Number of items: 94.
Evolutionary Considerations on the Emerging Subculture of the E-psychonauts and the Novel Psychoactive Substances : A Comeback to the Shamanism? (2017)
Laura Orsolini,
Paul St John-Smith,
Daniel McQueen,
Duccio Papanti,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
The "Endless Trip" among the NPS Users: Psychopathology and Psychopharmacology in the Hallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder. A Systematic Review. (2017)
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti,
Domenico De Berardis,
Amira Guirguis,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
An exploratory study of information sources and key findings on UK cocaine-related deaths. (2017)
John Corkery,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair
Fabrizio Schifano
4,4’-dimethylaminorex (‘4,4’-DMAR’; ‘Serotoni’) misuse; a web-based study. (2017)
Barbara Loi,
Mire Zloh,
Maria Antonietta,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
From concept(ion) to life after death/the grave: the ‘natural’ history and life-cycle(s) of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS). (2017)
Laura Orsolini,
John Corkery,
Duccio Papanti
Fabrizio Schifano
Intended and Unintended Use of Cathinone Mixtures. (2017)
Amira Guirguis,
John Corkery,
Jacqueline Stair,
Stewart Kirton,
Mire Zloh
Fabrizio Schifano
An insight into the deep web; why it matters for addiction psychiatry? (2017)
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
A matter of life and death : substance-caused and substance-related fatalities in Ibiza in 2015. (2017)
Rita Santacroce,
Claudia Ruiz Bennasar,
Juan Ramon Sancho Jaraiz,
Federica Fiori,
Fabiola Sarchione,
Federica Angelini,
Gabriella Catalano,
Maria Luisa Carenti,
John Martin Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Massimo di Giannantonio
Giovanni Martinotti
Cannabis; epidemiological, neurobiological and psychopathological issues: an update. (2017)
Maria Antonietta De Luca,
Gaetano Di Chiara,
Cristina Cadoni,
Daniele Lecca,
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
Use of benzylglycinamide by a HIV-seropositive polysubstance user: : the changing pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among youths. (2016)
Matteo Caloro,
Giuseppa Calabro,
Georgios D. Kotzalidis,
Ilaria Cuomo,
John Martin Corkery,
Alessandro Emilio Vento,
Luana Lionetto,
Sergio De Filippis,
Valentina Ranieri,
Davide Lonati,
Carlo Alessandro Locatelli,
Eleonora de Pisa,
Antonio Di Tommaso,
Paolo Girardi
Fabrizio Schifano
Substance use and misuse - Legal highs. (2016)
Amira Guirguis,
Rosalind Gittins,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
Novel Psychoactive Substances: : the pharmacology of stimulants and hallucinogens. (2016)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Duccio Papanti,
Laura Orsolini
John Corkery
NPS: Medical Consequences Associated with Their Intake. (2016)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti
John Corkery
Gli Psiconauti: navigatori della mente o sperimentatori chimici?
The Psychonauts: mind’s navigators or chemical experimenters? (2016)
Laura Orsolini,
Roberta Vecchiotti,
Duccio Papanti,
Alessandro Valchera,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
Le nuove sostanze psicoattive: problematiche cliniche e farmacologiche
The novel psychoactive substances: clinical and pharmacological issues. (2016)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti
John Corkery
Global Survey on Novel Psychoactive Substances & Effects of Ketamine in Lower Urinary tract. (2016)
Elena Deligiani ,
John Corkery
Lisa Lione
The characteristics of deaths involving kratom in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. (2016)
John Corkery,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair,
Duccio Papanti,
Laura Orsolini,
Sophie Koerber
Fabrizio Schifano
A systematic review of a clinical intervention in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in the Gulf region. (2016)
Hessah Alaslawi
John Corkery
The consequences of drug misuse on post-marketing surveillance. (2016)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Duccio Papanti,
Laura Orsolini
John Corkery
Novel psychoactive substances. (2016)
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti,
Roberta Vecchiotti,
Alessandro Valchera,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
