Number of items: 54.
Mycorrhizal colonisation improves fruit yield and water use efficiency in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) grown under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. (2003)
C. Kaya,
D. Higgs,
H. Kirnak
I. Tas
Ameliorative effect of calcium nitrate on cucumber and melon plants drip irrigated with saline water. (2003)
C. Kaya,
H. Kirnak,
I. Tas
D. Higgs
Ameliorative effects of potassium phosphate on salt-stressed pepper and cucumber. (2003)
C. Kaya,
F. Ince,
D. Higgs,
B.M. Amador,
A. Cakir
E. Sakar
Biomonitoring Methods to Assess the Impact of Metals on Mosses. (2003)
H. T. Anja,
Agneta Burton
David Edward Barry Higgs
Effects of preharvest drip-irrigation scheduling on strawberry yield, quality and growth. (2003)
H. Kirnak,
M. Simsek,
C. Kaya,
I. Bolat,
A. Ikinci
D. Higgs
Relationship between water use and urea application in salt-stressed pepper plants. (2003)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Response of salt-stressed strawberry plants to supplementary calcium nitrate and/or potassium nitrate. (2003)
C. Kaya,
B.E. Ak
D. Higgs
Responses of drip irrigated bell pepper to water stress and different nitrogen levels with or without mulch cover. (2003)
H. Kirnak,
I. Tas,
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Supplementary potassium nitrate improves salt tolerance in bell pepper plants. (2003)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Effects of deficit irrigation on growth, yield, and fruit quality of eggplant under semi-arid conditions. (2002)
H. Kirnak,
I. Tas,
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Influence of foliar-applied calcium nitrate on strawberry plants grown under salt-stressed conditions. (2002)
C. Kaya,
B.E. Ak,
D. Higgs
B. Murillo-Amador
Response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cultivars to foliar application of zinc when grown in sand culture at low zinc. (2002)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Supplementary calcium enhances plant growth and fruit yield in strawberry cultivars grown at high (NaCL) salinity. (2002)
C. Kaya,
H. Kirnak,
D. Higgs
K. Saltali
Calcium nitrate as a remedy for salt-stressed cucumber plants. (2002)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Improvements in physiological and nutritional developments of tomato cultivars grown at high zinc by foliar application of phosphorus and iron. (2002)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Response of strawberry grown at high salinity and alkalinity to supplementary potassium. (2002)
C. Kaya,
D. Higgs,
K. Saltali
O. Gezerel
Response of two leafy vegetables grown at high salinity to supplementary potassium and phosphorus during different growth stages. (2002)
C. Kaya,
D. Higgs
E. Sakar
An experiment to investigate ameliorative effects of potassium sulphate on salt and alkalinity stressed vegetable crops. (2002)
C. Kaya,
D. Higgs
A. Ikinci
Inter-relationships between zinc nutrition, growth parameters, and nutrient physiology in a hydroponically grown tomato cultivar. (2001)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilisers on growth, chemical components, and seed yields of a forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) grown on oxic paleustults soil, Northeast Thailand. (2001)
S. Pholsen,
D. Higgs
A. Suksri
Effects of supplementary potassium and phosphorus on physiological development and mineral nutrition of cucumber and pepper cultivars grown at high salinity (NaCl). (2001)
C. Kaya,
H. Kirnak
D. Higgs
Enhancement of growth and normal growth parameters by foliar application of potassium and phosphorus in tomato cultivars grown at high (NaCl) salinity. (2001)
C. Kaya,
H. Kirnak
D. Higgs
Growth enhancement by supplementary phosphorus and iron in tomato cultivars grown hydroponically at high zinc. (2001)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
Responses of tomato CVs grown to fruit-harvest stage under zinc stress in glasshouse conditions. (2001)
C. Kaya,
Agneta Burton
D. Higgs
The effects of high and low zinc on plant fresh weight, chlorophyll content, and calcium, phosphorus and iron nutrition in two hydroponically grown tomato cultivars. (2001)
C. Kaya
D. Higgs
The effects of high salinity (NaCl) and supplementary phosphorus and potassium on physiology and nutrition development of spinach. (2001)
Cengiz Kaya,
D. Higgs
Halil Kirnak
An experiment to investigate the ameliorative effects of foliar potassium phosphate sprays on salt-stressed strawberry plants. (2001)
C. Kaya,
H. Kirnak
D. Higgs
The influence of water deficit on vegetative growth, physiology, fruit yield and quality in eggplants. (2001)
Halil Kirnak,
Cengiz Kaya,
I. Tas
D. Higgs
A long-term experiment to study the role of mulches in the physiology and macro-nutrition of strawberry grown under water stress. (2001)
H. Kirnak,
C. Kaya,
D. Higgs
S. Gercek