Number of items: 42.
  • Experimental and analytical study on heat generation characteristics of a lithium-ion power battery. (2018) Yongqi Xie, Jincheng Tang, Shang Shi, Hongwei Wu and Jianzu Yu
  • Numerical investigation of pyrolysis effects on heat transfer characteristics and flow resistance of n-decane under supercritical pressure. (2018) Zhi Tao, Xizhuo Hu, Jianqin Zhu and Hongwei Wu
  • Experimental investigation of shear-driven water film flows on horizontal metal plate. (2018) Mengyao Leng, Shinan Chang and Hongwei Wu
  • Experimental Study of the Dynamics of Water Film on an Aluminum Substrate under Wind Shear. (2018) Mengyao Leng, Shinan Chang, Yongsheng Lian and Hongwei Wu
  • Effects of Cryogenic Treatment after Annealing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Sheet on Its Formability at Room Temperature. (2018) Zhiqing Hu, Huihui Zheng, Guojun Liu and Hongwei Wu
  • Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Envelope: Optimization of Pre-cooling with Intermittent Mode. (2018) Xiangkui Gao, Yanping Yuan, Hongwei Wu, Xiaoling Cao and Xudong Zhao
  • Diameter effect on the heat transfer of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel in horizontal tubes under turbulent conditions. (2018) Zeyuan Cheng, Zhi Tao, Jianqin Zhu and Hongwei Wu
  • PIV flow measurements for a rotating square smooth channel heated by basically uniform heat flux. (2018) Ruquan You, Haiwang Li, Hongwei Wu and Zhi Tao
  • Experimental investigation on transient characteristics of a dual compensation chamber loop heat pipe subjected to acceleration forces. (2018) Yongqi Xie, Yang Zhou, Dongsheng Wen, Hongwei Wu, George Haritos and Hongxing Zhang
  • A novel hybrid energy system combined with solar-road and soil-regenerator: Dynamic model and operational performance. (2018) Bo Xiang, Xiaoling Cao, Yanping Yuan, Liangliang Sun, Hongwei Wu and Fariborz Haghighat
  • Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer in an array of impingement jets on a concave surface. (2017) Bo Yang, Shinan Chang, Hongwei Wu, Yuanyuan Zhao and Mengyao Leng
  • Experimental and numerical investigation on integrated thermal management for lithium-ion battery pack with composite phase change materials. (2017) Yongqi Xie, Jincheng Tang, Shang Shi, Yuming Xing, Hongwei Wu, Zhongliang Hu and Dongsheng Wen
  • Photothermal conversion characteristics of gold nanoparticles under different filter conditions. (2017) Hui Zhang, Haijian Yang, Hui-Jiuan Chen, Xiaoze Du, Dongsheng Wen and Hongwei Wu
  • An Improved Modeling for Low-grade Organic Rankine Cycle Coupled with Optimization Design of Radial-inflow Turbine. (2017) Lijing Zhai, Guoqiang Xu, Jie Wen, Yongkai Quan, Jian Fu, Hongwei Wu and Tingting Li
  • Numerical analysis of the axial heat conduction with variable fluid properties in a forced laminar flow tube. (2017) Lijing Zhai, Guoqiang Xu, Yongkai Quan, Gu Song, Bensi Dong and Hongwei Wu
  • Performance analysis of a new deep super-cooling two-stage organic Rankine cycle. (2017) Yubin Yuan, Guoqiang Xu, Yongkai Quan, Hongwei Wu, Gu Song, Wei Gong and Xiang Luo
  • A Review on House Design with Energy Saving System in the UK. (2017) Y Xie, M Gilmour, Y Yuan, H Jin and Hongwei Wu
  • Non-steady experimental investigation on an integrated thermal management system for power battery with phase change materials. (2017) S Shi, Y Xie, M Li, Y Yuan, Y Yu, Hongwei Wu, B Liu and N Liu
  • Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Envelope: Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization. (2017) Xiangkui Gao, Yanping Yuan, Xiaoling Cao, Hongwei Wu and Xudong Zhao
