Number of items: 26.
  • Young onset dementia: Public involvement in co-designing community-based support. (2020) Andrea Mayrhofer, Elspeth Mathie, Jane McKeown, Claire Goodman, Lisa Irvine, Natalie Hall and Mike Walker
  • How embedded is public involvement in mainstream health research in England a decade after policy implementation? A realist evaluation. (2018) Patricia Wilson, Elspeth Mathie, Fiona Poland, Julia Keenan, Amanda Howe, Diane Munday, Sally Kendall, Marion Cowe, Sophie Staniszewska and Claire Goodman
  • Age-appropriate services for people diagnosed with young onset dementia (YOD): a systematic review. (2017) Andrea Mayrhofer, Elspeth Mathie, Jane McKeown, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Learning to work together - lessons from a reflective analysis of a research project on public involvement. (2017) Amanda Howe, Elspeth Mathie, Diane Munday, Marion Cowe, Claire Goodman, Julia Keenan, Sally Kendall, Fiona Poland, Sophie Staniszweska and Patricia Wilson
  • Evaluation of an Organisational Intervention to Promote Integrated Working between Health Services and Care Homes in the Delivery of End-of-Life Care for People with Dementia : Understanding the Change Process Using a Social Identity Approach. (2016) Sarah Amador, Claire Goodman, Elspeth Mathie and Caroline Nicholson
  • End of life care interventions for people with dementia in care homes : addressing uncertainty within a framework for service delivery and evaluation. (2015) Claire Goodman, Katherine Froggatt, Sarah Amador, Elspeth Mathie and Andrea Mayrhofer
  • Living in Uncertain Times: trajectories to death in residential care homes. (2014) Stephen Barclay, Katherine Froggatt, Claire Crang, Elspeth Mathie, Melanie Handley, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage and Claire Goodman
  • Emergency ambulance service involvement with residential care homes in the support of older people with dementia : an observational study. (2014) Sarah Amador, Claire Goodman, Derek King, Ina Machen, Natasha Elmore, Elspeth Mathie and Steve Iliffe
  • Exploring resource use and associated costs in end-of-life care for older people with dementia in residential care homes. (2014) Sarah Amador, Claire Goodman, Derek King, Yi Ting Ng, Natasha Elmore, Elspeth Mathie, Ina Machen and Martin Knapp
  • Consumer involvement in health research : a UK scoping and survey. (2014) Elspeth Mathie, Patricia Wilson, Fiona Poland, Elaine McNeilly, Amanda Howe, Sophie Staniszewska, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday and Claire Goodman
  • Living and dying : Responsibility for end of life care in care homes without on-site nursing provision - a prospective study. (2013) Melanie Jane Handley, Claire Goodman, Katherine Froggatt, Elspeth Mathie, Heather Gage, Jill Manthorpe, Stephen Barclay, Clare Crang and Steve Iliffe
  • Preferences and priorities for ongoing and end-of-life care : A qualitative study of older people with dementia resident in care homes. (2013) Sarah Amador, Claire Goodman, Elspeth Mathie, Ina Machen and Natasha Baron
  • 'Seamless care? Just a list would have helped!' : Older people and their carer's experiences of support with medication on discharge home from hospital. (2013) Denise A Knight, Diane Thompson, Elspeth Mathie and Angela Dickinson
  • Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people with dementia in care homes : a retrospective analysis. (2012) Carole Parsons, Sarah Johnston, Elspeth Mathie, Natasha Baron, Ina Machen, Sarah Amador and Claire Goodman
  • An uncertain future : The unchanging views of care home residents about living and dying. (2012) Elspeth Mathie, Claire Goodman, Clare Crang, Katherine Froggatt, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe and Stephen Barclay
  • Sedative load of medications prescribed for older people with dementia in care homes. (2011) Carole Parsons, Jane Haydock, Elspeth Mathie, Natasha Baron, Ina Machen, Elizabeth Stevenson, Sarah Amador and Claire Goodman
  • Talking about living and dying with the oldest old : public involvement in a study on end of life care in care homes. (2011) Claire Goodman, Elspeth Mathie, Marion Cowe, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Diane Munday, Patricia Wilson, Clare Crang, Katherine Froggatt, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage and Stephen Barclay
  • Involving patients in decisions about preventive medication : A focus group study. (2010) I. Hill-Smith, E. Mathie and P. Little
  • Other
  • Regional working in east of England: co-designing a PPI feedback tool. (2017) Elspeth Mathie, Helena Wythe, Diane Munday, Graham Rhodes, Paul Millac, Nick Rhodes, Jean Simpson, Nat Barden, Penny Vicary, Amander Wellings, Fiona Poland and Julia Jones
  • RESEARCH DESIGN BOUNDARIES FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, STAKEHOLDER AND PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT, AND WHY THEY MATTER. (2017) Julia Keenan, Fiona Poland, Patricia Wilson, Elspeth Mathie, Jonathan Boote, Anna Varley, Helena Wythe, Penny Vicary, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday and Amanda Howe
  • RAPPORT - Research with Patient and Public Involvement : a Realist Evaluation. (2012) Patricia Wilson, Marion Cowe and Elspeth Mathie
  • Supporting People with Dementia : living and dying in residential care homes. (2012) Elspeth Mathie and Claire Goodman
  • End of life care. (2012) Claire Goodman, Katherine Froggatt and Elspeth Mathie
  • Public Involvement in Research : Experiences of Older People Living and Dying in Care Homes (EPOCH). (2010) Alex Mendoza, Marion Cowe, Daphne Westwood, Diane Thompson and Elspeth Mathie
  • Views and Experiences of End of Life Care of Older People Living in Care Homes. (2010) Elspeth Mathie, Claire Goodman, Melanie Jane Handley, Diane Thompson, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday, Katherine Froggatt, Stephen Barclay, Clare Crang, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Pam Fenner and Richard Garlick
  • Interaction to enhance mindfulness: : positive strategies to increase tourists' awareness of HIV and sexual health risks on holiday (ch8). (1996) Nick Ford, Marlene Inman and Elspeth Mathie