Number of items: 44.
Evaluating the impact of changing contexts on mobile application usability within agile environments. (2016)
Ger Joyce,
Mariana Lilley,
Trevor Barker
Amanda Jefferies
Digital Learners in Higher Education: Exploring Technology Ownership Patterns and Learning Engagement. (2016)
Amanda Jefferies,
Dagmar Monett-Diaz
Diana Kornbrot
Validating a social media typology with machine learning and focus groups. (2016)
Guy Saward
Amanda Jefferies
Mobile Application Usability: Heuristic Evaluation and Evaluation of Heuristics. (2016)
Ger Joyce,
Mariana Lilley,
Trevor Barker
Amanda Jefferies
Mobile Application Tutorials: Perception of Usefulness from an HCI Expert Perspective. (2016)
Ger Joyce,
Mariana Lilley,
Trevor Barker
Amanda Jefferies
The Mining and Analysis of Data with Mixed Attribute Types. (2016)
Ed Wakelam,
Neil Davey,
Yi Sun,
Amanda Jefferies,
Parimala Alva
Alex Hocking
The Potential for Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve e-Learning Systems. (2015)
Edward Wakelam,
Amanda Jefferies,
N. Davey
Yi Sun
Video diaries: : a discussion of their use for researching the learner experience in higher education. (2015)
Amanda Jefferies
Are our students digitally ready for HE study? : Exploring student attitudes to blended online study in a campus-based university. (2015)
Amanda Jefferies
The benefits and challenges of large-scale deployment of electronic voting systems : University student views from across different subject groups. (2015)
Marija Cubric
Amanda Jefferies
The Long March or Bold Strokes : Comparing Strategies for Adopting EVS Learning Technology at a UK University. (2014)
Amanda Jefferies,
Marija Cubric
J. Vuolo
Report on the Evaluation of EVS Usage and Trends at the University of Hertfordshire : February to June 2014. (2014)
Marija Cubric
Amanda Jefferies
Adapting Heuristics for the Mobile Panorama. (2014)
Ger Joyce,
Mariana Lilley,
Trevor Barker
Amanda Jefferies
Planning for Success in Introducing and Embedding Technology to Enhance Learning. (2013)
Amanda Jefferies
Marija Cubric
Enhancing learning and teaching using Electronic Voting Systems : the development of a framework for an institutional approach for their introduction. (2013)
Amanda Jefferies,
Marija Cubric
Mark Russell
Evaluating Electronic Voting Systems (EEVS) : Final report for JISC Assessment and Feedback Programme, Strand B. (2012)
Amanda Jefferies
Marija Cubric
Blended learning in the campus-based university : a case-study exploring the student experience of technology for enhancing learning. (2012)
Amanda Jefferies
Applications of EVS. (2011)
K. Robins,
A. Jefferies,
J. Willis,
I. Cross
J. Lorimer
Do You See What I See? : Understanding the Challenges of Colour-Blindness in Online Learning. (2011)
Amanda Jefferies,
Colin Egan,
Edmund Dipple
Dave Smith
Introducing and Using Electronic Voting Systems in a Large Scale Project With Undergraduate Students : Reflecting on the Challenges and Successes. (2011)
Amanda Jefferies
The Blended Learning Unit, University of Hertfordshire: A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Evaluation Report for HEFCE. (2010)
Amanda Jefferies,
Mark Russell
Jonathan Alltree
Diversity and Conformity in the Use of Technology by ‘Net Generation’ Learners : Exploring Research Outcomes to Inform Future Academic Practice. (2010)
Amanda Jefferies
Building the Future Students’ Blended Learning Experiences from Current Research Findings. (2010)
A. Jefferies
R. Hyde
How Learners Change: Critical Moments, Changing Minds. (2010)
Amanda Jefferies
Judy Hardy
Researching Learners’ Journeys : STROLL: a JISC funded project (Student Reflections On Lifelong e-Learning). (2009)
Amanda Jefferies,
Peter Bullen
Ruth Hyde
Lessons Learnt from Listening to the Learners’ Voices in HE- how do Students Reflect on Their use of Technology for Learning? (2009)
R. Hyde
A. Jefferies
The student-staff mentoring project at the University of Hertfordshire. (2009)
Y. Goossens,
J. Evans
A. Jefferies
The student-staff mentoring project at the University of Hertfordshire. (2009)
J. Evans,
Y. Goossens
A. Jefferies
'How it was for me…': First steps on our Learners' Journeys through HE. (2008)
A. Jefferies,
R. Hyde
P. Bullen
Listening to the learners' voices in HE: how do students reflect on their use of technology for learning? (2008)
R. Hyde
A. Jefferies
Technology at University : New Students’ Expectations for Social and Academic Uses. (2008)
Y. Goossens,
A. Jefferies
P. Bullen
Investigating university students' prior experiences of technology and their expectations of using technology in their studies. (2007)
Amanda Jefferies,
D. Kornbrot
Nuzhat Quadri
Student diaries: using technology to produce alternative forms of feedback. (2007)
N. Quadri,
P. Bullen
A. Jefferies
New generation learners - does the learning environment match student expectations. (2006)
A. Jefferies,
N. Quadri
D. Kornbrot
Providing Fine-grained feedback within an On-line Learning system - Identifying the Workers from the Lurkers and the Shirkers. (2006)
C. Egan,
A. Jefferies
J. Johal
Using a Managed Learning Environment in Higher Education: the students' views. (2005)
M.E. Thornton,
I. Jones,
A. Jefferies,
J. Alltree,
M. Doolan
S. Parkhurst
Changing Pedagogy: Does the Introduction of Networked Learning Have an Impact on Teaching. (2004)
M.E. Thornton,
A. Jefferies,
I. Jones,
J. Alltree
E. Leinonen
Evaluating the benefits of web-based learning with academic staff. (2004)
A. Jefferies,
M.E. Thornton,
J. Alltree
I. Jones
Impact of StudyNet on student learning: preliminary outcomes of an LTDF project. (2004)
A. Jefferies
Introducing web based learning: An investigation into its impact on university lecturers and their pedagogy. (2004)
A. Jefferies,
M.E. Thornton,
J. Alltree
I. Jones
Open All Hours - Do students really want to access on-line learning 24/7? (2004)
A. Jefferies,
M.E. Thornton,
M. Doolan,
S. Parkhurst
J. Alltree
Accessiblity Through Usability. (2003)
C. Egan,
J. Johal
A. Jefferies
A first programming language for information systems students. (1998)
A. Jefferies
C. Britton
Teaching information systems at undergraduate level: a viewpoint. (1997)
P. Hinton,
A. Jefferies
J. Bennett