
Number of items: 24.
  • Efficient Assessments : the Assessment Comparator a tool to calculate efficiency. (2013) Elizabeth Gormley-Fleming and Fang Lou
  • The potential for online peer assessment : reflections from two modules. (2012) Fang Lou, Steve Bennett and Trevor Barker
  • Peer assessment : educationally effective and resource efficient. (2011) Helen Barefoot, Fang Lou and M. Russell
  • Sustained performance by red and white muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. (2010) N.A. Curtin, Fang Lou and R.C. Woledge
  • Introduction to electronic voting systems: how to use TurningPoint. (2010) Fang Lou and J. Lorimer
  • Calcium- and myosin-dependent changes in troponin structure during activation of heart muscle. (2009) Y-B. Sun, Fang Lou and M. Irving
  • Systemic delivery of morpholino oligonucleotide restores dystrophin expression bodywide and improves dystrophic pathology. (2006) Julia Alter, Fang Lou, Adam Rabinowitz, HaiFang Yin, Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Steve D Wilton, Terence A Partridge and Qi Long Lu
  • Functional amounts of dystrophin produced by skipping the mutated exon in the mdx dystrophic mouse. (2003) Qi Long Lu, Christopher J Mann, Fang Lou, George Bou-Gharios, Glenn E Morris, Shao-an Xue, Sue Fletcher, Terence A Partridge and Stephen D Wilton
  • Isometric and isovelocity contractile performance of red muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. (2002) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • 2,3-Butanedione monoxime increases speed of relaxation in single muscle fibres of frog. (2001) Y-B. Sun, Fang Lou and K.A.P. Edman
  • Heat production and oxygen consumption during metabolic recovery of white muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. (2000) Fang Lou, W. J. van Der Laarse, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Elastic energy storage and release in white muscle from dogfish scyliorhinus canicula. (1999) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Contraction with shortening during stimulation or during relaxation : how do the energetic costs compare? (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Distinguishing Metabolic Heat from Condensation Heat during Muscle Recovery. (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • Shortening during stimulation vs. during relaxation : How do the costs compare? (1998) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • The Energetic Cost of Activation of White Muscle Fibres from the Dogfish Scyliophinus Canicula. (1997) Fang Lou, N.A. Curtin and R.C. Woledge
  • The relationship between the intracellular Ca2+ transient and the isometric twitch force in frog muscle fibres. (1996) Y-B. Sun, Fang Lou and K.A.P. Edman
  • The effects of 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) on the force-velocity relation in single muscle fibres of the frog. (1995) Y-B. Sun, Fang Lou and K.A.P. Edman
  • Moderate fatigue studied at great sarcomere lengths in frog single muscle fibres. (1994) Fang Lou and Y-B. Sun
  • Variation in myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration during contraction and relaxation studied by the indicator fluo-3 in frog muscle fibres. (1994) C. Caputo, K.A.P. Edman, Fang Lou and Y-B. Sun
  • Depression of tetanic force induced by loaded shortening of frog muscle fibres. (1993) K.A.P Edman, C. Caputo and Fang Lou
  • The high-force region of the force-velocity relation in frog skinned muscle fibres. (1993) Fang Lou and Y-B. Sun
  • Myofibrillar fatigue versus failure of activation during repetitive stimulation of frog muscle fibres. (1992) K.A.P. Edman and Fang Lou
  • Changes in force and stiffness induced by fatigue and intracellular acidification in frog muscle fibres. (1990) K.A.P. Edman and Fang Lou