Number of items: 4.
A comprehensive view of a strongly lensed planck-associated submillimeter galaxy. (2012)
Hai Fu,
E. Jullo,
A. Cooray,
R. S. Bussmann,
R. J. Ivison,
I. Perez-Fournon,
S.G. Djorgovski,
N. Scoville,
L. Yan,
D. A. Riechers,
J. Aguirre,
R. Auld,
M. Baes,
A. J. Baker,
M. Bradford,
A. Cava,
D. L. Clements,
H. Dannerbauer,
A. Dariush,
G. De Zotti,
H. Dole,
L. Dunne,
S. Dye,
S. Eales,
D. Frayer,
R. Gavazzi,
M. Gurwell,
A.I. Harris,
D. Herranz,
R. Hopwood,
C. Hoyos,
E. Ibar,
M.J. Jarvis,
S. Kim,
L. Leeuw,
R. Lupu,
S. Maddox,
P. Martinez-Navajas,
M. J. Michalowski,
M. Negrello,
A. Omont,
M. Rosenman,
D. Scott,
S. Serjeant,
I. Smail,
A.M. Swinbank,
E. Valiante,
A. Verma,
J. Vieira,
J. L. Wardlow
P. van der Werf
Game theory for cooperative and relay communications in mobile ad hoc networks: a brief tutorial. (2009)
L. Yan
Multimodal security enforcement framework for wireless ad hoc networks. (2009)
L. Yan,
N. Abouzakhar
Hannan Xiao
Teaching Object-Oriented Programming with Games. (2009)
L. Yan