Deaths of individuals aged 16-24 years in the UK after using mephedrone. (2015)
Barbara Loi,
John Corkery,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair,
Stephania Chiappini,
Carla Gimeno Clemente
Fabrizio Schifano
Methoxetamine-related deaths in the UK : an overview. (2015)
Stephania Chiappini,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Christine Goodair,
Barbara Loi
Fabrizio Schifano
Venlafaxine as the ‘baby ecstasy’? : Literature overview and analysis of web-based misusers’ experiences. (2015)
Giulia Francesconi,
Laura Orsolini,
John Corkery,
Duccio Papanti
Fabrizio Schifano
Survey of knowledge of legal highs (novel psychoactive substances) amongst London pharmacists. (2015)
Amira Guirguis,
John Corkery,
Jacqueline Stair,
Stewart Kirton,
Mire Zloh,
Christine Goodair,
Fabrizio Schifano
Colin Davidson
Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (1,4-BD; BDO) : a literature review with a focus on UK fatalities related to non-medical use. (2015)
John Corkery,
Barbara Loi,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair,
Ornella Corazza,
Simon Elliott
Fabrizio Schifano
Monitoring and profiling the characteristics of Novel Psychoactive Substances and their consumers in the context of the EU-MADNESS project. (2015)
John Corkery
Novel psychoactive substances of interest for psychiatry. (2015)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Laura Orsolini,
Duccio Papanti
John Corkery
United Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2014 : Contributed to Chapter 6: Health correlates and consequences. (2014)
John Corkery
EU-MADNESS: integrated EU NPS monitoring and profiling to prevent health harms and update Professionals. (2014)
John Corkery
Recent developments concerning the DRD Key Indicator in United Kingdom. (2014)
John Corkery
Legal highs : a problem of definitions? (2014)
Christine Goodair,
John Corkery
Hugh Claridge
Legal highs: safe and legal heavens? : A study on the diffusion, knowledge and risk awareness of novel psychoactive drugs among students in the UK. ["Legal highs": paradisi sicuri e legali? Uno studio sulla diffusione, conoscenza e consapevolezza del rischio delle nuove droghe psicoattive tra gli studenti del Regno Unito]. (2014)
Ornella Corazza,
Pierluigi Simonato,
John Corkery,
Giuseppina Trincas
Fabrizio Schifano
‘Special M’ related fatalities in the UK. (2014)
Stephania Chiappini,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Christine Goodair,
Barbara Loi
Fabrizio Schifano
The evolution and characteristics of UK deaths involving GHB and its analogues. (2014)
John Corkery,
Barbara Loi,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair,
Ornella Corazza,
Simon Elliott
Fabrizio Schifano
Drug-related deaths in the UK: January-December 2012 : Annual report 2013. (2014)
John Corkery,
Hugh Claridge,
Barbara Loi,
Christine Goodair
Fabrizio Schifano
"Spice", "Kryptonite", "Black Mamba": An overview of brand names and marketing stragtegies of Novel Psychoactive Substances on the Web. (2014)
Ornella Corazza,
G. Valeriani,
F. S. Bersani,
John Corkery,
Giovanni Martinotti,
Giuseppe Bersani
Fabrizio Schifano
Chapter 6: Health correlates and consequences. (2013)
Layla English,
John Corkery
Vivian Hope
Chapter 7: Responses to health correlates and consequences. (2013)
Layla English,
Vivian Hope
John Corkery
Bupropion perceived as a stimulant by two patients with a previous history of cocaine misuse. (2013)
A.E. Vento,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Federica Gentili,
Francesco Pompei,
John Corkery,
Georgios D. Kotzalidis
Paolo Girardi
Factors Impacting on the Evolution and Characteristics of UK Deaths Involving‘Traditional’ and ‘New’ Stimulants. (2013)
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
Fatalities Associated with Mephedrone in Combination with Other Stimulant Drugs in Young People Aged 16-24 Years. (2013)
Barbara Loi,
Stephania Chiappini,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Carla Gimeno Clemente,
Christine Goodair
Fabrizio Schifano
Methoxetamine: An Analogue of Ketamine. (2013)
Stephania Chiappini,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Carla Gimeno Clemente,
Christine Goodair,
Barbara Loi
Fabrizio Schifano
The Unregulated Psychoactive Compound: ‘Benzo Fury’. (2013)
