha in BL Lacertae. (1996)
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
D.J. Axon,
J. Hough,
R.D. Jeffries,
M.R. Thurston
S. Young
The nuclear torus in the active galaxy NGC 1068. (1996)
S. Young,
C. Packham,
J. Hough
A. Efstathiou
Millimeter polarimetry of star-forming regions : magnetic field structure and low mass stars. (1995)
M. Tamura,
S. Hayashi
J. Hough
Near-IR spectropolarimetry and modeling of NGC 1068. (1995)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
M.J. Ward
Polarimetry and photometry of the new AM Herculis system RE J1844-741. (1995)
J. Bailey,
L. Ferrario,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
D.A.H. Buckley
J. Hough
A model for the infrared continuum spectrum of NGC 1068. (1995)
A. Efstathiou,
J. Hough
S. Young
Hidden broad-line regions and anisotropy in AGN. (1994)
D.J. Axon,
J. Hough,
S. Young
M.D. Inglis
A Study of the Chamaeleon-I Dark Cloud and T-Association - Part Six - Interstellar Polarization Grain Alignment and Magnetic Field. (1994)
D.C.B. Whittet,
P.A. Gerakines,
A.L. Carkner,
J. Hough,
P. Martin,
T. Prusti
D. Kilkenny
WW Horologii - x-ray and optical observations. (1994)
A.F. Tennant,
J. Bailey,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
K. Wu,
L. Ferrario
J. Hough
A new imaging infrared polarimeter. (1994)
J. Hough,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Bailey
The polarization and magnetic field of REJ1938-461 during its low state. (1994)
L. Ferrario,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
J. Bailey,
D.A.H. Buckley
J. Hough
Changes of Accretion SPOT Longitude in Eclipsing Am-Herculis Binaries. (1993)
J. Bailey,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
L. Ferrario,
J. Hough
M. Cropper
Discovery of another Am-Herculis Variable in the Period Gap. (1993)
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
L. Ferrario,
J. Bailey,
L. Drissen,
M.A. Dopita,
M. Shara
J. Hough
Evidence for an Obscured Broadline Region in the Early Type Radio Galaxy IC5063. (1993)
M.D. Inglis,
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
S. Young,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
M.J. Ward
Spectropolarimetry of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS 110548-1131. (1993)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
M.J. Ward
Detection of photospheric Zeeman features and cyclotron emission lines in V834 CEN in a low state. (1992)
L. Ferrario,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
I.R. Tuohy
Polarimetry of ST LMi - Discovery of a second accreting pole. (1992)
T. Peacock,
M. Cropper,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
D.T. Wickramasinghe
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae 1:the BN-KL region of OMC-1. (1991)
N.R. Minchin,
J. Hough,
A. McCall,
M. Burton,
M.J. McCaughrean,
C. Aspin,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
S. Sato
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae. 3: R-Mon/NGC-2261. (1991)
N.R. Minchin,
J. Hough,
A. McCall,
C. Aspin,
T. Yamashita
M. Burton
Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of bipolar nebulae. 4: GL-490, GL-2789, GL-2136. (1991)
N.R. Minchin,
J. Hough,
M. Burton
T. Yamashita
New polarimetric observations and a 2 pole model for the cyclotron emission from AM Herculis. (1991)
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
J. Bailey,
S.M.A. Meggitt,
L. Ferrario,
J. Hough
I.R. Tuohy
A multiband 2-beam optical and infrared polarimeter. (1991)
J. Hough,
T. Peacock
J. Bailey
An optical and near-infrared polarization survey of nearby starburst and interacting galaxies. (1991)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
W. Sparks
Optical and infrared polarimetry and photometry of blazars. (1990)
A.R.G. Mead,
K.R. Ballard,
P.W.J.L. Brand,
J. Hough,
C. Brindle
J. Bailey
The optical and infrared-emission of blazars. (1990)
K.R. Ballard,
A.R.G. Mead,
P.W.J.L. Brand
