Number of items: 24.
Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. I. Six new L subdwarfs, classification and atmospheric properties. (2017)
Z. H. Zhang,
D. J. Pinfield,
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz,
B. Burningham,
N. Lodieu,
F. Marocco,
A. J. Burgasser,
A. C. Day-Jones,
F. Allard,
H. R. A. Jones,
D. Homeier,
J. Gomes
R. L. Smart
A method for selecting M dwarfs with an increased likelihood of unresolved ultracool companionship. (2016)
Neil Cook,
D.J. Pinfield,
F. Marocco,
B. Burningham,
H.R.A. Jones,
James Frith,
J. Zhong,
A. Luo,
Z. Qi,
P.W. Lucas,
Mariusz Gromadzki,
Avril Day-Jones,
Radostin Kurtev,
Y. Guo,
Y. Wang,
Y. Bai,
Z. Yi
R. Smart
A large spectroscopic sample of L and T dwarfs from UKIDSS LAS : peculiar objects, binaries, and space density. (2015)
F. Marocco,
H.R.A. Jones,
A. C. Day-Jones,
D.J. Pinfield,
P.W. Lucas,
B. Burningham,
Z. H. Zhang,
R.L. Smart,
J. I. Gomes
L. Smith
Discovery of a new Y dwarf: WISE J030449.03-270508.3. (2014)
D.J. Pinfield,
M. Gromadzki,
S.K. Leggett,
J. Gomes,
N. Lodieu,
R. Kurtev,
A. C. Day-Jones,
M. T. Ruiz,
N. J. Cook,
C.V. Morley,
M. S. Marley,
F. Marocco,
R.L. Smart,
H.R.A. Jones,
P.W. Lucas,
Y. Beletsky,
V. D. Ivanov,
B. Burningham,
J. S. Jenkins,
C. Cardoso,
J. Frith,
J. R. A. Clarke,
M. C. Gálvez-Ortiz
Z. Zhang
The extremely red L dwarf ULAS J222711-004547-dominated by dust. (2014)
F. Marocco,
A. C. Day-Jones,
P.W. Lucas,
H.R.A. Jones,
R.L. Smart,
Z. H. Zhang,
J. I. Gomes,
B. Burningham,
D.J. Pinfield,
R. Raddi
Leigh Smith
A deep WISE search for very late type objects and the discovery of two halo/thick-disc T dwarfs : WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052. (2014)
D.J. Pinfield,
J. Gomes,
A. C. Day-Jones,
S.K. Leggett,
M. Gromadzki,
B. Burningham,
M. T. Ruiz,
R. Kurtev,
T. Cattermole,
C. Cardoso,
N. Lodieu,
J. Faherty,
S. Littlefair,
R. Smart,
M. Irwin,
J. R. A. Clarke,
Leigh Smith,
P.W. Lucas,
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz,
J. S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
R. Rebolo,
V. J. S. Bejar
B. Gauza
Parallaxes of southern extremely cool objects (PARSEC). II : Spectroscopic follow-up and parallaxes of 52 targets. (2013)
F. Marocco,
A.H. Andrei,
R.L. Smart,
H.R.A. Jones,
D.J. Pinfield,
A. C. Day-Jones,
J. R. A. Clarke,
A. Sozzetti,
P.W. Lucas,
B. Bucciarelli
J.L. Penna
A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey : red subdwarfs in binary systems. (2013)
Z. H. Zhang,
D.J. Pinfield,
B. Burningham,
H.R.A. Jones,
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz,
S. Catalan,
R. L. Smart,
S. Lepine,
J. R. A. Clarke,
Ya V. Pavlenko,
D. N. Murray,
M. K. Kuznetsov,
A. C. Day-Jones,
J. Gomes,
F. Marocco
B. Sipocz
NPARSEC : NTT Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects. Goals, targets, procedures and first results. (2013)
R.L. Smart,
C.G. Tinney,
B. Bucciarelli,
F. Marocco,
U. Abbas,
A. Andrei,
G. Bernardi,
B. Burningham,
C. Cardoso,
E. Costa,
M.T. Crosta,
M. Dapra,
A. Day-Jones,
B. Goldman,
H.R.A. Jones,
M.G. Lattanzi,
S.K. Leggett,
P.W. Lucas,
R. Mendez,
J.L. Penna,
D.J. Pinfield,
Leigh Smith,
A. Sozzetti
A. Vecchiato
76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS : benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density. (2013)
B. Burningham,
C. V. Cardoso,
Leigh Smith,
S.K. Leggett,
R.L. Smart,
A. W. Mann,
S. Dhital,
P.W. Lucas,
C.G. Tinney,
D.J. Pinfield,
Z. Zhang,
C. Morley,
D. Saumon,
K. Aller,
S. P. Littlefair,
D. Homeier,
N. Lodieu,
Niall Deacon,
M. S. Marley,
L. van Spaandonk,
D. Baker,
F. Allard,
A.H. Andrei,
J. Canty,
J. Clarke,
A. C. Day-Jones,
T. Dupuy,
J. J. Fortney,
J. Gomes,
M. Ishii,
H.R.A. Jones,
M. Liu,
A. Magazzu,
F. Marocco,
D. N. Murray,
B. Rojas-Ayala
M. Tamura