Carla Gimeno Clemente,
Stephania Chiappini,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Christine Goodair,
Barbara Loi
Fabrizio Schifano
UK deaths associated with ‘Z’ drugs (Zopiclone, Zolpidem & Zaleplon). (2013)
Salvatore Casula,
Hugh Claridge,
John Corkery,
Carla Gimeno Clemente,
Christine Goodair,
Barbara Loi
Fabrizio Schifano
MDAI (5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane; 6,7-dihydro-5H-cyclopenta[f][1,3]benzodioxol-6-amine; ‘sparkle’; ‘mindy’) toxicity : a brief overview and update. (2013)
John Corkery,
Simon Elliott,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Ornella Corazza
Abdol Hamid Ghodse
Promoting innovation and excellence to face the rapid diffusion of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) in the EU : the outcomes of the ReDNet project. (2013)
Ornella Corazza,
Sulaf Assi,
Pierluigi Simonato,
John Corkery,
Saverio Bersani,
Zsolt Demetrovics,
Jacqueline Stair,
Suzanne Fergus,
Cinzia Pezzolesi,
Manuela Pasinetti,
Paolo Deluca,
C. Drummond,
Ursula Blaszko,
Jacek Moskalewicz,
Barbara Mervo,
Lucia Di Furia,
Magi Farre,
Liv Flesland,
Agnieszka Pisarska,
Harry Shapiro,
Holger Siemann,
Arvid Skutle,
Elias Sferrazza,
Marta Torrens,
Farran Sambola,
Peer van der Kreeft,
Norbert Scherbaum
Fabrizio Schifano
Nowe substancje psychoaktywne : potrzeby informacyjne młodzieży I profesjonalistów
New psychoactive substancesthe youth and professionals informational needs. (2013)
Agnieszka Pisarska,
Jacek Moskalewicz,
Ornella Corazza,
Sulaf Assi,
Pierluigi Simonato,
John Corkery,
Zsolt Demetrovics,
Jacqueline Stair,
Suzanne Fergus,
Cinzia Pezzolesi,
Manuela Pasinetti,
Paolo Deluca,
Colin Drummond,
Ursula Blaszko,
Barbara Mervo,
Lucia Di Furia,
Magi Farre,
Liv Flesland,
Harry Shapiro,
Holger Siemann,
Arvid Skutle,
Marta Torrens,
Farran Sambola,
Peer van der Kreeft,
Norbert Scherbaum
Fabrizio Schifano
Drug-related deaths in the UK : Annual Report 2012. (2013)
A. Hamid Ghodse,
John Corkery,
Hugh Claridge,
Christine Goodair
Fabrizio Schifano
Loss of materials and resources for addiction researchers : comment on Mitchell et al. (2012). (2013)
John Corkery
The recreational tryptamine 5-MeO-DALT (N,N-diallyl-5-methoxytryptamine) : A brief review. (2012)
John Corkery,
E. Durkin,
S. Elliott,
Fabrizio Schifano
A. Hamid Ghodse
Trends in UK deaths associated with abuse of volatile substances, 1971-2009. (2012)
A. Hamid Ghodse,
John Corkery,
Kapil Ahmed
Fabrizio Schifano
Analysis of the data sources, numbers and characteristics of cocaine-related DRD cases reported in Special Mortality Registries, or eventually in General Mortality Registries (GMR) when necessary : A Report for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2012)
John Corkery
Drug-related deaths in the UK: Annual Report 2011 [January-December 2010] : Drug-related deaths reported by Coroners in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man; Police forces in Scotland; & the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2012)
A. Hamid Ghodse,
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Antonio Piolanti,
Giuseppina Trincas
Giuditta Di Melchiorre
Suspected and confirmed fatalities associated with mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone, meow meow) in the United Kingdom. (2012)
Fabrizio Schifano,
John Corkery
A.Hamid Ghodse
Mephedrone-related fatalities in the United Kingdom : contextual, clinical and practical issues. (2012)
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano
Abdol H Ghodse
Cathinone-related mortality: khat, mephedrone and related novel psychoactive substances and their role in deaths – the UK experience. (2012)
John Corkery
Phenazepam abuse in the UK : an emerging problem causing serious adverse health problems, including death. (2012)
John Martin Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano
Abdol Hamid Ghodse
5,6-Methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane : from laboratory curiosity to 'legal high'. (2012)
C. T. Gallagher,
S. Assi,
J. L. Stair,
S. Fergus,
Ornella Corazza,
John Corkery
Fabrizio Schifano
2-DPMP (desoxypipradrol, 2-benzhydrylpiperidine, 2-phenylmethylpiperidine) and D2PM (diphenyl-2-pyrrolidin-2-yl-methanol, diphenylprolinol) : A preliminary review. (2012)
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano,
A. Hamid Ghodse,
S. Elliott