J. Hough
An optical and near-infrared polarization survey of Seyfert and broad-line radio galaxies. 1 : statistical properties. (1990)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon,
M.J. Ward,
W. Sparks
I. McLean
An optical and near-infrared polarization survey of Seyfert and broad-line radio galaxies. 2 : the wavelength dependence of polarization. (1990)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon,
M.J. Ward,
W. Sparks
I. McLean
An optical and near-infrared polarization survey of early-type radio galaxies. (1990)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
W. Sparks
Spectropolarimetry of the 3-micron ice feature in molecular clouds. II : GL 2591, GL 2136, W 33A and Elias 29 (Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud). (1989)
J. Hough,
D.C.B. Whittet,
S. Sato,
T. Yamashita,
M. Tamura,
T. Nagata,
D. Aitken
P.F. Roche
EXO 023432-5232.3 - an eclipsing AM Herculis binary. (1988)
J. Bailey,
D.T. Wickramasinghe,
J. Hough
M. Cropper
Infrared polarimetry of dark clouds. II : Magnetic field structure in the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. (1988)
S. Sato,
M. Tamura,
T. Nagata,
N. Kaifu,
J. Hough
I. McLean
Infrared reflection nebula in W75N. (1988)
T. Yamashita,
S. Sato,
M. Tamura,
H. Suzuki,
I. Gatley,
J. Hough,
C.M. Mountain
T.J.T. Moore
Infrared spectropolarimetry of AFGL 2591 - Evidence for an annealed grain component. (1988)
D. Aitken,
P.F. Roche,
C.H. Smith,
S.D. James
J. Hough
Photometry and polarimetry of AM Herculis in its faint state. (1988)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
D.T. Wickramasinghe
Polarimetric observations of the quasar 3C-345. (1988)
A.R.G. Mead,
P.W.J.L. Brand,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
Spectropolarimetry of the 3-micron ice band in Elias 16 (Taurus Dark Cloud). (1988)
J. Hough,
S. Sato,
M. Tamura,
T. Yamashita,
A.D. McFadzean,
M.F. Rouse,
D.C.B. Whittet,
N. Kaifu,
H. Suzuki,
T. Nagata,
I. Gatley
J. Bailey
Spectropolarimetry of the molecular-hydrogen line emission from OMC-1. (1988)
M. Burton,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
T. Hasegawa,
M. Tamura,
M.J. McCaughrean
I. McLean
The polarization of NGC 1068. (1988)
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon,
J. Hough,
M.J. Ward,
I. McLean
S.R. Heathcote
Geometric configuration around GL 2591 : an infrared reflection nebula and a CS molecular disk. (1987)
T. Yamashita,
S. Sato,
M. Tamura,
H. Suzuki,
N. Kaifu,
T. Takano,
C.M. Mountain,
T.J.T. Moore,
I. Gatley
J. Hough
Infrared and optical polarimetry of the radio elliptic IC-5063 (PKS2048-57) - discovery of a highly polarized nonthermal nucleus. (1987)
J. Hough,
C. Brindle,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
W. Sparks
Interstellar polarization in the dust lane of Centaurus A (NGC 5128). (1987)
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
M.F. Rouse
D.C.B. Whittet
Polarimetric mapping of a new infrared reflection nebula GGD 27 IRS. (1987)
T. Yamashita,
S. Sato,
T. Nagata,
H. Suzuki,
J. Hough,
I. McLean,
R. Garden
I. Gatley
Infrared photometry of the nuclei of early-type radio galaxies. (1986)
W. Sparks,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon
J. Bailey
Infrared polarimetry of the nucleus of Centaurus A - The nearest blazar? (1986)
J. Bailey,
W. Sparks,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Infrared polarimetry of the reflection nebula near L 1551 IRS 5. (1986)
T. Nagata,
T. Yamashita,
S. Sato,
H. Suzuki,
J. Hough,
R. Garden
I. Gatley
Infrared polarization in OMC-1 - Discovery of a molecular hydrogen reflection nebula. (1986)
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
M. Burton,
I. Gatley,
S. Sato,
J. Bailey,
M.J. McCaughrean,
I. McLean,
T. Nagata,
D. Allen,
R. Garden,
T. Hasegawa,
M. Hayashi,
N. Kaifu,
M. Morimoto
D. Walther
Infrared spectropolarimetry of the galactic-center-magnetic alignment in the discrete sources. (1986)