  • Performance Analysis of a Novel Compact Air-air Heat Exchanger for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine using LMTD method. (2017) H Li, H Huang, G Xu, J Wen and Hongwei Wu
  • Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Envelope: Method and Model development. (2017) Y Yuan, X Gao, Hongwei Wu, Z Zhang, X Cao, N Yu and Liangliang Sun
  • Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of Low Swirl Injector. (2017) Y Deng, Hongwei Wu and F Su
  • Modeling Solubility of Nitrogen in Clean Fire Extinguishing Agent by Peng-Robinson Equation of State and a Correlation of Henry’s Law Constants. (2017) M Chen, Y Xie, Hongwei Wu, S Shang and J Yu
  • Experimental Study of the Energy and Exergy performance for a Pressurized Volumetric Solar Receiver. (2016) J Zhu, K Wang, Z Jiang, Hongwei Wu, D Wang, F Lin and Y Li
  • Investigation on the Impact of Protrusion Parameter on the Efficiency of Converting Additional Windage Loss for Ingress Alleviation in Rotor-Stator System. (2016) D Liu, Z Tao, X Luo, W Kang, Hongwei Wu and X Yu
  • Numerical Simulation of Sub-cooled Boiling Flow with Fouling Deposited inside Channels. (2016) X Liu, X Zhang, T Lu, K Mahkamov, Hongwei Wu and M Mirzaeian
  • A Two-dimensional Splashing Model for Investigating Impingement Characteristics of Supercooled Large Droplets. (2016) C Wang, S Chang, M Leng, Hongwei Wu and B Yang
  • A Two-dimensional Analytical Model for Prediction of the Radiation Heat Transfer in Open-cell Metal Foams. (2016) Z Jiang, K Wang, Hongwei Wu, Y Wang and J Du
  • Aircraft Ice Accretion Prediction Using Neural Network and Wavelet Packet Transform. (2016) S Chang, M Leng, Hongwei Wu and J.M. Thompson
  • Development of a New Factor for Hot Gas Ingestion Through Rim Seal. (2015) D Liu, Z Tao, X Luo, Hongwei Wu and X Yu
  • Experimental Study on a Coiled Tube Solar Receiver under Variable Solar Radiation Condition. (2015) K Wang, Hongwei Wu, D Wang, Z Tong and A Olabi
  • Experimental Investigation on the Energy and Exergy Performance of a Coiled Tube Solar Receiver. (2015) J Zhu, K Wang, Hongwei Wu, D Wang, J Du and A Olabi
  • Experimental Investigation On the Operating Characteristics of a Dual Compensation Chamber Loop Heat Pipe Subjected to Acceleration Field. (2015) Y Xie, J Zhang, J Yu, L Xie, Hongwei Wu, H Zhang and H Gao
  • Lagrangian Approach for Simulating Supercooled Large Droplets’ Impingement Effect. (2015) C Wang, S Chang and Hongwei Wu
  • Theoretical Modeling of Spray Drop Deformation and Breakup in the Multimode Breakup Regime. (2015) C Wang, S Chang, Hongwei Wu, L Ding and J.M. Thompson
  • Experimental Investigation of Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer in a Rotor-Stator Cavity with Two Outlets. (2014) X Luo, G Han, Hongwei Wu, L Wang and G Xu
  • Investigation of Heat of Biomass Pyrolysis and Secondary Reactions by Simultaneous Thermogravimetry and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. (2014) Q Chen, R Yang, B Zhao, Y Li, S Wang, Hongwei Wu, Y Zhuo and C Chen
  • Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Rotor-Stator Cavity with Cooling Air Inlet at Low Radius. (2014) X Luo, L Wang, X Zhao, G Xu and Hongwei Wu
  • Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Rotor-Stator Cavity with Inlet at Low Radius. (2014) X Luo, X Zhao, L Wang, Hongwei Wu and G Xu
  • High Gravity Influence on Boiling Heat Transfer in Helical Coils. (2014) L Xie, Y Xie, Hongwei Wu and J Yu
  • Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement and Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations of the Unsteady Flow within a Rotating Disk Cavity. (2014) X Luo, D Liu, Hongwei Wu and Z Tao
  • Modeling of Drop Breakup in the Bag Breakup Regime. (2014) C Wang, S Chang, Hongwei Wu and J Xu