Ornella Corazza
Phenomenon of new drugs on the Internet : the case of ketamine derivative methoxetamine. (2012)
Ornella Corazza,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Pierluigi Simonato,
Suzanne Fergus,
Sulaf Assi,
Jacqueline Stair,
John Corkery,
Giuseppina Trincas,
Paolo Deluca,
Zoe Davey,
Ursula Blaszko,
Zsolt Demetrovics,
Jacek Moskalewicz,
Aurora Enea,
Giuditta di Melchiorre,
Barbara Mervo,
Lucia Di Furia,
Magi Farre,
Liv Flesland,
Manuela Pasinetti,
Cinzia Pezzolesi,
Agnieszka Pisarska,
Harry Shapiro,
Holger Siemann,
Arvid Skutle,
Aurora Enea,
Giuditta di Melchiorre,
Elias Sferrazza,
Marta Torrens,
Peer van der Kreeft,
Daniela Zummo
Norbert Scherbaum
UK fatalities associated with caffeine : Annex 3. (2012)
John Corkery
Response to commentaries. (2011)
John Corkery
Consideration of the novel psychoactive substances (‘legal highs’). (2011)
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano
Ornella Corazza
Novel Drugs, Novel Solutions : Exploring the potential of technological tools for prevention of drug abuse. (2011)
Ornella Corazza,
Sulaf Assi,
John Corkery,
Guisippena Trincas,
Per-Luigi Simonato
Zoe Davey
‘Legal highs’ – a health warning that does not appear on the wrapper. (2011)
John Corkery
'Bundle of fun' or 'bunch of problems'? : Case series of khat-related deaths in the UK. (2011)
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Adenekan Oyefeso,
A. Hamid Ghodse,
Thomy Tonia,
Vinesha Naidoo
Jennifer Button
Deaths of opiate/opioid misusers involving dihydrocodeine, UK, 1997 - 2007. (2011)
G. Zamparutti,
Fabrizio Schifano,
John Corkery,
A. Oyefeso
A. Hamid Ghodse
Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone; 'meow meow') : chemical, pharmacological and clinical issues. (2011)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Antonio Albanese,
Suzanne Fergus,
Jacqueline Stair,
Paolo Deluca,
Ornella Corazza,
Zoe Davey,
John Corkery,
Holger Siemann,
Norbert Scherbaum,
Magi' Farre',
Marta Torrens,
Zsolt Demetrovics,
A. Hamid Ghodse
ReDNet Res Grp, Psychonaut Web Mapping
Overview of literature and information on "khat-related" mortality: a call for recognition of the issue and further research. (2011)
John Corkery,
Fabrizio Schifano,
Adenekan Oyefeso,
A. Hamid Ghodse,
Thomy Tonia,
Vinesha Naidoo
Jennifer Button
Suicide verdicts as opposed to accidental deaths in substance-related fatalities (UK, 2001–2007). (2011)
A.E. Vento,
M. Pompili,
Fabrizio Schifano,
John Corkery,
M. Innamorati,
P. Girardi
H. Ghodse
Decessi ed altri indicatori chiave del consume di cocaine nel Regno Unito (1990-2004)
Deaths and other key indicators regarding cocaine consumption in the UK (1990-2004). (2006)
Fabrizio Schifano
John Corkery
Ecstasy (MDMA, MDA, MDEA, MBDB) consumption, seizures, related offences, prices, dosage levels and deaths in the UK (1994-2003). (2006)
Fabrizio Schifano,
John Corkery,
A. Oyefeso
A. Hamid Ghodse
Fatal injuries while under the influence of psychoactive drugs: a cross-sectional exploratory study in England. (2006)
A. Oyefeso,
Fabrizio Schifano,
H. Ghodse,
K. Cobain,
R. Dryden
John Corkery
Buprenorphine mortality, seizures and prescription data in the UK, 1980-2002. (2005)
Fabrizio Schifano,
John Corkery,
Eilish Gilvarry,
Paolo Deluca,
Adenekan Oyefeso
A. Hamid Ghodse
New trends in the cyber and street market of recreational drugs? : The case of 2C-T-7 ('Blue Mystic'). (2005)
Fabrizio Schifano,
Paolo Deluca,
Lisa Agosti,
Giovanni Martinotti,
John Corkery,
Baldacchino Alex,
Bonan Caterina,
Bothas Heikki,
Brigada Raffaella,
Comacchio Anna,
Di Furia Lucia,
Duarte Rui Eastwood Dorte,
Farré Magi,
Ferreira Susana,
Flores Irene,
Guionnet Claude,
Harder Lisbet,
Stokholm Jensen Lene,
Leoni Mauro,
Littlejohn Christopher,
Majava Aino,
Peltoniemi Teuvo,
Pizza Milena,
Rawaf Salman,
Robert Damien,
Rossi Maria Angela,
Rovetto Francesco,
Scherbaum Norbert,
Siemann Holger,
Tarrago Josep,
Torrens Marta,
Zambello Francesco
Psychonaut 2002 Research Group
Death rates from ecstasy (MDMA, MDA) and polydrug use in England and Wales 1996-2002. (2003)
Fabrizio Schifano,
A. Oyefeso,
John Corkery,
K. Cobain,
R. Jambert-Gray,
G. Martinotti
A. Hamid Ghodse
Review of deaths related to taking ecstasy, England and Wales, 1997-2000. (2003)
Fabrizio Schifano,
A. Oyefeso,
L. Webb,
M. Pollard,
John Corkery
A. Hamid Ghodse