D. Aitken,
P.F. Roche,
J. Bailey,
J.P. Briggs,
J. Hough
J.A. Thomas
Simultaneous optical and infrared polarization measurements of blazars. (1986)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
A.R. Hyland
The origin of the visual and infrared pulsations in the intermediate polar FO AQR (H2215-086). (1986)
G. Berriman,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
J. Hough
Coordinated multisite observations of the variability of BL Lac. (1985)
C. Brindle,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon,
H. Schulz,
S. Kikuchi,
J.T. McGraw,
W.J. Wisniewski,
J. Fontaine,
D. Nadesu,
G. Clayton,
E. Anderson,
R.F. Jameson,
D. Nadesu,
G. Clayton,
E. Anderson,
R.F. Jameson,
R. Smith
R.E. Wallis
Infrared spectropolarimetric observations of BNKL : the grain alignment mechanism. (1985)
D. Aitken,
J. Bailey,
P.F. Roche
J. Hough
An optical and near-infrared study of the AM Herculis-type binary CW 1103+254. (1985)
J. Bailey,
D.J. Watts,
M.R. Sherrington,
D.J. Axon,
A.B. Giles,
D.A. Hanes,
S.R. Heathcote,
J. Hough,
S. Hughes,
R.F. Jameson
I. McLean
Imaging and polarimetry of the galactic-center in the near infrared. (1984)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Infrared and optical polarimetry of AM Herculis. (1984)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough,
R. Gilmozzi
D.J. Axon
Infrared spectropolarimetry of Seyfert galaxy NGC1068. (1984)
D. Aitken,
J. Bailey,
G. Briggs,
J. Hough
P.F. Roche
The AM Herculis type binary E1405-451. (1983)
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon,
J. Hough,
D.J. Watts,
A.B. Giles
J.G. Greenhill
Optical and IR light curves of VV Puppis. (1983)
P. Szkody,
J. Bailey
J. Hough
Simultaneous IR and optical light curves of 2A0311−227. (1983)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough,
I. Gatley
D.J. Axon
The wavelength dependence of polarization in BL Lac objects. (1983)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Discovery of a very red nucleus in the radio elliptical IC5063 (PKS2048 − 57). (1982)
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
J. Hough
A Simultaneous Infrared / Optical Polarimeter. (1982)
J. Bailey
J. Hough
A multiwavelength study of the AM Herculis-type binary 2A 0311-227. (1982)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
I. Gatley,
T.J. Lee,
P. Szkody,
G. Stokes
G. Berriman
The variable infrared source near HH100. (1982)
D.J. Axon,
D. Allen,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough,
M.J. Ward
R.F. Jameson
Infrared and optical polarization of Markarian-421. (1981)
J. Bailey,
C. Cunningham,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Linear polarization of T-Tauri stars. (1981)
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
E.C. Cunningham
A. McCall
The X-ray cataclysmic variable 1E0643.0 −1648. (1981)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough,
A. Schwarzenbergczerny,
I. Gatley,
R.F. Jameson
D.A. Hanes
IR photometry and polarimetry of 2A0311−227. (1980)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
The IR variability of SS433. (1980)
A.B. Giles,
A.R. King,
R.F. Jameson,
M.R. Sherrington,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey
E.C. Cunningham
Detection of a bright ridge in the 2.2 MU-M emission of M82. (1979)
J.A. Abolins,
D.J. Adams,
R.F. Jameson,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Hatfield near-infrared polarimeter. (1978)
L.J. Cox,
J. Hough
A. McCall
Linear polarization of galactic center in near infrared. (1978)
J. Hough,
A. McCall,
D.J. Adams
R.F. Jameson
Polarization of galactic-center at 2.2 micron. (1977)
D.J. Adams
J. Hough
Linear polarization measurements of Omicron-Sco in near infrared. (1976)
L.J. Cox,
J. Hough,
D.J. Adams
R.F. Jameson
Polarimetry at UKIRT. (2013)
J.H. Hough
High sensitivity polarimetry : techniques and applications. (2010)
J. Hough
