Number of items: 12.
  • Falling in Acute Mental Health Settings for Older People : Who falls, where, when and why? (2014) Christina Victor, Angela Dickinson, Venkataran Narayanan, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Caroline Griffiths and Deborah Humphrey
  • Preventing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2014) Frances Bunn, Angela Dickinson, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Venkat Narayanan, Deborah Humphrey, Caroline Griffiths, Wendy Martin and Christina Victor
  • Monograph
  • Joint PSSRU-SSRG meeting on Research Governance and Ethics in Adult Social Care, 13 October 2010 : A report on an event held at the London School of Economics and Political Science. (2010) Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Other
  • An analytical review of local and national fall policy and guidelines in England and Wales. (2012) C. Victor, V. Narayanan, C. Simpson, Angela Dickinson, C. Griffiths and D. Humphrey
  • Falls screening and assessment tools used in acute mental health settings : An analysis of polices in England and Wales. (2012) Angela Dickinson, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey, Venkat Narayanan and Caroline Griffiths
  • Preventing and managing falls among people with mental health problems. (2012) Frances Bunn, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Christina Victor, Venkat Narayanan, Deborah Humphrey, Caroline Griffiths and Angela Dickinson
  • The temporal and spatial nature of falls in acute mental health settings. (2012) Angela Dickinson and Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Evaluating falls in inpatient mental healthcare settings for older people : Methodological Triangulations & Tribulations. (2012) Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Communities with oomph? : What can older people’s engagement in the local governance of neighbourhood renewal tell us about their potential role in a Big Society? (2011) Charles Melvyn Simpson
  • Preventing and managing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2011) Charles Melvyn Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Frances Bunn, Venkat Narayanan, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey, Wendy Martin and Caroline Griffiths
  • An analytical review of local and national fall policy and guidelines. (2011) Venkat Narayanan, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey and Caroline Griffiths
  • Older People’s Engagement in the Local Governance of Neighbourhood Renewal : an exploration of facilitating and militating factors. (2010) Charles Melvyn Simpson