Number of items: 114.
  • Expanding the Active Inference Landscape: More Intrinsic Motivations in the Perception-Action Loop. (2018) Martin Biehl, Christian Guckelsberger, Christoph Salge, Simon Smith and Daniel Polani
  • Empowerment As Replacement for the Three Laws of Robotics. (2017) Christoph Salge and Daniel Polani
  • Specific and complete local integration of patterns in Bayesian networks. (2017) Daniel Polani
  • Cooperation and antagonism in information exchange in a growth scenario with two species. (2016) Andrés C. Burgos and Daniel Polani
  • An informational study of the evolution of codes and of emerging concepts in populations of agents. (2016) Andrés Burgos and D. Polani
  • Zipf's Law : Balancing signal usage cost and communication efficiency. (2015) Christoph Salge, Nihat Ay, Daniel Polani and Mikhail Prokopenko
  • Navigation, guidance and control of underwater vehicles within the widely scalable mobile underwater sonar technology project : An overview. (2015) Habib Al-Khatib, Gianluca Antonelli, Andrea Caffaz, Andrea Caiti, Giuseppe Casalino, Ivan Bielic De Jong, Henrique Duarte, Giovanni Indiveri, Sergio Jesus, Konstantin Kebkala, Antonio Pascoalb and Daniel Polani
  • Effects of Anticipation in Individually Motivated Behaviour on Control and Survival in a Multi-Agent Scenario with Resource Constraints. (2014) Christian Guckelsberger and D. Polani
  • Changing the Environment Based on Empowerment as Intrinsic Motivation. (2014) Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin and D. Polani
  • General self-motivation and strategy identification : Case studies based on Sokoban and Pac-Man. (2013) Tom Anthony, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Self-organizing particle systems. (2013) Malte Harder and D. Polani
  • Bivariate Measure of Redundant Information. (2013) Malte Harder, Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Approximation of empowerment in the continuous domain. (2012) Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin and D. Polani
  • Perception-action loops of multiple agents : informational aspects and the impact of coordination. (2012) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Generation of tactile maps for artificial skin. (2011) S. McGregor, D. Polani and K. Dautenhahn
  • Empowerment for continuous agent-environment systems. (2011) Tobias Jung, D. Polani and Peter Stone
  • Development: The Missing Link between Evolution and Learning? (2011) D. Polani
  • Digested information as an information theoretic motivation for social interaction. (2011) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Hierarchical behaviours : getting the most bang for your bit. (2011) S. van Dijk, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Impoverished empowerment : `meaningful' action sequence generation through bandwidth limitation. (2011) T. Anthony, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Origins of scaling in genetic code. (2011) O. Obst, D. Polani and M. Prokopenko
  • Multiobjective Optimization Applied to the Eradication of Persistent Pathogens. (2010) O. Steuernagel and D. Polani
  • Phase transitions in least-effort communications. (2010) D. Polani
  • Information : currency of life? (2009) D. Polani
  • Information-driven organization of visual receptive fields. (2009) C. Salge and D. Polani
  • Stigmergic gene transfer and emergence of universal coding. (2009) M. Prokopenko, D. Polani and M. Chadwick
  • Information flows in causal networks. (2008) N. Ay and D. Polani
  • Keep Your Options Open : An Information-Based Driving Principle for Sensorimotor Systems. (2008) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Optimizing Associative Information Transfer within Content-addressable Memory. (2008) M. Prokopenko, D. Polani and P. Wang
  • Constructing the Basic Umwelt of Artificial Agents: An Information-Theoretic Approach. (2007) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Construction of an Internal Predictive Model by Event Anticipation. (2007) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Emergence of Genetic Coding: an Information-theoretic Model. (2007) M. Piraveenan, D. Polani and M. Prokopenko
  • Grounding Action-Selection in Event-Based Anticipation. (2007) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • How Information and Embodiment Shape Intelligent Information Processing. (2007) D. Polani, O. Sporns and M. Lungarella
  • Learning RoboCup-Keepaway with Kernels. (2007) T. Jung and D. Polani
  • Representations of Space and Time in the Maximization of Information Flow in the Perception-Action Loop. (2007) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Emergence, Intrinsic Structure of Information, and Agenthood. (2006) D. Polani
  • From unknown sensors and actuators to actions grounded in sensormotor perceptions. (2006) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Information as universal organizing principle for perception-action loops of embodied agents. (2006) D. Polani, C.L. Nehaniv, A.S. Klyubin and L. Olsson