Low Polarization Standards. (2007)
J. Hough,
P.W. Lucas,
J. Bailey
M. Tamura
CanariCam-Polarimetry: A Dual-Beam 10 m Polarimeter for the GTC. (2005)
C. Packham,
J. Hough
C.M. Telesco
Opportunities for Imaging and Spectro-Polarimetry at UKIRT. (2005)
C.J. Davis,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Hough
Polarimetry Techniques at Optical and Infrared Wavelengths. (2005)
J. Hough
Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Spectropolarimetry of Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies with TRISPEC. (2005)
M. Watanabe,
T. Nagata,
S. Sato,
H. Nakaya
J. Hough
Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 m Band in the Quintuplet. (2005)
J.E. Chiar,
A.J. Adamson,
T.H. Kerr,
R.E. Mason,
G. Wright,
D.C.B. Whittet,
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough
P.F. Roche
CanariCam: a multimode mid-infrared camera for the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. (2003)
C.M. Telesco,
D. Ciardi,
J. French,
C. Ftaclas,
K.T. Hanna,
J. Hough,
J. Julian,
M. Kidger,
C. Packham,
R.K. Pina,
F. Varosi
R.G. Sellar
A Polarization Flare in 3C 273: A Clue to Jet Physics. (2001)
L.L. Cross,
B. Wills,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
High Circular Polarization in the Star Forming Region NGC 6334: Implications. (2000)
F. Menard,
A. Chrysostomou,
T. Gledhill,
J. Hough
J. Bailey
Monitoring the Ha Line in BL Lacertae - Evidence for an Accretion Disk. (1999)
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
Optical Spectropolarimetry of Broad Line Active Galaxies. (1999)
M.E. Giannuzzo,
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
S. Young,
J. Hough
D.J. Axon
A Seyfert Nucleus in BL Lacertae. (1999)
D.J. Axon,
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson
J. Hough
Polarimetry for the Gemini telescopes. (1998)
J. Hough,
D. Aitken
A. Chrysostomou
Beaming in Radio-Quiet AGN. (1997)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon
J. Bailey
Polarization Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei. (1997)
J. Hough
3 MU M Spectropolarimetry of 1120 Ice in Young Stellar Objects. (1996)
A. Chrysostomou,
J. Hough,
D.W. Messinger,
D.C.B. Whittet,
D. Aitken
P.F. Hoche
Dust in a Hostile Environment: Interstellar Dust in the Line of Sight to HD62542. (1996)
A.M. Magalhaes,
C.V. Rodrigues,
M. Meade,
A.D. Code,
K.H. Nordsieck,
C.M. Anderson,
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
P.J. Wheatley
Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions - Near-Infrared and Submillimeter Approaches. (1996)
M. Tamura,
S. Hayashi,
Y. Itoh,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
A Model for the Infrared Polarization of NGC 1068. (1996)
A. Efstathiou,
J. Hough,
A. McCall
S. Young
Modeling New Spectropolarimetry Data for the BN Object. (1996)
D.W. Messinger,
W.G. Roberge,
D.C.B. Whittet,
A. Chrysostomou
J. Hough
Polarimetry of External Galaxies. (1996)
J. Hough
Powering the Broad H alpha Line in BL Lacertae. (1996)
E.A. Corbett,
A. Robinson,
J. Hough,
S. Young
D.J. Axon
Submillimetre Polarimetry of Blazars. (1996)
R. Nartallo,
W.K. Gear,
A.G. Murray,
E.I. Hobson
J. Hough
High Resolution Studies of Molecular Hydrogen by Means of Near-Infrared Fabry-Perot Imaging. (1995)
A. Chrysostomou,
M. Burton,
D.J. Axon,
P.W.J.L. Brand,
J. Hough,
J. Bland-Hawthorn
T. Geballe
IR Imaging Polarimetry of the Nuclear Regions of CEN A. (1994)
J. Bailey,
J. Hough
A. Chrysostomou
Models of Dusty Discs in Active Galactic Nuclei. (1994)
A. Efstathiou,
J. Hough
M. Rowan-Robinson
Near-IR Spectropolarimetry of NGC 1088. (1994)
S. Young,
J. Hough,
J. Bailey,
D.J. Axon
M.J. Ward
Spatially Resolved Spectropolarimetry of NGC 1068. (1994)
M.D. Inglis,
S. Young,
J. Hough,
D.J. Axon,
J. Bailey
M.J. Ward
Magnetic field structure in dark clouds. (1987)
M. Tamura,
T. Nagata,
S. Sato,
M. Tanaka,
N. Kaifu,
J. Hough,
I. McLean,
I. Gatley,
R. Garden
M.J. McCaughrean