Number of items: 4.
‘’It just happens’. Care home residents’ experiences and expectations of accessing GP care. (2018)
Christina Victor,
Sue L Davies,
Angela Dickinson,
Hazel Morbey,
Helen Masey,
Heather Gage,
Katherine Froggatt,
S. Iliffe
Claire Goodman
Public involvement in research within care homes : benefits and challenges in the APPROACH study. (2016)
Katherine Froggatt,
Claire Goodman,
Hazel Morbey,
Sue L Davies,
Helen Masey,
Angela Dickinson,
Wendy Martin
Christina Victor
Nurse-led case management for community dwelling older people : An explorative study of models and costs. (2013)
H. Gage,
S. Ting,
P. Williams,
V. Drennan,
C. Goodman,
S. Iliffe,
J. Manthorpe,
S.L. Davies
H. Masey
Nurse-led case management in the National Health Service : bridging clinical and social worlds. (2012)
Jill Manthorpe,
Claire Goodman,
Vari Drennan,
Susan Davies,
Helen Masey,
Heather Gage,
Cheryll Scott,
Sally Brearley
Steve Iliffe