Number of items: 11.
On South Bank : The Production of Public Space. (2014)
Alasdair John Howard Jones
More than A to B : The role of free bus travel for the mobility and wellbeing of older citizens in London. (2014)
Judith Green,
Alasdair John Howard Jones
Helen Roberts
“We can all just get on a bus and go” : Rethinking independent mobility in the context of the universal provision of free bus travel to young Londoners. (2014)
Anna Goodman,
Alasdair John Howard Jones,
Helen Roberts,
Rebecca Steinbach
Judith Green
A tripartite conceptualisation of urban public space as a site for play : Evidence from South Bank. (2013)
Alasdair John Howard Jones
Entitlement to concessionary public transport and wellbeing : a qualitative study of young people and older citizens in London, UK. (2013)
Alasdair John Howard Jones,
Anna Goodman,
Helen Roberts,
Rebecca Steinbach
Judith Green
Public Health Interventions : Transport: OP35 The Health Impacts of Free Bus Travel for Young People in London. (2012)
Phil Edwards,
Rebecca Steinbach,
Judith Green,
Mark Petticrew,
Paul Wilkinson,
Anna Goodman,
Alasdair Jones,
Helen Roberts,
Charlotte Kelly
John Nellthorp
Eco- by design, eco- by practice? : Urban development and the making of sustainable communities. (2012)
Alasdair Jones
Rethinking passive transport : Bus fare exemptions and young people's wellbeing. (2012)
Alasdair Jones,
Rebecca Steinbach,
Helen Roberts,
Anna Goodman
Judith Green
The health impact of free bus travel for young people in London : protocol for an observational study. (2011)
Paul Wilkinson,
Phil Edwards,
Rebecca Steinbach,
Mark Petticrew,
Anna Goodman,
Alasdair John Howard Jones,
Helen Roberts,
Charlotte Kelly,
John Nellthorpe
Judith Green
Free for some? : Setting the context for the 'On The Buses' study. (2010)
Alasdair John Howard Jones
Connected Communities : How social networks power and sustain the Big Society. (2010)
Alasdair John Howard Jones,
Jonathan Rowson
Steve Broome