Number of items: 10.
Sinking, Swimming, or just treading water. : The Olympic Legacy for London 2012- 4 Years on. Has it made a difference? Pupil Voice and an an analysis of Swimming Provision. (2017)
Barry Costas
Making a Difference? The Voices of Children aged 10 and 11 - Years old: : London 2012 and the Olympic Legacy. (2016)
Barry Costas
The Voices of children, Aged 10-11 Years Old: Physical Education and the implications for Policy, Practice and Research in England. (2014)
Barry Costas
The voices of children aged 10 and 11 years old : their views on Physical Education and the implications for policy, practice and research in England. (2013)
Barry Costas
The voices of children aged 10 and 11 years old : Their views on Physical Education and the implications for policy practice and research in the UK. (2012)
Barry Costas
The Voices of year 6 children : Their views on Physical Education and the implications for policy, pedagogy and research. (2012)
Barry Costas
Crossing Thresholds : PE and School Sport and the relationship with Spirituality - A learning conversation. (2012)
Barry Costas
Developing a 'fit' attitude in Primary School Children : How do children regard Physical Education in the primary school and how might affect policy, practice and research? (2009)
Barry Costas
Creative approaches to staff development: global education in ITE in The Gambia. (2007)
P. Bloomfield,
M. Mackintosh,
B. Costas,
A. Dell,
S. Graham,
D. Quinn
L. Trodd
The Role Of Physical Education in the National Curriculum in the early 21st Century : A question of entitlement? (2003)
B. Costas