Number of items: 16.
  • Pragmatic Language Development in Language Impaired and Typically Developing Children : Incorrect answers in context. (2014) Nuala Ryder and Eeva Leinonen
  • Pragmatic use of Language by Children who develop Schizophrenia in adult life. (2013) D.J. Done and Eeva Leinonen
  • Answering questions and explaining answers : a study of Finnish-speaking children. (2008) S. Loukusa, N. Ryder and E. Leinonen
  • Cognitive approach to assessing pragmatic language comprehension in children with specific language impairment. (2008) N. Ryder, E. Leinonen and J. Schulz
  • Answering contextually demanding questions : pragmatic errors produced by children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism. (2007) S. Loukusa, E. Leinonen, K. Jussila, M. Mattila, N. Ryder, H. Ebeling and I. Moilanen
  • Development of pragmatic language comprehension in Finnish-speaking children. (2007) S. Loukusa, E. Leinonen and N. Ryder
  • Use of context in pragmatic language comprehension by children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism. (2007) S. Loukusa, E. Leinonen, S. Kuusikko, K. Jussila, M. Mattila, N. Ryder, H. Ebeling and A. Moilanen
  • Changing Pedagogy: Does the Introduction of Networked Learning Have an Impact on Teaching. (2004) M.E. Thornton, A. Jefferies, I. Jones, J. Alltree and E. Leinonen
  • Normal and language-impaired children's use of reference: syntactic vs pragmatic processing. (2003) Christina Schelletter and E. Leinonen
  • Use of context in pragmatic comprehension by specifically language-impaired and control children. (2003) E. Leinonen, N. Ryder, M. Ellis and C. Hammon
  • Use of context in question answering by 3,4 and 5 year old children. (2003) N. Ryder and E. Leinonen
  • Comprehension of inferential meaning in language-impaired and language normal children. (2001) C. Letts and E. Leinonen
  • Pragmatic influences in children's ability to answer questions. (2001) N. Ryder and E. Leinonen
  • Relevance theory and pragmatic impairment. (1999) E. Leinonen and D. Kerbel
  • Linguistic performance in children who develop schizophrenia in adult life : Evidence for normal syntactic ability. (1998) D.J. Done, E. Leinonen, T.J. Crow and A. Sacker
  • Appropriacy judgements and pragmatic performance. (1994) E. Leinonen and B.R. Smith