Number of items: 12.
Falling in Acute Mental Health Settings for Older People : Who falls, where, when and why? (2014)
Christina Victor,
Angela Dickinson,
Venkataran Narayanan,
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Caroline Griffiths
Deborah Humphrey
Preventing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2014)
Frances Bunn,
Angela Dickinson,
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Venkat Narayanan,
Deborah Humphrey,
Caroline Griffiths,
Wendy Martin
Christina Victor
An analytical review of local and national fall policy and guidelines in England and Wales. (2012)
C. Victor,
V. Narayanan,
C. Simpson,
Angela Dickinson,
C. Griffiths
D. Humphrey
Falls screening and assessment tools used in acute mental health settings : An analysis of polices in England and Wales. (2012)
Angela Dickinson,
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Christina Victor,
Deborah Humphrey,
Venkat Narayanan
Caroline Griffiths
Preventing and managing falls among people with mental health problems. (2012)
Frances Bunn,
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Christina Victor,
Venkat Narayanan,
Deborah Humphrey,
Caroline Griffiths
Angela Dickinson
The temporal and spatial nature of falls in acute mental health settings. (2012)
Angela Dickinson
Charles Melvyn Simpson
Evaluating falls in inpatient mental healthcare settings for older people : Methodological Triangulations & Tribulations. (2012)
Charles Melvyn Simpson
Communities with oomph? : What can older people’s engagement in the local governance of neighbourhood renewal tell us about their potential role in a Big Society? (2011)
Charles Melvyn Simpson
Preventing and managing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2011)
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Angela Dickinson,
Frances Bunn,
Venkat Narayanan,
Christina Victor,
Deborah Humphrey,
Wendy Martin
Caroline Griffiths
An analytical review of local and national fall policy and guidelines. (2011)
Venkat Narayanan,
Charles Melvyn Simpson,
Angela Dickinson,
Christina Victor,
Deborah Humphrey
Caroline Griffiths
Older People’s Engagement in the Local Governance of Neighbourhood Renewal : an exploration of facilitating and militating factors. (2010)
Charles Melvyn Simpson