  • Optimizing Potential Information Transfer with Self-referential Memory. (2006) M. Prokopenko, D. Polani and P. Wang
  • Sequential Learning with LS-SVM for Large-Scale Data Sets. (2006) T. Jung and D. Polani
  • All Else Being Equal Be Empowered. (2005) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Discovering Motion Flow by Temporal-Informational Correlations in Sensors. (2005) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Empowerment: a universal agent-centric measure of control. (2005) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • From Unknown Sensors and Actuators to Visually Guided Movement. (2005) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Inferring dependencies in Embodiment-based modular reinforcement learning. (2005) D. Jacob, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • On a Quantitative Measure for Modularity Based on Information Theory. (2005) D. Polani, P. Dauscher and T. Uthmann
  • Defining Emergent Descriptions by Information Preservation. (2004) D. Polani
  • The Effects on Visual Information in a Robot in Environments with Oriented Contours. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Improving Learning for Embodied Agents in Dynamic--Environments by State Factorisation. (2004) D. Jacob, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Information Trade-Offs and the Evolution of Sensory Layout. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Bioinformatic Principles Underlying the Information Content of Transcription Factor Binding Sites. (2003) D. Polani, J.T. Kim and T. Martinetz
  • Learning Competitive Pricing Strategies by Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (2003) E. Kutschinski, T. Uthmann and D. Polani
  • Measuring self-organization via observers. (2003) D. Polani
  • Preventing Bluff Agent Invasions in Honest Societies. (2003) R. Lowe and D. Polani
  • Towards a probabilistic asynchronous linear control theory. (2003) D. Polani
  • Sensor Evolution In A Homeokinetic System. (2002) K. Labusch and D. Polani
  • An Information-Theoretic Approach for the Quantification of Relevance. (2001) D. Polani, T. Martinetz and J.T. Kim
  • Modelling the emergence of possession norms using memes. (2001) F. Flentge, D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • A Study of the Simulated Evolution of the Spectral Sensitivity of Visual Agent Receptors. (2001) A. Liese, D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • Other
  • Action and perception for spatiotemporal patterns. (2017) Martin Biehl and Daniel Polani
  • Towards information based space-time patterns as a foundation for agent representation in dynamical systems. (2016) Daniel Polani, Martin Biehl and Takashi Ikegami
  • Computation of Empowerment for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. (2016) Nicola Catenacci Volpi, Daniela De Palma, Daniel Polani and Giovanni Indiveri
  • Using transfer entropy to study synaptic integration in Purkinje cells. (2015) Kirsty Kidd, James M. Bower, D. Polani, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • A visual attention mechanism for autonomous robots controlled by sensorimotor contingencies. (2015) Alexander Maye, Dari Trendafilov, D. Polani and Andreas Engel
  • Mutual Information as a Measure of Coordination in Collaborative Interaction. (2015) Dari Trendafilov, Alexander Maye, D. Polani, Roderick Murray-Smith and Andreas Engel
  • Apparent actions and apparent goal-directedness. (2015) D. Polani and Martin Biehl
  • Informational parasites in code evolution. (2015) Andres C. Burgos and D. Polani
  • Empowerment as a metric for Optimization in HCI. (2015) Dari Trendafilov, Roderick Murray-Smith and D. Polani
  • Information theoretical analysis of differences in information transmission in cerebellar Purkinje cells across species. (2014) Kirsty Kidd, James M. Bower, D. Polani, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Don't Believe Everything You Hear : Preserving Relevant Information by Discarding Social Information. (2014) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Empowerment : An Introduction. (2014) Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin and D. Polani
  • Gait Trajectory Prediction using Gaussian Process Ensembles. (2014) Cornelius Glackin, Christoph Salge, Martin Greaves, D. Polani, Siniša Slavnić, Danijela Ristić-Durrant, Adrian Leu and Zlatko Matjačić
  • Information-theoretic measures as a generic approach to human-robot interaction : Application in CORBYS project. (2014) Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin, Danijela Ristić-Durrant, Martin Greaves and D. Polani
  • An Informational Study of the Evolution of Codes in Different Population Structures. (2014) Andrés Burgos and D. Polani
  • Towards Designing Artificial Universes for Artificial Agents under Interaction Closure. (2014) Martin Biehl, Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • CORBYS cognitive control architecture for robotic follower. (2013) Adrian Leu, Danijela Ristic-Durrant, Sinisa Slavnic, Cornelius Glackin, Christoph Salge, D. Polani, Atta Badii, Ali Khan and Rajkumar Raval
