Number of items: 44.
  • Evaluating the impact of changing contexts on mobile application usability within agile environments. (2016) Ger Joyce, Mariana Lilley, Trevor Barker and Amanda Jefferies
  • Digital Learners in Higher Education: Exploring Technology Ownership Patterns and Learning Engagement. (2016) Amanda Jefferies, Dagmar Monett-Diaz and Diana Kornbrot
  • Validating a social media typology with machine learning and focus groups. (2016) Guy Saward and Amanda Jefferies
  • Mobile Application Usability: Heuristic Evaluation and Evaluation of Heuristics. (2016) Ger Joyce, Mariana Lilley, Trevor Barker and Amanda Jefferies
  • Mobile Application Tutorials: Perception of Usefulness from an HCI Expert Perspective. (2016) Ger Joyce, Mariana Lilley, Trevor Barker and Amanda Jefferies
  • The Mining and Analysis of Data with Mixed Attribute Types. (2016) Ed Wakelam, Neil Davey, Yi Sun, Amanda Jefferies, Parimala Alva and Alex Hocking
  • The Potential for Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve e-Learning Systems. (2015) Edward Wakelam, Amanda Jefferies, N. Davey and Yi Sun
  • Video diaries: : a discussion of their use for researching the learner experience in higher education. (2015) Amanda Jefferies
  • Are our students digitally ready for HE study? : Exploring student attitudes to blended online study in a campus-based university. (2015) Amanda Jefferies
  • The benefits and challenges of large-scale deployment of electronic voting systems : University student views from across different subject groups. (2015) Marija Cubric and Amanda Jefferies
  • The Long March or Bold Strokes : Comparing Strategies for Adopting EVS Learning Technology at a UK University. (2014) Amanda Jefferies, Marija Cubric and J. Vuolo
  • Report on the Evaluation of EVS Usage and Trends at the University of Hertfordshire : February to June 2014. (2014) Marija Cubric and Amanda Jefferies
  • Adapting Heuristics for the Mobile Panorama. (2014) Ger Joyce, Mariana Lilley, Trevor Barker and Amanda Jefferies
  • Planning for Success in Introducing and Embedding Technology to Enhance Learning. (2013) Amanda Jefferies and Marija Cubric
  • Enhancing learning and teaching using Electronic Voting Systems : the development of a framework for an institutional approach for their introduction. (2013) Amanda Jefferies, Marija Cubric and Mark Russell
  • Evaluating Electronic Voting Systems (EEVS) : Final report for JISC Assessment and Feedback Programme, Strand B. (2012) Amanda Jefferies and Marija Cubric
  • Blended learning in the campus-based university : a case-study exploring the student experience of technology for enhancing learning. (2012) Amanda Jefferies
  • Applications of EVS. (2011) K. Robins, A. Jefferies, J. Willis, I. Cross and J. Lorimer
  • Do You See What I See? : Understanding the Challenges of Colour-Blindness in Online Learning. (2011) Amanda Jefferies, Colin Egan, Edmund Dipple and Dave Smith
  • Introducing and Using Electronic Voting Systems in a Large Scale Project With Undergraduate Students : Reflecting on the Challenges and Successes. (2011) Amanda Jefferies
  • The Blended Learning Unit, University of Hertfordshire: A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Evaluation Report for HEFCE. (2010) Amanda Jefferies, Mark Russell and Jonathan Alltree
  • Diversity and Conformity in the Use of Technology by ‘Net Generation’ Learners : Exploring Research Outcomes to Inform Future Academic Practice. (2010) Amanda Jefferies
  • Building the Future Students’ Blended Learning Experiences from Current Research Findings. (2010) A. Jefferies and R. Hyde
  • How Learners Change: Critical Moments, Changing Minds. (2010) Amanda Jefferies and Judy Hardy
  • Researching Learners’ Journeys : STROLL: a JISC funded project (Student Reflections On Lifelong e-Learning). (2009) Amanda Jefferies, Peter Bullen and Ruth Hyde
  • Lessons Learnt from Listening to the Learners’ Voices in HE- how do Students Reflect on Their use of Technology for Learning? (2009) R. Hyde and A. Jefferies
  • The student-staff mentoring project at the University of Hertfordshire. (2009) Y. Goossens, J. Evans and A. Jefferies
  • The student-staff mentoring project at the University of Hertfordshire. (2009) J. Evans, Y. Goossens and A. Jefferies
  • 'How it was for me…': First steps on our Learners' Journeys through HE. (2008) A. Jefferies, R. Hyde and P. Bullen
  • Listening to the learners' voices in HE: how do students reflect on their use of technology for learning? (2008) R. Hyde and A. Jefferies
  • Technology at University : New Students’ Expectations for Social and Academic Uses. (2008) Y. Goossens, A. Jefferies and P. Bullen
  • Investigating university students' prior experiences of technology and their expectations of using technology in their studies. (2007) Amanda Jefferies, D. Kornbrot and Nuzhat Quadri
  • Student diaries: using technology to produce alternative forms of feedback. (2007) N. Quadri, P. Bullen and A. Jefferies
  • New generation learners - does the learning environment match student expectations. (2006) A. Jefferies, N. Quadri and D. Kornbrot
  • Providing Fine-grained feedback within an On-line Learning system - Identifying the Workers from the Lurkers and the Shirkers. (2006) C. Egan, A. Jefferies and J. Johal
  • Using a Managed Learning Environment in Higher Education: the students' views. (2005) M.E. Thornton, I. Jones, A. Jefferies, J. Alltree, M. Doolan and S. Parkhurst
  • Changing Pedagogy: Does the Introduction of Networked Learning Have an Impact on Teaching. (2004) M.E. Thornton, A. Jefferies, I. Jones, J. Alltree and E. Leinonen
  • Evaluating the benefits of web-based learning with academic staff. (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, J. Alltree and I. Jones
  • Impact of StudyNet on student learning: preliminary outcomes of an LTDF project. (2004) A. Jefferies
  • Introducing web based learning: An investigation into its impact on university lecturers and their pedagogy. (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, J. Alltree and I. Jones
  • Open All Hours - Do students really want to access on-line learning 24/7? (2004) A. Jefferies, M.E. Thornton, M. Doolan, S. Parkhurst and J. Alltree
  • Accessiblity Through Usability. (2003) C. Egan, J. Johal and A. Jefferies
  • A first programming language for information systems students. (1998) A. Jefferies and C. Britton
  • Teaching information systems at undergraduate level: a viewpoint. (1997) P. Hinton, A. Jefferies and J. Bennett