Number of items: 91.
  • From Cambridge Keynesian to Institutional Economist: The Unnoticed Contributions of Robert Neild. (2018) David Gindis, Geoffrey Hodgson and Francesca Gagliardi
  • Historical Institutional Determinants of Financial System Development in Africa. (2018) Chukwunonye O. Emenalo, Francesca Gagliardi and Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Adaptation and survival in small- and medium-sized firms. (2017) Geoffrey Hodgson, Denise Dollimore and Stephen Herman
  • Legal Institutionalism : Capitalism and the Constitutive Role of Law. (2017) Simon Deakin, David Gindis, G.M. Hodgson, Kainan Huang and Katharina Pistor
  • Karl Polanyi on Economy and Society: : A Critical Analysis of Core Concepts. (2017) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Introduction to the Douglass C. North Memorial Issue. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • 1688 and All That: Property Rights, the Glorious Revolution and the Rise of British Captialism. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • The Past and Future of Evolutionary Economics : Some Reflections Based on New Bibliometric Evidence. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson and Juha-Antti Lamberg
  • Varieties of Capitalism : Some Philosophical and Historical Considerations. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • The Future of Work in the Twenty-First Century. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Some Limitations of the Socialist Calculation Debate. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Conceptualizing Capitalism – A Summary. (2016) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Much of the “Economics of Property Rights” Devalues Property and Legal Rights. (2015) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • A Trojan Horse for Sociology? : Preferences versus Evolution and Morality. (2015) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • On fuzzy frontiers and fragmented foundations : some reflections on the original and new institutional economics. (2014) G.M. Hodgson
  • What is capital? : Economists and sociologists have changed its meaning - should it be changed back? (2014) G.M. Hodgson
  • The evolution of morality and the end of economic man. (2014) G.M. Hodgson
  • Four Essays on Economic Evolution : an introduction. (2014) Denise E. Dollimore and Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Come back Marshall, all is forgiven? : Complexity, evolution, mathematics and Marshallian exceptionalism. (2013) G.M. Hodgson
  • Understanding Organizational Evolution : Toward a Research Agenda using Generalized Darwinism. (2013) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Observations on the legal theory of finance. (2013) Geoffrey M. Hodgson
  • Toward an evolutionary and moral science remarks upon receipt of the Veblen-Commons Award. (2012) Geoffrey M. Hodgson
  • Please may we join the Veblen Club? : A response to John Hall. (2012) Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Thorbjorn Knudsen
  • Agreeing on generalised Darwinism : A response to Pavel Pelikan. (2012) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Evolutionary game theory and evolutionary economics : are they different species? (2012) G.M. Hodgson and K. Huang
  • Underqualified-maximal generality in Darwinian explanation : a response to Matt Gers. (2012) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • The mirage of microfoundations. (2012) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Sickonomics : Diagnoses and remedies. (2011) G.M. Hodgson
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on the Evolution of Institutions. (2011) Mark Blyth, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Orion Lewis and Sven Steinmo
  • Poverty of stimulus and absence of cause : some questions for Felin and Foss. (2011) Geoffrey Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • The eclipse of the uncertainty concept in mainstream economics. (2011) G. Hodgson
  • Learning from early attempts to generalize Darwinian principles to social evolution. (2010) G. Hodgson
  • Choice, habit and evolution. (2010) G.M. Hodgson
  • Darwinian coevolution of organizations and the environment. (2010) G. Hodgson
  • Generative replication and the evolution of complexity. (2010) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • On the institutional foundations of law : The insufficiency of custom and private ordering. (2009) G. Hodgson
  • Towards an alternative economics of health care. (2009) G.M. Hodgson
  • Agency, institutions, and Darwinism in evolutionary economic geography. (2009) G. Hodgson
  • The Great Crash of 2008 and the reform of economics. (2009) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Darwinian evolutionary theory and the social sciences. (2008) Ian Gough, Garry Runciman, Ruth Mace, Geoffrey Hodgson and Michael Rustin
  • In defence of generalized Darwinism. (2008) H.E. Aldrich, G.M. Hodgson, D.L. Hull, J. Mokyr, T. Knudsen and V.J. Vanberg
