Number of items: 20.
  • Validation of constitutively expressed bioluminescent Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a rapid microbiological quantification tool. (2015) Niksha Shah and David Naseby
  • Bioluminescence-based measurement of viability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 harbouring plasmid-based lux genes under the control of constitutive promoters. (2014) Niksha Shah and David Naseby
  • Development of lux-based biosensors in P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027 for preservative efficacy testing. (2012) Niksha Shah and David Naseby
  • Development of lux-based biosensors in P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027 for preservative efficacy testing. (2012) Niksha Shah, Andreas Kukol and David Naseby
  • Bayesian estimation of the true prevalence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in Cypriot dairy sheep and goat flocks. (2011) M. Liapi, L. Leontides, P. Kostoulas, G. Botsaris, Y. Iacovou, C. Rees, K. Georgiou, G.C. Smith and D.C. Naseby
  • Identification of Bacillus cereus Group Species Associated with Food Poisoning Outbreaks in British Columbia, Canada. (2008) Lorraine McIntyre, Kathryn Bernard, Daniel Beniac, Judith L. Isaac-Renton and David Craig Naseby
  • Thermalstabilization of chitinolytic enzymes of Pantoea dispersa. (2007) V. Gohel and D.C. Naseby
  • The application of waste minimisation to business management to improve environmental performance in the food and drink industry. (2005) M. Poonprasit, P.S. Phillips, A. Smith, W. Wirojanagud and D.C. Naseby
  • Survival and ecological fitness of Pseudomonas fluorescens genetically engineered with dual biocontrol mechanisms. (2004) N. Bainton, J.M. Lynch, D.C. Naseby and J. Way
  • Effect of cadmium contamination with sewage sludge and phosphate fertiliser amendments on soil enzyme activities, microbial structure and available cadmium. (2002) A. Karaca, D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Biocontrol of Pythium in the pea rhizosphere by antifungal metabolite producing and non-producing Pseudomonas strains. (2001) D.C. Naseby, J. Way, N. Bainton and J.M. Lynch
  • Effect of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol Producing, Overproducing, and Nonproducing Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 in the Rhizosphere of Pea. (2001) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Effect of biocontrol strains of Trichoderma on plant growth, Pythium ultimum populations, soil microbial communities and soil enzyme activities. (2000) D.C. Naseby, J.A. Pascual and J.M. Lynch
  • Carbon fractions in the rhizosphere of pea inoculated with 2,4 diacetylphloroglucinol producing and non-producing Pseudomonas fluorescens F113. (1999) D.C. Naseby, J.A. Pascual and J.M. Lynch
  • Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 on Ecological Functions in the Pea Rhizosphere Are Dependent on pH. (1999) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Establishment and impact of Pseudomonas fluorescens genetically modified for lactose utilization and kanamycin resistance in the rhizosphere of pea. (1998) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Impact of wild-type and genetically modified Pseudomonas fluorescens on soil enzyme activities and microbial population structure in the rhizosphere of pea. (1998) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Soil enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of field-grown sugar beet inoculated with the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens F113. (1998) D.C. Naseby, Y. Moenne-Loccoz, J. Powell, F. O'Gara and J.M. Lynch
  • Functional impact of genetically modified micro-organisms on the soil ecosystem. (1997) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch
  • Rhizosphere soil enzymes as indicators of perturbations caused by enzyme substrate addition and inoculation of a genetically modified strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens on wheat seed. (1997) D.C. Naseby and J.M. Lynch