Two new ultracool benchmark systems from WISE+2MASS. (2013)
J. I. Gomes,
D.J. Pinfield,
F. Marocco,
A. C. Day-Jones,
B. Burningham,
Z. H. Zhang,
H.R.A. Jones,
L. van Spaandonk
D. Weights
The sub-stellar birth rate from UKIDSS. (2013)
A. C. Day-Jones,
F. Marocco,
D.J. Pinfield,
Z. H. Zhang,
B. Burningham,
Niall Deacon,
M. T. Ruiz,
J. Gallardo,
H.R.A. Jones,
P.W. Lucas,
J. S. Jenkins,
J. Gomes,
S. L. Folkes
J. R. A. Clarke
Identifying ultra-cool dwarfs at low Galactic latitudes : a southern candidate catalogue. (2012)
S. L. Folkes,
D.J. Pinfield,
H.R.A. Jones,
R. Kurtev,
Z. Zhang,
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz,
F. Marocco,
A. C. Day-Jones
J. R. A. Clarke
The brightest pure-H ultracool white dwarf. (2012)
S. Catalan,
P. -E. Tremblay,
D.J. Pinfield,
Leigh Smith,
Z. H. Zhang,
R. Napiwotzki,
F. Marocco,
A. C. Day-Jones,
J. Gomes,
K.P. Forde,
P.W. Lucas
H.R.A. Jones
The Properties of the 500 K Dwarf UGPS J072227.51-054031.2, and a Study of the Far-Red Flux of Cold Brown Dwarfs. (2012)
S. Leggett,
D. Saumon,
M. Marley,
K. Lodders,
J. Canty,
P.W. Lucas,
R. Smart,
C. Tinney,
D. Homeier,
F. Allard,
B. Burningham,
A. Day-Jones,
B. Fegley,
Miki Ishii,
H.R.A. Jones,
F. Marocco,
D.J. Pinfield
M. Tamura
Benchmark cool companions : Ages and abundances for the PZ Tel system. (2012)
J. S. Jenkins,
Yakiv pavlenko,
Oleksiy Ivanyuk,
Jose Gallardo,
Matias jones,
Avril day-jones,
H.R.A. Jones,
Maria-Teresa Ruiz,
D.J. Pinfield
Larissa Yakovina
Discovery of the benchmark metal poor T8 dwarf BD+01 2920B. (2012)
D.J. Pinfield,
B. Burningham,
N. Lodieu,
S. Leggett,
C.G. Tinney,
L. van Spaandonk,
F. Marocco,
R. Smart,
J. Gomes,
Leigh Smith,
P.W. Lucas,
A. Day-jones,
D. Murray,
A. C. Katsiyannis,
S. Catalan,
C. Cardoso,
James Clarke,
S. Folkes,
M. Galvez-Ortiz,
D. Homeier,
J. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones
Z. Zhang
Discovery of a T dwarf + white dwarf binary system. (2011)
Avril Day-Jones,
D.J. Pinfield,
M. Ruiz,
H. Beaumont,
B. Burningham,
J. Gallardo,
A. Gianninas,
P. Bergeron,
Ralf Napiwotzki,
J.S. Jenkins,
Z.H. Zhang,
D.N. Murray,
Silvia Catalan
Joana Ines Gomes
The discovery of a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf in the Galactic plane. (2010)
P.W. Lucas,
C. G. Tinney,
B. Burningham,
S. K. Leggett,
D.J. Pinfield,
Richard Smart,
H.R.A. Jones,
F. Marocco,
Robert J. Barber,
Sergei N. Yurchenko,
Jonathan Tennyson,
Miki Ishii,
Motohide Tamura,
Avril C. Day-Jones,
Andrew Adamson,
France Allard
Derek Homeier
Benchmark low-mass objects in Moving Groups. (2013)
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz,
M. Kuznetsov,
J. R. A. Clarke,
Ya. V. Pavlenko,
D.J. Pinfield,
H.R.A. Jones,
J. S. Jenkins,
J. Barnes,
B. Burningham,
A. C. Day-Jones,
E. L. Martin,
A. E. Garcia Perez
R.S. Pokorny
Purple dwarfs : New L subdwarfs from UKIDSS and SDSS. (2013)
Z. H. Zhang,
D.J. Pinfield,
B. Burningham,
H.R.A. Jones,
A. C. Day-Jones,
F. Marocco,
J. Gomes
M. C. Galvez-Ortiz
Status of the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search. (2013)
James S. Jenkins,
H.R.A. Jones,
Patricio Rojo,
Mikko Tuomi,
Matias I. Jones,
Felipe Murgas,
J.R. Barnes,
Yakiv Pavlenko,
Oleksiy Ivanyuk,
Andres Jordan,
Avril C. Day-Jones,
Maria-Teresa Ruiz
D.J. Pinfield
Discovery of the first white dwarf + T dwarf binary system and the use of white dwarfs as age calibrators. (2010)
Avril Day-Jones,
D.J. Pinfield,
M. Ruiz,
H. Beaumont,
J. Gallardo,
A. Gianninas,
P. Bergeron,
Ralf Napiwotzki,
J.S. Jenkins,
B. Burningham,
Z.H. Zhang,
H.R.A. Jones,
D. Murray,
Silvia Catalan
Joana Ines Gomes
Fundamental properties of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. (2009)
M.C. Liu,
K.G. Stassun,
F. Allard,
C.H. Blake,
M. Bonnefoy,
A.M. Cody,
Avril Day-Jones,
T.J. Dupuy,
A. Kraus
M. Lopez-Morales