  • Empowerment and State-dependent Noise : An Intrinsic Motivation for Avoiding Unpredictable Agents. (2013) Christoph Salge, Cornelius Glackin and D. Polani
  • The implications of evolutionary changes in the dendritic morphology of cerebellar Purkinje cells for information processing. (2013) Kirsty Kidd, Hugo Cornelis, James M. Bower, D. Polani, N. Davey and Volker Steuber
  • Grounding subgoals in information transitions. (2011) S.G. Van Dijk and D. Polani
  • Histogram based classification of tactile patterns on periodically distributed skin sensors for a humanoid robot. (2011) Z. Ji, F. Amirabdollahian, D. Polani and K. Dautenhahn
  • Local Information Maximisation creates Emergent Flocking Behaviour. (2011) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Look-ahead relevant information : Reducing cognitive burden over prolonged tasks. (2011) S. van Dijk and D. Polani
  • Robot self-preservation and adaptation to user preferences in game play : a preliminary study. (2011) A. Castro-González, F. Amirabdollahian, D. Polani, M. Malfaz and M.A. Salichs
  • Think globally, sense locally : From local information to global features. (2011) M. Harder, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • An informational perspective on how the embodiment can relieve cognitive burden. (2011) D. Polani
  • Two Agents Acting as One. (2010) Malte Harder, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • What do You Want to do Today? : Relevant-Information Bookkeeping in Goal-Oriented Behaviour. (2010) Sander G. van Dijk, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Exploring empowerment as a basis for quantifying sustainability. (2009) J.T. Kim and D. Polani
  • Information theoretic incentives for social interaction. (2009) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Models of information processing in the sensorimotor loop. (2009) D. Polani and M. Moller
  • Towards socially adaptive robots : A novel method for real time recognition of human-robot interaction styles. (2009) D. Francois, D. Polani and K. Dautenhahn
  • Using real-time recognition of human-robot interaction styles for creating adaptive robot behaviour in robot-assisted play. (2009) D. Francois, K. Dautenhahn and D. Polani
  • Adaptation of the Perception-Action Loop Using Active Channel Sampling. (2008) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Common concepts in agent groups, symmetries, and conformity in a simple environment. (2008) M. Moller and D. Polani
  • Information-driven organization of visual receptive fields. (2008) Christoph Salge and D. Polani
  • Modelling stigmergic gene transfer. (2008) D. Polani, M. Prokopenko and M. Chadwick
  • On preferred states of agents: how global structure is reflected in local structure. (2008) T. Anthony, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Foundations and formalizations of self-organization. (2007) D. Polani
  • Information-Theoretic Modeling of Sensory Ecology: Channels of Organism-Specific Meaningful Information. (2007) C.L. Nehaniv, D. Polani, L. Olsson and A.S. Klyubin
  • Kernelizing LSPE λ. (2007) T. Jung and D. Polani
  • Maximization of Potential Information Flow as a Universal Utility for Collective Behaviour. (2007) P. Capdepuy, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Relevant information in optimized persistence vs. progeny strategies. (2006) D. Polani, C.L. Nehaniv, T. Martinetz and J.T. Kim
  • A Simple Modularity Measure for Search Spaces based on Information Theory. (2006) P. Dauscher, D. Polani and R. Watson
  • Faster Learning in Embodied Systems through Characteristic Attitudes. (2005) D. Jacob, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Legs that can walk: Embodiment-Based Modular Reinforcement Learning applied. (2005) D. Jacob, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Sensor Adaptation and Development in Robots by Entropy Maximization of Sensory Data. (2005) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • The degree of potential damage in agonistic contests and its effects on social aggression, territoriality and display evolution. (2005) R. Lowe, C.L. Nehaniv, D. Polani and Lola Cañamero
  • Organization of the information flow in the perception-action loop of evolved agents. (2004) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Sensory Channel Group and Structure from Uninterpreted Sensor Data. (2004) L. Olsson, C.L. Nehaniv and D. Polani
  • Tracking Information Flow through the Environment: Simple Cases of Stigmerg. (2004) A.S. Klyubin, D. Polani and C.L. Nehaniv
  • A Decentralized Agent-Based Platform for Automated Trade and its Simulation. (2000) E. Kutschinski, D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • Training Kohonen feature maps in different topologies: an analysis using genetic algorithms. (1993) D. Polani and T. Uthmann
  • Adaptation of Kohonen feature map topologies by genetic algorithms. (1992) D. Polani and T. Uthmann