Number of items: 39.
  • Inferring a collective concept of research from the actions of the art and design research community. (2013) M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Postscript. (2012) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • Research into Practice and A/r/tography : a Study of Kinship. (2012) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • A Critical Mapping of Practice-Based Research as Evidenced by Swedish Architectural Theses. (2011) Daniela Buchler, Michael Biggs and Lars-Henrik Ståhl
  • Oito critérios para a pesquisa acadêmica em áreas de práctica projetual Eight criteria for practice-based research in the creative and cultural industries. (2010) D. Buchler and M. Biggs
  • The Value of Architectural Sketches. (2010) Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Architectural design and the problem of practice-based research. (2009) D. Buchler, M. Biggs, Gunnar Sandin and Lars-Henrk Ståhl
  • Areas of Design Practice as an Alternative Research Paradigm. (2009) D. Buchler, M. Biggs and Lars-Henrik Ståhl
  • Pesquisa Academica em Areas de Practica Projetual Academic research in areas of design practice. (2009) D. Buchler and M. Biggs
  • Supervision in an alternative paradigm. (2009) M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Eight criteria for practice-based research in the creative and cultural industries. (2008) M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Architectural practice and academic research. (2008) M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Drawing about images: textual and non-textual interpretation. (2008) D. Buchler and A. Lima
  • Rigour and practice-based research. (2007) M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Contextualizing perception in design. (2006) D. Buchler
  • Design research and visual analysis. (2005) D. Buchler
  • The artefact as visible materialization: visual perception informing object analysis. (2004) D. Buchler
  • Aparelho de Chá Acoplável : Um Desenho Industrial. (1996) Daniela Buchler
  • Monograph
  • Design Research in Brazil. (2005) Daniela Buchler
  • Book
  • How Different is Different? : Visual Perception of the Designed Object. (2011) Daniela Buchler
  • Other
  • The Meaningful Exposition. (2014) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • Show and Tell : Symbolic Identity of the Architectural Profession. (2012) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • Text-led and Object-led Research Paradigms: doing without words. (2011) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • Indicadores de Pesquisa Acadêmica em Áreas de Prática Projetual. (2011) Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, Daniela Buchler, Michael Biggs, Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone, Ruth Verde Zein, Cecilia Helena Godoy Rodrigues dos Santos, Maria Isabel Villac and Maria Alice Junqueira Bastos
  • Social Dynamics of Knowledge Communication within Higher Education: the case of an Art-Science collaboration. (2011) Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler and Simeon Lockhart Nelson
  • Transdisciplinarity and New Paradigm Research. (2011) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • The production of academic research and some barriers to academicization in the creative and performing arts. (2011) Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler, Roberto Rocco and Cecilie Schjerven
  • An international collaboration for the development of a research training course in an emergent academic discipline. (2010) R. Rocco, M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Arquitetura: projeto, pesquisa e ensino, um percurso. (2009) Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, Cecilia Helena Godoy Rodrigues dos Santos, Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone, Ruth Verde Zein, Daniela Buchler, Michael Biggs, Angelo Cecco and Abilio da Silva Guerra Neto
  • Breaking into the epistemological problems of research. (2009) Michael Biggs and Daniela Buchler
  • Design practice and research: interconnections and the criterion-based approach. (2009) R. Rocco, M. Biggs and D. Buchler
  • Drawing out the value of drawings. (2009) Daniela Buchler, Michael Biggs and Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima
  • A Retórica da Academia e os Limites da Comunicação The rhetoric of the academy and the limits of communication. (2009) D. Buchler and M. Biggs
  • A pedagogical proposal in an area of epistemological uncertainty. (2009) D. Buchler, M. Biggs and R. Rocco
  • Academic Research in Areas of Design Practice. (2007) Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler and Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone
  • The designed object that we know and see. (2006) D. Buchler and M. Biggs
  • Identity and Memory. (2005) D. Buchler and Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone
  • An Investigation of Futurist Architectural Design. (2005) Daniela Buchler and Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone
  • A design-relevant model for product analysis: why the existent is not enough. (2005) D. Buchler