  • In search of general evolutionary principles: why Darwinism is too important to be left to the biologists. (2008) Geoffrey Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Information, complexity and generative replication. (2008) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • The emergence of property rights enforcement in early trade : A behavioral model without reputational effects. (2008) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • An institutional and evolutionary perspective on health economics. (2008) G.M. Hodgson
  • The revival of Veblenian institutional economics. (2007) G.M. Hodgson
  • A response to Christian Cordes and Clifford Poirot. (2007) G.M. Hodgson
  • Rationality versus program-based behavior. (2007) G.M. Hodgson
  • Firm-specific learning and the nature of the firm why transaction costs may provide an incomplete explanation. (2007) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Institutions and individuals : Interaction and evolution. (2007) G.M. Hodgson
  • An Interview with Oliver Williamson. (2007) David Gindis and Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Meanings of methodological individualism. (2007) G.M. Hodgson
  • Taxonomizing the relationship between biology and economics : a very long engagement. (2007) G. Hodgson
  • The economics of corruption and the corruption of economics: an institutionalist perspective. (2007) G. Hodgson and S. Jiang
  • Cultural evolution is more than neurological evolution. (2006) T. Knudsen and G.M. Hodgson
  • Dismantling Lamarckism: why descriptions of socio-economic evolution as Lamarckian are misleading. (2006) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • On the problem of formalism in economics. (2006) G. Hodgson
  • Why we need a generalized Darwinism, and why generalized Darwinism is not enough. (2006) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • The impact of empirical tests of transaction cost economics on the debate on the nature of the firm. (2006) R. Carter and G.M. Hodgson
  • The nature and units of social selection. (2006) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Generalizing Darwinism to social evolution : Some early attempts. (2005) G.M. Hodgson
  • Alfred Marshall versus the Historical School. (2005) G.M. Hodgson
  • Knowledge at work : Some neoliberal anachronisms. (2005) G.M. Hodgson
  • The limits to participatory planning : A reply to Adaman and Devine. (2005) G.M. Hodgson
  • The firm as an interactor : Firms as vehicles for habits and routines. (2004) G.M. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Hayekian evolution reconsidered : A response to Caldwell. (2004) G.M. Hodgson
  • The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit. (2004) G. Hodgson and T. Knudsen
  • Darwinism, causality and the social sciences. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Opportunism is not the only reason why firms exist: why an explanatory emphasis on opportunism may mislead management strategies. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Reclaiming Habit for Institutional Economics. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Social Darwinism in Anglophone Academic Journals: A Contribution to the History of the Term. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Some claims made for critical realism in economics: two case studies. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • Veblen and Darwinism. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • The Enforcement of Contracts and Property Rights : Constitutive versus Epiphenomenal Conceptions of Law. (2003) G.M. Hodgson
  • The hidden persuaders: institutions and individuals in economic theory. (2003) G. Hodgson
  • The Legal Nature of the Firm and the Myth of the Firm-Market Hybrid. (2002) G. Hodgson
  • Capitalism, employment, and complexity : With further critical comments on another Hodgson [2] (multiple letters). (2002) G.M. Hodgson, S.A. Bell and J.F. Henry
  • Darwin, Veblen and the problem of causality in economics. (2001) G.M. Hodgson
  • Monograph
  • Brakes on Chinese Development : Institutional Causes of a Growth Slowdown. (2012) Geoffrey Hodgson and Kainan Huang
  • Complexity, habits and evolution. (2009) G. Hodgson
  • Learning From Early Attempts to Generalize Darwinian Principles to Social Evolution. (2009) G. Hodgson
  • Sickonomics: Diagnoses and Remedies. (2009) G. Hodgson
  • Institutionalism versus Marxism : Perspectives for Social Science - A Debate Between Geoffrey Hodgson and Alex Callinicos. (2005) G. Hodgson and A. Callinicos
  • The Concept of a Routine. (2004) G. Hodgson
  • On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory. (2003) G. Hodgson
  • Book
  • Conceptualizing Capitalism : Institutions, Evolution, Future. (2015) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Other
  • Evolutionary economics. (2011) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • The concept of a routine. (2010) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Fifteen years of economic transition. (2008) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Markets. (2008) Geoffrey Hodgson
  • Instinct and habit before reason: comparing the views of John Dewey, Friedrich Hayek and Thorstein Veblen. (2006) G. Hodgson